Mature / Thirty+

Josephine Bockkernodd | Chapter 3 - Meets The Judge of Traffic Court

“Order in the court!”

“Well, it is about time,” said Josephine Bockerrnod. “I am getting hungry. I will have a chocolate ice cream cone with ketchup on it.”

Meets The Judge of Traffic Court

Chapter 3

Josephine Bockkernodd | Chapter 2 - Josephine drives a car (or tries to)

“You know you cannot drive without a driver license,” screamed the nicely dressed non-intoxicated policeman.

“Sure I can. I put something in this here hole next to the wheel that the nicely dressed intoxicated gentleman uses to stir things with and I put this thang here in “R”, get my book about Dick and Jane and Spot and put my foot on that thang down there and the car goes, but there is always that there tree in the way.”

Josephine Bockkernodd Drives a Car (or tries to)

Supposedly written by Starla Anne Lowry
But she still will not admit it

How to edit yourself

How to edit yourself

“What is was, was magic” story contest entry

“I remember Mom saying her sitter was wild but wow!” I said to myself. I settled in for the night in my aunt’s big, ornate bed and dreamed of her, these remarkable women friends/lovers of hers and what they did together, some of it in this very bed. There were the photos to prove it.

Author's note: I will post a properly proofed version later. My muse was a naughty girl and procrastinated too late to send it to my friendly proofers -- feel their pain. Okay, it's not that bad but still ...

True Halloween Drabble

I sat on the stool, legs crossed, in the closed bar, idly holding a drink, the bartender counting the till. Ellie, in a cloud of cigarette smoke on the next stool, saying she wore mens' suits and ties at work. My black knit dress, flowing silk Moschino scarf, wig, even stockings would all carry the memory of it later.

Champion Butterfly

An entry in' "What it was, was Magic!" - story contest.

A people at risk, barbarians at the gate, how many times have I heard that story? How many times has it been my duty to stop it from it from happening? But then would I want it any other way?

So when I was called before milady I was not surprised to hear it one more time. However, when I realized how different my task would be from normal, I worried that my skills were not those needed. They weren't, but...

Coulda Been... Yet Again

Another fantasy, and it looks like dedications are gonna be the norm for these. I think these pieces are helping me, but writing them is really painful. I sat sobbing for a good two hours halfway through this one, and if you want to see the real story of what happened, it's in my blog on here. I'm not going to link to it, it's easy enough to find.

Coulda Been... Yet Again
by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Note: This is dedicated to the memory of Michael Andrew Galyen.
My baby brother.
18 March 1991 - 12 September 2007.

This didn't happen. The real story is much more painful, but really... this is what might have been in different circumstances. There's a kernel of what really happened here, but...

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 9

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 9

Joanie meets one of her idols, who prefers to be called Jen, they talk, have lunch and she gets an invitation to appear on a TV show. The narration duties for NOVA finish up. Joanie gets a shocking surprise from a close friend and a whopping big surprise from her familiar. Oh, did I mention the idol is Jennifer Marie S...

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

To Love And To Cherish


Copyright (C) 1996, Daedalus

How far would you go to save the woman you love?
Warning: this story has a strong plot element and may require re-reading in order to be fully appreciated.

Coulda Been... Too

So, it looks like there'll be more of these. I don't think any of them will be easy for me to write, but I'm finding them oddly... cathartic. Cleansing, even. Another fantasy of how things could have gone. If I write more, they won't be in chronological order.

Coulda Been... Too
by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

This didn't happen. The real story is much more painful, but really... this is what might have been in different circumstances. There's a kernel of what really happened here, but...

SRU: Sobibor

SRU: Sobibor

by shalimar

WARNING: This story describes in details a concentration camp, death train ride and death camp during WWII.

It was the end of the day here in Rotterdam. I could see the Allies bombers returning to England from their raids in Germany as they flew near the city. The shells from the German cannons were exploding like blossoms of black orchards below the squadron above as it flew back to England.

Going Home

Going Home

By Maggie the Kitten

Jenny has been searching for "home" all her life. With the help of a little angel named Rosie, perhaps she'll finally get there.

This story is dedicated to two very special angels in my life.


Sometimes You Just Get Lucky

I was sitting at an outdoor patio sipping on a cup of tea and watching the world walk by. It was a beautiful spring morning and I was luxuriating in the feel of the sun warming my face for the first time since the end of the long winter. To the average person, I would hardly have been noteworthy.

The End of One Life...

The summer had waned, giving way to the cool days of autumn. The leaves had
turned giving us a last burst of color before succumbing to the north winds
relentless onslaught. As usual, I had frittered away the summer. I had plans
mind you, I just never carried them out. To some extent, it was laziness but it

Lost In Thought, Part 16

In this, the final installment of our story, Dave and Jenny share their thoughts on the children as well as their relationship...


Lost in Thought, Part 16

By Jillian

Lost In Thought, Part 13

“Tell us, Mr. Bond, have you any children?”

“Yes, two. I would think you…”

She cut him off, “…There is no need to elaborate at this time. What are their names?”

“Juliette Bond, what are you playing at?” he managed to ask without completely blowing his top.

“Yes, I am one of your children. Who is the other?”

Dave stood silently for a minute before Jules spoke again.

“Is there a problem?”

Dave continued to look at Jules silently, unable to answer her question.

“Do you not know your own child’s name?”

He still could not answer.

“Do you know this child?”

“Yes, quite well.”

“And yet, you cannot tell the court the child’s name? How can this be?”

“No! Wait! This is all just a mistake!” he shouts as he is taken through the door.


Lost in Thought, Part 13

By Jillian

Lost In Thought, Part 11

As Dave and Jenny crossed the threshold and entered Castle Bond, it was easy to see they were both well past the point of exhaustion. As Dave dropped their bags just inside the door and they both plopped down on the sofa in the front room, he spoke, “Home, sweet home. I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to be anywhere in my entire life.”

Jen was silent for a moment before speaking, “It was an exhausting trip home, but wasn’t it fun watching Gaby race?”

“Oh yes, that part was great. It was everything else that went on that wore me out. And I still have decisions to make.”


Lost in Thought, Part 11

By Jillian

I Don't Recall Volunteering - Part 4

As we walked down the corridor, it became apparent to me that this building was not what I imagined it to be. My room, while not something found in a five star hotel, was fairly luxurious compared to the rest of the structure. It had the look of an abandoned warehouse; the kind you would see in the industrial area of just about any major American city. Curious sort that I was, I had to ask.

“Whereabouts are we, doc?”

“I’m going to withhold that information, Aleena. No sense in giving you any more data than you need.”

A Devilish Turn of Events


By Bimbo Alison

For the Devil, collecting souls is harder than ever. So when he sees an opportunity to mess with a happily married couple, he cannot resist. After tricking the husband down a dark path, will true love prevail? For once, we get to hear this tale from the Devil's point of view.


Home means a lot of things to different people. To me, it's a place where you find unconditional love and acceptance. There are a number of places I've found that felt like home. This story is about a slightly different kind of place one might call home where I get to meet a slightly different version of a very special person many of you might have heard of.

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown


In music, the word cadence is used to describe a point of resolution. Another way of putting it is that it's a point in a song where it sounds like it could stop without leaving the listener hanging.

For those who might wonder what became of some of the characters from my story Changing Keys, here's a look ten years into the future. There are minor TG characters, but that's all. Hope you all enjoy it.

I Don't Recall Volunteering - Part 3

“All in good time?”, I repeated. “This is most definitely NOT a good time. Frankly, my dear doctor, your stalling is really getting on my nerves.”

“So I can tell, my dear...”, he began.

“And would you stop calling me ‘dear‘” I interrupted, “like I am some helpless... woman.” I fairly spat out the last word. “I am not a woman, and I am most certainly not helpless. Let me reword my previous questions in a format that you can hopefully understand: Why have you done this to me?” I actually managed to work some menace into those last seven words, letting him know that my patience was rapidly approaching its end.

Strangers on a Train


By Bimbo Alison

A bored but romantic-at-heart witch enjoys a cross-country train trip. On her journey she touching many lives aboard the train and tries to make them better, while working around many of the rules and regulations of the magic community.

Hope you enjoy!


Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 8

Joanie and Leah meet a fan, get a "ride" from Jay and indulge in more surfing. A secret of Leah's family is revealed. The mommy bug bites Joanie again as does her inability to stay out of the limelight. The girls have lunch in Boston, Miki meets the smilodons and the Sabers. Joanie has suprises at Whateley, learns of Tom and Tina's mom's progress and goes to Boston to finish up for NOVA.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

The Trial

The Trial

by shalimar

The trial of bin Laden

On Friday morning, after Norman and I brought our little girls to school, I was spending some time getting ready for the Shabbat evening meal when Sarah burst into the kitchen.

"Why aren't you in school?" I asked angrily.

"We just caught bin Laden," she replied.

"Who are 'we', and why aren't you in school?"

"Anya, Danielle and me," she told me.

"If you were in school you would know that this time it is,
'Anya, Danielle and I.' So what is going to happen now?"

Quite A Lot of Sex


Hi all - This is the first story I've submitted here. My others live at Fictionmania, but it was suggested to me that I should put them up here as well. If people enjoy this one, I'll bring the others over too, and post my new ones here as well. If people say "Lord no, keep that dreck away from here!" I'll slink quietly to my bed and cry in my pillow. :-)

It's a story about Wilbur Green, who desperately wants to be transformed into a huge boobed bimbo. Imagine his delight when he finds out there is indeed magic in the world and his dreams are possible! Imagine his distress when things don't go exactly as he planned!

Hope you enjoy!

Mallory in the Middle

Original story by Annabelle Raven
Characters from TV series “Malcolm in the Middle”
Created by Linwood Boomer
Based on the Episode “If Boys Were Girls”

Lois Wilkerson had her hands full raising four sons, and it was getting to her.

Las Chicanas

Alicia as usual had an idea. “Let’s put on our fancy, mama!”

Maria cocked her head in surprise, “Baby, why not our usual robes and nighties, that’s what we usually wear.”

“This is special, I want to remember the night I became your daughter. And you became my mother. The greatest night of our lives — so far. The dishes can wait.” Maria grinned, and kissed her baby girl on the cheek, then each woman rushed to her room.

Perspectives of Romance: Her Birthday

From him...

I met Lisa quite a few months ago through some great stroke of fate. I joined a female to male personals group hoping to make some friends. I was flipping through the ads and came across Lisa's. Everything seemed to change at that moment. Lisa is the most amazing woman I've met and her strength has helped me through my roughest times. Her understanding and encouragement has made my transition easier. We've grown closer, even though we're over 4,000 miles apart. My feelings for her have grown deeper, and I wrote this story hoping in some small way I would be able to show Lisa how much she means to me...


From her...

Some months ago I joined a group whose purpose was to help Trans-men find people who would be interested in them. When Aiden first contacted me, I was very flattered since Trans-women didn't seem to be in very high demand. He was very sweet and though he lived very far away, he captured my interest. After getting to know him, I knew for certain he was going to make some girl very happy indeed. I never thought I would be the one he would choose to sweep off my feet, but he's had quite a lot of success at doing just that!...

Perspectives of Romance:

Her Birthday

by Aiden T. Rushing & Lisa Caitlin Grey

The Tower of Astrielle

With the arrival of the Tower of the The Great Witch Astrielle on Vilimar's soil, none could ignore the threat. Even Sir Garmra, last of the despised Knights of Ceredol.

Shotgun's Secret

Shotgun's Secret
a fan fiction by
Valentina Michelle Smith

Shotgun McCain gripped the reins tightly as he snapped his whip. He was desperately trying to drive the four horses to outrun his pursuers.

Two men on horseback chased the stagecoach, firing their pistols into the air. They had little hope of actually hitting the coach while riding. On the other hand, the coach had just as much hope of outrunning the highwaymen.

sex and the clitty

sex and the clitty

by l.satori aka Laurie S.

SYNOPSIS: Can a transgendered gal find love?


Elizabeth and I had finished all the preliminaries and were down to the main event -- her love life. We had enough coffee left to hold our booth, but had finished roughly seventy-five percent of our brownies, which was all we were allowed to eat under the Code of Living for Single Girls in New York.

Based on a Conversation Three: Hell

Based on a Conversation Three: Hell



A third essay from the heart about what it means to be transgendered.

I talked with one of my former supervisor at work the other day. I let her know that I soon would be allowed to wear a skirt or a dress at work. This would happen after some meetings that would be occurring after my present supervisor returned from vacation.

New Mother & Daughter

When Kyle Wilson’s mom died four years ago, he and his dad Alex were devastated. Kyle was 12 and it was not easy to deal with. Alex tried his best to fill the role of mom and dad.

Almost a year after his wife’s death, Alex sat his son down and said, “Kyle, I have something I need to tell you. I’ve been hiding it my whole life, and this won’t be easy on you, but I have to do this.”


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