Mature / Thirty+

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

by Charlotte Dickles

Ben Scott, otherwise known as Ebenezer Scrooge, was the company hit man, and his idea of a Christmas gift was to announce the downsizing of the medical laboratory, along with huge redundancies, on Christmas Eve. But as he found to his cost, always beware scientists bearing gifts.

Altered Fates- The Missing Episode of The Fugitive

Richard Kimble immediately saw he had made a mistake. The street was a dead end, or rather a cul-de-sac with homes on all sides. He knew he was finished. Then he heard a voice.

"In here, quick!" said a woman from a nearby doorway. With little other choice, Kimble ran into the house. The two police officers ran by the dead end street.

Kimble stood in the foyer of the house catching his breath. Then he looked up and saw a familiar face.

"Hello, Richard," said Claire Mathews. "It's been a long time."

Altered Fates- The Missing Episode of The Fugitive

by Danielle J

Synopsis- Richard Kimble still in pursuit of the one-armed man, comes to a small Southern Illinois town. When almost cornered by the police, a friend gives the fugitive from justice a unique way to hide him...herself.

Comdex - 5 - Repercussions

They say everyone has a twin somewhere. What do you do when your twin is dead and her rich husband fixates on YOU?

Many thanks to my original editor Wendy, and my new Holly and Stan. Props to Maggie for her encouragement.



Though no more than 10 minutes passed since Linda left Kate sitting on the toilet, it seemed to take an eternity to find Dr. Tom. As he rushed to Kate’s room with Linda and Meri, he called Pat and Sheila.

When Linda opened the door she immediately knew something was horribly wrong. There was blood everywhere. She rushed to the bathroom only to find the door locked. “Kate, Honey, open the door,” she shouted, pounding as hard as she could. There was no answer.

Change Here for Marilyn Monroe

By Charlotte Dickles

It was meant to be a walking holiday over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, but somehow it got terribly confused with the Marilyn Monroe conference in the next town. Alec was not to know it, but those first few words of the announcement at Dorton Station might have been declared apocalyptic. "Change here for Marilyn Monroe..."

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 10 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 09 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 08 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 07 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Comdex - 4 - Interlude

They say everyone has a twin somewhere. What do you do when your twin is dead and her rich husband fixates on YOU?

Many thanks to my original editor Wendy, and my new Holly and Stan. Props to Maggie for her encouragement.


I awoke in a hospital bed with an IV drip in my right arm, and I could hear the incessant beep of a heart monitor. The lights were low, I was pretty well swaddled in blankets and felt warm and kind of fuzzy. Jeeves was setting in one corner of the room. When he saw I was awake, he quietly left the room. Linda sat next to me, holding my left hand. I felt calm, tranquil, and more than slightly light headed. “I’ve been sedated, haven’t I?” I asked.

WARNING This scene contains a description of the rape of one of the characters WARNING

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 06 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Not the Cup Final

Not the Cup Final

By Charlotte Dickles

Synopsis: When most of the male members of the book group decide to go to Wembley to see the Cup Final, the others decide to run a Murder Mystery Game on the same day. The problem is, they don't make games for seven women and one man.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 05 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Comdex - 3 - Prelude to Memories

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere. What happens when your twin is dead, as well as being a lady. The following story is fiction, more or less. Enjoy.

This series began a couple of years ago, and like many I set it down unfinished, uncompleted. The original Title was Comdex, Clothing, and Confusion. The first few chapters are rewrites.
Comdex — Prelude to Change
Copyright 2003/8 Beth Williams

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 04 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©
By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 03 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 02 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 01 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©
By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Sissy Stifled -- Pt 4

Sissy Stifled -- Pt 4

Maid Joy

I reported for morning formation at 0700. While part of my mind was on what I was doing, PT is pretty mindless. Yelling the cadence wasn’t something that took up a lot of my mental faculties. I put my body and my voice on autopilot and turned my attention to the past weekend.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 12

Tom Slater’s brain began to race. Maybe that day presented an opportunity to her. By telling Chuck the truth about his wife, Tom would be able to save the Australian as she hoped.

“Chuck, there is something I need to tell you.”

“Like what?”

Tom began to waver. She didn’t want to hurt Chuck’s feelings.

“Kimi-chan, you can tell me anything.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twelve

Synopsis- Tom Slater reawakens to find herself in the middle of a Yakuza power struggle.

Comdex - 2 - Prelude to Confusion

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere. What happens when your twin is dead, as well as being a lady. The following story is fiction, more or less. Enjoy.

This series began a couple of years ago, and like many I set it down unfinished, uncompleted. The original Title was Comdex, Clothing, and Confusion. The first few chapters are rewrites.

One Sissy's Story -- Pt 1

This is not autobiographical, mostly. I wrote this to see if I could write a story with no dialog and have it be good. It's a story, it has no dialog but I leave it to you to tell me if it is good or not.

One Sissy’s Story -- Part 1

Maid Joy

It felt like hearing nails on a chalkboard all the time. There was something fundamentally wrong with the whole world and I didn’t know how to fix it.

Comdex - 1 - Prelude to Change

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere. What happens when your twin is dead, as well as being a lady. The following story is fiction, more or less. Enjoy.

This series began a couple of years ago, and like many I set it down unfinished, uncompleted. The original Title was Comdex, Clothing, and Confusion. The first few chapters are rewrites.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 11

“Agent Ripley, did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?” an occupant of Firecracker Four called out over a loud speaker. “Agent Ripley......”

The Hiromi Sato persona had no recollection of the Operation Swan Song recognition code. Hiromi bided her time as the Firecracker cars continued their slow approach.

Once again, Tom Slater tried to crawl out underneath the weight of the Hiromi Sato persona. The woman was again too strong. Hiromi Sato was just too determined to defeat all those she regarded as her enemy.

Chuck then took a moment to speak again. “Who is Agent Ripley, and what’s this Poughkeepsie shit?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Eleven

Synopsis- The Swan Song committee tries to reel in Agent Ripley with a plan called Operation Firecracker.

Around Again

I hadn't intended on entering the All Souls Day contest, but, on the very last day, I realized that I had a partially written story that fits.

It can kind of stand by itself, but it can also be continued -- if there is sufficient interest.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 10

A Hanshin Giant player had just beat out a bunt single on a very close call, one that brought the Yokohama manager out to argue with the first base umpire.

“That was a bad call,” Goro said as he continued to focus on the ball game rather than the goings on in his box. Doho Taneda, having recovered the napkin with his left hand, was just getting back to his feet less than two feet away from Goro’s side.

“I’m so sorry,” were the last words ever spoken by Doho Taneda.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Ten

Synopsis- A clash between Hiromi and her grandfather nears even after a unexpected event shakes the Watanabe Yakuza. At the same time the Swan Song committee prepares to bring Agent Ripley in from the field, whether she complies or not.

Warning- There is a one scene involving violence against a woman that while not graphic could shake up sensitive readers.

George and Catherine

George Baker looked at the newspaper clipping in his hand, just to confirm the address.

He walked down the busy street, passing various shops on the way to his destination. As he walked, he reflected on things.

George and Catherine

by Susan Brown

Becoming Antonia Part 26.

Warning, the following chapter contains very technical writing. You have now been warned, and I don't want any comments or PM's about that fact. ENJOY the chapter for what it is. A STORY!

Becoming Antonia Part 26.

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.


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