Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 4

She went on to explain the course that the doctors have recommended is a three-day program including the mind adjustment segment. She went on to say I must live as a woman for one full week before taking the course, explaining dressing and living the life of a woman is important for my mind control.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 4

By Terry Hansay


Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help.

Chapter Four

The next morning, Cathy was already up sitting at her makeup table telling me to get moving that she has a special treat for me today. She said get dressed and she would meet me downstairs for a quick breakfast. Oh boy, what is she up to today?

My hair was getting longer than normal so I thought I would stop at my barbershop today and get a haircut. Little did I know the "hair cut" I was really in for. So I decided to get dressed in my normal "man clothes" for the trip to my barbershop. I threw on my clothes. Boy that was quick, no woman clothes for going to my barbershop and went downstairs.

Cathy took one look at me and with a very stern face asked me "What are you wearing or not wearing"? I said, "I am going to get my haircut today and I can't wear a bra there"! Then it came, she said, "Get back up stairs and get dressed properly. You have an appointment at my beauty salon for your haircut and 'other things'. You need to dress the part. In fact, you need to wear your bra and girdle everyday no matter what. Do you understand?"

I felt the pressure and said ok and marched back up stairs to change. I slipped on my Playtex Cross My Heart bra, panties, and panty girdle with stockings. I could not find my floral top I wore last night. I yelled down to Cathy asking her were it was. She said it is in the wash. She told me to put on my new pale yellow t-shirt we bought yesterday and also put on my new Victoria Secret t-shirt bra. Fear ran through my body thinking of that bra. It really made my bustline "stick out"! I knew she would make me wear it, plus I also knew that bra will really show through that thin, clingy t-shirt material.

I was in for a real day. I tried on the VS bra. Wow, it felt so different than my Playtex bra! The VS bra made my chest stand up and out saying here I am, all woman. Then pulling the t-shirt on, wow, this was so small! At least I thought so, and could see my new bra through the thin material. I said "This could not be right, I don't want to look like this."

I went downstairs and Cathy looked up and smiled. "Wow, you look great, love the t-shirt, just your color!" she said. I said I could not wear this without a camisole to hide the bra. She got mad and said, "What is wrong with the way you look? How many times have you seen me in a t- shirt? This is what women wear, their clothes are designed to look good, and you look good. Remember as I have said before, you have breasts, people expect you to wear a bra. You could not go braless. Terry, you have to get over this and move on, you have to think of yourself as a woman and dress like one".

I was not happy but knew I could not win. Cathy came over to me and hugged me, kissed me and said everything will work out and I looked very nice. Cathy said, "If it would make you feel better we will wear the same bra and top today".

Cathy then whispered in my ear, I could take off my stockings. I would not need them today. I asked her why, what was up with her smile? She said, "Don't worry, you will love our day. Just relax and let's eat, we have to get going".

I pleaded with her to know what we were doing. she smiled and gave me the day's schedule.

She said, "First we are going to my beauty salon for a haircut, manicure, and pedicure." I tried to interrupt but she said "Wait ... next we have an appointment at the Brook Institute for a short orientation meeting on their courses, then lunch, and at 4 PM we have your next estrogen shot from Nurse Sally.

I felt tired already and asked why we need to go the Institute, since it is early in my disease for training. Cathy smiled and said "We will have fun today and after lunch might even get some shopping in at the mall." "Oh, no not again!" I said. She said I had better get used to shopping, we have a lot of clothes to buy me since I have very few of my own. I knew what she was saying, but did not want to hear it.

Cathy went upstairs and returned in her t-shirt bra and a matching pale yellow t-shirt. Wow, we looked the same on top. I could see her bra. she modeled the outfit and asked how I liked it. What could I say, but pretty? And she said "and you too!" We were off for the day.

First stop was Betty's Hair and Nail Salon. I knew I was in for a very feminine experience. We were greeted with all smiles, very pleasant women, Betty ushered me right to a chair and asked how I would like my hair styled. I looked puzzled so Cathy jumped in as normal, and told her the cut. Betty smiled and said that would look beautiful and proceeded to get me ready. I closed my eyes and started to cry inside. I knew this was the beginning of my new life.

I thought I was done but Betty asked me to go to another chair to dry my hair. Wow, what was all this fuss, all new to me! While I was under the hair dryer, a very cute 20 year old came over and said she was here to do my nails. I looked puzzled but Cathy said, "Yes, please do. He would like pink nail polish." I just looked "blank" at her and didn't move. She took my hand and started right in rubbing, buffing, cleaning, cutting, doing all sorts of stuff. It felt pretty good as she asked me "Do you like this special treatment, it's something new for you, isn't it, honey?" My brain was just buzzing and all I could say to her was "This is very relaxing, thank you".

She was done with my nails. The dryer was still blowing on my head. I looked at my nails and almost fainted, what is going on? They are so pink, so feminine. She looked concerned and asked how I liked them. My tongue was tied. She then asked if she could do my toenails, fear popped in my face and I looked at Cathy. Cathy smiled and said to her, "Sure, that would be very nice, same color please".

I looked around the salon. No one thought anything strange about me being there. Everyone was having such a good time, talking up a storm, and getting so pretty, then I thought that was the estrogen talking in me.

Betty came over to get me, saying how nice my nails looked, and saying pink in my color. Great, my color, how feminine it looked! Betty took my hand and guided me back to her chair, saying now we will style your hair to the perfect look. Oh, I can't wait, I thought.

Cathy was sitting in the nail chair having her nails done now talking with our neighbor from back home. They were both looking up several times at me, I knew they were talking about me and my disease. Mrs. Smith, my neighbor kept smiling at me, like she was saying "Everything will be OK, Dear".

Betty put the final touches on my hair and said, "Terry, how do you like your new look?" I was blown away. How could I look so much different than when I walked in here? My hair was truly a woman's cut, very feminine looking, and as Cathy popped up to say, "The cut looks so so cute on you dear, it's your look. Don't you just love it?". I was speechless. Between the new feminine look and pink nails, I was very nervous and Cathy could tell.

Cathy looked at me and said, "Terry, don't cry, that cut looks very cute on you. Tell me what you are thinking?" All I could say was "It sure looks different". Betty and Cathy laughed and said it was my look and everyone will love it. I didn't want to hear that.

Betty took off my smock as I stood up. I looked in the mirror again at my full view, wow there I was in my new feminine haircut and my VS bra showing, I was turning into a woman. Cathy knew what I was thinking and hugged me saying my look was the beginning of my feminine appearance and I looked beautiful. This is the beginning of my cure for the Feminizer disease.

As Cathy and I walked out of the salon, I looked in the mirror again and saw a woman. I could pass as a woman. That made me feel a little better that I could "fake" out the public and I would not have to worry about being a man in a bra.

Cathy held my hand, guided me to the car, smiling all the way. I was happy she was happy and taking this all so well. I was still nervous and she could sense that.

Our next stop was for coffee since we were early for our Institute appointment. Stopping at a coffee shop gave me more confidence. No one thought I was anything but a woman. Cathy sensed my new esteem and said, "See I told you so, you look the part! We will cure this disease together, Terry"!

We were right on time for the appointment. Our guidance counselor was Ms. Beers. We were lead into a very warm comfortable room, very feminine looking. Ms. Beers commented how nice I looked, loved the hairstyle. I looked at Cathy and she smiled with approval. She knew why we were here and got right into the curriculum.

I knew right then, there was no turning back. I was in this for the long run.

Ms. Beers asked how committed I was to curing my disease. I told her I wanted to be cured and I would do anything to get better. She smiled and said "Then we have just the program to help you and your wife."

She looked over my medical chart, which was sent from my doctors. She said I needed to have several more estrogen shots before I could enroll in the course. My estrogen levels need to be much higher. But at the looks of things, your doctors have that under control. I thought, what did she mean by that, as she is looking directly at my bustline and I am sure seeing my padded bra that my wife made me wear under this thin t- shirt.

She went on to explain the course that the doctors have recommended is a three-day program including the mind adjustment segment. She went on to say I must live as a woman for one full week before taking the course, explaining dressing and living the life of a woman is important for my mind control. I looked at Cathy and she quickly said no problem. I could not say a word. Cathy said "We are starting. I have him wearing a bra and girdle all the time now, but he has a lot to learn yet," she smiled. Ms. Beers smiled and said "I see he is starting his new life".

Ms. Beer spoke about all the new lifestyle experiences I would learn at the Institute like makeup tricks, walking like a lady, presenting myself as a beautiful woman, how to dress for every occasion, and learning all the knowledge I would need to take a active part in society as a woman. She also went on to say, the mind program, hypnotism, really helps the students accept their new position in life and reduces a lot of stress. My wife asked if she could have that mind adjustment and Ms. Beers said no, but there is a 6-hour course for the wives to learn how to handle their new life partner.

We filled out all the paperwork. Ms. Beers then gave us tons of information to read over and said there was a questionnaire in the back that I needed to complete. She suggested we call back in couple of weeks so that they can monitor my estrogen levels, then they could schedule my classes.

We left the school and went to lunch. I needed food. I was very weak and Cathy knew it. Way too much was happening too fast.

Sitting across the table at lunch, Cathy held my hands and with her big smile said how much she loved me and was so proud of how I was handling all this. She knew I would beat this disease. I thought I would cry, must be the estrogen, I felt tons of emotions flowing through my body.

While at lunch Cathy got real serious saying I need to push forward toward my cure. I told her I thought I would dress as a man for a couple more weeks while my body changes. But after the beauty salon today, she had other plans for me. Cathy explained "The sooner you start dressing and learning to be a real woman, the sooner the cure can start." She said she would like me to practice this weekend dressing totally as a woman and try going to work Monday as a 100% woman. Again I got real nervous, she could tell. Cathy said "Remember, you said you wanted to be cured soon? This is the only way to do it."

Cathy stared into my eyes and said let's get started"! I said OK and that I needed her help. Cathy smiled and said "I am here for you. The first thing you have to do is stop pulling at your bra straps". She asked if the bra was too tight. I said I did not think so, but it was hard getting used to these straps all over my body. She laughed and said I look like a teenager in my first training bra. We both laughed looking at my projecting bustline. I said "I think I am past a training bra."

Cathy said we have 2 hours to kill, let's go shopping. With my new haircut and my womanly demeanor, I said OK, lets try it. Cathy sensed this and got so excited, she said she loves shopping with me. Off we went to JC Penney's department store, again headed right for the lingerie department. She said I needed two slips for my new dresses. I did not say anything when she said dresses. I knew this day was coming. This time in the lingerie department I felt much different, much calmer. I guess since my whole look was saying I am a woman and I belonged here now. Everyone could see my cute haircut, my pink nails, and of course my shapely figure was "shouting" I was all woman.

Cathy asked for a half and full slip. I did not know the difference, but knew I would learn quickly. I looked at all the pretty bras and girdles. I was thinking there are so many bra styles, how will I ever learn all of them? I was thinking that estrogen must be working since I am so calm in this department. Cathy saw my wandering eyes and said "Sweetie, would you like to try on that all-in-one bra?" I quickly said, "No, maybe next time." She was OK with that. She knew she really wanted to get to the dress department and buy me my first dress.

We were in the dress department. It felt like buying my first bra. Wow, there are so many to pick from! Cathy knew my head was spinning, grabbed my hand and pulled me to a rack of dresses. We looked through lots of styles. I knew nothing and just said, "Looks good." What did I know? Cathy spotted a red dress, held it up on me, and then a clerk came over to help. She said "That wrap dress has a very cute bodice and it's very comfortable. It will show off your shape beautifully." Cathy agreed and said I should try it on. We were shown to the dressing rooms. The clerk led us over to the room. This time Cathy came in with me. Right then everyone in that department knew the dress was for me, but I guess I should get over that since I looked almost like a woman now.

The dress fit perfectly. Cathy was so happy with the fit and style! The bustline was really defined. The dress shouted I had a figure! I got back into my t-shirt and left the dressing room holding my first dress. Another first for me, I thought, as I held the dress for purchase, just for me.

Cathy said we were late and had to get going to the doctors for our 4 PM appointment.

Sally, my nurse, was ready for us. We sat as she asked me tons of questions filling in my chart. She asked if I have any reactions to my estrogen shots or other changes. I said "Yes, I feel more emotional. I cry easy and I don't seem to mind wearing a padded bra, which shows through my t-shirt." Sally said "Good, that is the purpose of the medicine. I see you are looking very nice too. I love the cute haircut".

Sally took some blood and asked her assistant to test it now while I was here. We continued to talk. Cathy asked if it was too soon to get me into dresses full time this weekend. Sally said "The sooner you get him started, the sooner we can cure his disease." That answer sealed my fate. Cathy had permission to start the real process. No more men's clothes for me.

Sally asked me to disrobe. She needed to measure me for the charts. I said I did not like this, but Sally said "Get used to it. We have to do this every time you come in. Besides, what is the problem? We are all girls here."

Sally smiled, saying that my body is changing, I might have to go to a 36B bra, and my hips are wider. I said, "Yes, this bra is a B cup." Sally said "It looks good. Is that a Victoria Secret bra? It is very pretty on you!"

The other nurse came back. Sally reviewed the test. "Terry, your estrogen levels are not progressing so I want to add estrogen pills twice a day to your program." Then, the assistant handed Sally my next estrogen shot. There was no turning back now. "You will be fine, see you in a week," Sally said.

We left the doctors office with the pills and a new "lease on life". I knew this weekend was the big change. I was very quiet in the car and Cathy sensed it.

We got home and there was a message on our phone from Karl. He said, "I hope we can do a movie and some shopping Saturday. I have a new dress I want to wear and show you, Terry. I hope you will have a cute dress on, too!"

I heard this and just collapsed on the couch. My brain was fried!

To be continued, I hope you all like it.

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