Mature / Thirty+

The Black Dog - Epilogue

This is the finale. It follows directly from 'The Next Day' and tries to answer those questions that remained unanswered. Whether it does that is for you to judge.

Can love survive where the people have to look at what is rather than what they expected, or maybe wanted... The final episode. No correspondence will be entered into... probably.

The Stock Take

The Stock Take


Susan Brown

My thanks go to Kristina LS for knocking this into shape.

I was a good salesman; well I think so, anyway. I had won the monthly best salesman award on no less than ten occasions in the last five years, so at least a few others must think so too.

Based on a Conversation Two: A Place For Us

Based On a Conversation Two: A Place for Us



Again an essay from the heart about what it is like to be transgendered.

In many respects I am a lucky woman. In the net I have a number of virtual sisters, daughters and nieces that I love and love me. I give them my love and feel their love in return. They are in the center of my heart and I hope others will join them. In this environment I am my alter ego, The Evil Witch.

Love Is Grand

Love Is Grand
by Annabelle


Retired and independently wealthy, 60 year old Stan Berman discovered he had only 12-18 months to live due to a rare neurological syndrome that would sap his strength and motor skills, but the symptoms would not onset for at least a year. The widower’s only family was his devoted son Patrick and grandson Michael.

A life-long cross dresser, Stan confided in his kin that he wanted to live as a woman for a year, and if they joined him, they would inherit the entire estate.

3 months later, “East Coast socialite” Sarah Berman moved to a luxury condo in Beverly Hills with her daughter Pamela and granddaughter Madeline.

“And in 18 months,” Sarah thought to herself, “My doctors will realize that the diagnosis was wrong! It won’t matter — my girls and I will be too busy shopping, partying, and chasing men to care!”


A comment Erin made regarding her story SHOCKING PINK, about the role of lightning in various gender transformation stories (she cited Bob Arnold's serial ZAPPED and Julie O's FRESH START stories) got the wheels turning in my head for this one... a magical transformation story set in The Age of Reason.

by Laika Pupkino

Based On A Conversation

Based On A Conversation

by shalimar

An Essay From the Heart About what It Means to Be Transgendered.

Tom, a co-worker, asked me if being gay, lesbian, or transsexual is genetic or learned. I told him that some of the scientific evidence shows that it is genetic.

"You mean to tell me that a person who grows up in a lesbian home won't be influenced to be like his 'parents'?"

Dragon and Tiger - Adjustments

Dragon and Tiger

By Darian Deamos

Chapter Two: Adjustments

Jason Drake had just been through a rather traumatic experience. He had been out with some of the guys from work, celebrating his engagement to Christine Felix. Then things got annoying. He was kidnapped by an insane sorceress named Morganna, a bitch with a grudge against all men, and an obsession with controlling Chris. She had taken him, and had started to work her will on him, turning him into a petite bimbo without intellect or memory, when Chris had burst in. Chris and her old mentor Cassandra had taken him out of there, but the damage was done. He few choices after that, but what he wound up doing, was to transform himself into his own deepest sexual fantasy. He had awakened mystical power within himself in the process and let loose Astra, the dragon that lived within his soul.

Dragon and Tiger - Awakenings

Dragon and Tiger

By Darian Deamos

Chapter One: Awakenings

Jason woke slowly. There was an ache in his body and his head was pounding. There was a feeling of wrongness as he slowly fought his way to consciousness. He went to wipe the detritus of sleep from his eyes, and became aware of a problem. His hand was manacled up and away from his body.

Moments after his fact made itself known, its implications percolated into his awareness, and alarm chased the remnants of sleep from his mind. Shaking his head to clear his wits he took stock of his situation.

Spider Man

Spider Man
By Missy Crystal

Some people are born men and others have being a man thrust upon them. Petula Barker was an ordinary research assistant until she accidentally injected herself with spider venom. Three days later, she woke up as Peter Barker. After he is caught dressed in her clothes and carrying her purse, he is arrested and has to convince the police that he is really she or vice versa. A female to male transformation story for the often neglected side of our transgendered community.

A Day at Work, "Dressed"

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement. I think, at that moment, Bobbie realized that this was more than just a job related thing for me. I was a bit unsure about how I should answer her so I just said, "Let's go do this and, after it's over, you and I can talk. Okay?"

A Day at Work,"Dressed"

By Catherine Linda Michel

Penn Station

Penn Station

by shalimar

I took the Long Island Rail Road into Woodside then took the number seven train into Grand Central Station where I met Baruchah for the first time. In real life she was a nineteen-year-old male student who needed to transition but has not tried yet. In her mind and mine, Baruchah Miriam is one of my five-year-old twins. I went to the information booth and found out what track the train would be coming on. I wore my “Panama” hat and a kiwi colored peasant skirt so she could easily recognize me.

Angels with Smudged Wings

"This office, or rather this branch of Heaven, was designed as a way for folks like me to earn our wings, as it were. It’s a way for us to earn our way into Heaven proper."


Angels with Smudged Wings

By Catherine Linda Michel


TGIF by Maggie “Kitten” O’Malley

Parts of this story use ideas and characters from Shalimar’s Kid’s Kamp universe and The Dream by Prudence Walker. It is given to my friends and family who have always shared their love and magic with me. Special dedication is given to Rebecca Anne Stewart, affectionately known to us Becky, who will always be in our hearts. Special thanks to Holly Hart for translating this from “Toddlerese.” Hugs and love to everyone, from the Kitten and her Moose.

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 7

Leah and Joanie escape death with Miki's help but are not sure how. A radio conversation with strange call signs leads to a rest stop and a revelation. Joanie and the MCO clash again. Leah is reunited, briefly, with her parents. A bumpy flight to Oahu leads to dinner, a night of drunken sex, surfing, TV, singing and shopping. I'm not saying who does what.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Subliminal Fancies...

Tonight after reading the rather awesome Sk8r Grrls story I was reading through some of my own fiction, and came across a passage in 'The Beauty Soap' (I'd link but my own site is being redeveloped and I can't find it here :S) which wonders if the shop has started using subliminals. This story came of that. It probably isn't that great as i knocked it out in two hours or so, and proofed it myself. Any errors are therefor my own. Without further ado...

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator (first scene)

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

Recently, my unpredictable muse presented me with an interesting concept for an action/adventure type story. I came up with a really neat title image, got a first scene, then ... nothing. Well, not actually nothing. I do have a feel for where the story might go and a vague idea of whodunnit, but no real story. I'm hoping someone else might see what I have so far and maybe have some suggestions on how to get from here to the end of the story. Here's to hoping!

Renaming a Highway

Renaming a Highway
by shalimar

I went because he was my cousin. I didn't believe that I would ever have the strength to see the location where he probably died. According to my elders the whole family had to be there, just like the old days when we had family gatherings. I was only his third cousin but I still was required to be a part of history on the day the state of Mississippi would officially dedicate a part of the highway after him.

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 6

Miki flies again but is not happy. Joanie encounters the MCO -- Mutant Control Agency --and she gets a brief taste of a woman's greatest fear. Joanie meets good cops and a bad cop. She runs into a childhood friend and makes amends to a service worker she abused. The rescue of Leah -- the new mutaant -- begins. It's the start a wild and dangerous journey.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Princess of Trimaria - Part 1

It was a simple plan, one that would get Princess Kerialla out of something she really didn't want to do, and give her handmaiden a chance to experience what it was like to be Princess. What could possibly go wrong?

The Council of Ascendancy

Council Of Ascendancy

by Leigh Richards

Chapter One

"Mr. Grove your three o'clock is here." The voice of David Grove's secretary came through the inter-office communications.

'My three o'clock?' Wondered David. He knew he had no three o'clock. Just in case, he brought up his daily calendar, and sure enough he had no appointments for the rest of the day.

Deep Cover, revised

Deep Cover


Harkness Holdings had just posted another astounding quarterly earnings statement that left Wall Street analysts breathless with excitement. The chattering financial commentators were agog. Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal were all touting the quarter-by-quarter meteoric rise of Beauregard “Beau” Chadsworth, Harkness’ CEO, and his team who’d taken the moribund company and pushed it to the heights of Wall Street stardom. Harkness’ share prices reflected the unbounded confidence of investors big and small. From the get-rich-quick types to the most cautious investors, Harness was what they all wanted.

Beau Chadsworth was the darling of the talk show hosts who outdid one another in their fawning praise. In the post-Enron scandal era, Harkness was basking in its squeaky clean image. And Chadsworth, for his part was all becoming modesty. He was quick to point to the success and support of his team, Jack Levin the COO and Bridget O’Leary the CFO and their subordinates. Then there was the Chadsworth Foundation, already being talked about in the same breath as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, so recently bolstered by the largess of Warren Buffett.

All was golden in the second and third quarters of 2006. Or so it seemed.

Trans Pride Day, May 20, 2007

Trans Pride Day, May 20, 2007

by shalimar

I used to be afraid that others would know my secret, that I am male between my legs, but female between my ears. What would happen if it got out? Would others still like me? Would I be hurt? In truth, questions like that were on my mind.

Nothing Stranger Than Life, Chapter 16

Sorry for the break in the action. Between work being a real pain in the posterior and a vacation because work was being a real pain the posterior, it has been a while since I could string enough minutes together to finish a chapter... and now... on to the story

Shopping with the spousal unit? Will wonders never cease?

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 5

Joanie's stow-away reveals herself and explains how they are bonded. We learn Miki has a strange weakness. Dr. Sara and Joanie reconcile. Joanie's match-making between Dr. Sara and the Senator had suceeded, whoa boy! The Smith twins mom meets Joanie. Gin equips Miki for the trip to Iowa. Mel, Eric and Babs meet Miki. Joanie and Eric devise a way to keep their relationship legal but fun. An emergency arises and Joanie must leave for, gulp, Hawaii.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

A Strange Day at Fellows (revised)

A fascination for women's clothes takes Denis out of his comfort zone and into the realms of Strangefellows Day...

Big R-r-r-r-respect to Kris again for proofing and adding some nice touches.

I have added a few lines to make a certain aspect a little more obvious. My fault, I couldn't see the wood for the trees and was being far too subtle!

For Girls Only

For girls only

Just thought we could chat. To get the ball rolling. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I'm 35, single, 5'8", 122lbs, Long Dark Brown hair with a slight reddish tint, live alone just North of Santa Fe on a small Ranch, about 350 acres,
small for New Mexico. Along with the house and barn, I have a horse and two dogs.

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 4

Joanie finishes prepping for her trip. Suzy teases Joanie using powers copied from Pinky. Joanie and the smilodons meet Miki. That gets complicated after Joanie repeats a phrase three times. Joanie learns more about sorceresses and their familiars the hard way. She runs into a recovering Anna and May Lee. Joanie stops by Leeann and her cycle mechanic dad and flies to Madison to unite the Smiths. Dr Sara reads Joanie the riot act about Eric. A big rat scares the nurses then speaks to Joanie.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

The Document

John is brought a strange document to examine. As a board certified document examiner, he has seen more than his share of strange documents but none like this one.

No Obligation, Part 16

Oaths are made, alliances forged, friendships kindled, and enemies revealed, as Becca prepares for the final confrontation with the Cat Goddess and her "children." Who would have thought "making out" would lead to the beginning of the end?

No Obligation
Part 16

by Randalynn

"Oaths and Confrontations"

Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R.

Author's Note: Written for Erin's Strangefellow's Day Kontest^WContest. Pulled from an idea that arose during a brief, demented series of messages with John in Wauwatosa.

Monday, October 1, 2001

"Well? Have you found a candidate? All Hallows Eve is less than four weeks away, and I want to have the ritual on the full moon."

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 3

Joanie's farm project resumes, with changes. She learns more about Miki and why the mongoose may be attracted to her. The trip to take the Smith twins to their mom in hospital is finalized. Pinky and Joanie discuss the Alphas. The Sabers learn of Joanie and BET. Joanie has a series of revealations reguarding Eric and her that are frightening. And someone faints and it's NOT Joanie.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?


This is a follow on to Luciana. It would help if you've read that.

Can someone who is not who they were be trusted? Will retracing your steps solve anything, when nothing is the same... and should you try? It is not always possible to walk away even if you want to. The past is always there.

There is some darkness, violence and general nastiness... so as before, be forewarned.
Apologies if the Italian phrases are not exactly correct. Blame Google.


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