Mature / Thirty+

Southern Comfort, Part 8

We reported for training almost on time. I had spent almost my entire life being afraid of skin cancer, so it was the first time I had ever had a decent tan. I was a sort of medium brown, but Charlie was an even deeper olive color, I guess it had something to do with her genetics. We had both had a great deal of adjustment to do over the month. I mean I had to deal with the fact that my hunk of a husband(okay, my potbellied , Hairy hunk of love) had become this delicate, blue eyed hottie! Truth be, I think she had a lot more to deal with than I did. I had been the male provider for my love far longer than anything else, and even though my physical form had changed, she found it hard to shift back to our original format, with me being the maiden in distress and her being the strong rescuer.


Southern Comfort
Chapter 8

By Theide


Comdex - 7 - Rebound


Chapter Seven - Rebound

Thanks to my editors, Wendy, Holly, and Stan. Thanks Maggie for your encouragement.

“Yeah, and like so many great inventions it was accidental. Well, shall we open it up and see what we have?” Mark asked as he removed the bucket lid. Pulling his gloves back on, he reached in and removed the hemostat holding the plastic bag. “Will you look at that? You just don’t get prints any better! Looks like a thumb and forefinger on the top, and thumb and two or three fingers on the side.” Mark carefully photographed the fingerprints, and then sealed the unopened Ziploc ® bag in an evidence bag. “If the apparent stains prove to be from the victim, I would say Mr. Maxwell is going to prison for a very, very long time.”

Southern Comfort, Part 7

Something was licking my face. Something in that triggered moments of childhood, and I giggled as I turned to shield myself from big wet doggy kisses. That didn’t do much, as soon I was subject to two dogs worth, followed by my sister pouncing on me and hitting every tickle point known to mankind

Southern Comfort
Chapter 7 Continued

By Theide


Firefly: Double Booked | Part 2: Headwinds

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place soon after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, and is also the second part of a sequel to Firefly: Connecting Flight. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first Firefly story (and the first chapter of this one), since they both set the stage.

In this second part of FIREFLY: DOUBLE BOOKED, events from Linda's recent past loom large in Wash's present, as she tries to deal with aspects of her situation she thought she'd already put behind her. She also learns more about her body's mutiny, lets Zoe talk her into somethin' all manner of stupid, and gets her first experience with the power of sisterhood.

Girly School

My wife has a very structured plan to feminize me. I admit that I deserve it. I am not much of a man. And she wants me to always be aware of that fact. When she was deciding how to go about turning what was left of my manhood into a sniveling sissy, she hit on a great and totally humiliating, yummy, strategy.

Sissy Captured -- Pt 9

Sissy Captured -- Pt 9

Maid Joy

I was in my barracks and getting dressed for formation. For the five hundredth time I wished I dared wear my panties instead of these bikini briefs. The tighty-whiteys that were issued (in reality grungy-greenies for the OD green color) didn’t feel right or make me happy to have them on, mainly because of how badly they hurt and fit.

Desert Misstake

This is a work based on one of the most famous movies of all time. Those who have seen the movie will, no doubt, recognize some of the names and situations described. For those who haven't seen the movie, the title is at the end of this story.

At the Supermarket

“Oh my god, I never know how to answer that question. I mean, I never was any good at trying to figure stuff like that out — what difference does it make after all? I mean, who really cares, except for you of course. I didn’t mean to offend you, I hope you didn’t take it the wrong way. But really, does it really matter? I don’t see how it does. I really don’t.

Southern Comfort, Part 4

“People will never cease to amaze me”. Sean was muttering to himself, quickly getting back into one of his favorite work-oriented rants, but without any real rancor. “Damn Gates and all his unholy minions anyway!”

Southern Comfort
Chapter 5

By Theide


The Mystery of the Missing Frocks

bridget_mod_face.jpg       Everything a great crime mystery should have: romance, a detective and a road chase - except that this is no "Love Story", "Sherlock Holmes" or "Bullit" and there certainly isn't a great crime. Follow our intrepid narrator as he falls in love with a girl in London, becomes a woman in Seacombe, then on to modeling in a West End fashion house and, in a "Not The Thirty-Nine Steps" finale, to the Scottish Highlands to uncover…
The Mystery of the Missing Frocks
by Charlotte Dickles

In Memory of Andrea

(whose Petticoat Detective stories provided the inspiration for this story.)


Southern Comfort, Part 3

What seemed like a long time later and a claustrophobic nightmare of being shoved into what he recognized as a CAT scanner and an MRI, all of it still on his face, he dragged his way back into awareness, conscious again of the pain, screaming agony shrilling along his nerves, seeming to penetrate into his very soul.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 4

By Theide


Spin Cycle: Random Glances

 The Moon seen from high Earth orbit]     

Spin Cycle

Random Glances

by Liobhan

Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Spin Cycle is an experimental novel meant to be experienced by the reader in no particular order, or rather, whatever order strikes their particular fancy.

Every ‘episode’ takes place in essential simultaneity, although their temporal extents may differ, or one's viewpoint may have altered such that what had seemed a prior event can now be seen as subsequent, or vice versa.

Lisa's New Whore

Lisa's New Whore
By Melissa Kandy

I stood and fished out my ciggies once more. Lighting one I happened to glance over the street at a shop window. There stood a woman, slim body with boobs prominent. Perched on sexy high heels, light reflecting off her diamante belly button piercing, full makeup and holding a long white cigarette.... It was me!

I hope you enjoy my first attempt...

Oscar Night - Part 17

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Nearly a year ago, Novelist/screenwriter David Fine was nominated for an Academy Award and wore a red suit designed by his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh. Unfortunately, television personality Jane Waters chose to make David's outfit an object of ridicule, and in an attempt to save face he joked that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. When he was indeed nominated a year later, Claude seized upon David's defense of his honor and pushed him to embrace the idea of wearing a gown, and his girlfriend bisexual fashion model Maritza Delgado was also keen to make him more feminine. He was talked into severalplastic surgeries on his face and breast implants, and he's been training with live-in feminine deportment coach Kay Thomas, who has renamed him Dee. In this installment, Dee learns a little more about the different kinds of men who dress as women, and where she fits on the scale. Also, the romance is brought back into focus, and Dee starts thinking about dating.

Firefly: Double Booked | Part 1: Reservations

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place soon after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, and is also the beginning of a sequel to Firefly: Connecting Flight. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first Firefly story, since it sets the stage.

In this first chapter of FIREFLY: DOUBLE BOOKED, Hoban Washburne is still working on getting used to being a woman after rejoining his crew as their new pilot, but she soon discovers her new body might have issues with her moving in -- and moving on -- as well. And returning a favor to someone who helped Mal and Zoe during the War for Independence might be harder than either of them imagines.

Comdex - 6 - Recuperation



CAUTION This Story contains the clinical retelling of a Rape scene. CAUTION


Seconds later, I felt someone else grab my hands, and squeeze them tightly. “Please don’t hurt yourself. I love you, too,” I heard Lisa plead through tears. “I can’t imagine what it must be like, but please don’t give up? I need you, Daddy! I don’t care whether you’re my daddy, my aunt or my mom. I need you!” she cried. Like my mom, Lisa reached down and kissed my cheek, leaking tears on my shoulders. Then she let go, and someone else grabbed my hands.

I was beginning to feel they had lined up, no, ganged up on me. One after another, they battered me with their love ... brutalized me with their compassion.

Oscar Night - Part 16

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

When novelist-turned-screenwriter David Fine was first nominated for an Academy Award, he wore a red tuxedo provided by his best friend, fashion designer Claude Marsh. An obnoxious TV presenter told him that if he wanted color he should be in a gown, and he agreed. He's been nominated again, and Claude assembled a whole cabal of people to help David make the ultimate impression in his gown. David's girlfriend, bisexual model Maritza Delgado, was on board with the idea of making him as feminine as possible. To that end, he's had major facial surgery and been implanted with a spectacular pair of breasts. David, or Dee as she's been calling her female self, has been working with his live-in feminine deportment coach Kay Thomas hired by Claude for a couple weeks now, and has been making good progress. In this chapter, our girl Dee practices flirting, and has an interesting naked experience.
(Note: to the couple of readers I'd told what was going to happen in this chapter, my muse had different ideas, so I had to postpone that until the next one.)

Sissy and the Army -- Pt 8

Sissy's leave is canceled and she has to go into combat. Will her secret be discovered?

Sissy and the Army -- Pt 8

Maid Joy

It was every nightmare I had come true. In the middle of everything I loved and enjoyed, it all came crashing down to call me back out into combat.

A Whole New Sissy -- Pt 7

A time to rest and then a reward for a job well done allows Sissy to start healing and really become the woman that she might be. Can it continue?

A whole new Sissy -- Pt 7

Maid Joy

The sages of the past who said “time heals all wounds” may have been spouting a platitude, but it turns out that they were right, damn them.

The Bet

I can pinpoint the day this all started. It was a chilly, Sunday afternoon in early December. A light rain was falling outside and Carol (my wife) and I had built a cozy fire in the fireplace. She was sitting on one of the couch, her legs curled up beneath her reading and sipping a glass of wine and I was sitting at the other watching the Giants begin to give away a 21 point lead to the Eagles.

Carol stood up and stretched, heading toward the kitchen.

"Get me a beer, hon'" I called after her.

"What's the magic word?," she asked with a twinkle.

Sissy's Interlude -- Pt 6

Sissy’s Interlude -- Pt 6

Maid Joy

Mistress had turned me over to a lady at the lingerie store. I didn’t know how to react. Part of me was mortified, part of me burning from embarrassment, and part of me was reveling in this chance that I had always dreamed of.

The people who were in the store weren’t really paying attention to me, which was a relief. I could only imagine the panic if someone realized that a man was in here.


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