Mature / Thirty+

Southern Comfort, Part 12

Sean stood for a moment, her violin hanging from her fingers. She was terrified, shocked, unable to move or even swallow for an instant of time that seemed to her to last forever. She finally lifted her instrument and almost aggressively clamped her chin down on the pad. She held her bow over her violin as though she was ready to beat the instrument, so it was a surprise when the first notes she wrung from it were so soft as to be almost inaudible.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 12

By Theide


To Shape One's Life - 2

Part 2 of 4

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

A tree cannot grow in the sky,
nor clouds be in the sea, nor fish live in the fields,
nor can blood be in sticks nor sap in rocks.

-- Titus Lucretius Carus<

To Shape One's Life - 1

This was written about ten years ago. The idea was to answer the question,
"What would you do if you could do absolutely anything?"
It's presented here in sections. All 4 parts are now posted

Part 1 of 4
Prelude and Chapter One: Showtime.

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were;
and I say "Why not?"

-- George Bernard Shaw

Shinigami 2 - Satsuki's Awakening

Shinigami – Satsuki's Awakening by
J Morose (2009)

Shinigami – Japanese, Death Gods. These are the spirits that separate the souls from life and escort them on their onward journey.

Sissy’s New Life -- Part 16

Sissy’s New Life -- Part 16

By Maid Joy

It had been two months of hell. Well, hell when I wasn’t at home with Karen. She and I were growing closer in a way I had never been with a woman before. She wanted me in bed with her, and I had been resisting.

Most people would have smacked me and called me absolutely stupid to turn her down, but I didn’t want sex spoiling what we had.

What did we have you might ask. In my opinion we had a very good, and I mean very good, friendship. Not “friends with benefits”, but two people who meshed in just about every way possible. We had similar interests, we liked the same type of music, we read similar books and enjoyed going out to most of the same places. Neither of us liked porn very much (no plots), but erotica turned us both on.

The Bell Curve

The Bell Curve
By Ricky

She had beautiful eyes. Warm, liquid brown eyes that that showed her eagerness while they bored into your soul. She was stretched languidly on the couch, her trim belly bare and her legs spread wide in invitation. I had been neglecting her terribly, long hours at work and no time for her, yet there she lay there begging me to come over and stroke her body. I felt like a cad as I stood there.

Lost and Found Again

Lost and Found Again
By Missy Crystal

This is the final part of the Lost and Found Series. Although it can be read on its own, I recommend reading the first two parts ("Lost and Found" and "Found and Lost") for context. For those who have followed the story, but forgotten it, for which delay in completion I apologize, Jack Blaine is an investigator hired to find a transgendered boy who left home. While searching the transgendered community, he meets Penny Johnson, the transgendered director of a GLBT outreach program. Jack falls in love with Penny, but their relationship ends when he asks her to marry him and give up her work. She turns down his proposal and they break up. Now Jack realizes he made a mistake and sets out to win her back. Can they find hapiness togther? The conclusion of a romantic novel.

From Fire, From Ice

From Fire, From Ice


By Jaye Michael

Be thou chaste as ice, pure as snow,
thou shalt not escape calumny.
– William Shakespeare
Hamlet, III, i, 142


Day One

    Desolate but breathtaking, that’s how Charlie Dawson always described the Alaskan tundra. After completing his residency in General Medicine, he had fled joyously back to the land of his youth. Others had twisted and fought like salmon at the end of a hook only to be slowly reeled back into the bosom of the state that had covered the huge loans incurred by eight or more years of study and training. For some reason, the State of Alaska expected them to practice in the “Land of the Midnight Sun” or immediately reimburse the state for its costs–with interest and stiff penalties.

The Poseidon Adventure

The Poseidon Adventure

by: Lilith Langtree

**Winner of the 2009 May Day Writing Contest**

Meriel should have died from the tidal wave that destroyed her yacht.

Amaria: Chapter 3: The Hidden Truth

This is a NON TG element Science Fiction Fantasy. More about the signal is found, Linaria and friends work together to get to the answer and plans are in work for a special visit. Please comment on characters and flow.

And Now...

Chapter Three
By D. L. Darrow (Sara D.)

Amaria: Chapter 2: Discoveries

This is a NON TG element Science Fiction Fantasy. Follow the Amarian's as they discover radio and television signals from earth. Linaria continues to work on the radio signal discovery. Please comment on characters and flow.

And Now...

Chapter Two
By D. L. Darrow (Sara D.)

The Forest

OK, so I thought I would try my hand at something different. The Floral Tales will resume shortly if you are interested, but I had to get this one out.

Once again, apologies for any typos, hope you like - J

The Forest – J Morose

“For in each delve and greenwood,

Far wiser creatures play,

And in their depths and sinews,

Live the gods of yesterday.”

Amaria: Chapter 1: The Apprentice

Kuval, Manara Space Station’s administrator and senior scientist stared out his large oval window towards his home planet Amaria, a blue and green planet with cloud formations over most of the larger of the three continents. Must be raining today he thought as he reflected on his twenty years of service to ASI (Amarian Space Institute). Kuval could not believe the progress made so far in technological growth in the last few years, he was happy with the contributions that his station had made for this endeavor over the last year.

The Next Survival Series

I get daily GCFL (Good Clean Funnies List) stories and this one struck me as interesting. I hope you enjoy it it as much as I did.

I appologize if I over stepped my authority by putting a story here from another Website, but is free to everyone and you can subscribe to it. They will send you one funny story each day.

The original author is Paula Sanning.


Southern Comfort, Part 11

One shift, I found myself in the aeroponics section along with Simon, the slight young man we had both noticed keeping himself apart from the rest in the mess hall the first time we had eaten aboard ship. I had noticed that he cast longing glances at both of us when we ate, but not in the same way as the others, and he had never tried to approach either of us as the others had. There had been no time for anything but the business of running the ship since we first broke orbit, but as we shuffled around each other, checking pumps and sprayers, pruning plants to ensure maximal growth patterns and yields, I noticed him glancing at me sideways when he thought I wasn’t looking.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 11

By Theide


Euryale Dirae (An Erinyes Story)

Dragon's Blood, the name for the infamous Erinyes conversion process which makes near-superhuman women for THEMIS. It was supposed to be impossible for circumstance to allow it to be misused and accidentally introduced to a human body. Unfortunately, none of us were counting on Kudzu and her need for revenge, or her sadism. My Name is Michael Holtman, and I am a Myrmidon Heavy serving my time till I pay off my process debt. This is the story of how I screwed up, pissed off the bosses, and almost got myself killed on behalf of a company that was under the mistaken impression that I was disloyal.

The Challenge Part 005

I had dropped the girls off at school and now I had to come back home and take care of my domestic chores. Fiona had ordered me back into my empathy suit and a maid's uniform for doing chores around the house, I pulled on a pair of black tights for convenience and threw on my maid's dress. I wished I didn't have to wear high heels for cooking and cleaning but it was her rules. It was a little irritating how she would lounge on the couch and watch golf while I would go at the furniture with a feather duster.

The Challenge: Part 5

By Tyler

The Challenge

A man and his two sons have been selected to participate in a reality show. They think that they will take part in an "Amazon Adventure Challenge." In reality, they will transform into three black women and compete against other teams for the next six months. The guys will participate in girly challenges, dance classes, and learn how to be women. For the finale, all the contestants enter a beauty pagent and America votes for the winning family!

The Challenge

By Tyler

Descent of a Man

This is an early piece written last year. I hope I have improved since then.
If you are under 18 you should not read this story.

Synopsis: John Baker married a woman who for her own devious purposes, after a few years of what seemed to be a normal happy marriage, began to dominate him, feminize him, turning him into a housemaid and eventually cuckolding him.
The Descent of a Man
By Janet Baker

Southern Comfort, Part 10

Sean was unsure exactly how to proceed, as the atmosphere on the other side of the hatch seemed almost chilly to her. The captain of the ship stood there, a tall blond Nordic type of man, no readable expression on his face. She decided to just go with being a businesslike spacer, presenting both of their papers to the man. “Captain Thorssen?” Her warm contralto seemed to just crack the surface of his icy demeanor as he reached for the proffered papers. “Sir, Sean and Charlie Barber reporting for duty.” The three of them stood there while he seemed to study their papers intently.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 10

By Theide


I Carry On

I Carry On

I look out the window, my forehead leaning against the cold glass, trying to see her. I let out a deep, troubled sigh as I search for her. She’s got to be out there somewhere, but how in the hell am I supposed to find her?

I ponder going out there after her, searching for her, never resting until I find her… but I know that I can not. Four weeks after my surgery, the flesh is most definitely too weak no matter how willing the spirit.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 7

"I didn't want to wear a bigger bra. Sally smiled and said "I have no control over your figure or bust development. Your records show you might develop into a D cup, so you better get ready for a well developed bustline. You will need very good supportive bras. Women love to have beautiful breasts, Terry. You will someday think large breasts are beautiful."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 7

By Terry Hansay

Cresswell Industries Chapters 73-74-75

As Celeste begins to stir up her own claim to the Cresswell throne she enlists the help of Grace in getting what she wants, however Grace soon finds out that you can’t always believe a deceiver and as she becomes embroiled in Lady Melissa’s wayward adopted daughter’s plans, she also has to embark on the dangerous mission that places her in the sights of a cold bloodied killer, but does she have the character and skill to outwit such a dangerous and seasoned professional dealer in death.

Oscar Night - Part 20

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

David Fine was a novelist who'd twice been nominated for an Academy Award for adapting his stories into screenplays. The last time he'd worn a red tuxedo that had been designed for him by his good friend the designer Claude Marsh. Fashion reporter Jane Waters had made a rude comment that colors were only for gowns, and David had joked that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. Claude had orchestrated a plan to turn David into a stunning vision of glamour and grace in his gown, by becoming as believably female as possible. With some encouragement from the girlfriend Claude had introduced him to, David even went so far as to undergo some surgical alterations. Under the tutelage of Kay Thomas, our heroine "Dee" has been learning how to become a woman. It's Friday morning, the Oscars are in two days, and Dee has just had a romantic experience with a man the night before.

Desperately Seeking Stephanie

Inspired by, but not a direct copy of, one of my all time favourite films. When she wakes up in an anonymous hotel room after a nasty crack on the head, she doesn't know who she is, where she is, or even recognise her own face. But as always in Seacombe, one should not take things too seriously.

This story was first published on FictionMania, with just a few changes from the original.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 10

Still, there was the fact that if given the same choice, confronted with the same circumstances, she would still have done the same thing. It was a burden none should have to bear and it was something she was stuck with. All that was left to her was to find some way to redeem herself in her own eyes, some way to counter the debt she owed to humanity.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 10

By Theide


Rhysling's Rue - Part 9

The errant hunk of rock had been avoided at minimal cost and the entire crew breathed a sigh of relief. One more disaster avoided through the quick action of one Ensign Sarah Masters. It was her voice that had warned everyone to brace, even as she overrode the control lockouts to maneuver the ship in a way it had never been meant to move, against the direct orders of her captain. Right now she was literally shaking in her boots as she awaited her captain’s displeasure in the captain’s very own ready room.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 9

By Theide



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