Project Phoenix Part 1

Project Phoenix Part 1

By Meg

Kevin Barnett, a renowned investigative reporter, has been pursuing conspiracies since the beginning of his career. One evening he accidentally stumbles upon one so big, he needs to enlist the help of an FBI agent, Hannah Fox, to attempt to crack it. Together they set off to investigate a secret installation, one of many being built all over the country. What they find inside will change Kevin's life. Just not in the way he expected.

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only.
Stop reading now if you are below 18.

With sinking heart Kevin Barnett stared at the blurry wall of the tram tunnel. The speeding carriage was taking him somewhere he dreaded to go.

He shifted in his seat slightly, slowly turning his head away from the window, towards the dark interior of the carriage. A very mean penis gag forced into his mouth two hours ago kept him from making any sudden movements. Several leather straps wound around his head held the business part of the gag securely home. And there was nothing he could do about this. His wrists were shackled to a belt tightly hugging his waist, which in turn was secured by a five inch chain to the seat behind his back.

The carriage jumped on the tracks, sending Kevin several inches into the air. Five inch stilettos locked on his feet thudded hollowly when they hit the floor. They were part of a clever restraint set, which kept his feet very effectively immobilized on the floor.

Kevin closed his eyes, recalling the chain of events which put him in this situation.

Chapter 1

Kevin stood in a shady corner peering at the manhole he was about to enter. He checked his watch. It was five to midnight, Hannah should be there any minute. The manhole would lead them to an enormous government facility on the outskirts of Brunswick, they'd been preparing to infiltrate for the past few months.

They chose this particular manhole because of its isolated location. Most likely they would need to stay inside and on the other side until the morning, and nobody would pay attention to an open manhole located in a small, dirty one-way alley.

For the third time this evening Kevin recalled the route they needed to take in the labyrinth below. Almost an hour of crawling in the damp tunnels was required to reach their destination. Kevin shifted anxiously and took another glance at his watch. 'Where are you Hannah ?' he thought impatiently.


Kevin had met Hannah at the beginning of his investigation into the huge, mysterious installations appearing all over the country. He learned of them by literally bumping into one. He was returning to New York from D.C., where he covered the annual convention of Women Union, cursing the heavy traffic. He set his nav computer to look for a detour and followed its directions. It'd been mistake, a big mistake. For four hours the piece of junk led him through fields, villages and woods. It was close to 10pm when he was forced to stop in front of a high fence in a middle of nowhere. His nav computer blinked at him to go right through the thing, down some non-existent road. No more than fifteen seconds after he stopped an ATV came speeding. Four security guards, all women, surrounded his car. They told him that he was trespassing on a government property and had to leave immediately.

It'd happened almost three months ago. The place wasn't on any maps he could find. The latest satellite photos showed a country road passing through a wood where he found the fence. Everything pointed to a fresh military installation, yet he felt there was more to it. Why had there been only women in the ATV ? Something fishy was going on and Kevin could smell conspiracies from across half a continent.

Kevin tried to convince his boss the matter was worth looking into, but he was adamant. 'You found a military base, it's no big deal Kevin. There's the Jacksons divorce to cover'. However, after all inquiries through the official channels returned 'No comment, screw off' kinds of answers, he reluctantly gave Kevin a go.

The investigation seemed to go nowhere for the first two weeks. Kevin searched the internet, called every contact he had in the government, even had a short affair with a senator's assistant. Nothing, nobody knew anything, or wouldn't tell. Then he decided to hire a hacker to dig where Kevin couldn't. After a week he got the first batch of files the hacker recovered from government networks.

Finally he laid his hands on something substantial. All the files were related to something called Project Phoenix. He had a complete list of the installations, their locations, and partial plans for the one near Brunswick. Nothing in the files indicated what this Project Phoenix was, what was its goal, or who exactly stood behind it.

The facility near Brunswick seemed to be a warehouse or a factory, if he read the plans correctly. Three huge depots connected by a network of underground tunnels were built over four square miles of land. Inside the buildings the plans revealed large empty spaces, few lifts, and numerous smaller chambers. Unfortunately, all data on underground sections was missing. The whole area was surrounded with two strips of nine feet high fence. Although plans didn't show it, the place was surely crammed with surveillance and security systems. There was no other way to explain the lightning fast interception of his car during his unlucky detour.

Kevin knew, he had a hot story on his hands. He knew enough to risk getting inside. He tried to contact his hacker to have him recover data on security, but the guy appeared to have vanished from the face of the Earth. Kevin's mails bounced back with 'user unknown' error and his cell had been disconnected. He was at dead-end again.

That was when he met Hannah. She appeared in his editorial office one day and requested one-on-one meeting, mentioning Project Phoenix. She told him she was an FBI agent investing the project and people behind it. Her offer was simple: either turn over all the data on the project and get exclusivity to cover the story or be detained for obstructing federal investigation. Kevin was at dead-end anyway, so he accepted.

The secrecy surrounding Project Phoenix was so tight that even the bureau was excluded from the loop. Hanna's superiors weren't too happy about this so they had launched an unofficial investigation, putting her at its steering wheel. She encountered the same wall of silence Kevin did. It appeared as if the project didn't exist. The giant facilities being built everywhere were the only proof of its existence.

Kevin suggested a different approach. If they couldn't find where the orders were coming from, then maybe they could find who was receiving them. It turned out the actual work on the project was being done by three companies: GeneSIS, who's primary area of expertise was advanced genetic research; a civil engineering giant Prima Industries; and a startup NovelTech who was a bit into everything: nano and precision mechanics, microelectronics, textiles, plastics; name it, and they had a hand in it.

The only thing connecting the three businesses was their owner, Elisabeth Thorn. The woman was a separate mystery. All files on her were classified, above Hanna's or even her superior's clearance. No public records with her name in it existed. It seemed as if she had appeared in the world in her thirties already heading the three enterprises. The only thing they had on her was information Kevin dug up in some tabloid saying that she and Mrs. President had frequent, unofficial meetings.

Any attempts to find out what the three companies were doing on the project failed. All essential employees were required to stay on campuses for duration of their contracts, with no contact with the outside world allowed. None of the companies was hiring, so infiltration was impossible. Well, they knew that Prima Industries had been busy building the huge facilities, and this was all. After the three months they were still clueless about the project itself.


The sound of footsteps made Kevin shudder.

'Hi Kev', Hannah placed a quick kiss on his cheek, 'Let's get rolling'.

Kevin picked up the tool he brought and begun lifting the manhole's cover. After a short struggle with the heavy piece of metal he was done. Heavy stench was coming from the circular hole.

'I'm going in first' he puffed.

Kevin set his foot on the rusty rung of the ladder and begun descending. Hanna followed several seconds later. The light from flashlights mounted on their shoulders danced on dirty brown, stained bricks to which the ladder was attached. Occasional, high pitched squeals coming from somewhere below indicated they would have uninvited companions on their trip.

They emerged on a metal grating, running along the side of a circular tunnel. The stench became almost unbearable.

'I'll lead' said Hannah heading into the tunnel.

Kevin followed. They didn't talk much along the way. Hannah was occupied with keeping them on the right track, while Kevin was occupied with studying her backside. She wore black, figure hugging catsuit, made of material that reflected the light of his flashlight in a very alluring way. Her sparkling bottom was a promise of things to come, and visualization made the trip through the damp, stinking tunnels a bit more bearable.


Kevin enjoyed working with Hannah a lot. She was a brilliant, determined woman with a great sense of humor. Maybe a bit too bossy for his liking, but he usually let this slip. Well, she was a redhead after all.

Despite being in her early thirties, she still had a great body. Just the right kinds of curves in all the right places. Tight mid-thigh skirts, sheer hose, high heels and revealing tops made her regular wardrobe. With the added effect of that enchanting smile on her freckled face, they turned her targets' self-assertion into willingness to submit in a matter of seconds. And Kevin could testify to that.

They started sleeping with each other two or three weeks after banding together. It happened one evening, when they were going over data they had gathered at Hanna's house. She had a few glasses of red wine, Kevin had a few of Scotch. While their conversation kept straying towards more and more intimate topics, Hanna's body messages were becoming more and more straightforward. Seemingly accidental brushing of her breasts against Kevin's shoulder, a grip of her hand on his thigh when she was making a point. Finally her nylon clad foot found its way underneath his trouser's leg. Minutes later she was undressing Kevin in her bedroom.

After that, they had sex regularly. Hannah even asked him to move in with her, but Kevin didn't want to. He said, he needed space in the kind of job he had.


'We're there', announced Hannah.

They were standing by another ladder leading up. This one must have been installed recently, as the rungs looked new, with not even a hint of rust on them. Kevin detached his flashlight and pointed it up the tunnel. It led straight up, probably to the same kind of manhole they entered not so long ago. 'I'm going up first', he announced.

'Not so fast, Kev. We have to take care of security first.' Hannah opened her backpack and retrieved a pair of goggles, a silver metal box, and a black gauntlet. 'Now watch and learn', she winked.

She pulled the goggles over her eyes and opened the box. Inside there were three objects reassembling large, metal insects. Hannah pressed a green button inside the box then put on the glove. The elastic material clung to her hand like second skin. She formed a fist and made a quick move up with her arm. One of the objects shot up from the box and hovered three feet above the ground. Kevin stared with mouth agape.

'OK, here we go', mumbled Hannah to herself. She made another gesture with her arm and the insect flew up into the tunnel.

'What the hell is this' whispered Kevin with astonishment, 'How does it fly ?'

'It's classified, Kev', she replied smiling, 'And to be honest, I don't know. We call them Hornets. I can see in my goggles everything the flayer sees. For example now I see a whole bunch of infrared beams crossing over in the tunnel. Looks like a dancefloor. If you walked up the ladder, the security would be on us in no time. Now we need to maneuver carefully around the beams ...', she was making moves up, down and to the sides with her hand, spreading her fingers and clutching them '… and we'll be outside by the security console in no time'.


Two weeks earlier Hannah had managed to gain access to a security server of the installation. She wasn't clear about how exactly she got the access codes. Said it was a lucky strike. Anyway, they knew enough to attempt infiltration.

The data Hannah recovered, revealed that the security was mostly automated. Every inch of the campus was covered by security cameras and movement detectors. Security drones wandered all over the place, ready to respond instantaneously to any detected threat. There was only a handful of people on premises at any time, mostly occupied with maintenance duties. However the few security people present were extremely efficient, as Kevin had found out.

Whoever designed the security system, decided that any trespassers would be detected outside. There were cameras inside the buildings, but they weren't connected to the security grid. Hannah wasn't sure about their purpose and assumed they were used to monitor whatever was going on in the facility.

Hannah was able to download access codes, routes of the drones, camera locations - everything they needed to avoid getting caught. Although they weren't sure the information was up to date, they decided to give it a shot. Infiltration was the only option, they had for moving the investigation forward.


'OK, the codes worked', said Hannah grinning, 'We're clear to go. The security grid is neutralized all the way to the nearest entrance'.

They started up the ladder, with Hannah leading the way. Luckily for them, this manhole was opened by a hydraulic arm.

'We go out in ten seconds, after the drone passes', Hannah said looking at the PDA attached to her wrist.

They waited for the drone to hover soundlessly by, and exited the manhole. The building they planned to enter was a hundred feet in front of them. With their torsos parallel to the ground they ran towards the wall watching out for any loose drones. Hannah punched in the code and the door slid open.

They entered a brightly lit corridor crossing the middle of the building all the way to its other end. 'Section GAMMA' read large red letters on both walls, with arrows below pointing towards the other end of the corridor. Cautiously looking around Kevin and Hannah moved down the corridor.

The place reminded Kevin of a hospital; white walls, white floor and ceiling, with a row of bright fluorescent lamps running in the middle. Slanted grates blowing chilled air were installed in corners between the walls and floor. Despite distinct draft coming out of the grates not even a single speck of dust could be seen in the air.

Every fifty feet or so there were sliding doors on both sides of the corridor. Cryptic red symbols on plaques by the doors didn't give out what was behind them. Hannah approached the first door on their left marked 001.00-Alpha and they silently slid open. The door led to a catwalk running along a wall of an enormous storage area.

Kevin's eyes needed a few seconds to adjust to relative darkness inside. Sparsely spaced lamps provided just enough light to see the outline of the floor, at least four stories below the catwalk. The chamber itself was so big, the opposite wall seemed just a small blurry rectangle far ahead.

Hannah retrieved a small camera from her utility belt and began recording as they walked along the catwalk. Stalls reaching from the floor all the way to the ceiling filled the whole area, except the center. In the center there were several circular openings in the floor from which industrial drones carrying gray boxes emerged every few seconds. Each drone hovered towards seemingly random part of the warehouse, put its load on a stall, then hovered back to disappear inside another opening in the floor. The stalls were mostly empty, and it looked like it would take a lot of time, months, maybe longer to fill them.

'I wonder what they're stocking here, let's find a way down'.

'No, we don't have this much time', Hannah continued filming, 'These boxes are labeled. We can later magnify the picture and see what's on the labels. Let's move on.' They used another door farther down the catwalk to get back to the corridor.

They tried a door on the other side of the corridor only to find a similar warehouse. Hannah recorded for a few minutes focusing on boxes and they left, walking towards the lift Kevin had spotted on the plans.

'Whatever they're doing here, it's big. There's enough space in these warehouses to store a year's food supply for a city the size of New York.'

'I don't think it's food in those boxes, Kev. Let's check the lower floors', she said pointing at panel with a large silver button in its center.

She pressed the button and the lift's door opened instantly. They stepped in. On the panel inside, a button labeled 'Ground' was highlighted green. Below it, there were twenty more buttons labeled -1 to -20 arranged in two vertical rows.

'Twenty floors into the ground...', muttered Kevin, 'how did they manage to build it without anyone noticing ?'.

'Hmm, maybe they built the warehouses first and worked under their cover.' Hannah reached for the panel and pressed ten. Right after her finger left the button they heard another ding and the door opened. They looked at each other.

'Ten floors in under a second and we're still alive', Kevin said with bewilderment, 'How do you explain this?'

They exited onto a corridor exactly like the one on the ground level and entered door labeled 014.10-Alpha.

This room was much smaller than the warehouses above. Several conveyor belts (Hannah counted twelve) ran across the room in parallel to the wall by which they stood. Bright lamps mounted over the belts assured a clear view of the activity around the conveyors, leaving the edges of the room in relative darkness. Wall-mounted cameras forced them to stick to the wall.

Evenly spaced robotic arms danced busily along each belt. Each arm consisted of four parts connected by swiveling joints, with two short graspers at the business end. With growing astonishment Kevin watched as they picked items off belts and packed them inside boxes traveling besides. Upon closer examination the objects being packaged turned out to be shoes. High heeled shoes.

'Is this some joke ? A top secret shoe factory?'

'Not a joke, Kev, not with this amount of resources and secrecy', said Hannah recording the machines.

They sneaked farther into the room keeping to the wall. Hannah focused her camera on the closest conveyor belt. It carried identical pairs white pumps with 4 inch stiletto heels and ankle straps. The second belt carried high heeled sandals. All pink with spiked heel of similar height. They were too far away from other belts to see clearly what kinds of shoes their carried. However it was obvious that all of them had 4-5 inch stiletto heels and every pair would make any female legs a feast for the eyes.

As they watched, the pumps emerging from the wall on the closest belt changed their color to light blue. During the few minutes they were inside at least two hundred pairs were packed.

Hannah finished recording and packed her camera. "I'm gonna grab a pair'

'Are you crazy ?! They're gonna see you!', hissed Kevin.

'The cameras have dead zones by the walls. As long as I don't walk into their field of view we're fine'.

She circled the room towards the opening in the wall inside which the first belt disappeared and snatched a box. The label on the box said 'JULIETT' in large black letters. Below the name, 'AZURE, standard issue' was printed. In the center of the cover's bottom NovelTech's logo sparkled in red and green. Hannah opened the cover and examined the pumps. Pointed front, four inch spiked heel with a metal vamp. A leather bow in the same color as the shoe was attached behind the strap.

'Cute' she said inserting her finger inside 'Very soft interior, must be comfy.'

The strap was made of the same leather as the rest of the shoe. A metal lock was installed on the outer part. She pulled on it and the strap opened with a silent click.

'You can try them on later' Kevin grew impatient, 'Let's move on'.

Hanna packed the shoes on their way back to the corridor. They entered a room on the opposite side, finding several conveyors emerging from the wall on their right. The belts slowly rolled left carrying metal poles attached every six feet or so to their surface. Atop each pole a plastic female torso, neck to mid-thigh, was mounted. Familiar robotic arms worked busily beside each belt.

Hannah retrieved her camera and followed the first belt filming. Kevin trailed behind shaking his head with consternation.

The first arm dived under the belt and retrieved a white rigid tube reassembling a waist cincher or corset. Four long graspers emerging from the arm's tip held the top and bottom edges of the garment. As a torso moved in range, it turned 90 degrees to face the arm. The graspers moved forward warping the white tube around torso's waist. The zipper on the cincher's back was pulled up, sealing the garment around torso's waist. When the graspers met at the upper edge of the cincher a loud click sounded. The belt kept rolling left while this happened, forcing the arm to turn to follow the torso.

The garment hugged the plastic curves tightly from the hips all the way up to the base of the mannequin's massive breasts. Two flaring flaps extended several inches down from the corset's lower edge, covering upper parts of mannequin's buttocks. White blooming roses connected with curvy lines were embroidered all over the corset's surface. Light gave the embroidery a pink tint, more intense in places where it shone directly, less intense where it shone at angles. As the corset moved forward in the light of overhead lamps, an intricate network ivy covered with roses glowed in pink all over its surface.

The next robotic arm was waiting with a pair of garters dangling from its twin graspers. The torso reoriented itself to its original position, and the arm swiveled forward . With a whirring sound, the garters were sewn onto the corset, one on the front, the other to the flaring flap on the back.

On its way farther, the pole rotated to present the other side of the corset to the next arm. Soon a complete set of garters was in place and the torso moved on reorienting itself to original position.

'Hmm, wonder what this could be for....'. Hannah whispered to herself. A long white strap was attached in front of the corset. It was roughly three times longer than the garters, dangling exactly between them as the garment continued on.

The next addition required the work of two arms. A shimmering nylon-like top with sleeves was sewn to the upper edge of the corset. It completely covered the upper part of the torso, reaching half way up its neck. Similar floral embroidery decorated its entire surface except for chest and sleeves. The material covering breasts shimmered enticingly drawing Kevin's attention to the plastic globes.

'Gee, what size are those', he muttered to himself.

'D's', replied Hannah hesitantly, 'or double D's. You don't get many of them in nature, especially on bodies that slim'.

When several small buttons were clicked shut on the back, the material stretched over the breasts hugging them with a film of transparent, nylon-like mist. The two globes sparkled with reflected light as the torso moved forward.

Farther along the way a white choker, about an inch wide, was locked around the torso's neck. It had a small, pink rose attached in front. Two mechanical appendages moved forward to sew the choker to the fabric underneath it.

Slightly ruffled skirt made of the same material that covered the breasts was the last addition. It reached several inches below the torso's sexless crotch, providing no privacy at all.

Before the torso had disappeared into the wall, the material covering its breasts was thoroughly sprayed with some clear liquid.

'Was that a dress?'

'I'm not sure what it was', Hannah panned her camera to the right, recording the line of garments in various states of completion, 'but if I ever put something like this on, I'd feel more exposed than being completely naked'.

Hannah followed the wall to a spot providing better view of the remaining conveyors in the room. By each belt robotic arms worked relentlessly assembling bustiers, bras, panties, garter belts, baby dolls, and some garments which remained mystery even to her. Despite the variety in designs, colors and types, all the garments had several things in common. All were designed in such a way to make the wearer feel intimately exposed. All had additions, like bows or flowers, placed in strategic places to give them a very feminine feel. Kevin was sure that a woman wearing any of them would make even a dead man's manhood stiff in less than three seconds.

'We're still deep in the woods', Kevin sounded slightly irritated, 'unless they're planing to open a sex shop, we know next to nothing'.

'They're not planning to sell this lingerie', Hannah finished filming, 'look at these mannequins, Kev.'

'What ? They look normal to me'.

'They're not normal Kevin. They're all of similar size and build with wasp-like figure and porn-star grade breasts. When you plan on selling something, you have to provide variety. Not many women I know, would fit into these things. And even fewer would want to wear them.'

'Yet they're mass-producing them', Kevin scratched his head, 'If not for sale, what's the point ?'

'Well, if we want to find out more we should to move. Let's try a different floor'.

They descended to the floor 14 and entered a random room. Staccato of sounds hit their ears the moment they stepped inside.

The room housed six conveyor belts moving from left to right. From the items sparsely scattered on their surface, only high heels could be recognized at a glance. Beside shoes, silver metal bands and what looked like open cases made of gray plastic slowly traveled on the belts.

Several flat boards were mounted in front of each belt, with silver poles above them. The poles had an elongated 'pi' letter shape, with ends attached to the edges of boards. Two life-like feet with 5 inch stilettos on hung below an inverted T-shaped piece of metal. The T-shaped pieces slid along the metal poles dragging the feet with them. The feet emulated graceful, realistic walk as they moved. Each step was accompanied with a click of a heel against the hard surface of the board and metallic clanking. The later sound came from chains connecting silver bands of steel locked around ankles. When feet reached the end of panel, T-shaped pieces rotated by 180 degrees, and they continued towards the other end of the panel.

'It gets weirder and weirder'.

'Yeah', Hannah operated camera controls to get one of the panels in focus.

She was recording the high heeled feet making rounds across the board for a minute or so, when they suddenly stopped and raised several inches above the surface. A robotic arm resting on the left side of the board sprung to life, and extended two appendages towards the shoes. They gripped the heels just above the vamps and yanked them down as if trying to get the shoes off the feet. After three unsuccessful attempts the arm returned to its resting position and the feet continued their clicking stride.

'Any idea what's this about ?' asked Kevin.

'I think so, let's watch some more', Hannah replied keeping her camera focused on the panel.

The shoes continued on. After twenty or so rounds, the arm tried again to take them off, again unsuccessfully. This time, however, they remained up.

The arm swiveled towards the conveyor, grabbed an approaching case, and placed it on the board.

Turning its attention back to the stilettos, the arm extended a thin appendage towards the metal band encircling the ankle closer to the conveyor. The needle-thin rod was inserted into a hole on the inner part of the shackle, and stayed there for a second. Then it moved towards the other shackle, which inner part was covered from the camera's view.

The two graspers clutched the heels again and pulled down. This time the shoes slipped of the feet. They were placed on their sides inside the appropriately shaped recesses in the foam filling the case. Next the arm gripped the backs of both shackles. The thin rod appeared again and entered another hole on the inner part of the farther restraint. After a second the shackle sprung open, and the process was repeated on another shackle. After the restraints were placed inside their recesses in the foam, the case was carefully closed and sent on its way on the conveyor belt.

The arm remained over the belt waiting expectantly for an approaching set of restraints. They were picked up and the arm swiveled towards the waiting feet. The shackles looked the same as the pair packed a moment ago. Made of shining, silver steel, about an inch wide, a fifth of an inch thick. A chain made of densely clustered tiny eyelets connected the bands. It looked about a foot long, maybe a bit more. The insides of the bands were lined with some red material.

The chain ends were attached in the middles of inch wide swellings on the inner part of each shackle. The swelling raised a bit less than half an inch above the silver surface, apparently housing the locking mechanism. Similar swellings, only much smaller, could be seen on the backs of both restraints. The external surfaces of the steel bands were decorated with thin, spiraling lines, which gave them jewelry-like, elegant look.

Hannah focused the camera on the closer ankle. The arm moved from behind and snapped the band closed. 'A snug fit', she thought observing the place where steel met the plastic skin, 'wouldn't fit a needle in between'. Hinges located on the outer parts of both shackles were invisible after locking. The spiraling lines encircled the entire circumference of the locked bands, all the way to the inner swelling.

Finished with restraints, the arm returned to its waiting position over the belt. Hannah panned the camera behind it, focusing on a pair approaching shoes. The black pumps were made of matt, patent leather. Five inch stiletto heels, and two thin straps intersecting over the middle of the opening gave them a very sexy look.

A thin, flat straps raised vertically an inch or so above the back of each shoe. A tiny metal rectangle with several holes was attached on tops of both straps.

When the shoes got in range, the arm grabbed their backs above the heels, and swiveled towards the feet. The graspers deftly put the stilettos on, but didn't let go of them. Two finger-like appendages raised from the upper parts of graspers and clutched the vertical straps right under the metal tops. The straps where first pulled down, then inserted into the bottoms of the shackles, directly under the small swellings on their backs. When the metal rectangles disappeared into the shackles, the straps quickly shrunk, loosing any slack they had. Having finished, the arm withdrew to its resting position, and the feet started another stroll on the panel.

'Got enough?'

'Yeah, I think so', Hannah stopped filming, and checked her PDA, 'We need to leave soon, maintenance people start their rounds in 80 minutes'.

'Let's move then', Kevin turned to leave the room, 'This place is some joke. A warehouse full of female clothing if I'm not mistaken, lingerie assembly line, and high heels everywhere. Why do they keep this place under such tight security ? Who would give a damn about a clothing factory ? '.

'You forget the restraints, Kevin. Extremely effective and very kinky. If you were a woman you'd understand how would it feel to have them on'.

'A flawed design I'd say. You can always take the shoes off.'

'Do you remember the robot pulling on the heels? I think it was testing if they could be removed without a key. The strap on the back of the shoes allows you to walk, but somehow remains rigid when you try to take them off'.

Kevin mused over Hanna's idea as he called the lift. 'But why would anyone go to such lengths to make restraints. You can get the same result in much simpler way'.

'That's what we have to discover'.

'Surprise, surprise!', exclaimed Kevin as they entered the next room, 'More lingerie!'

The room was slightly smaller than the testing chamber. Its center was surrounded with glass walls reaching all the way from the floor to the ceiling. There was enough space between the glass and the walls of the room for three people to walk beside each another.

The most prominent article within the enclosed space were three rows of long objects reassembling legs. They were attached by the tops to a set of metal rails installed under the ceiling. On the floor below the rails, six stations, some with specialized robotic arms were installed. The rails moved the plastic limbs rightwards, from station to station.

'More lingerie', repeated Kevin looking at the legs.

'Yeah', Hannah confirmed setting up her camera, 'looks like someone has a strong fixation on this stuff'.

The plastic limbs looked like simplified, low-cost, carvings of human legs. Flat pieces of plastic imitated toe-less feet. They pointed down at 45 degree angle. Thighs and calves were made from a single mould of plastic flaring upwards. The legs lacked knees, heels and muscles.

'Most peculiar' mumbled Hannah as she begun filming, focusing the camera on the first station. The station consisted of two silver cylinders extending several feet above the floor and a robotic arm. Black, three inches high bands were wound around each cylinder in even intervals.

When a pair of legs stopped over the station, the arm moved towards the cylinders. It had two rings at its end. Around the bottom of each ring several small graspers were mounted. When the arm positioned the rings over the cylinders, the graspers grabbed the edges of the top bands. As the arm started ascending towards the legs, the rings extended stretching the bands. It stopped after reaching upper thighs and the rings started shrinking, enveloping the bands around the legs. The bands were made of semi-transparent material, looking like a cross between nylon and lace.

As the legs started moving towards the next station the arm withdrew to its dormant position. The remaining bands rode up on the cylinders and two additional bands emerged from the floor to replace the one that had been used.

The legs stopped over a white vat marked with the NovelTech's logo and started descending. From outside the glass, the vat's contents could not be seen. The legs remained submerged for several seconds. They emerged covered with black, tar-like liquid. The black substance reached all the way up to the semi-transparent bands, covering their lower inch.

The third station was a clone of the first one. Another band of nylon-like material was drawn up each leg. The new bands were two inches high, with their middles resting exactly over the bottom edge of the first bands.

The next stop was between two rectangular planes mounted on the level of the legs. The air rippling around the planes suggested intense heat prevailing inside. After about two minutes the limbs emerged from between the planes. The black tar was now replaced by sheer black nylon.

'You don't see many like those nowadays', commented Hannah.

'What, you mean stockings ?'

'Yeah, the ones you can buy now are all hold-ups. You just put them on and forget about them. These here, require a garter belt to wear.'

The stockings were all sheer without heel or toe reinforcements. On the upper thigh they had an inch wide band of darker nylon, followed by the three inches of translucent tops. Transparent letters circled the nylon band forming the word 'INSIDE'. It repeated several times around the circumference.

'So?', Kevin had trouble following her.

'Nobody buys them. They're too much trouble to put on'.

'Maybe our hosts foresaw a shift in fashions then, cause it looks like they plan to flood shelves with this stuff'.

Robotic arm with two rings at its end waited at the fifth station. The rings had numerous nozzles pointing inwards. Six white tanks with GeneSIS logo were installed at the robot's base. 'WARNING! To be handled by female personnel only' was printed in large red letter on the tanks.

When the legs stopped, the arm shifted below them and started a slowly ascending upwards. The nozzles began spraying pinkish liquid over the hose. The arm's direction inverted after reaching the base of the stockings' tops. When the rings reached the feet level and nozzles switched off, and the legs continued towards the final station.

The last station consisted of a small table rising several feet above the floor and two robotic arms. A narrow conveyor belt ran from the table, through the glass wall, across the room, and disappeared into the wall.

When the legs stopped, the larger arm rotated towards them. It grabbed the upper edges of the stockings and puled them down, turning them inside out. The hose shrank twice in size after being pulled of the legs.

A panel on the side of the table swerved open, forming a 'V' with the table. The stockings were lowered into the opening, and the panel closed, pressing them.

Meanwhile the smaller arm fished a flat, rectangular package from under the opposite side of the table. The package had a black bottom and a transparent cover, held open by one of the arm's graspers.

When the panel opened the stocking were neatly pressed, forming two flat L-letters. The arm lowered them down into the package, while graspers worked together to fold them. The cover was closed and the smaller arm traced the cover's edge with beam of red light, apparently sealing it. The package was turned upside down, and a label was glued to it underside. From their vantage point only 'AUTHORIZED USE ONLY' could be read at the top of the label.

Finally the package was put on the conveyor and sped to disappear into the wall.

The process at the two remaining production lines was identical. The only difference was in the color of stockings. The middle one made sheer tan hose, and the third one white.

'The machines spew out three packages every two or three minutes', Kevin wrinkled his forehead, 'this gives us... around 1500 packages a day'.

'And leaves us with exactly fifteen seconds to grab the next one', Hannah was already waiting by the belt. She grabbed the next package containing black hose, and briefly checked the label on her way back.

'What does it say ?'

'I'm not sure', she packed the package into her backpack, 'We'll analyze it later. We've got time for one more room'.

They returned to the corridor. Kevin seemed to be pondering something.

'Is it really so important to wear the stockings on the correct side, that they need to print it ?'

'Not really. However considering the warning on the label, I don't think these are ordinary stockings. Figuring them out may give us some answers finally.'

Hannah could be right. The production lines inside the cage looked more like they belonged in a pharmaceutical plant than a clothing factory. Additionally, the demand for some equipment to be handled by women only concerned Kevin. It felt as if a barely visible red light somewhere deep in his mind tried to warn him, that something very wrong was going on in this place.

019.20-Alpha read plaque by the door Hannah chose next. Familiar looking glass cage took up the center of the room. The floor looked like hedgehog's skin with close to fifty shiny metal rods sticking vertically up. They were arranged in a square mesh that took most of the space inside.

Flesh colored items sat atop some rods. Hanna's hand froze on its way towards the utility belt when she realized what she was looking at.

'What the... ', Kevin's mind clicked at the same moment, 'Do you see what I'm seeing ?'

'If you mean life-like penis heads, then yes', she replied retrieving her camera.

Each rod was accompanied by a robotic arm with two thin tendrils sticking out of its end. Six white tanks with GeneSIS logo and the for-girls-only warning surrounded each robot's base. The arms swiveled between the rods and feeders extending from the floor nearby. The feeders provided unrecognizable objects which were picked by the arms and installed upon the rods.

Every two rows of rods were separated by a conveyor belt running across the room, through the glass, and disappearing into the wall on the right. The belts carried packages similar to those containing the stockings, only much smaller.

Ten inches above each rod a steel cylinder with surface covered by mesh of copper piping hung from the ceiling.

Hannah focused the camera on an empty rod, just in time to catch the arm placing a fiercely red disc on its top. The disc looked half an inch high and a bit more than an inch in diameter. A thin, white needle-like piece of plastic was sticking up in its center.

An inch high metal tube with surface resembling a very dense strainer was inserted over the rod. Next the arm picked a clear plastic cylinder, with a thin capillary extending down from its cone shaped tip. When the cylinder was placed over the red disk, the ensemble started to look like a thick, very short pencil or a bullet. The capillary's end disappeared into to top of the metal tube added earlier.

One of the tendrils moved forward and inserted a thin needle through the opening in the tip of the bullet. Pink fluid flew down the capillary and through the metal strainer into plastic cylinder. The thick substance slowly filled the entire volume of the cylinder. After two minutes the tendril withdrew and the other one sprung to life. It bled a droplet of transparent goo into the mouth of the capillary, sealing the pink substance inside.

The appearance of a plastic packaging on the feeder signified that the machines were about finished. When the tendrils withdrew, the rod started ascending. It stopped after the entire pink bullet disappeared inside the cylinder hanging from the ceiling. The machine remained motionless for a minute or two. When the rod started riding down, a life-like, flesh colored penis head resting on a red base replaced the plastic tube. The head bobbed slightly sideways when the rod stopped. It was quickly sealed within the package and sent to an unknown destination on conveyor belt.

Before they left the room Hannah added a fake phallus to their collection of trophies.

'We have to clear the place', she said after checking her PDA, 'Thirty minutes left until the maintenance window'.

'OK, Let's go. Don't know about you, but this place gives me creeps. I can't shake the feeling that something very sinister is going on here'.

'We'll figure it out, Kev. We have the recordings, the shoes, stockings, and... the cock. We just need to put the puzzle pieces together.'

Their trip back to the surface and through the sewers was uneventful. When they climbed out of the manhole in the dirty alley, it was almost 7am. Hannah convinced Kevin to come to her place. It was much closer and there was still a lot to do. They both wanted to examine their findings and go over the recordings.

Other than that they didn't talk much on the way to Hanna's house. Kevin was processing what they saw in the facility, trying to make some sense it. Project Phoenix seemed even more mysterious now.

Chapter 2

When they got to Hanna's place, Kevin poured himself a glass of Scotch, while Hannah went upstairs to take a shower. He decided clearing his mind took priority, hygiene could wait. He headed upstairs to Hanna's study, still trying to make sense of what they knew. The government was building enormous underground installations across the country. Amount of money and resources consumed by the project was unprecedented. What they'd found inside one of installations seemed ridiculous. High heels, lingerie, fancy restraints, and sex toys. Maybe if they'd been able to stay longer inside and infiltrate other buildings, things would've made more sense now.

He got off the armchair, picked Hanna's backpack and spilled the contents onto the floor. High-heeled shoes, stockings, and a strange short dildo. Kevin picked the package containing the stockings. It had a rigid bottom made of black plastic. The transparent cover had three protruding compartments. Two of them contained the hose, the third one a black folded garment made of nylon and lace. He couldn't recall the garment being packaged together with the stockings.

The package must have been hermetically sealed, because he felt the compartments resisting his grip.

Kevin turned the package over and examined the label. 'AUTHORIZED USE ONLY' was spelled in large red letters at the top of the label. 'Why would you need government's approval to wear stockings', he wondered inwardly.

The rest of the label was equally enigmatic. A table on its left side listed several physical features.

Race: caucasian
Complexion: pale
Nails: 0,3
Age: 20
Height: 5'1”
Ribs: 34
Waist: 23
Hips: 38

In a big red circle below the table '24hrs' was written. On the right side of the label, an outline of a headless human figure was printed. The body proportions were distinctly female, but the figure lacked breasts.

'Figured anything?', Hannah sat down in the armchair opposite from Kevin toweling her hair.

Kevin's eyes drifted against his will towards her chest. She wore a tight, sleeveless top clinging to her body like a second skin. Without a bra, her nipples protruded under the material, demanding attention like searchlights mounted atop twin Mt. Everests. The top left her midriff exposed, revealing a sparkling stud piercing her bellybutton. Kevin's gaze soared down tracing the sensual curves hid under Hanna's spandex shorts.

'Well, Kev, hope the alcohol hasn't eased you up too much, cause we have work to do'.

Kevin shrugged off the building arousal. 'They seem pretty specific about their target clientele', he said putting the package on the table, 'Take a look, you're more qualified to decipher this. I'm gonna go take a shower now'.

Hannah picked the stockings with a quizzical look on her face. She sat examining the package and label for long while. She shook her head, and picked the second package next.

It looked like a twin of the one containing stockings, only much smaller. The penis was tightly encased within profiled transparent plastic. It looked as if someone cut the top three inches of an erect male member and attached a red plastic base to it. The level of detail was impressive. The opening at the top of the pink mushroom-shaped head was slightly parted, giving it an angry look. The material imitating skin was wrinkled in places, with several dark veins modeled underneath. Hannah involuntarily rubbed her thighs against each other.

She noticed two inch-long grooves incised on the opposite sides of the base.

'Way too short for a dildo', she thought turning her attention to the label. It had similar layout as the label on the stockings. Big red letters at the top warned against unauthorized use. The remaining contents of the label made Hannah wrinkle her forehead with consternation.

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Model: 056G

In the lower left corner '24hrs' was written inside a big red circle. A headshot of a beautiful blonde woman took the right side of the label.

'Honey, could you come over here', Kevin shouted from the bathroom.

Hannah found him standing naked in the shower, examining his pants.

'My clothes stink', he said showing his pants with a helpless gesture, 'Do you have anything I could wear ?'.

Hanna's eyes scanned Kevin's body, taking measurements. Finely developed muscles straining under his hairy chest resulted from long hours he spent in the gym. During the few months they'd been together, it became obvious that Kevin liked his body and took good care of it. Hannah thought that he even relished in his maleness. Not that he was arrogant, or anything. To the contrary, Kevin was a caring, subtle person, always chivalrous towards her. If she could, Hannah would change only two things about him: his hair style and his sexual behavior. Despite being 33 Kevin still had raven black hair, with not even a hint of gray on it. He always cut it short, ignoring Hanna's pleading to let them grow longer. She also enjoyed occasional girls-on-top sex, however Kevin wouldn't have it. He had to dominate in bed.

Her gaze lingered a little longer around Kevin's crotch.

'My panties won't fit there'

'Gee, that's a relief babe. Do you have any pants and shirt I could wear?'

'We'll see', she left giggling. Hannah returned a few minutes later carrying two garments. 'Come to the study after you get dressed, hon'. She left sending him a mischievous wink.

Hannah returned to the study, turned on the TV and begun connecting the camera. While she was fidgeting with the cables, Kevin came back from the shower. He was wearing only green shorts which looked two sizes too small for him.

'What's the matter babe, haven't you liked the top?', she grinned at him.

'Very funny Hannah. Men don't wear lacy tops. Especially ones with built-in bras'.

He sat in the armchair and picked his glass. His eyes opened wide when he looked at the TV.

'No way..., I thought this asshole was in jail.'

Hannah glanced at the screen. A discussion panel was on with three participants talking about GDP projections for the next year.

'Who ?'

'Senator Brown. I investigated this pervert two years ago. One day I got a call from a hooker who wanted to talk about him. When she told me her story, I thought she was pulling my leg'. Kevin paused to sip his whiskey.

'She met the guy when she was working as a call girl in Washington. After a quickie, he paid her triple the usual amount, and said there was more if she was interested. All she had to do was to keep him company for a month, in exchange for more money than she could make in two years. There was one condition though, she had to move in with him. Too bad for her, she said yes.' Kevin made another short pause and gulped the rest of his Scotch.

'She spent the month chained in dungeons under his mansion. Said he raped her several times a day. After a month he paid her and let her go. She decided to talk, because she needed money. Her boyfriend cleared her account and disappeared. At first I didn't believe her. However after some digging I found another girl, who told me similar story. In the end I published the piece, and heard the guys was arrested. Didn't know what happened to him then, cause I had to leave the country for six months. I thought, he was doing life sentence in jail, yet here he is selling bullshit on TV.'

Hannah was silent for a moment. 'I remember reading your story Kev.' 'Yeah, our office in Chicago investigated this. If I remember correctly it had to be discontinued because the girls wouldn't talk. Our people suspected, he paid them to keep silent. As far as I know he left politics after your story.'

'Son of a bitch got away with it', Kevin shook his head. 'I need another shot of Scotch, would you like some?'

'No honey, thanks. I need to get this camera working'.

Hannah was fast forwarding the recordings when Kevin got back carrying a glass full of whiskey.

'What are you looking for ?'

'The stockings room', she replied focused on the remote.

The remote resembled a PDA; 5 inch LCD screen with several buttons underneath. Hannah paused the picture and went several frames back until she found one with the GeneSIS containers in focus. Then she traced a rectangle with her finger on the remote's screen, zooming the picture on the container. Red letters saying 'To be handled by female personnel only' filled the screen.

'Hmm, I hoped, we'd find something more on magnified picture', she sounded disappointed.

'Why do you think these stockings are important ?'

'I think you misinterpreted the label. Hosiery is manufactured in three or four sizes, not in thousands for every race. We need to figure out what's the meaning of these values. The cock has a similar label', she added tossing him the package.

Disgust on Kevin's face as he handled the package made Hannah smile. He turned the package over and looked at the label. 'Wow. A cutie!'.

'Kevin', Hannah started with a scolding look, 'how about you try to figure out why this picture has been put there in the first place ?'.

He put the package down and sipped on his whiskey.

'I've no idea', he shook his head, 'I can't even begin to imagine why they manufacture all these things. Have you checked the heels?'

Hannah shook her head. She picked the shoes and carefully examined them. They looked normal. She tried closing the strap. The clasp consisted of two metal parts, one with a small tongue, the other with a hole. She pressed them together expecting to hear a 'click'. However the parts didn't lock, they came apart when she released the strap.

She wrinkled her brow and slipped the shoe onto her feet. After making a few circular moves with the feet, she put on the other shoe. She made a few rounds across the room with the straps dangling open on the outer sides of her ankles.

'Very comfortable for a four inch heel', she said looking at her toes.

'And sexy', commented Kevin.

Hannah bent one of her legs and looked back at the heel. 'Yeah... very girly and seductive'.

With purposeful stride of a woman on a mission she approached the table and picked up the remote. She sat down and searched for the recording of the room where shoes were packaged. Her finger danced on the screen as she was zooming in on different conveyor belts. When she was done, she fast forwarded to the next room, and examined mannequins.

'It's all starting to fit together !', she sounded agitated.

She picked up the larger package and peeled it open. She unfolded the garter belt and examined the body facing part. 'INSIDE' was repeated several times along the edge, as she expected. Next she checked the inner part of a hose. There it was again. The letters could not be seen on the outer part.

'I want you to put on the stockings, Kev'.

Hannah picked a very unfortunate moment to make her request. The draught of whiskey Kevin was about to swallow sprayed from his mouth. When he finished coughing he looked at her incredulously.

'You're not serious, are you ?'.

'I'm serious babe, please put them on', she pleaded with encouraging smile.

Kevin fixed his eyes on her face trying to determine if she was really serious. Hannah kept looking straight into his eyes, with an expectant expression on her face.

'Please, honey', she pleaded again, smiling the smile that used to have disintegrating effect on his resolve.

'Damn, babe, I feel ridiculous even thinking about it. Why do you want me to do it?'

'I think I got it figured out', she picked up the the garter belt and got up, 'But I need your help to make sure'.

Kevin stared at the approaching garment with alarm in his eyes. 'What have you figured out?'

'It seems too crazy to be true when I think about this', she said pulling down his shorts, 'but I have try it. Come on, babe, get up!'

Kevin hesitated for a long while. However with his instincts dulled by the alcohol, he finally got up with an inward 'Ah, fuck it!'.

Hannah circled behind him and wound the lacy fabric around his waist. He felt her fingers fidgeting on his back then heard 'Click!' soon followed by another 'Click!' Hannah quickly got up to grab the stockings, as if afraid that Kevin would change his mind.

'Sit down, honey', she urged him as she squatted on the floor rolling a hose in her hands. A garter brushed against his inner thigh when he slowly sat in the armchair. 'Keep it like this, darling'. Hannah lifted his left foot and started working the hose up. Kevin frowned when the silky material touched his flesh.

When his entire calf was covered with the sheer fabric, Hannah picked up another hose. 'You may put the other down', she said lifting his right foot. Kevin watched Hanna's hands slowly moving up his calf with vacant expression. He thought, he could see a small red light blinking faintly on the brink of his consciousness.

When the hose reached his knee Hannah kneeled in front of him. 'Stand up Kev'. She turned her attention back to his left limb. Kevin stared down at the black material quickly swallowing his leg. Hanna's fingers wandered between the back and front of his thigh gradually bringing the hose home. The red blinking light got brighter.

She pulled the front garter down and attached it to the stocking's top. Kevin felt the garter tensed against his underbelly tugging the hose up. Hannah giggled, coquettishly covering mouth with her hand. 'Having fun, Kev?' Kevin's eyes slowly followed her gaze to his erect manhood.

The red light erupted brightly, bringing Kevin out of his stupor. 'Stop!', he grabbed Hanna's wrist halfway towards the back garter.

Their eyes remind locked for a long moment. Hannah giggled inwardly, moving her head forward. 'Sure, honey'.

The red warning light dimmed when Hanna's soft lips locked around his cock. Her tongue probed the tip of his penis for a while, then started a slow dance around the head. Kevin heaved loosening his grip on her wrist. He felt her lips tighten around his shaft as her head pushed forward. Her tongue wiggled its way underneath now fully exposed head, looking for the groove behind it. Kevin groaned and placed his palms on her head.

Hannah took another inch of Kevin's rod in her mouth and looked up. Kevin was too out of it, to take notice of her hands sneaking around his left tight. Her left hand lifted the hose's top, while the right pulled down the garter. After a short struggle the garter was attached to the stocking. She inhaled and closed her eyes. In one quick move she swallowed the entire cock, releasing the garter.

Kevin felt something soft settling against his buttock, while something silky rode up his thigh. Unfortunately for him, his mind chose to focus on wet lips brushing his underbelly. Soon the lips retraced along his cock stopping at the peak. Something cool and filmy gently compressed his right knee. A very pleasant, yet alien and disturbing feeling slowly crept up and around his thigh. For a short moment he felt the urge to look down, but the soothing waves of ecstasy radiating from his crotch demanded more immediate attention.

When the remaining two garters held the stocking, expression of relief appeared on Hanna's face. She slowed her pace and gently pushed Kevin towards the armchair. Her mouth remained glued to his penis as he sat down. Now she took her time.

Kevin felt his lover's mouth lazily inching up and down his penis. When thin bands of tingling sensation embraced his waist and upper thighs, Kevin's attention was transfixed on moist warmth enveloping his cock. The tingling subsided after a moment without a trace.

Hannah welcomed Kevin's sperm in her mouth with a sigh of relief. She'd spent over an hour blowing him and her knees were killing her. She let the withering penis out of her mouth and raised massaging her knees. She stood for a good while observing Kevin laying in the armchair. He was sleeping like a baby with his mouth open wide. His muscular, hairy legs and belly looked weird in lingerie.

She stooped and slid her finger underneath the left stocking's top. About three inches along his leg her finger met resistance. 'It really works', she grinned.

With a complacent expression on her face she sat in the armchair. She picked the smaller package and carefully peeled it open.

The penis rolled onto her palm. She felt cold, oily substance coating its surface. Holding the red base with two fingers she lifted the tool to her face and sniffed. The rod was odorless.

With her free hand she touched it in the middle. It didn't feel like plastic. The surface had soft, velvet-like texture yielding a bit under her finger tips. She tried bending the tool. It yielded a fraction of an inch under her fingertips, then she felt resistance. When she let it go, the rod sprung up to its nearly horizontal position.

Hannah looked at Kevin, then at the penis in her hand. After a moment of hesitation she got up and walked towards him holding the ominous thing like a dagger. She circled the armchair stopping beside his head.

Holding her breath, she inserted the tip of the dildo into Kevin's mouth. Carefully, like a sapper disarming a mine, she pushed it inside. With trance-like fascination her eyes traced a vein on the side of the penis disappearing into Kevin's mouth. When the red disk slipped past his lips she stopped. She slowly rotated the rod until grooves on the disk were facing Kevin's teeth.

Biting on her lower lip, Hannah pushed Kevin's jaw up. When his teeth were inside the grooves, she withdrew her hands and waited with an expectant expression on her face.

Hannah nearly jumped when she heard a sound of bubble gum balloon popping inside Kevin's mouth. Moments later his Adam's apple moved up and down as he swallowed.

She smiled and planted a brief kiss on Kevin's cheek. 'Sleep tight darling.'

Hanna's white heels clicked on polished hardwood when she appeared in the doorway pushing a chair. She put the chair three feet in front of sleeping Kevin.

She spent the rest of the day sitting in the chair, observing Kevin intently.

Chapter 3.

Kevin woke up with a feeling that something was wrong. He wanted to yawn, yet he couldn't. His half asleep mind was receiving very disturbing messages.

His jaw felt sore and stiff.

He was tasting something funny in his mouth. Sweet. He made a mental note to brush his teeth.

Something hard, soft and velvety was pressing on his tongue, contradicting signals read. The same thing seemed to touch his palate.

A droplet of thick, sweet fluid fell on the base of his tongue. He tried moving his tongue, but something held it trapped.

He tried closing his mouth to swallow, but it wouldn't close.

He tried opening his mouth, but they wouldn't open either. It felt as if smoothing held his front teeth in steel grip.

His right hand slowly rose up and explored. A hard, smooth object was stuck between his teeth.

'What the...'

The events of the last evening came flooding. They were infiltrating a government facility. They stole some weird stuff there. Stockings, a sex toy, and a pair of high heels. He remembered Hannah dressing him in stockings. He stopped her. Then there was a wonderfully long, sloppy blowjob. With a lot of deepthroating. Then nothing.

Kevin sat upright and opened his eyes. Hannah was sitting In front of him, observing him intently.

He thought, he felt something smooth shifting along his buttocks, but ignored the sensation. There were more pressing matters at hand.

His fingers explored the object holding his teeth. 'Smooth, hard, circular... ?' Something long and thick, leaking sweet fluid into his mouth was attached to it. His tongue slid along a thick swelling running along the object's length. He pushed his index finger into the corner of his mouth and felt the surface of the shaft.

No way!

His arm shot in Hanna's direction pointing a finger accusingly. A strand of light brown hair fell down covering his eye. He brushed it to the side with his free hand.

'I'm sorry honey, I had to', she looked at him apologetically.

Kevin froze for a second. Hannah thought she could see two big question marks flashing in his eyes. He pinched the loose strand of hair and pulled it in front oh his eye. 'What the... ?' He had dark hair. Not light brown.

'Whah havh ah hone!'

She grabbed his extended arm in her hands and knelt in front of him.

'Kev, calm down, now we know what these things do'. Her hand started to caress his thigh consolingly.

It felt nice. Very nice. Too nice, actually.

He looked down and gasped. His legs were encased in black nylon. He slowly raised his head and looked Hannah straight in the eyes. If his irises could shoot lightnings, she would be a smoking pile of dust by now.

'Kev, before you do anything stupid, you need to see yourself in the mirror'.

He jumped and almost run to the bathroom, his stockings swishing. Hannah followed him suppressing a smile.

Kevin stopped in front of a full length mirror in bathroom. For several moments his eyes were fixed on the large red disk keeping his mouth obscenely open. Then he noticed his hair. They somehow changed their color from dark to light brown and grew several inches while he slept. He could feel them brushing the base of his neck.

With widening eyes Kevin continued exploring. His face looked odd. The skin was smooth and pale. 'Must be the light', he thought. He expected to see some stubble, yet there was none.

His nose seemed much smaller than he remembered, almost '... cute ?'. The collarbones were barley visible under his skin. It was still the face he knew, but seemed somehow different, more subtle and delicate.

He brushed another loose strand of hair behind his ear and blinked. Something dark flashed before his eyes. When he raised his hand to rub them, his eyelashes tickled his palm. They were longer now, and curved up. His pupils turned from black to dark blue.

Kevin felt Hannah palm touch his shoulder. Her red nails contrasted with his slim, pale collarbone. He raised his arm and looked at it with shock. Muscles were barely visible under his hairless skin.

Changes on his chest were even more profound. In place of muscles and his hairy bush, smooth, milky skin could be seen. Flat as an ironing board.

As his sight traveled down, Kevin's anxiety grew. His waist was visibly slimmer than his hips. His belly formed a single flat plane with his chest.

He looked at Hanna's reflection in the mirror. She looked strange, bigger.

Hannah giggled inwardly seeing confusion in Kevin's eyes. She placed her other hand on Kevin's waist and smiled.

'It's incredible, honey. You're turning into a girl !'.

It took a moment for the words to sink in. When they finally did, Kevin's right hand swooped towards the front garter and jerked it up.


The garter didn't detach from the stocking. Instead it yanked the top up, together with the skin on Kevin's thigh. It looked painful.

He pushed his hand underneath the top. After three inches his fingers met resistance. It felt like the inch-high, darker band of nylon between the hose and its top was adhered to his skin. With a hint of panic in his eyes, he tried the other stocking. It was stuck to his leg as well.

Hannah stood back and observed his struggle with scientific curiosity. Kevin's fingers were now dancing wildly around the edge of the garter belt, in a desperate attempt to pry it off his waist. He had no luck with this too, the edge of the garment was stuck to his skin.


Kevin eyes started rapidly scanning the bathroom as if he looked for something. Not finding whatever he was looking for, he darted out of the bathroom, turning towards the stairs. Hannah followed him.

On his way he received his first lesson on female wardrobe: you don't run in stockings on polished hardwood. He slipped a few feet from the stairs and landed hard on his ass. He spent one or two seconds on the floor looking confused. He got up quickly, grabbed his ass cheek, and kneaded it a few times. It felt smooth and somehow fatter. He grunted and continued down the stairs, this time taking careful steps.

Hannah stayed up for a moment leaning against the wall. She stood covering her mouth with her hand, trying hard not to burst into laughter.

When she got down Kevin was rummaging through the drawers in the kitchen. The setting sun shone directly through the windows, bathing the kitchen in deep red glow.

Kevin fished something out of the drawer and held it up with triumphant look on his face. The scissors shone like a torch with reflected sunrays.

He grabbed the left garter and with a wild twinkle in his eye closed the blades. The soft material slipped between them. When Kevin opened the scissors not even a scratch could be seen on the garter. He tried to cut it a few more times achieving the same effect. When he let the garter go, it simply contracted to its normal length.

Kevin blinked several times looking at his legs. He sat down on the floor, pinched the nylon on his thigh, and plunged the opened scissors through the material. The tip of the blade hit the fabric, drove it two inches, and stopped. Kevin tried to push harder, but the nylon wouldn't stretch anymore. When he opened his fingers, the stocking snapped back onto his thigh, mocking him with a red glimmer. It looked brand new, the place where the blade's tip connected, could not be seen.

Kevin gave a frustrated groan. It looked like was stuck in the stockings for good.

Hannah squatted beside him with a concerned look on her face. She took the scissors out of his limp fingers and put her palm on his knee.

'Stop it Kev, juts let it happen', she said softly.


'I don't understand you honey, let's go upstairs', she grabbed his hand, 'you can use my PDA.'

Kevin pranced behind Hannah up the stairs. He took small careful steps mindful of his embarrassing accident on the way down. Clicking of Hanna's heels seemed to have a consoling effect on his emotions. He sighed with resignation. He was stuck with artificial penis in his mouth. He was wearing stockings that he couldn't take off without ripping his skin. What worse could happen to him ? He looked at the cute bows on the back of Hanna's pumps. Then at the spiky heels making her legs seem longer at least by a foot. He felt his tool dangling proudly between his legs. 'Yeah, I'm still a man if things like this turn me on'.

Kevin had no idea how terribly wrong he was. If he could look into the future, and see himself a year from now, he would eagerly part with a few square inches of his skin. And with his front teeth too.

When they got back to the study, Kevin slumped down in his armchair. It was getting dark outside. He realized its been nearly twelve hours since they got back from the facility.

'Kev, I'm really sorry I did it to you', Hannah begun, handing him the PDA, 'but it was the only way to prove my theory'.

He retrieved the stylus and wrote his answer on the PDA's screen.


'Well, I figured the stockings and ...the other thing, were meant for men. It was the only sensible explanation for the labels. But I had to make sure'.

'U SHOULD'VE ASKED', he scribbled energetically.

'I did, Kev. Remember?'


'Kevin, what should I do ? Take them to the bureau ? They would spend months analyzing them. We would probably never see them again!', Hannah was gesturing excitedly, 'this would get us nowhere'.


'Kev, think, if it's possible to turn a guy like you into a woman, it's also possible to reverse it.'.

I was making sense. He looked at her inquisitively. 'WHAT'S YOUR PLAN'

'We need a proof, Kev. And soon we'll have it', she pointed a finger at him, 'you. The we'll hand their asses over to them on a plate'


'You're right Kevin. We don't know everything. However we know enough to make our bluff credible. We just need to play our cards right, and we'll crack it.', she sounded very confident, 'then I get my promotion, and you get your Pulitzer', she paused, 'and of course whatever is needed to turn you back'.

It was making sense. Especially the Pulitzer part. They sat in silence for a long while.


Hannah got up and planted a wet kiss on his cheek. 'I love you, honey. It'll work out for both of us, I promise.'

Kevin sat motionless after Hannah left to use the bathroom. When he didn't move he could almost ignore the stockings. Sure, he could feel the silky material softly gripping his skin, but imagined it was just a pair of tight jeans. Whenever he moved his legs or brushed them against something, the filmy fabric caressed his skin in a sensual, almost erotic way. Losing hair on his body, didn't help either.

He tried to swallow. His tongue pressed on the intruding rod producing another droplet of the sweet fluid. Faint floral smell coming from his mouth was making him sick. He made a feeble attempt to dislodge his teeth from the grooves, but they were held fast. The feeling of having his mouth penetrated with a replica of a penis intimidated him. It reminded him of what he was becoming. He felt trapped and helpless. And aroused. And it scared the hell out of him.

Hanna's heels clicked seductively when she appeared in the doorway. The sight of her body clad in white lingerie made Kevin forget about his predicament. She wore white, lacy bustier, white satin thong, a matching pair of stockings, and the pumps they brought from their escapade.

The moonlight sparkled on her curves alluringly. In the otherwise dark room, her white silhouette seemed to shine with its own internal light. Mesmerized, Kevin watched her hips sway as she glided towards him.

She circled behind the armchair and stopped. Kevin felt her ginger locks caress his shoulders as she stooped. She placed her palm on his chest and started kissing the side of his neck.

'I can make it a bit more bearable, babe', she whispered pushing her tongue into his ear. Kevin shivered feeling goosebumps appear on his skin. 'Let's get comfy'.

Hanna's finger gently pulled up on his garter urging him to raise. Kevin meekly complied. Tugging on the garter Hannah led him towards the bedroom.

The house was dark and dead silent. Only clicking of Hanna's heels, swishing of two pairs of stockings, and thumping of Kevin's heart could be heard as they walked.

Hannah pushed Kevin on the bed and laid down beside him. Her tongue wiggled its way back into his ear, while her fingers started caressing his nipple. She threw her leg over Kevin and started stroking his cock with her knee. 'Feels nice, doesn't it?', she teased.

Kevin's mind was flooded with sensations. The gentle caress of the satin bedcover on his back. Its electrifying presence he felt through the gossamer fabric of his hose. The touch of lace covering Hanna's breasts on his arm. Her nylon-clad knee on his cock. The moistness of her lipstick on his neck. The intimidating presence in his mouth. It felt as if his skin increased its sensitivity tenfold.

Hannah raised her head and kissed his nipple. Her tongue traced slow, wet circles around it. She gently sucked it into her mouth while her hand continued playing with his other nipple.

Kevin felt desperate need to penetrate her. Despite the ecstasy flooding his senses, he found himself extremely uneasy being this passive in bed. He started sitting up, but Hannah pushed him back. She grabbed his wrists and slowly kissed down his chest and tummy towards his crotch.

'Hmmmm', Kevin mewed a feeble protest but Hannah ignored him. Holding his wrists, she straddled his chest and pinned his arms under her legs. He felt her warm breath on his crotch, then her mouth enveloped his cock.

Kevin's nerve endings attentively traced Hanna's mouth sliding on his shaft. Up and down she went, with slow, steady pace. New tributaries of ecstasy joined those, already flooding his senses. The subtle outline of Hanna's pussy lips visible under the silvery-white satin of her panties. The lacy weight pressing on his chest. The silky touch of her knees imprisoning his arms.

Kevin closed his eyes and explored his helplessness. There was something deeply erotic about it. And unsettling. He'd never felt this way before, never derived pleasure from being dominated. The red light was back again, building his anxiety. He had the feeling of sliding down a satin covered slope into a trap.

He turned his head and opened his eyes. A blue pump strapped to Hanna's slim ankle was inches from his face. The sight sent him over the edge. He clutched his fingers on the satin sheet and spread his legs. He moaned loudly around the gag when his cock erupted in Hanna's mouth. She swallowed his sperm and grinned around his penis. Lost in orgasmic ecstasy Kevin missed that his voice shifted an octave or two up.

'See Kev, sex on your back can be a lot of fun too', she teased snuggling beside him. Kevin was too tired to respond even with an angry groan. He closed his eyes and dozed off.

'Kev?' Hanna's hushed voice broke the silence a quarter later. She waited a moment, and confident that he was asleep, carefully sat up and took off her heels. She tiptoed back to the study and retrieved a hypodermic gun from her desk.

Minutes later the sleeping drug was cruising in Kevin's veins. The dose would keep him asleep for at least 18 hours.

Hannah planted a kiss on his shoulder. 'Won't let you quit on me now, sweetie. Too much is at stake here' she whispered lying down beside him.

Kevin stirred feeling aroused. He stretched his limbs and yawned. Something was caressing his legs in a very pleasing way. His erect member was demanding attention.

He thought, he could hear Hanna's voice. 'Yeah, he's struggling deliciously *giggle*' 'OK, see you tomorrow'.

His eyes shot open. He had the sensation that something was missing. He swallowed, and slowly opened his mouth. The sweet taste still lingered inside, but the shaft was gone.

Kevin sat up and threw aside the satin cover. With a disappointed expression he turned his sight away from his legs. The stockings were still on.

He picked up the artificial cock, which somehow rolled to the center of the bed. He held it with two fingers, as if afraid the thing could bite him. It seemed enormous and intimidating. A streak of pink substance had dried on its underside. Realization that no so long ago it was stuck inside his mouth made Kevin shudder with disgust.

He sighed dejectedly and looked around the room. The sunlight was seeping in through a gap between the curtains. The other side of bed was empty. 'JUN 11 2018' read green letters on the alarm clock display. 'I've been asleep for more than a day...'

As if suddenly remembering he left gas open Kevin darted out of the bed and through the door. He swished through the study not paying attention to Hannah saying 'Hi'.

With wide eyes Kevin stared at the mirror in the bathroom. Gorgeous, though a bit frightened blonde woman looked back at him. Her full, wide lips were slightly parted showing surprise. Her cute upturned nose flared as if she had just stopped after running.

Kevin blinked. The girl batted her long, curved eyelashes seductively. Her azure eyes were staring at Kevin questioningly.

Kevin raised his hand. The girl shoved a long strand of golden hair behind her ear. She slowly shook her head with expression of disbelief painted on innocent face. Kevin felt something tickled his shoulders.

The girl's hand touched her flat chest. She gave a sigh of relief.

'Disappointed, Kev ?', Hannah stood beaming in the doorway, leaning her shoulder against the frame, 'they might still grow, you know.'

Kevin turned towards her, his pale face becoming even paler.

'I'm gonna be sick', he whispered in sultry soprano.

Hannah caught him just in time. For a long moment, she held him tight stroking his head.

'Easy, honey, easy. It's gonna be ok', she whispered.

Kevin looked up at her. She was four or five inches taller than him.

'I'm wearing high heels, babe', she responded to his unspoken question.

Kevin rested his head on her shoulder and gave a girly sigh. She kissed his temple and continued to stroke his hair.

'You need to dress, honey, or you're going to catch a cold'.

They sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. Kevin regained his composure somewhat, though he remained silent. He sat with his eyes downcast, staring at his dainty nylon-clad feet. His delicate fingers holding the cup looked as if carved from ivory. The world seemed bigger and intimidating.

He wore the same shorts Hannah gave him two days ago and a loose, cotton shirt. His clothes no longer fit him, which only added to his misery.

Kevin raised the cup to sip some coffee. His lips felt the texture of the warm porcelain with perfect clarity. Every imperfection, every tiny bump was accounted for. The coffee itself had never tasted so good. He had an impression that with enough concentration he'd be able to differentiate between particles of milk and coffee on his tongue. It was as if nerve endings multiplied all over his body during the last two days. He was sure he'd be able to count the threads of cotton touching his ass cheeks without even getting up.

Hannah finished her coffee and put the cup into the dishwasher.

'I'll be back in three or four hours, hon', she said, 'Gotta stop by the office and buy some groceries on the way back'.

'OK', Kevin replied silently. His new voice sounded alien to him, as if someone else spoke on his behalf.

'Go over the recordings again, maybe you'll spot something new'.

When Hannah left, Kevin got up and headed upstairs. He stood in front of the mirror and apprehensively removed his clothes.

His eyes followed the curves of his new body moving from neck down. He was a woman now, there could be no denying it. Delicate neck, slim tummy, wide hips, long, sexy legs were all explicitly feminine. Only his flat chest and obscenely hairless crotch broke the perfect image.

Kevin's sight stopped for a longer while on the lacy belt wrapped around his hips. He traced down the garters to the tops of his stockings. He could feel the other set of garters stretched on his ass cheeks. He hated to admit it, but his legs looked stunning in stockings. The bright light shimmered on their surface, giving them extremely feminine, sexy look. However something seemed to be missing.

As if under a spell Kevin left the bathroom. He returned after a while and sat on the edge of bathtub holding the pair of blue pumps. The straps locked with loud click around his ankles.

Kevin stood up carefully. The soft insides of the pumps felt luxurious on his soles through the nylon. With careful, wobbly steps he approached the mirror, his heels clicking slowly. He wondered how women could spend whole day in high heels.

A delicate outline of blue leather framed his dainty, arched feet. He slowly turned around and looked back. The four inch spiky heels were making his legs seem to reach all the way to his neck. The cute bows would surely draw attention to his ankles if he ever dared to show in public wearing such shoes.

Feeling his manhood becoming erect, Kevin returned to the bathtub. 'I want my body back', he thought with grim determination. When he reached down to unlock the straps his fingers met resistance. He pulled as hard as he could, but the clasps held fast.

With panic in his eyes Kevin struggled for a good minute with the straps. 'This isn't happening', whined panicked girly voice.

When Hannah got back home Kevin was sitting in the kitchen, staring intently at his fingernails.

'If you're looking for nail polish, I've got several bottles in the bathroom', she giggled.

'They just grew back', Kevin whispered hollowly, ignoring her remark.

Hannah put down the shopping bags and sat beside him. She noticed scissors laying on tabletop.

'What have you tried to do Kevin ?'

'I was watching the tapes, but it was next to impossible to operate remote with these nails', he complained, flashing his nearly half an inch long fingernails, 'so I tried to cut them', he paused, shaking his golden mane, 'but they just grew back'.

Hannah looked at Kevin with disbelief. She picked up the scissors and cut off the fingernail on his index finger. They sat in silence with eyes transfixed on the tip of Kevin's slender finger. After about a quarter the nail looked as if it had never been cut.

'This is spooky, Hannah', Kevin whined stomping his feet, 'I want my body back!'

With a widening smile on her face Hannah peeked under the table.

'Why are you wearing heels, Kev', she asked grinning.

Kevin felt his cheeks warming up. He cast down his eyes, wishing a hole would open beneath him and swallow him whole.

'It's not...', he stuttered blushing heavily, 'I just...'

Hannah grabbed his hand and lifted his chin with her finger. 'Hon, if you want to wear high heels, it's fine with me'.

'I don't! I just can't take them off!', he shouted desperately.

'Kevin, I worn these shoes. You just have to pull on the strap around the clasp'.

'Look!', Kevin lifted his foot and yanked the strap, 'it's stuck!'

'That's strange', Hannah seemed genuinely surprised, 'Let me try'.

She squatted in front of Kevin and effortlessly unlocked the straps.

'I don't understand', Kevin's lovely face uttered absolute cluelessness.

'Neither do I', Hannah said thoughtfully, 'Neither do I'.

'Anyway', she begun changing the topic, 'I've got good news. I called GeneSIS from the office. At first, they tried to get rid of me, but after mentioning Project Phoenix, and a certain known reporter turning into a hot chick, they said they'd get back to me. After five minutes I got a call from Elisabeth Thorn', Hannah paused for effect, 'we're meeting her tomorrow'.

'Our plane leaves at 11pm, honey, that leaves us with six hours to get ready'.

Kevin was starving, so Hannah decided a quick dinner was in order first. They settled for beef steaks with french fries. While she bustled around preparing the meal, Kevin sat at the table pondering something. To keep his mind off any crazy ideas, Hannah had him set the table.

During the meal Kevin was beaming. Thinking loudly, he was planning his interview with Elisabeth Thorn. Why were they producing kinky stuff that made gender change possible? Why in such quantities? What was all the exquisite lingerie for ? What was the government's role in this all ? Hannah ate in silence, mumbling 'yes, we should ask this' or 'sure, honey, that seems important' from time to time.

Once the dishes were in the washer they went upstairs. Hannah went to take a shower while Kevin returned to the study. Cursing his long fingernails he was scrutinizing the recordings again. All he found were the same all questions.

Hannah joined him in front of the TV creaming her legs. 'Found anything ?'

'Nothing. Same old stuff. Some new questions. For example, what happen to one third of my body mass ? It couldn't have just disappeared. Even though we know what those things do, I've no idea how', he looked at her trying to look thoughtful, 'And I see no connection between the last two rooms and the ones we visited first.'

Hannah put down the cream tube. 'There is a connection. Pass the remote, Kev.'

Hannah quickly found the recording of the high-heel room. 'Look at these shoes'. She was zooming and pausing the picture on various conveyor belts. 'Pumps. Sandals. Sling backs. All with stiletto heels. All four or five inches high. All sexy and extremely feminine with these cute additions. There are no platforms or mules. Nothing casual, nothing predatory.' She paused looking for comprehension on Kevin's face. Finding none, Hannah asked 'How did you feel in one of those Kevin ?'

'I don't know... strange?' he replied uncertainly.

'You mean fragile and insecure ?'

Kevin didn't answer, avoiding Hanna's eyes.

'Feminine and sexy ?'

Kevin shifted uncomfortably. 'Yes, yes. Let's talk about something else, ok ?'

'That's what I thought, Kev.' Next she found the lingerie room.

'Look at those. Corsets, bustiers, bras, baby dolls... hell, I don't even know what this is. Anyway, all with double D cups if I'm not mistaken. All sexy and radiating femininity like a supernova.' She paused on a picture of a lavender bra made of nylon and lace. The cups were made of transparent nylon decorated with a beautiful floral design. Though the cups were designed to cover most of the breasts, a lot of flesh would show through the spots where nylon wasn't covered with embroidery.

'How do you think you would feel in this bra?'

Kevin looked at his flat chest with widening eyes. 'Um...'.

'Exactly, honey', Hannah giggled. 'Do you see the connection ?'

Kevin still looked clueless.

'Kev, this shoes, lingerie, and the rest are not being made for women. And I'm sure what we saw was only the tip of the iceberg'.

Kevin sat staring at the bra on the screen. 'I'm going to dress up. Stop staring Kev, or you may grow a pair titties to fill those cups.' Hannah left giggling.

Kevin didn't know what to think. Hanna's conclusions were logical, but the whole idea simply didn't make sense. 'Well', he thought, 'tomorrow we'll find out'.

'Honey, take a shower, time to dress!', Hannah called out from the bedroom.

Kevin switched off the TV and went to the bedroom. Hannah was sitting at the vanity table putting on makeup. She wore only a bra and thong.

'And how do I shower in stockings?'

'Take them off', Hannah turned to face him.

'I'm stuck in them, in case you forgot'.

'I don't think you are anymore, their job is done.'

Kevin fiddled for a moment with a garter and managed to unclasp it. He looked at Hannah surprised.

'Why didn't you tell me earlier ?'

'I thought you'd figure this out babe', she paused looking at his crotch, 'besides you seemed to quite enjoy wearing them.'

Kevin sat on the edge of bed struggling with the remaining garters, his face blushing again. Having finished, he looked at his bare legs with relief.

'There's something wrong with me', he begun as if talking to himself, 'every time I should be pissed, I get embarrassed'.

Hannah giggled and put down lipstick tube. 'You've no idea how cute all this blushing makes you look, Kev'.

Kevin didn't answer. He left for the bedroom blushing.

He returned from the bathroom in much better mood. The hot, refreshing shower relaxed him somewhat and took away much of his earlier uneasiness. Hannah, already dressed, was going through her drawers selecting lingerie. She wore the same outfit she had had on in the morning, which gave Kevin opportunity to relax even more. He laid on the bed, head rested on his palm, ogling Hanna's ass cheeks undulating under the tight skirt as she stooped to reach the lower drawers.

'You're gonna change into these, babe?', he grinned at her, nodding his head towards the tidy line of garments resting on the bed.

'No. You are Kev. And on the double. There's not much time left and we still have to make you up.'

Kevin jumped off the bed as if it started burning and looked at the garments. Red satin panties, red garter belt, sheer tan stockings, white slip, green pleated skirt and green turtle-neck laid neatly arranged on the bed.

'What are you waiting for Kev', Hannah looked at him seriously, a pair of green, high heeled sandals dangling from her finger, 'panties go first'.

Kevin raised his palms in a defensive gesture and took two steps back.

'No way I'm putting these on! And no makeup!', he exclaimed shaking his head vigorously.

'Sorry, babe', Hannah burst out with laughter, 'but I couldn't help myself.'

She sat on the edge of bed laughing uncontrollably, her eyes welling with tears. 'You're so sweet I already miss you'.

Chapter 4.

The darkness outside was a gift from heavens. It made Kevin feel partially invisible, hidden from lustful glances of men and jealous stares of women. Ten minutes ago, while they were waiting at an intersection, a red cabriolet stopped by on the next lane. Two guys, two girls, kissing, fondling and groping each other. One of them spotted Kevin and seconds later he became the center of their attention. The men were shouting something at him, while the girls were just glazing him with eyes full of hatred, whispering something to each other. As they were burning rubber on their way out, one of the girls turned towards Kevin and showed him the middle finger.

'Step on it, pal' was the phrase dangling on the tip of Kevin's tongue most of the time. The taxi trudged through deserted suburbs with a snail pace. He wanted the whole affair to be over already. The unwanted attention he was getting from the driver, only increased Kevin's discomfort. Several times he caught the young man's eyes in the rear view mirror, crawling all over him. So he kept squirming under the man's gaze, finally fixating his eyes on the tips of his Nikes.

Hannah was having fun throughout their trip at Kevin's expense. Her palm was over her mouth all the time. Her little prank didn't work of course. Unable to squeeze Kevin into a skirt and high heels, she gave him her track suit. Nikes, baggy pants and a loose jacket. Nevertheless Kevin's squirming and blushing kept her giggling mentally all the way to the airport.

'Uh, why are we turning ? The domestic terminal is straight ahead.'

'And how would we smuggle you on board of a regular plane ?', Hannah whispered, 'We're getting a hitch ride'.

The taxi stopped in front of a security gate and Hannah approached the gatehouse. After a brief conversation, she flashed her badge at the guy behind the glass and the gate lifted, letting them through.

They stopped a hundred or so yards from a small two engine jet, the kind bigwigs use in Hollywood flicks. Kevin got out first, while Hannah waited for her credit card to clear.

'Uh, excuse me, miss ?'

'Honey!', Hannah called out, 'I think the gentleman wants a word with you.'

Kevin apprehensively turned back.

'Err, I was wondering, uh, if we could hang out together some time later this week, uh, maybe?'

Kevin froze with mouth slightly parted, unable to utter a word. After a long moment of awkward silence, Hannah decided to come to his rescue.

'She's not been feeling good the last few days', she winked at the driver knowingly, 'you know, girl stuff. However, if you leave us your number, I'm sure Kelly will call you.'

'Kelly ?! Girl stuff ?! What the fuck are you doing Hannah ?! What do you need his number for ?!'

Kevin stood with hands on his hips, his right foot tapping on the asphalt, with face resembling a ripe cherry.

'You're precious, honey', Hannah was shaking with laughter, 'You're even cuter when you're pissed'.

Kevin turned on his heel and set off towards the plane. Hannah followed behind, trying to contain the spasms of laughter.

'Err..', he slowed down, then stopped, 'why is there a GeneSIS logo on this plane ? What's going on here'.

'They offered a ride and I accepted. Unless you feel like driving all the way to California, we should hurry'.

'I don't like it, Hannah. If there's at least one guy on this plane, I'm going by bus.'

'Welcome aboard ladies.' The gorgeous face beaming at them made Kevin abandon his reservations.

The stewardess looked to be in her early twenties. Raven, shoulder length hair framed the most beautiful face he'd ever seen. Enormous, emerald eyes, delicate nose, and soft pale skin looked as if taken right off a cover of Galmour. Her full, red lips dazzled in the bright light, as if demanding a kiss. And kissing wasn't the only thing crossing Kevin's mind while he looked at them.

'Will you follow me, please ?'

'Stop staring, Kevin', Hannah hissed into his ear, 'you're spooking the girl'.

'Yeah, yeah', he muttered inwardly, with eyes glued to the stewardess' ass. Her ass cheeks undulating under the navy blue skirt had hypnotizing effect on him. It looked like the tight garment could tear apart at any moment. Her legs encased in sheer tan nylon shimmered as she walked, also demanding attention. Kevin's eyes roamed between the two trying to decide which to ogle.

'Please sit down and fasten your seat belts. We'll be taking off in ten minutes.'

They were led into a small compartment with three rows of double seats on each side and an aisle in the middle. Kevin and Hannah took two neighboring seats. The stewardess checked Hanna's seatbelt, then proceeded to check Kevin's. He was sitting by the window, which forced the girl to bow to reach his belt. She wore a white taffeta blouse with the two top buttons unclasped. Her ample cleavage beaconed to Kevin through the gap, drawing his eyes like a gigawatt electromagnet. The delicate material stretched over the girl's breasts accentuated their size. He wondered if he'd be able to fully cover one, if he used both hands.

Kevin gasped when the stewardess yanked on his belt. 'There you go miss.'

'Stop being such an asshole, Kev', Hannah whispered when the girl left, 'You made her blush'.

'Sorry babe, I just... just couldn't help it. Must be her perfume.'

'Kevin, she's wearing 'La Puceau Fleurir'.

'Can you write it down ? I'm gonna buy you a flask as soon as this mess is over.'

'You bought me one two months ago. Start using the nose on your face, not the other one.'

Kevin was sure Hannah was wrong. The perfume he'd bought her smelled nice, but the girl's scent was something completely different. It was strong, intoxicating. When she was around, Kevin felt compulsion to look at her, to touch her, to do things to her.

They felt a strong tug of acceleration as the plane sped up. Kevin ignored the increasing pressure on his eardrums. He sat with eyes closed, recalling the stewardess red fingernails reaching for his belt. And wishing she'd reached just a bit below the belt.

'Please follow me to the leisure lounge', there she was again. Her navy blue jacket was now buttoned, emphasizing her hourglass figure. A silver name plaque resting over girl's right breast gave Kevin another excuse for a closer look. 'AMANDA' read pink capital letters.

They were led through a small utility area into a large luxurious room which took most of the plane's interior.

'Please, make yourselves comfortable. May I offer you anything to drink ?' she flashed her teeth at them. Kevin noticed a blue choker locked around her delicate neck. It was about an inch wide, made of velvet or similar material that matched her jacket and skirt, with thin lacy trim on both edges. Kevin wondered if she had to take the band off to swallow.

They ordered double scotch and red wine.

'Look at this!', exclaimed Kevin when the girl left, 'What do you think?'

'Reeks of money', Hannah looked around the interior clearly impressed.

They were standing on a dark red carpet which felt like a quilt under their feet. The walls and ceiling were covered with dark mahogany tiles. On their right, a long table with four chairs on both sides was attached to the floor. Slightly angled LCD displays emerged from the table's surface in front of each chair.

The back of the room must have been the actual leisure lounge. Four dark brown leather armchairs stood facing a low, circular mahogany table. The dim, yellow light from two rows lamps mounted along the walls on either side of the room, gave it a cozy, almost bedroom-like feeling.

'I hate to admit it, but I like their hospitality', said Kevin sprawling in an armchair. Hannah took a seat opposite from him.

'What do you think these are for ?' he asked looking down.

Red, rectangular pillows, were set into the carpet in front of each armchair. Each had two circular depressions in its middle, about a foot apart. Kevin reached down to touch one. The velvet-like surface yielded somewhat under his palm. It felt exactly like a cushion.

Before Hannah had a chance to say anything, Amanda entered the room pushing a cart. When she was placing their drinks on the table Kevin couldn't help himself again. He'd never seen breasts this big on a body that slim. Well, actually he had, in porn. However those had all been implants, and he was sure beyond any doubt that Amanda sported a set of natural titties.

Their eyes met when she was raising. She was blushing slightly, obviously due to his attention.

'If there's anything', she put the emphasis on anything, 'I can do for you, please call me. There's a button on side of each armrest'.

'Uh, Amanda', can you tell us what these are for ?', Kevin pointed at the red pillow in front of his armchair.

The girl froze for a moment, then made a motion with her lips women do when they're applying lipstick. She nervously brushed her hair to the side revealing a large golden, circle piercing her ear.

'Would you like me to demonstrate, miss ?', she asked quietly.

'No thank you, Amanda', Hannah interfered, 'I'll explain to my companion how to use a feet comforter'.

Amanda curtseyed and turned back. Kevin watched her navy-blue stilettos gracefully tracing nearly a straight line towards the door.

He realized there was something odd about the girl. She moved with a grace of a go-go dancer, but her innocent, pretty face belong in a Catholic school rather than a night club. Her body language conveyed one message: 'use me', yet her blushing and small, defensive gestures contradicted it.

'Kev, why are you playing with your hair ?', Hannah was smiling smugly.

'What', he released a blonde strand from between his fingers, '... I dunno'.

Hannah giggled.

'What ?'

'Nothing honey. Drink your scotch and get some sleep. We need you rested for tomorrow'.

Kevin's mind was too occupied with Amanda, to wonder who's 'we'. He closed his eyes and took a sip of Scotch. There was something familiar about the girl. It felt as if he'd seen somewhere, just couldn't remember where.

He took another sip. The alcohol didn't taste good, actually it was burning the sensitive insides of his mouth. Kevin cursed his altered body and started recalling the past few weeks of his life. The people he'd met, the places he'd been to, he looked for Amanda's face everywhere. But she was nowhere to be found. He felt asleep with the image of her smile burned into his mind.

'Wake up sleepy head', Hannah shook his arm, 'we're about to land.'

Kevin opened his eyes and blinked several times. Amanda was standing by the door, legs pressed together, hands behind her back, breasts pointing proudly on her chest.

Kevin yawned and pushed away several loose locks of his golden mane. Despite spending the night in sitting position he felt wonderfully rested.

'Come on, it's time to go', Hannah was already on her way to the door.

When he passed Amanda their eyes connected. This time, he didn't find shyness or timidity in her sight, there was something else there. A pity ? Sympathy ? He wasn't sure.

The landing was positively uneventful. When the airlock opened Kevin had to shield his eyes with his palm. The bright, morning sun blinded his eyes accustomed to the plane's dim interior.

'I hope your flight was a pleasant one', Amanda sent a tentative smile more towards Kevin than Hannah, 'Take care'.

'Uh, I hope to see you again, Amanda'.

'Take care of yourself.' The smile evaporated from the lovely face, she was looking at him with a serious, solicitous expression.

California. A wave of hot air hit Kevin the moment he stepped out of the plane. One hand on the railing, the other above his eyes, he carefully went down the steps to the hot asphalt below.

'Come on', Hannah set off first towards the black limo waiting for them. When they got near, the front doors opened and two women emerged from inside. Both had blonde hair tied into ponytails, black jackets and black pants. Their black stiletto heels clicked with confidence as they approached towards the back of the limo.

'Good morning, miss. Please take your seat', the one on the left said opening the passenger door for him. She was at least six inches taller than Kevin on her heels. The way she looked at him when he passed by made Kevin' knees shudder underneath. He got into the limo with his back first, and sat stiffly placing palms no his knees. When the door shut he almost jumped.

'Something wrong, honey ?'

'These women creep me out!', he hissed.

'Relax, Kev. We're about to meet their boss, so you better pull yourself together.'

Kevin sighed and leaned against the backseat. She was right, no need to panic. In few hours he would have his body back. Or at least the knowledge on how to regain it.

He looked around the insides limo. Sunlight seeping in through the windows created soothing, cozy atmosphere within the coffee-and-milk colored interior. The walls must have been soundproofed because not a single sound could be heard from outside.

They were sitting on a soft, leather couch-like seat taking the entire width of the car. It was wide enough for three people to comfortably sit side by side.

Around eight feet in front of them a flat panel screen was mounted on the wall. Like the seats, it took the entire width of the limo. A double door below the screen probably hid a cocktail cabinet.

'Wonder if there's anything to eat in there. I'm starving.' Kevin got up and opened the cabinet. There were only bottles of liquor and wine inside. Pouting his lips with disappointment he returned to his seat, and took interest in a control panel over his head.

It had fifteen or so switches, some with obvious labels, some with quite mysterious ones. Keeping away from the button marked with a speaker, which he assumed, could be used to call the driver, he pressed the one with a screen picture beside it. The screen lit up and after a moment GeneSIS logo appeared and the black background.

'Gee, I hoped we could watch some news'.

'Kev, stop playing with the buttons or you'll break something. Better start thinking how you'll handle Elisabeth Thorn'.

Ignoring her, he pressed a button labeled with a bracelet or choker, he wasn't sure. Something clicked audibly on the other side of compartment, making Hannah jump. 'CLICK', Kevin pressed the button again. This time, he was able to identify a source, or rather sources of the sound. An inch wide, now closed, ring was built into the floor near Hanna's feet. He pressed the button again and the ring snapped opened. Two additional clicks sounded from somewhere behind Hanna's back.

She turned back looking for the source of the sound. Two four inch chains hung in narrow recesses on the backseat, one on the neck height, the other several inches above the seat. She picked the higher chain. A tiny, thin cylinder quarter of an inch long dangled on its end. When the button was pressed the upper part of the cylinder flared, forming a sharp cone. The next push made the cone shrink with a clicking sound.

'Hmm, they look like parts of some restraint', Hanna's fingers touched the cylinder.

'You think they use limousines to transport prisoners?'.

'Don't know, Kev. But it's the only explanation that makes sense to me'.

'Let's see what the other buttons do'.

He pressed one with a red heart symbol next to it. Nothing happened. He tried another button, with an upside down heart. Nothing again. When the choker button was pressed the locks clicked open. 'Hmm, strange, this one still works'. He tried the heart button again. This time the seat started extending towards the screen, making Hannah tumble to the floor. It stopped when roughly two feet of space were left between its edge and the wall.

'Er, you see what I'm seeing ?'

Hannah scrambled back onto the seat looking at Kevin sternly. 'Yes, it looks like a bed Kev'.

When Kevin tried to shinny back to reach the panel, his buttock brushed against something hard. A shiny, curved metal band extended three inches above the seat. Identical item stuck out near the backrest.

He yanked on the one by the edge, and an open metal shackle with four inches of thin chain emerged from a slit in the seat. The bands were about two inches wide, with rounded edges. A soft, red fabric that felt like velvet lined the insides. He clicked it shut, and the bands formed a slightly flattened circle.

'They must be for ankles, Kev. For female ankles judging by the diameter. And look what I found'. She was holding familiar looking chain with the cone lock on its end. It disappeared exactly in the middle of the seat on Hannah side.

'So, if we had a girl with the right kind of choker on, and we attached this chain to the back of her choker, then snapped these bands around her ankles, well... she'd found herself in a very vulnerable position.' Hannah paused for a moment and giggled. 'Wanna try them on, Kev ?'

Kevin was running his finger on the fabric lining the inside of the shackle, looking absent. He didn't reply.

'Kev, are you there ?!'

'What ?', he lifted his head, revealing a slightly flushing face.

'I asked if you wanted to try them on', Hannah repeated with a grin.

'No, thank you', there was a tint of tenseness in the sexy soprano, 'I've seen enough'.

When he pressed the button again, the restraints and chain retraced back into the seat, which returned to it original position. The slit was nearly impossible to spot when the shackle was inside.

'Just who are these people', Kevin asked looking at the logo on the screen, 'What does it all mean ?'

Hannah moved closer to him and stroked his arm, 'Soon you'll have your answers'.

Kevin remained silent during the rest of their ride. He sat with his eyes shut, legs crossed, breathing deeply, his soft, pale cheeks were slightly flushing.

He opened his eyes when the car slowed down and sharply turned right. The lighting inside turned on as they drove into an underground garage. After a turn left the car stopped for a moment then turned right. After a moment they stopped again, this time for a minute or so.

When they begun rolling again, the limo turned into a downwards winding driveway. Bright fluorescent lights flashed outside the windows in even intervals. They were descending for five or six minutes before reaching a level surface. A moment later the limousine stopped.

Kevin tried to open the door but it was locked. After a while it was opened from outside and a stern female voice ordered them to follow.

The car was parked in a big, brightly lit underground garage, with at least ten other identical limousines. White markings on the floor showed the way to elevator.

Three pairs of high heels echoed from the distant walls as they were led towards the elevator. One of the blondes walked in front of them, the other behind. 'Fairer sex' definitely didn't fit their image. They moved with a grace of wild cats on the prowl, ready to jump at an invisible prey at any time. Kevin thought he could see muscles thick as his arm straining on the thighs of the escort in front of him. Still not used to his new height, he cringed inside, feeling very small behind the tall Amazon in front of him.

When they reached the elevator, the woman in front slid her wrist against a featureless panel by the door, and they swung open. 'Level forty, please', she said once everyone was in the elevator. The door closed with a ding and the lift started ascending.

Throughout the ride, Kevin felt two pairs of eyes boring into his back. He stood stiffly, fighting the urge to turn back. When door dinged open he almost sighed with relief.

'Use the door in front, please', one of the Amazons said as Kevin and Hannah exited the lift. He turned back to see a smirking face disappearing in a shrinking gap of the closing door.

They were in a square room with two lift doors. The one they'd just exited was labeled 'Service Lift', the other had no label. Opposite from them there was a wall made of opaque white glass.

'Come on, Kev', Hannah took his hand and pulled him forward. When they got within six feet of the wall, a crack appeared in the middle and started widening rapidly, forming a door. They went through the opening into reception area.

'Where the hell do they recruit these beautiful girls?', Kevin thought looking at the receptionist. Brown, slightly curling hair framed a stunning, innocent face, in some way resembling Amanda's. She wore an unbuttoned gray business jacket and a filmy white shirt. Hannah approached the girl dragging Kevin behind.

'Good morning ladies, what can I do for you', asked the bright red, glossy lips. Kevin was sure, that if he stood at the right angle, he'd be able to see his reflection on the girl's lipstick. His sight traveled downwards. The flimsy shirt looked at least a size too small to contain her massive breasts. The taut fabric formed gaps between the buttons, which looked imminent to tear off flying in all directions, at any too sudden movement. Underneath the blouse a white, decorated bra could be clearly seen. The embroidery twined around the massive globes avoiding the spots near the peaks of girl's breasts. Within the circles of shiny, opaque fabric, two bean-sized nipples stood out proudly erect. Kevin would probably have a boner by now, if his mind wasn't occupied with the approaching meeting.

'Hello Lauren. Ms. Thorn is expecting us.'

She glanced briefly at Kevin blushing heavily, then turned to Hannah. 'I'll see if she's available, Ms. Fox.'

The receptionist tiptoed, turning towards the communication panel on her left. Her desk was made of transparent glass resembling a 'C' letter with its belly pointing up. On her right a flat screen monitor with GeneSIS logo stood on the desk. Below the monitor black outlines of keys were printed on the desk.

The girl was sitting on what must have been a bar stool, or something similar. It was impossible to tell, because only a part the arm thick silver pole which disappeared under her skirt could be seen. The loose gray skirt rested on her knees in front, and wrapped around the pole in the back.

'Ms. Thorn will see you in a moment', she said putting down the receiver, 'Please make yourselves comfortable'.

'Thank you, Lauren'.

They sat on a leather couch in the corner of the room. Kevin was gathering his thoughts before the imminent confrontation. He decided that regaining his body had a priority over the Project Phoenix, and started planning his moves accordingly. Soft wet sounds, resembling someone slowly kneading moist dough, coming from the direction of the glass desk broke his concentration.

In the corner of his eye he could see the receptionist working. Actually, trying to work would be more appropriate expression, as Lauren seemed to be greatly distracted. Her red fingernails made frequent pauses over the keyboard. Her cute, tiny nostrils flared with each uneven breath. Two deep, three short, another deep, then two short again. Her face was still flushed, her lips slightly parted. The fronts of her black strap-on pumps were pressed hardly against the floor, while the heels remained and inch or two above the carpet. Kevin thought he could see muscles bulging on the sides of her tan, shimmering calves she kept at least a foot apart.

When Lauren noticed him staring, she pressed her nylon clad calves firmly together, leveled her shoes, and nervously tugged on the hem of her skirt, trying to pull it down over her knees. Her gaze returned to the monitor and she started typing awkwardly.

She shuddered when the comm panel beeped. She swallowed, took a deep breath and tiptoed turning her seat towards the other side of the desk.

'You may go in', she said pointing the only door in the room, her voice quivering slightly, 'Ms. Thorn is waiting.'

They entered the lioness den. Kevin felt extremely small in the spacious chamber. An enormous window on the opposite side of the room provided a splendid overview of the bay. The wall on the right was lined with bookshelves full of thick, ancient looking tomes. Two chandeliers hung from the ceiling casting triangular shadows on the wall behind their backs. Kevin's eyes turned towards an oak desk positioned in the corner of the room to his right, by the widow. An elegant brunette looking to be in her early forties sat behind it smiling towards them.

Hannah took his hand and led him towards the desk. Her pumps slowly clicked on the wooden tiles, which formed an intricate pattern of squares and rectangles. Kevin's heart pounded wildly in his chest in anticipation of what was to come.

Elisabeth Thorn emerged from behind her desk and walked towards them. She wore a dark green business suit, matching pumps, and a lavender blouse. She extended her hand towards Hannah flashing a cordial smile.

'It's good to see you again, Hannah. I knew you'd make the right decision'.

Hannah shook the extended hand.

'Here he is Elisabeth. Kevin Barnett himself. Actually not entirely himself.' she giggled moving away a few steps from Kevin.

Ms. Thorn circled him slowly with a serious expression on her face.

'What's going on in here ?!', Kevin inquired in tense soprano.

'Now, look at you Mr. Barnett. I see you've been trying some of my toys on ?'

Kevin looked accusingly at Hannah. 'Hannah, what does it all mean ?!'

'I'm sorry Kev', she lowered her head.

Elisabeth Thorn stopped in front of Kevin and put her index finger under his chin.

'You turned out quite good. However a few finishing touches are in order'.

Her face was so close to his that Kevin could smell her lipstick. With a fierce expression on his face Kevin shoved away her hand, then pushed her away. Ms. Thorn stumbled, taking a few steps back.
Kevin stepped forward pointing a finger at her chest.

'You won't be finishing anything! First you will give me my body back! Then we'll have a long conversation on Project Phoenix and the sick things you do down in your filthy bunkers.'

He took another step forward, and looked up into her eyes.

'And when the shit hits the fan, I'll make sure you're nearby to catch a lot of it on your fat tits'.

Their eyes remained locked for a long moment waging a battle.

'Feisty little thing, aren't you?', she hissed into his face, 'So confident, so arrogant. So... masculine'. She pronounced the last word with emphasized disgust.

She turned back and approached her desk. Leaning against the top she picked up a handset. 'Lauren ? Lauren, stop panting and listen to me. Tell Nina, Miss Barnett is ready for them.'

She put down the handset and approached Kevin. Her hands locked around his face in vice like grip, tilting his head so he looked at her face. Kevin gabbed her wrists trying to pull her hands away, but all he managed to accomplish was a demonstration of his helplessness.

'We will extract this masculinity from you', she begun quietly with a deadly serious expression on her face, 'slowly, little piece by little piece. Then we will shatter every single piece right before your eyes, until the only thing left in there is a meek, submissive girl'. She paused inching her face towards his. 'And I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm as this happens'.

'Take her away', she pushed him back.

Kevin took a few wobbly steps back, bumping into someone. He turned back to find a Amazon from the limo looking at him sternly. The other one stood nearby holding some shiny things in her hands.

'Undress.' Nina barked at him.

Kevin raised his arm to push her away, but his wrist was intercepted with a lightning fast movement of her arm. Several things happened before he finished shouting 'Let go, bitch'. His left hand was twisted to the side and up, while his shoulder was pushed down. Kevin found himself staring at his captor's crotch. She took a step forward and straddled his head, then squeezed her thighs around his neck. He found himself in a very humiliating position, looking the backs of her high heels.

With his free hand Kevin tried to loosen her grip and wiggle his head free, but his struggle turned as successful as trying to push away a horse with hands alone.

Meanwhile the other woman approached his side holding a strappy harness. She grabbed his free hand and pulled it up.

'Hold this one as well and keep his head immobile',

She kneeled beside his head holding a panel penis gag in her hand. The two inch long cock hung down limply, bobbing to the sides as she moved her hand.

'Open wide', she ordered.

With horrified eyes he shut his mouth firmly and tried to turn his head away.

'Well, we'll do it the hard way then', she said pinching his nose.

Kevin tried to shake her fingers off, but the muscular thighs held him in a vice like grip. The futile struggle only depleted his air reserves. After a while he had to open his mouth to take a breath.

That's what she'd been waiting for. In one swift move she shoved the flaccid cock home, and pulled the straps around his face then under his hair. The rubber-like material of the gag clung to Kevin's face enveloping his jaw all the way up to the nose. She clicked the strap shut and picked another one dangling below Kevin's nose. It consisted of two thin bands of black plastic connecting over Kevin's nose into a single band which run across his forehead and scalp to the lock on the back of his head. After it clicked shut the straps and the rubbery material started tightening around his head and face adjusting to his head.

'Now listen to me carefully sweetheart. Our gags are just like the real thing, they like the warmth and moistness in your mouth. Tease the cock with your tongue and it will get hard, tease it too much, and it will send a nasty surprise down your throat. If this happens, try not to vomit. Try to bite it, and you'll be swallowing what it's got to offer you for ten minutes.'

She got up and straightened her pants. 'Now Nina will free your head. No sudden moves, no struggling, and you're gonna be fine. If you cooperated since the beginning we wouldn't have to gag you.'

Kevin sat on the floor and massaged his neck. He'd never felt this humiliated in his entire life. He tried prying his finger underneath the black material covering his face, but it was a no-go. Then his fingers went looking for the lock on the back of his head, but all they found was a solid metal circle into which the three straps disappeared. There seemed to be no way to take the gag off.

'Get up'.

Kevin slowly rose to his feet feeling the soft penis shifting over his tongue. His cheeks and ears were burning with shame.

'Take off your jacket.'

Kevin unzipped the jacket, took it off and dropped it on the floor. He kept his eyes down avoiding Hanna's gaze.

'Lift your shirt', ordered the woman who gagged him, approaching with a wide belt made of transparent plastic. Two metal shackles dangled on a short chain in its front.

'Inhale', she ordered holding the belt open around his waist. It was about three inches high with a metal lock on the back. When Kevin took a deep breath, she snapped the belt around his waist. It compressed his flesh tightly, digging at least an inch into his skin. The open shackles dangled in front brushing against his pelvis.

'You may let your shirt go.' The shirt dropped around his waist hiding the belt.

She picked the right manacle and held it open if front of Kevin, with expectant expression on her face. He looked down at the inch wide bands of steel. The insides were lined with red material, just like the ones in the limousine. Apprehensively he placed his wrist on the soft half-circle. It locked with a loud click around his wrist.

Elisabeth Thorn and Hannah watched Kevin's submission intently. Elisabeth with derisive smile, Hannah with slightly blushing cheeks.

'Well, well', Elisabeth mocked when the second manacle clicked shut, 'shove a cock between those smart lips and she becomes obedient all of sudden.'

Kevin felt his face becoming even hotter. The bands enveloped his wrists snugly, as if they had been made specially for him. He tried extending his arms, but the four inch chain connecting the restraints to a metal buckle on his belt snapped pulling them back. With only two inches of chain between the manacles, his hands were totally out of commission.

'Sit down' ordered the blonde pointing at two armchairs in front of Elizabeth's desk. She picked another pair of shackles and a pair of high heeled shoes off the floor.

'May I do it ?'

Hannah retrieved the items from the woman and approached the armchair in which Kevin sat. She kissed his neck and squatted in front of Kevin. The restraints she carried were the same thing, they'd seen being tested during their visit to the facility.

Hannah took off his shoes and socks, then put his left foot on her knee. She picked up the restraints, slipped one half circle underneath Kevin's ankle, and carefully adjusted it making sure the swelling on the back was aligned properly. Looking into Kevin's eyes she slowly snapped it closed. She licked her lips, picked the other foot, and repeated the process.

The shackles imprisoning his feet were as snug as the ones on his wrists. They were connected by a chain roughly a foot long, which would seriously hamper Kevin's mobility.

'Point your toes down, honey', Hannah asked holding a black five inch pump in front of his right foot. Kevin reluctantly complied. Hannah slowly slipped the shoe onto his foot. A perfect fit again. She reached behind, and fiddled for a few seconds with the strap. The moment it clicked into a shackle, it started contracting, pulling the shoe against the sole of Kevin's heel.

The stiletto heel clicked on the floor when Kevin put his foot down. Hannah picked the other shoe and put it on, then helped Kevin up. He looked down at his feet with wide eyes.

'You'll have to get used to high heels', Elisabeth said as if she could read his mind. 'We have a very strict dress code where you're going'.

Hannah wrapped her arms around Kevin.

'Forgive me honey, but I had to do it.', she whispered into his ear. 'When we meet again you'll understand why. Remember I love you. And always will.'

She let him go, and planted a wet kiss on the black material covering his mouth. Kevin looked at her with mixture of humiliation and something else in his eyes. She expected hatred, but found none.

'That's enough lovebirds', said Nina approaching Kevin's side. She gripped his arm and pushed him towards the door. 'Swing those ass cheeks sweetie, we have a train to catch'.

Kevin sighed and set off towards the door. He walked carefully, looking at his feet, doing his best not to fall down, grateful for the support Nina's grip provided.

'Goodbye Miss Barnett. And good luck.'

Kevin didn't turn back. The door shut behind them, sealing any hope for regaining his male body within Elisabeth Thorn's study. His heart sunk lower with every clicking step he took. There was a glimmer of hope however. He recalled what Hannah said to him not so long ago. If it was possible to turn him into a woman, it had to be possible to reverse it. He just needed to find the way.

Kevin was too busy pondering his fate, to notice the show going on behind the receptionist's desk. Lauren wriggled in her seat with her head pulled back, eyes shut, mouth open in a silent scream. Her hands clutched the edge of the desk so hard, her fingers turned white. Tiny beads of perspiration glistened on her forehead. She wrapped her nylon clad legs around the metal pole disappearing under her skirt, sliding them slowly up and down along it. Her massive chest strained the material of her blouse dangerously with each quick breath.

Nina looked the receptionist and chuckled. 'Looks like Lauren went off again'.

The women led Kevin back to the service lift and requested 'Tram Level'. Two minutes later the door opened and Kevin was led onto a long platform. The platform ran along the wall of a long tunnel looking like a subway station. There was a wide gap between the platform and the opposite wall, hiding most likely some kind of tracks.

They walked along the platform towards a vehicle waiting at its other end. The vehicle resembled a short subway car with aerodynamic body. Its lower part disappeared into the gap between the platform and wall.

Kevin's heels clicked loudly on the platform's hard surface. Each step was accompanied with metallic clanking, some by a snapping sound. From the moment they entered elevator, he'd been resisting the urge to swallow. Unable to contain it any longer, he did it. His tongue pressed the flaccid cock against his palate, and brushed against its velvety underside as Kevin swallowed. With horror Kevin felt the penis moving a fraction of an inch up his tongue, swelling a bit.

'Hop in' said Nina's companion when they stopped in front of the car's open door.

Kevin carefully stepped over the edge between the platform and the car's floor, and looked around. He was standing in a small compartment with four doors including the one behind him. The door in front of him was locked. Darkness behind the two on his right and left effectively hid whatever was inside.

Nina approached the door on the left and it slid open for her. The ceiling mounted lamps lit up revealing two rows of double seats surrounding a narrow aisle.

'Move it' came the order from behind.

Inside Kevin was ordered to take a seat by the window on the left. He noticed a familiar looking five inch chain hanging above the seat, another one where his neck would rest, and an open ring on the floor.

'Bow down', Nina ordered. She stooped and reach behind him.

'Move back a little.'

Something clicked behind him.

'Feet together and up'.

She grabbed his ankles, moved them few inches to the left, then pulled them to the floor. He felt her tug on the chain connecting his shackles then heard a loud click.

'There you go, honey. Have a nice trip.' They both grinned at him and turned back to leave. They exited the carriage and waved at him through the window on the other side of the aisle returning down the platform.

Kevin tried to get up but the short chain connecting his belt to the seat pulled him back. He looked down at his restrained wrists. His fingers probed around the left shackle looking for a way to open it. The perfectly smooth surface was warped tightly around his skin. He was able to squeeze his fingernail underneath the surface, but nothing thicker would fit in there. The swelling on the inner part of his wrist had a tiny hole, probably for the key. However Kevin had nothing to insert inside.

He pulled up the legs of his trousers with his fingertips and looked down at his feet. They were held closely together by the taut chain passing through the ring on the floor. He wasn't able to lift either foot more than an inch off the floor. The decorated steel bands embracing his ankles looked more like jewelery than restraints.

His dainty feet were gracefully arched atop five inch stilettos. Two thin straps of black leather crossed over each foot ensuring he wouldn't be able to wiggle his toes out.

The lights dimmed then turned off as the car moved forward pulling him against the seat. Kevin's palms slid over his crotch feeling his rock hard penis underneath. His eyes slowly widened with surprise. Then a fit of panic hit him. He started trashing wildly against the seat in a desperate attempt to break free.

After a minute Kevin calmed down. All he managed to accomplish was arousing penis invading his mouth. It was now at least an inch thick, reaching the base of his tongue. The steel bands still held his limbs with soft, yet unyielding indifference. The belt around his waist squeezed his skin keeping him firmly in the seat. His heels were still five inches above the floor. His penis was still rock hard.

He felt completely helpless and humiliated. And he could understand why this was making him so aroused.

Kevin rested his head against the comfortable headrest and closed his eyes. He didn't know what laid at the end of the tracks, but he knew he had to escape. He wasn't sure he had enough willpower to resist the treatment Elisabeth Thorn promised him. But he had to. His mind cringed at the prospect of spending the rest of his life in female body.

Kevin opened his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, and made an inner vow to not give in without a fight.

Three months ago in GeneSIS head-office.

Hannah arrived half an hour early. A blonde woman dressed in black business suit escorted her to the reception room on the fortieth floor. She was asked to wait there.

She sat down on dark leather in the corner and gathered her thoughts. The unofficial investigation into Project Phoenix seemed like a waste of time. During the past two months she hadn't been able to uncover a single clue confirming the project's existence. Installations being built around the country could be anything, most likely military facilities. Hannah couldn't comprehend why her superiors thought there was a conspiracy behind them. She found nothing to confirm it and felt that she was pursuing a white rabbit.

Two days ago she'd got a call from Elisabeth Thorn. She somehow learned about Hanna's involvement in the unofficial investigation into the Project Phoenix and wanted to meet. Hannah accepted, hoping to find some answers finally. Deep inside she whished the project would prove to be just a hoax.

Hannah sighed and looked around. The most prominent feature in the room was huge GeneSIS logo taking most of the wall on her right. It contrasted sharply with the white paint on the walls.

The office was furnished in a very utilitarian way. Aside from the couch she was sitting on, and a low table in front of it, the only piece of furniture in the room was a transparent glass desk with a monitor and a comm panel. Behind the desk there was a very strange chair.

A seat resembling a horse saddle was mounted on five inch wide metal pole. The front part extended up to where the occupants waist would be. It flared sharply up, forming an inverted triangle. At its base, a fifteen or so inches long protrusion with rounded tip pointed at 30 degree angle down.

The back part also forming an inverted triangle laid parallel to the floor. Two straps of plastic curved up from its tips.

'What the hell', whispered Hannah getting up to take a better look.

From the base of the saddle an artificial penis obscenely pointed up. It was at least two inches in diameter and around seven inches long, curving slightly towards the front.

Hannah sat abruptly down when the door opened. Two women entered the room. The first one was nineteen or twenty. Long slightly curling auburn hair, beautiful innocent face, prominent DD sized chest. She wore black high heeled sling backs, sheer black hose, loose navy blue skirt dropping to her knees, a matching jacket, and a tight turtleneck. The woman who followed her looked like a twin of Hanna's earlier escort, except for ginger hair.

When the girl in front noticed Hannah she froze in place with shocked expression on her face.

'Move it Lauren', the redhead urged.

'But...', she begun nodding in Hanna's direction.

'Hop in your seat honey. If you ask nicely, I'm sure miss Fox will close her eyes'.

With her face looking like a ripe tomato, Lauren approached the seat and stopped before it hesitating.

'Do you need encouragement, Lauren?'

'Uh, no'.

She slowly dropped to her knees casting embarrassed glance towards Hannah. Apprehensively she extended her tongue and started licking along the penis length. The rubbery device bobbed to the sides escaping her, so she took the tip between her fingers to hold it in place. Tilting the cock to the sides, she slowly coated its entire surface with her saliva.

She stood up and with a heavy sigh reached underneath her skirt. Moments later she handed her red satin panties over the redhead. Hannah though she could see a dark, glistening spot on the crotch part of the garment.

Lauren gathered her skirt up revealing lacy red garters holding up her stockings. Pink bows attached to the garters' ends sparkled in unison with her moist labia.

She stepped over the seat and dropped down her skirt. Holding the edge of the glass desktop she started sitting down. After a few inches she stopped, closed her eyes, and swayed her hips back and forth. She took a deep breath, and biting on her lower lip she slowly continued down the penis.

Hannah watched this with wide eyes. The girl made frequent pauses, bucked her hips back and forth a few times, then took another inch into her ass. After two or three minutes the monster was inside her up to the hilt.

The redhead watching Laura's ordeal with a smirk picked up the hem of her skirt and ordered the girl to hold it up. She lifted the back part of the saddle and with a lot of pulling and pushing attached the curvy straps around Laura's hips to the front part. Each strap snapped home with a loud click.

When she was done, the saddle looked like a pair of tight panties with huge erection titled towards the floor.

'Comfy ?' asked the redhead with a smug smile. Laura let her skirt fall down and send an angry glance towards the redhead. 'Have fun sweetie', the redhead said leaving the room.

Laura sat frozen in her kinky chair as if she was waiting for something, her eyes locked on the wall in front of her.

'Ahhhh!', she squealed clasping her legs together. She looked down at her crotch, tightening her fingers on the desk's edge.

The comm panel on her desk started beeping. Taking deep breaths she slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes. Still pressing her legs together, she tiptoed to her left turning towards the comm panel.

'Yes Miss Thorn ?'. 'Yes, of course.'

'Miss Thorn is waiting for you, Miss Fox', she said avoiding Hanna's eyes.

Hannah entered Elisabeth Thorn's study doing her best to hide her arousal. The elegant, sexy brunette got up and approached Hannah extending her hand.

'Welcome to my humble abode, Miss Fox', she said smiling cordially, 'I'm glad you decided to accept my invitation'.

'what... what is going on in here ?', Hannah asked pointing back.

'You mean Laura ? Oh don't worry about her', she waved her hand dismissively, 'There's been a big change in the poor thing's life lately. She feels very lost and helpless now. We're just helping the sweet thing settle in her new role in life.'

'Well, now, sit down, please', she pointed towards an armchair in front of her desk, 'We have a lot to talk about'.

Hannah reluctantly sat in the comfortable armchair.

'I assume you're here to talk about Project Phoenix, is that correct ?', Elisabeth Fox asked matter-of-factly, taking place in the armchair next to Hanna.

'Yes. How did you find out about my investigation ?'

'That's not important', the woman smiled, 'I have a lot of friends who have a lot of friends'.

'What do you know about Project Phoenix ?'

'Straight to the point. That's what I like. However before we go into details, there's someone else who wants to say hello'.

She whispered something into her bracelet and a panel on the wall slid open revealing a screen. It flicked on.

'Good morning, Hannah'.

Hannah tensed and started raising off the chair. 'Good morning Mrs. President'.

'Please sit down.'

'I know you have a lot of questions. Not all of them will be answered today.'

'There are not many people who know about Project Phoenix existence. Only a handful knows what it really is, what is was designed to accomplish. Most of those people are women.'

'I am offering you a chance to become one of these women. Elisabeth will answer some of you questions now. Then you will have to decide whether you want to join us'.

'I trust you will make the right decision. I hope the next time we meet, it will be in person'.

'Good bye, Hannah'.

The screen flicked off.

Hannah sat stunned unable to utter a word.

'Let's start at the beginning Hannah, you don't mind me using your first name ? OK, you probably heard of the increase in the numbers of male babies being born ?'

'Yes, I have'.

It was a hot topic two years ago. Several reports were published, indicating that more then seventy percent of babies being born were male. There was a lot of speculation regarding the reasons. Some scientists said it was due to pollution others blamed genetically modified food. Nobody was really sure. And nobody could say if the trend was temporary. Eventually media lost interest and the racket died out.

'Today eight newborns out of ten are male. We still don't know what's causing this and how to reverse it. If this continues, and everything indicates it will, in ten or so years we'll have three hundred million testosterone fueled teenagers running amuck around. The same thing is happening all over the world. Do you understand what this means, Hannah ?'

'It doesn't sound good...'

'It sounds horrific Hannah. We'll be back in the stone age before we reach our menopause'.

Hannah smiled.

'We became aware of the problem six years ago. At first it looked innocent, 55 percent, then sixty.'

'Something had to be done about it. There were many ideas. Some good, some bad, others impossible.'

'One evening Shannon and I were sitting over a glass of wine, trying to come up with the most crazy idea to solve the problem. I came up with something so absurd, we spent a quarter laughing our butts off. Then we started discussing. It was doable, and seemed a lot of fun at the same time. That idea of mine, Hannah, eventually turned into Project Phoenix.'

'The project will change this country as you know it, it will turn it upside down. It will make it a much batter and safer place to live. And we, women, will have a lot fun as this happens', she winked.

Hannah was looking at Elisabeth with puzzled expression.

'I can't tell you anymore today. To become part of the project, you have to earn the knowledge yourself.'

'What do you want me to do ?'

'You're not the only person interested in the project. Have you heard the name Kevin Barnett ?'

'Yes, I read some of his stories. They were quite good.'

'Well, Mr. Barnett plans to write a story on Project Phoenix. He's digging, he's uncovering things. We can't let this happen. If he manages to publish his story, we'll have to rush things. And that's very undesirable. He has to disappear.'

'I'm an FBI agent, not a killer, Ms Thorn'

'Nobody's going to die, Hannah. You and Mr. Barnett are both after the same thing. Get close to him, gain his trust. I'll make it possible for you to infiltrate one of our facilities. You'll find many answers there. And means to make Kevin Barnett disappear.'

Her face was now inches from Hanna's.

'In a way, you'll find very appealing'.

'What makes you so sure I'll like it ?'.

'We've been watching you Hannah for a very long time. I know everything about you. I know you most intimate desires. And only I can make them become reality. Nobody else can. All you have to do is trust me.'

Hannah hesitated for a long time. When she finally spoke, there was a stone determination in her voice.

'I'll do it.'

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