Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 19

I told him to just remove his camisole. He was wearing the first bra I bought and loved, the Playtex Cross-Your-Heart soft cup bra. I told him how much I like this bra, wished my wife would like me wear it more. I put the tape around his chest for the band size and reached around his strong big back. I was melting, he smelled so good, being so close to him and he knew it, I was so turned on!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 19
By Terry Hansay

Description: My wife helps me through the Feminizer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help.
Chapter 19

Right on time, Steve was at my door to pick me up for our date. He looked so good, in his tight shorts and golf shirt that showed all his muscles. I even saw his tight ass and wanted to grab it. Wow, what was I thinking?

Cathy pushed me out of the house with my Victoria's Secret bag loaded with all my feminine items. I was all set for a fun pool party at his house.

Steve seemed so pleased that I would join him today. It was a perfect day for a pool party. Steve spotted my jewelry and asking if those earrings were from the Brighton store. I was so excited he was "checking me out", I could hardly speak.

I told him yes, I bought these after we had lunch at the mall. Steve popped right in saying he would really like to buy me something special, just from him. Could we go over to the mall right now and get me something special?

I got all red in the face and giddy, saying, "Sure Steve if you would like, you are driving."

I thought what kind of answer is that, I must really be nervous.

We were at the mall quicker than I thought. We were making small talk and the time just flew by. It is so easy to talk with him, he is so nice, such a gentleman.

We walked into the Brighton store like we were a couple. I was so nervous. Steve went right for the necklaces. Asking me which I liked. I could hardly talk, saying, "Steve you pick out what you like, I love all of them." He looked around a bit and went to this beautiful silver necklace with two small hearts intertwined together, like two hearts touching each other. Wow, I almost dropped to the ground, it was so lovely! Plus what did he think it meant, two hearts, are they our two hearts joined together?

I could hardly talk. I got out of my mouth, "I loved it, it was perfect. Could I try it on?"

The clerk said, "Of course dear." She handed the necklace to Steve and he spun me around and hooked the very dainty chain around my neck. Wow, this is way too much fun. I was being catered to by a man. I was melting.

I looked down and saw this very dainty necklace fall right between my breasts. My cleavage cradled the hearts, they are so beautiful. It's a good thing I had a low cut blouse on today.

Steve spun me around and said how beautiful I looked. I knew darn well his eyes were glazed over looking at my cleavage, but he was a perfect gentleman, I loved the attention.

I said, "Steve, the necklace is perfect and I love it, can we buy it?" "Terri, that necklace was made just for you, of course we can buy it. Let's wrap it up or would you like to wear it, Sweetie?", Steve asked.

Wow, another first, did he call me Sweetie? All this was happening way too fast.

Steve looked into my eyes, like "Are you there?", looking for me to answer. I was "out there" dreaming what that meant, him calling me Sweetie. I looked up saying, "I would love to wear it now, Steve."

Wow, he took out his money and paid the clerk for my necklace. She gave us the gift box, so pretty too. I was on cloud nine. I gave Steve a big hug right there in the store, I was so excited!

As we were walking out I kept looking at the double hearts and I could not take my eyes off of the necklace. I ran into a display case. Steve jumped to my rescue, holding me back and guiding me in the right direction. I was melting since he didn't take his arm off my shoulder as he was guiding me out of the store. He was so big, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, he was in full control of me. I loved it.

We walked right together for the longest time. He held me tight to him asking how much I liked the necklace. He knew I loved it, I was so giggly about it.

We came upon the Victoria's Secret store. I hardly knew it was there. I was still on cloud 9 looking at my new necklace he bought me. Before I knew it Steve had guided me into Victoria's Secret. He whispered in my ear, "Terri, show me the "little thing" you bought here the other day that you would not show me at lunch."

I looked up and was blown away that I was standing in VS store. How did I get here? Steve asked me again. I was putty in his arm. I smiled and took him right over to the nightgown display. He had a big smile on his face as I picked up the nightie I bought. "How could I not show him what I bought after he bought me this beautiful necklace?", I thought.

I think I finally came down off my cloud 9 and blurted out, "Steve do you like this nightgown?" Steve said, "Terri, it is gorgeous, very feminine. But I bet it would look much better on you."

I blushed and said, "Well maybe some day I will model it for you." Steve popped right back saying, "Terri let me buy you another one now and you could model the nightgown for me tonight."

Those Institute CD's must really be working because I said, "If you would like to, I would do it for you Steve." He was so happy, he was like a little kid asking if he could pick the color and size.

I said sure but was thinking "How is he going to pick my size? It goes by bra cup size." Well, I was blown away again, he picked a very pretty rose color nightgown in my size, 36D.

I stuttered asking how he knew my size. Steve said, "Terri, I am very knowledgeable man, I love nightgowns and will explain more later tonight".

Wow. What did all that mean? He guided me to the cashier and before I knew it he had it paid for plus the clerk talked him into buying a small bottle of VS perfume. He looked at me saying, "Terri, this will be just our own perfume, just for you from me."

I thought to myself "This is getting too much. Here I am with a man in VS buying me lingerie and perfume with a gorgeous double heart necklace around my neck. What is next?"

I was still slow to move, still out of it. Steve grabbed my hand and guided me out of the store with another pink bag in my other hand.

Steve was so talkative, talking the whole way to his house. I could not believe his house, it was a mansion, huge! I thought to myself, what does this guy do for a living? The house is beautiful. We pulled into a five car garage, you could have eaten off the floor it was so clean plus it had many high end cars. Wow, this is going to be something.

After walking through many hallways, we got into the center of the house. Stave gave me a tour of the house. I was blown away at the size and beauty of the house. The kitchen was the size of my whole house. Steve then pushed a button and the elevator door opened as he said, "let me show you the upstairs".

I got nervous with seeing the bedrooms, but up we went. Upstairs had a full living room, game room and 6-8 bedrooms.

Steve said, "Terri, why don't you put your bags in this room. You can use as a changing room. I walked into the room and it was to die for! So beautiful, so feminine, looks like it was made for a princes, like me I thought!

Steve suggested I change into my bathing suit and he would meet me downstairs in the kitchen to go out to the pool.

I closed the door behind Steve and looked around. This room was made for me, a huge makeup table, huge walk in closets, canopy bed, sitting couches, and everything a woman would ever want. I thought I was in heaven.

I got out of my dress and into my new bathing suit, new earrings, new 3" high sandals, and the pretty little wrap. I was still glancing down at my new necklace, never wanting to take that off.

I remembered Cathy wanted me to call her, so I laid down on the plush sitting couch and called her on my cell phone. I got so giggly telling her about the necklace Steve bought me at the mall. She could not believe we even went into Victoria's Secret and he bought me the same nightie we bought last week. I told her I was on cloud 9. Plus I described the house as a palace. I told Cathy I was so excited. She was happy for me, and told me to be careful and enjoy the experience.

I grabbed my pool purse and off I went to the elevator to meet Steve downstairs.

Steve was in the kitchen with a man he introduced as George his chef and house manager.

I thought to myself, "He has his own chef and house manager. Where am I? Wake up Terri, this is not real!"

George was a perfect gentleman greeting me and saying if there was anything I needed, just ask him. Wow, I could get used to this treatment. Does every girl get this pampering?

Steve guided me out the triple doors to the patio with the pool in the distance. Again there was another architectural maze of beautifully designed patio and pool.

Steve suggested we jump on the float in the pool. It was a raft made for two with a "table" in the middle for food and drinks. It was unreal.

I heard my wife talking to me in my head, "Remember, we girls don't swim at these pool parties. We don't want to mess our hair or makeup."

Steve the gentleman he is, said, "Don't worry Terri, just jump in the raft at the steps, you will not get wet."

He was so sweet helping me on the raft and he jumped right on. It was so relaxing floating around on the raft in the pool. George came out with "girly" drinks and snacks. They were the best and fit right on the raft.

Steve made small talk saying what a good time he has had today with me shopping and now here at the pool.

All of a sudden, out walked what looked like a teenager girl but I thought she looked like a boy to0. As she or he got close, at the edge of the pool, he said, "Hi Dad, I am back from Pam's house, is this Terri?"

Steve popped right in introducing him to me as his son, Paul. I didn't know what to say but hello, glad to meet you. He said he had to go upstairs and change and get to school for practice. He was very nice, turned and walked out to the pool area with a very feminine walk.

I looked at Steve and he knew what I was thinking. He said, "Terri, I will explain. I live here with my son. My wife died 17 years ago giving birth to Paul. He is a crossdresser. Our next door neighbor Pam helps him crossdress and she helps him come to terms with his feelings. As long as we are "telling the truth", I too have a fetish for lingerie, but only lingerie, no dressing up further. So I am very liberal with his crossdressing feelings and understand them.

Wow, there was so much going on here! It was hard to process it all. Steve knew I was overwhelmed.

Steve went on to say he enjoys wearing nightgowns, women's underwear but that is it. He does not dress fully, nor wear makeup. His son is different, Paul enjoys it all and some day might do a sex change, but that's way off for now.

Steve went on to say, "this is how you and I met. My son is a student at the Brooke Institute where you go. I think you have seen him there and that is why I know of you and your disease. I am fully supportive of your disease and my son's crossdressing."

I had a thousand questions for Steve, but for some reason I was very much accepting of his answers. I had no problems with him wearing lingerie or his son being a teenage crossdresser. I wonder if the Institute's CD therapy taught me this tolerance?

Either way I was ok with it and regained my composure.

I told Steve I would like to get to know your son. Steve said maybe next weekend, since he has to get to school now.

We had more drinks floating in the pool, when George came out and announced dinner would be served in 40 minutes. Wow, I thought this is service.

I asked Steve, "is that why you knew what nightgown size I wore at Victoria Secrets? You know bra sizes and guessed my cup size". He admitted that he is very good at guessing bra sizes since he loves bras so much. He admitted he wears a 38C cup with inserts when he wears a bra. Wow, there is a guy who understands my feminine side and man side, both sides, how great is this!

He said that he only crossdresses when alone and will never dress outside the house. I felt bad and said I would love to see him in a nighgown or bra. I'm not sure where that came from, it just came out of my mouth.

Steve got so excited he reached over and gave me a peck on the cheek with a big "Thank You".

George came back out with another round of drinks and suggested we change for dinner, he will be serving soon. Steve got me out of the pool without getting me wet. I slipped on my sandals and we both got into the elevator to go up and change.

Steve said to me, "Terri, I hope you are all right with my little fun dressing and my son's crossdressing."

He looked so serious like he was going to cry. He looked so sweet. I said to him, "Steve, I am OK with you and your son's crossdressing. Look at me, I enjoy it too. I know the pleasure you get, your desires, it's OK." He seemed so relived to hear I was OK with all this crossdressing.

While we were walking down the long hall to our rooms to change, I gently grabbed Steve's hand and said, "If you would like to put some lingerie on now, I would like to that side of you."

Steve got so excited, but he asked me again and again, "Are you sure you OK with this? My 38C bustline is very shapely, like yours."

I smiled and said, "Yes, I am very OK with seeing a bustline on you. I want to make you happy as you have made me very happy today."

He gave me a big warm hug, saying, "Terri, you are the best, see you downstairs soon."

Steve turned right and went down another hall into what I thought was his bedroom. I forgot where my room was and opened a door. Wow, this was not my room! It looks like a girl's room, all decked out in the most feminine decorations possible. I saw all these pretty bras on the bed and high heel shoes everywhere. Then I thought maybe this is Paul's room and quickly got out.

I found my room and got back into my clothes. I saw the perfume Steve had just bought me and put it on. It was very very nice, I love it. As I was putting my bathing suit back in the VC pink bag I saw my nightie I brought from home and in another bag the new nightie Steve bought me. They were so pretty. Steve's meant so much to me. I was wondering if I would be asked to model them tonight. Would I? I'm not sure, things moving way too fast for me today!

Back in the kitchen I had a sweet conversation with George. He seemed to be a very nice man, very accepting of all the feelings going on in this house. I think he knew of my disease.

George poured me a glass of wine and we chatted. He commented on how much he likes my double heart necklace. With a big smile I agreed and said Steve had just bought that for me today. George said "What a sweet guy Steve is, he has good taste."

Just then the elevator doors open out came Steve. He was dressed in shorts and a tailored pale yellow polo shirt. But you could see for sure, he had a bustline, a very attractive bustline under that polo shirt. For some reason he looked good. His 38C shape agreed with him.

I walked over to him, threw my arms around him, and whispered in his ear, "You look marvelous, I love the new look." I could see in the kitchen mirror Steve's big smile and his thumbs up signal to George that I approved. George smiled and also gave two thumbs up sign.

Steve seemed very comfortable with his large bustline. His polo shirt looked tailored just for him, with darts to help shape his shirt to his bustline.

I told Steve when I first started wearing bras, I could not handle people seeing my bra straps. I asked Steve, "Why can't I see your bra under your shirt?" He said, "I have a camisole top on under my shirt. It hides all those straps".

Our whole dinner conversation was about lingerie and his love for bras. He told me he was attracted to me on first sight when he saw my Southern Belle look and my retro pointed bra. He said, "Not many girls go for that look, it's so pretty." He loves the look very much but has not gotten up enough nerve to buy himself a retro pointed bra.

Not sure why I said it, but it came put of my mouth, "Let's go shopping for a retro bra together. I know exactly where to go. I buy mine at Mary's Bra and Shape Shop. Mary is so sweet and fitted me so well, it will be fun."

Well, you thought I just gave him a million dollars, he was so excited. I think I just found his "button".

He reach over the table, held both my hands in his, and looked me right in the eye saying, "Terri, I sure am glad we met. I really enjoy your company. I hope you feel the same."

I melted as I saw him look at me with his big blue eyes. I could hardly get the words out, "Steve, I too enjoy your company. You have made the treatment of my disease so much more easier. I truly love being with you."

Wow, where did all that come from? It was like it was pre-programmed in my brain. Maybe those Institute CD's are talking for me.

I thought Steve was going to jump over the table and kiss me. Just then George came in with more wine and broke the moment.

We went in the game room for dessert. Steve said, "Terri can I ask you a question about bra fitting?" I said, "Of course you can Steve, I have become old hat at it." He said, "I have never been professionally measured for a bra and think I would be nervous with a woman measuring. What do they do?".

I told him not to worry. "Mary is very professional and makes it a fun experience for you. She will love doing this for you. I am a good customer. While my figure was developing I have been measured many times".

Steve looked me right in the eye and said, "Terri do you think you could measure me right now? Show me what it's like, what to expect?"

Wow, that blew me away, measuring him for a bra. I said, "Sure, lets do it, do you have a tape measure?" Stupid question, he pulled it out of his pocket.

Steve closed the door, sending a signal to George to leave us alone. He pulled off his shirt exposing his camisole. Wow, it was so pretty, lacy with that little bow in between the cups.

I told him to just remove his camisole. He was wearing the first bra I bought and loved, the Playtex Cross-Your-Heart soft cup bra. I told him how much I like this bra, wished my wife would like me wear it more. I put the tape around his chest for the band size and reached around his strong big back. I was melting being so close to him and he knew it, I was so turned on!

Then I raised the tape over his bustline. Sure enough I announced he was wearing the right bra, a 38C. His inserts looked so real, like he applied makeup to the edges so that they blend right into his chest.

I was nervous yet so excited!

He slipped on his shirt and gave me a big hug. He said, "Maybe I can handle going to the bra salon and getting measured. But you have to be with me!"

Now without the camisole top, I could see his bra as clear as day. It didn't seem to bother him or me. We had another drink and called it a night.

He was so sweet, asking if he could see me again soon and telling me that he looks forward to our little shopping trips with me. He said, "Maybe I could buy you a bra too, maybe matching bras for us, wouldn't that be sweet?"

How could I not love this man, he is so sweet! I have to find out if the Institute trained me with that CD therapy to handle Steve's feminine ways and his son's crossdressing. I seem to be so accepting of his feminine house.

Well, I thought, either way, I really like this guy and for sure his house, not to mention the new necklace and nightgown he bought me. Wait until Cathy hears about my day. She will not believe Steve and his son are crossdressers!

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