Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 7

"I didn't want to wear a bigger bra. Sally smiled and said "I have no control over your figure or bust development. Your records show you might develop into a D cup, so you better get ready for a well developed bustline. You will need very good supportive bras. Women love to have beautiful breasts, Terry. You will someday think large breasts are beautiful."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 7

By Terry Hansay


Chapter Seven Feminizer disease takes my body over by Terry Hansay

Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help.

Chapter Seven

The next day after our shopping spree, Sunday was going to be a "get ready" day for returning to my job on Monday, I thought. I got out of bed in my pink nightgown and grabbed my robe with those two inch heeled slippers. All of a sudden, my wife, Cathy stared me down. I knew I was in trouble with that look. She said, "Why didn't you put on your bra? You know I want you wearing a bra 24/7. You need to get used to wearing it. You told me you would and now here you are not putting on your bra. How come?"

I looked down in disgrace. I knew I told her I would wear a bra all the time. I guess she is making me do that since I complained my bras were too tight and I didn't like wearing them. They made me too self- conscious. She didn't care and told me the only way I will cure my Feminizer disease is to wear the clothing and be a woman 100% of the time. She told me to get my bra on now and she never wants to see me without a bra on. Well, I guess I know my place. I guess she is right. I wanted to cure myself and we would work together to cure me of this disease that has given me a 36C chest and very wide hips.

I took my nightgown off and put on my Playtex Cross-Your-Heart soft cup bra, my favorite. Cathy said, "Terry you put your bra on wrong, no wonder it's tight. You have to bend over and adjust your breasts into the individual cups. They have to be adjusted so that you have good support. Please make sure you do this every time you put your bra on, please." I keep forgetting, so much "stuff" to remember with all these girl clothes. She then said, "It's best to put on your girdle too". I said OK, and put my bra and girdle with my nightgown and went down for breakfast.

At breakfast Cathy gave me our schedule for the day. "We want to practice doing your makeup and hair this morning. Nurse Sally will come here at noon to give you your weekly check up. She is going on vacation and wants to get this done today." Cathy explained she would give me my weekly estrogen shot, do my full body measurement and take some blood for my weekly blood test.

"After your check up we need to run to the grocery store and stop at the shoe store. You need more shoes."

After breakfast I took my estrogen pills and cleaned up the kitchen. I went upstairs to take my shower. Cathy was there in her bra and panties doing her makeup. I thought to myself, "Is that what I look like doing my makeup? What a feminine look!" For some reason I felt good about doing my makeup and hair in front of the mirror in my bra and girdle too. This estrogen must really be working on my brain.

I did my makeup and hair looking in the mirror at my favorite lingerie, a Playtex Cross-Your-Heart bra and girdle. My makeup took four tries before Cathy approved. Boy, did I learn each time how to handle the eyeliner, powder and lipstick. Even my hair was getting long. It seemed to me it was growing very fast. Cathy pulled it back, put it into a ponytail, and put a big pink bow in it. That made me feel very feminine. I caught my self saying, "Wow, that looks good, I like the bow." Cathy reminded me to put my earrings in too.

Cathy smiled and said, "Terry, the bow looks very pretty. It might be a nice hair style for work tomorrow. Terry, is that Playtex bra you are wearing, your first bra, a 36B? You are falling out of the cups. We bought you new bras yesterday at the mall at Victoria Secret. They are 36C, why aren't you wearing them?"

I looked down at my chest and said to my wife, "I like the Playtex bras. They don't hold up my breasts so high and they don't project me out so much."

Cathy gave me a hug and said, "I know the feeling, I love my Playtex bras too, but you need to experience every kind of bra. Your VS bras are very pretty with all the lace and they do give you a beautiful bustline. You should wear the VS for work and the Playtex bras for relaxing at home.

I heard "work" and got nervous asking Cathy if I really had to go to work tomorrow. My boss said to take as much time as I needed. Cathy pointed her finger at me and said, "You need to face your femininity head on. You did very well at the mall, and here with the neighbors. Everyone accepts you having the disease. Your co-workers will be respectful of your new lifestyle, you will see. You have to go to work tomorrow. We will get you beautifully dressed in the morning. No one will know you are a man.

She also told me "We have a hair appointment today at Betty's Salon at 4 PM to get a trim and have your nails touched up for your first day at work. Betty is coming in special for you. She wants you to be glamorous for work tomorrow." Great, me glamorous for work, just what I didn't want to hear!

My wife said "You better get dressed. Nurse Sally will be here in 20 minutes. your clothes are on the bed." I could not imagine what she had laid out for me.

I found out she had one of her dresses with a VS pushup bra ready for me on the bed. Compared to my red dress, this one was plain, fitted at the bustine, of course, flared out at the waist, and I thought it was too short. Plus she put out a full slip, nylons, and my high heel shoes. I left my Playtex bra on. I hope she would never see that I didn't change to my Victoria's Secret bra.

My nurse, Sally was right on time. She hoped it was OK she came to the house, since she is going on vacation all this coming week. We made small talk, she asking how I was feeling, if I had any pains or unusual things happening with my body.

"Other than my breasts and hips getting bigger and my acceptance of my new womanly lifestyle, no nothing, feeling good."

Cathy jumped right in saying, "Dear, tell Sally about wetting your panties." I got ashamed and said, "Yes, I am having a small amount of leakage in my panties, not much but some." Sally asked if it was blood. I said "No it was clear, I guess." Sally said, "That is not unusual with the disease and it will continue." She suggested I wear tampax pads to shield my panties and clothes.

"Oh no! tampax, just like my wife's periods!" I thought. I looked nervous and Sally said, "Terry, don't worry. This is normal. Women wear tampax every month for their period. Think of it as your period. A tampax is a very normal feminine pad we women wear."

I asked Sally if this would happen once a month like my wife's periods. She said "No, you might have these wet spots all the time, which is normal with your disease. You need to wear a pad everyday. Relax girl, you are one of us now, join the club." There is that "join the club" saying again. There are too many feminine things to learn in this club!

She asked me to take my dress off so that she could do my body measurements and estrogen shot. Sally looked pleased with my bustline and my figure development. She asked what size bra I had on and I told her a 36B. After measuring, she suggested I need a bigger bra. My breasts were popping out of the cups. My wife chimed right in and said "I told you, Terry. He has larger bras upstairs, but he is not wearing them".

I looked like I was going to cry. Sally asked what was wrong. I told her I really don't want a bigger chest. I didn't want to wear a bigger bra. Sally smiled and said "I have no control over your figure or bust development. Your records show you might develop into a D cup, so you better get ready for a well developed bustline. You will need very good supportive bras. Women love to have beautiful breasts, Terry. You will someday think large breasts are beautiful. You will see, trust me."

I can't imagine having D cup breasts. I saw those bras at the lingerie store and they looked so big! What am I in for?

Sally also made the comment that she would recommend I wear underwire bras. My breasts need the support and an underwire bra helps shape your figure well. Cathy agreed and said "While we are out today we will stop to purchase a couple more underwire bras for him". I was speechless. "More shopping, oh no!" I thought.

Sally continued to measure me and said all will be OK. Even my hips were bigger. She then asked for me to remove my girdle. I looked confused. Sally said she has to view my penis. I was embarrassed. She knew I was and said, "Don't worry I have seen a man's penis hundreds of times before. I just want to see if you still have yours". I looked like I was going to cry. She quickly said, "I was just joking, lighten up Terry". I unhooked my nylons and then pulled down my girdle thinking "What a process this is, undressing. Too much clothing!" I stood there as she said, "Terry, take your panties down too, sweetie".

I felt somewhat ashamed and embarrassed. My little guy was so small, weak and limp, so different than before the start of the disease. Sally asked if she could measure it. I said "I guess so, what is there to measure?" Wow, she grabbed it and there was no feeling at all, nothing! What was wrong?

I broke down, started crying, crying hard, I was an emotional wreck. Cathy jumped up and hugged me saying "All will be OK, Sweetie. You are going through a development phase of being a woman and having all those wonderful emotions. Women are emotional and you are developing those emotions beautifully." She consoled me and calmed me down. I was so emotional. Why is all this happening to me?

Nurse Sally agreed and said my "cure" was progressing well, normal for the disease, I was doing fine. Fine? I looked at my penis. This did not seem normal. I had no penis, plus it was limp, like gone! Cathy hugged me saying "Everything will be fine. You are developing as a true woman." Sally agreed saying that I was developing beautifully in body and mind and my cure should be easy. "Go ahead and get dressed now."

"Terry, I love those earrings you are wearing. I see your wife is taking good care of you, giving you all the feminine touches to help you along into your new world," Sally said.

Sally gave me my estrogen shot and two more bottles of pills, reminding me to take four pills a day.

She asked if I was back to work yet, Cathy smiled and said, "He will be back tomorrow". Sally said, "Good, I assume in full women's clothing. Since you are doing so well, I think you should consider enrolling in the Brooke Institute. Remember, you have to dress 100% of the time in women's clothes for a week before you can take their classes. The Institute is very good for you girls, they work with hundreds of girls just like you.

Cathy looked at me for my answer. What could I say, I told them "Yes, I am dressing 100% woman now and will enroll in the Institute next week." Cathy said "We have already been there and had the tour. We both liked what we saw."

Sally went on to say she would recommend the hypnosis classes for me. She thinks the hypnotism will help me deal with my new lifestyle and relax me. Cathy agreed and said I would sign up for the hypnotism class.

I asked Sally what the hypnotism would do for me and can they reverse it?

Sally smiled and said, "Terry it will be most helpful for you. They will plant thoughts in your mind to relax and for you to accept femininity and all that comes with it. You will accept your figure development, wearing bras and girdles as a normal course of living. You will love wearing pretty dresses, high heels will be the only shoes you will enjoy wearing. You will relax and be a lot more submissive to Cathy and people. You will love getting up in the morning, wearing makeup, going to the beauty salon, and going on shopping sprees. In general, you will be taught to slow down, soften up and enjoy your femininity. And yes they can reverse these controlling thoughts in the future, don't worry. As part of your cure back to masculinity, they can remove those feminine commands.

This was all too much for me to hear!

Sally took my blood for the weekly blood test. I asked her how I did on my last blood test. She smiled and said "Very well, your estrogen levels are coming up nicely and other indicators look good." I'm not sure what that all means, but sounded OK.

Sally ended up by saying there was one more "thing" she needs to review with me. I got nervous about what she would say. She had my wife's attention too.

Sally said I need to be referred to as a woman from now on. She told Cathy that when she talks with me it has to be as a woman, never infer she is a he, etc. Sally asked what name I would like to use for her records.

Cathy jumped right in, I could hardly talk. "I think Terry can use his present name, just change the spelling to Terri. Terry, what do we all think?" Cathy asked. I had so much buzzing in my head so I just agreed, sounded OK to me I said. Sally said when she gets back from vacation she will process all the paperwork for my new feminine name.

Wow, will anything of my man life be left, will anyone know I was a man? I was speechless!

I got dressed and as Sally was leaving she asked how I was doing in high heels. I said "As best as can be expected." She recommended to me that I wear them all the time. She thought the heels would put me in the "right frame of mind".

I said, "I have lots of 'things' telling me I am a woman. Even my brain is telling me I am a woman. The heels do remind me of my new lifestyle. Cathy makes me wear them all the time. My brain is turning feminine." Sally smiled and said, "Good, you are doing fine Ms. Terri with an 'i' in her name now"!

I could see that my wife was taking notes.

Sally left and Cathy and I had lunch. Cathy said, "Grab your purse dear and let's get to the grocery store and shoe store. Plus now before your 4 PM beauty salon appointment we have to stop at JC Penney and get you a couple more underwire bras. Remember, you are living in your bras now, dear".

The grocery store was busy. We zipped up and down the aisles then Cathy stopped dead in her tracks. We were in the feminine products aisle, I saw this coming. Cathy said, "Terry look at all the feminine protection products. I think you can wear the same as I do. You will like these, they have wings." I saw a product saying Men's Sanitary Napkins. I asked Cathy, "Why couldn't I use these?" She said, "Come on, those are for men, now grab the Playtex Lite brand. Make sure it says with wings and let's go."

Next stop was the mall, back to JC Penney for more bras. I was getting used to this drill, even knew where the lingerie department was. Once in the department, I went right to the Playtex bra display. Cathy said, "Terry, lets look around and see what other bras they have that are underwires. It's fun to see all the different styles". So, we walked around, a clerk came up to assist, but luckily my wife said we were all set. Great that means I wouldn't be measured again here! She found a real pretty Bali bra but I pushed for a Playtex bra, my favorite. She said "OK, let's look." We found the Playtex Secrets bra. Cathy said, "OK, go try it on and make sure it fits well. This is a 36C bra like Mary sold you at her shop. It should fit nicely." Then she spotted the girdle rack, saying I need more pretty girdles. She took two off the rack and said "Try these on too."

In I went into the dressing room. I was in this girly room before. I thought I was spending a lot of time in these lingerie stores. Again off with the dress and the full slip. I tried on the underwire bra, wow, it fits well. It really shapes my breasts, the underwire really "packages" my breasts well. I could see a difference in the projection of my breasts between the underwired and the non-wired bra. I'm not sure I liked the underwire bra, but Nurse Sally said this kind of bra would offer me more support. The girdles were tight, but seemed to do their job. I was stuck with the new lingerie.

Cathy asked how they all fit. I said fine but the girdles were a little tight. She said "Good, that is what they should be. You need to shape your figure, you know." "Of course I knew that," I thought, "Look at my shape now! This girdle is tight but it holds me all in."

We bought the two Playtex Secrets underwire bras and girdles plus Cathy got me more nylon panties, all lacy and with flowers on them. It seems to me women love flowers all over their clothes. I guess that is something else I have to get used to and like.

All was going well, no problem at the grocery store or check out at JC Penney with my appearance or mannerisms. I was feeling good about my looks. Just then, our neighbor Mrs. Smith stopped us in the mall. We had already met in the neighborhood the other day, so she knew of my disease and was OK with it.

She whispered to us, saying, "Terry you look wonderful. You are walking tall and are such a lady. I saw you walking in the neighborhood and you have those high heels down pat. You are a natural in those heels. Cathy you are doing a wonderful job helping your husband through this disease. It's good to see you both. Stop over some day and we can chat."

Cathy looked at her watch and said we had to go. I thought "Good, I do not want to talk to Mrs. Smith anymore out here in the mall."

Off we went to the shoe store. I thought this would be painful, more high heel shoes.

The shoe store was in the mall, right next to, you guessed it, Victoria's Secret. We both looked into the storefront, Cathy whispered in my ear, "Would you like to stop in and see what's new?" I said, "New? We were just there yesterday. How much could be new?" She said, "Silly, that is just an excuse to shop."

We went right to the shoe store and here again was a store with thousands of women's shoes, so much to pick from. Cathy grabbed my hand and said "Follow me." Did I have a choice I thought?

Cathy got right into the high heel shoes, sat me down and said "Let's start trying these on." This young man came over and asked if we needed help. Cathy popped right in and said, "Could you measure her?" Fear struck me thinking he was going to measure me for a bra plus my wife called me a her! That was new. Luckily he said, "Please take your heels off, Miss, and I will measure your shoe size for you." Wow, was I relived! I guess I am getting too jumpy. Why would he, a man, measure me for a bra? I guess I just thought that being measured meant buying a bra.

Cathy said we would like to try the "Peep Toe Mary Janes" with the cute strap in blue and pink and the "Hidden Platform Pumps" in brown. I am thinking "How does she know all these names?" The clerk went off to find the shoes and Cathy whispered in my ear, "Isn't he cute? I like his full beard". Cathy said, "Terry, lighten up. He is cute, you will notice that someday." Wow, what did she mean by that? I will find men cute? I don't think so! The estrogen in my body is not working that hard on my brain and I hope it never does.

Cathy reminded me to keep my knees together, so that the cute clerk doesn't look up my dress. I said, "What, look up my dress?" She said "Yes, do as I say. Here he comes." I quickly closed my legs tight, not sure what to expect. Another new thing I had to learn I guess. He came back and the shoes fit great.

Cathy suggested a couple more pairs of shoes and she wanted me to try a very pointed high heel. They looked very sexy. That must be the man talking in my head. Then she said "As long as we are here let's get your workout sneakers." I thought, "Great no high heels there!" Back she came with ultra feminine pink and white sneakers with flowers all over them. They were ultra girly, no denying they were girls sneakers.

We were done as Cathy grabbed my hand and said, "Now off to the beauty salon." We got to Betty's Salon. Betty unlocked the door and let us in. Wow, I thought a private session, but I was mistaken. There in a chair was a young girl getting her hair done for what I later learned was a formal dance.

First Betty said "Let's check out your hair, love the big pink bow, very cute. Looks like it's grown since the last time you were here." She sat me right next to the girl.

Betty made small talk with me asking how I was feeling, did I like the makeover she gave me a couple of days ago, and how I like my hairstyle. Just then the girl sitting next to us popped in saying she loved my hairstyle. "The cut is perfect for your little face," she said. I did not know what to say. My wife was looking to see if I would start talking like any woman might. I was in a tough spot. I really did not want to talk girl talk.

Then something snapped in me and I opened up. I told the girl next to me I loved the cut Betty gave me and I wished I could get my hair colored and permed too. Both Cathy and Betty smiled and said, "Well dear, we can make that happen, but not today." I kept talking to her saying how much I liked all her curls and asked if they were natural. She laughed and said "No, curlers do wonderful things for a girl." I said they looked natural and I liked the very pretty shape of her curls. I asked Betty if I could have the same highlights in my hair as she has.

I thought to myself "Where the heck did all that feminine talk come from?" The estrogen is really working on me. Both Betty and Cathy smiled and seemed pleased with my girl talk.

Next Betty took me over to do my nails. She said they just needed a little work and should not take long. We started talking how I felt about going back to work. I opened up to her that I was nervous going to work in my new dress. She tried to console me, saying I look very pretty and all will work out just fine.

As we were paying, Betty hugged me and said "Have a wonderful day at work tomorrow. Be proud of your new life, walk as a woman, and no one will be the wiser. You are dressed beautifully and you should be a proud woman."

Betty made me feel good and Cathy knew it. Maybe that is why my wife keeps bringing me back here to the beauty salon. It's a very feminine place that gets in your brain.

Cathy suggested we go home, get into some comfy clothes, and have dinner. We have lots to do to get ready for work tomorrow.

Cathy checked for messages on the phone and said that my boss called confirming I would be back to work in the morning. She asked that I report to her first. She said the staff is all ready for me and they are looking forward to seeing me.

Great what does all that mean, "looking forward to seeing me"? Cathy said, "Relax, you will do fine. You are ready to beat this disease. Go upstairs and get comfy. I'll meet you down here to plan your day tomorrow."

"Cathy, you said I have comfy clothes. What comfy clothes do I have? They are all dresses!" Cathy said, "Oh my poor baby. Maybe I can find you something, but you must keep your bra and girdle on, remember our rule?" I thought to myself, "Yeah, comfy with a bra and a girdle on, I don't think so!" She knew what I was thinking and she smiled back saying, "Terry someday you will be so comfortable in your lingerie you will not even know you have them on or if you don't have them on, you would wish you were wearing them".

I said to her, "I can't wait for that day!" as I laughed and went up to get out of those heels.

Hope you enjoy, will continue. Give me your comments. Would love to hear them.

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