Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 10

"Terri, I think you have graduated to your next bra size, a 36D cup. My, my, my you are developing nicely, Sweetie. Those pills and the disease must be working well, Dear. I will get some pretty bras and your corset in your new size, Dear", Mary said. My wife looked pleased!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over

Chapter 10
By Terry Hansay


Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help.

Chapter Ten

Monday morning came quickly. My wife talked me into wearing the V neck tight sweater and Victoria's Secret cleavage bra with the tight pencil short skirt to work. I told her I was nervous wearing a short skirt. Cathy said, "It's not that short and looks very good on you. You have to wear it. The only way to get over your fears is to face them head on." I got the message!

I paraded into work in my heels, with a walk that said I was proud to be a woman. Half of me was saying, "Go, girl!" and the other half was confused saying "What are you wearing? You are a man!" I think I really need those hypnotic classes at the Institute.

The girls paraded by my desk giving me thumbs up. They approved of my outfit. Then in came my boss, Tom and asked to talk with me in his office.

He was all business until he looked up and saw my new sweater and pencil skirt. I could tell he was blown away by my ultra feminine look. He was so sweet though and said nothing about it, but he couldn't take his eyes off my chest.

Next came my new voice. Tom asked me my thoughts on a business problem and my response again blew him away. My teenage sounding feminine voice sent him for a loop. I didn't know what to say as he stared at me.

"Terri, what happened to your voice? Did you have an operation? Is that permanent?" Tom asked. I told him it is not permanent and will fade back to my man's voice in 30 days. I did not want him to think it was my idea to have a woman's voice, so I said the doctors made me do it for the treatment of my Feminizer disease.

Tom was clearly confused, but he was nice and said he gives me a lot of credit for handling my disease so well. As I was "wiggling" out of his office, my hips swaying, he said, "Terri, you look very nice today. You are doing a wonderful job considering your disease."

I just knew it was my cleavage, tight skirt and high heels all saying "I am a put together woman." I felt a strange sense of "control" with Tom. I knew his eyes were all over me as I walked out of his office. This is an interesting feeling. Maybe this is why my wife wanted me to wear this tight figure-hugging outfit.

At lunch in the lunchroom the girls were all fascinated with my new voice. Bobbie looked inside my mouth, saying my voice sounded so sweet, she wanted it done to her. She wanted to sound like a teenager again. She gave me tons of complements on my outfit, saying my figure is developing beautifully. I think she was jealous of my figure. She kept asking where I bought my sexy push up bra.

Mary asked if Tom had noticed my cleavage and if he commented. I told the girls, he was confused and could not take his eyes off me. The girls giggled and said "What's new?" Bobbie asked how I felt about that.

I told all of them, this is too new for me and I was just learning how to handle all these new situations, like how to handle men eyeing me. They all giggled and said "Welcome to our world, isn't it fun!"

Monday night after work Cathy and I went to Betty's hair Salon for my appointment. Betty was all excited to see my "new top". Cathy put her arm around me and said, "Doesn't she look so cute?" That was the first time I heard my wife refer to me as a "she". Betty was all smiles and ready to work me over. She said, "We have to get you ready for the big weekend at the Brooke Institute. I will make you look like a beauty queen."

I got the works and liked the pampering. Between getting my toenails and fingernails painted, my eyebrows shaped and all the fuzz on my hair do, I was in heaven. I think I love all this attending and Betty and Cathy knew it.

Looking in the mirror I hardly recognized myself. Every time I come here Betty does wonders with my looks. I become more "changed" each appointment. Makeup and hairdos can make anyone look different, so sweet looking. I was proof.

After work the week was filled with getting ready for my big weekend stay at the Institute. Cathy suggested we go to Mary's Bra and Shape Shop and get a couple more new foundations since I have developed more. I tried to talk her out of that, but she won.

Wednesday night we went to Mary's, we had an appointment with her. She gave me one compliment after another about my appearance and the way I carried myself. She asked what we would like this shopping spree and Cathy popped right in saying, "Mary, I think Terri needs to be measured." Mary smiled, and said, "Well, have we developed more of a pretty figure Terri?"

I was bashful and nodded my head saying yes. Mary grabbed my hand and took me back to the fitting room. While walking there Cathy also told Mary I need another corset like the one we bought here last time. Cathy told Mary how much I loved the figure control and thought it wise to have me wear that all-in-one corset more often.

Mary measured me over my bra, saying, "Well, I guess so. You are really falling out of those cups, Dear. Plus this is not a very supportive bra, you know!"

"Terri, I think you have graduated to your next bra size, a 36D cup. My, my, my you are developing nicely, Sweetie. Those pills and the disease must be working well, Dear. I will get some pretty bras and your corset in your new size, Dear", Mary said.

By the time I was done, Mary sold us 3 new bras, all underwire and very lacy. They all had that flower between the cups. I was beginning to think that was a symbol of some sort. Plus the new corset had really pointed cups. I asked if there was a different, rounder cup design on the corsets. Mary and Cathy both popped in to say, "No Dear, this is a lovely supportive cup and looks divine on you." I did not agree, but for some reason I didn't have the energy to fight it.

Cathy also spotted a new full slip, nightgown and two new panty girdles. I asked if I needed a different size girdle, Mary said, Not yet, but the tighter they are the better they will shape your changing figure." I was not sure what she meant, but did not press the subject.

Cathy was making small talk while Mary was fitting me in all those foundations, talking about me attending the Institute. Mary said I would learn so much there, it's a wonderful school. She has had many customers attend. She also told me not to listen to them about my all-in-one corset, that it is very popular and gives just the shape I should desire.

Back home, while I was putting my new purchases away I noticed I had no men's clothes left in my dressers. I asked Cathy and she said, "Why do you need men's clothes? They are gone, Sweetie." I got nervous hearing they were "gone", but Cathy said not to worry.

While I was taking off my makeup, I asked Cathy what Mary meant that she's had other customers attend the Institute. How many men in this area have gotten the Feminizer disease?

Cathy came over and sat with me, putting her arm around me. She got real serious. "Terri, the Institute does more that help men with the Feminizer disease. They also help boys and men change their sex, also boys and men in their desire to cross-dress."

I got all nervous, saying, "You mean there are men who want to be women or look like women 100% of the time?" Cathy said, "Yes, Sweetie" and went on to say, "There are other men and boys sent there by the courts to change their bad lifestyle. They are forced to live their lives as women, dress and play as women. This Institute is very good at what they do. They know what they are doing."

I thought I was going to faint and Cathy knew it. I thought I was going to cry. I got all emotional, stood up saying "Cathy, don't let them change me!"

My wife grabbed me and calmed me down, saying "You are only there for treatment for your disease. I just wanted you to understand there might be other people there with different lifestyles."

I was not feeling good about all this. For the remainder of the week, I was not feeling good, having fears the Institute staff would get me confused and turn me into a real girl, never again to be a man.

Friday night came quickly. Cathy and I had a quick dinner and we were off to the Brooke Institute.

Cathy and I were greeted by the staff, all were very pleasant. My wife explained my concerns about the different patients the Institute treats. I was assigned a "girlfriend" who will be with me 24/7 helping me through the different classes I have been registered for. Joan was her name. She was very cute, 30 something. She seemed very nice, calming me right down explaining my weekend and how much fun it will be.

Joan and I were given our bedroom assignment and my wife gave me a hug and said she would see me in the morning. Cathy was taking a class also on how wives can help their husbands beat this disease. I felt good that I would see her tomorrow.

Joan and I got to my room. It was big, like a suite. My bags were already there. Joan made herself right at home and suggested I unpack my clothes, and that we have an orientation meeting to attend in 20 minutes.

Joan brought out two beautiful pink and white lacy dresses, very pretty. She said, "These dresses are our 'uniforms', let's change into them."

I was really taken aback. She took off her dress right in front of me. Even though she had a full lacy white slip on, she was undressing right in front of me. What is wrong with this?

She sensed my fear and explained "It's OK, this is your bedroom, too. We are both women and we need to get into our matching dresses."

She grabbed my hand and sat me down to explain the living arrangements. "We are roommates for the next two nights. I will be helping you learn all the feminine traits you need to beat your disease." I told her I wanted to treat my disease and return to being a man. She understood and would help me do that.

Wow, this is her bedroom too? What next? I stepped out of my dress and in my all-in-one and half-slip I went over to a makeup table to clean up.

I was a little bashful, and Joan had to push me into changing into my uniform dress. She saw my all-in-one corset, smiled and said she liked my choice of foundations. She explained our figures are very important and supporting your figure makes all the difference to look right in dresses.

Joan suggested I wear a full slip since the dress is very see-through. I like that idea of not showing off my bra. She said, "Don't worry about that, we are all women here at the Institute. It's just that this kind of dress will fit better with a full slip."

We both got into our matching dresses. There was so much lace on the dress I had a hard time closing it up. Joan had to help me. She also commented how nice I looked in this dress, how it gave me a beautiful figure. The dress did show off my figure and was very lacy and feminine. I looked like a Southern Bell dressed for a big dance.

Joan handed me these very high, beautifully polished glossy red heels. They had a little buckle around each ankle. She said, "Terri, you have to buckle your ankles into the heel or you will fall out of them." Wow, these were high and very pointed heels! I'm not sure I could walk in then. Joan sensed my fear of walking and took my hand to help me.

Joan gave me a matching purse and we were off. I felt like we were twin girls clicking down the hall in our high heels.

I kept my eye open for "those" boys or men but could not see any crossdressers. There were lots of "women" walking here and there, but nothing strange. Joan and I went to a special part of the school and joined two other couples. We did introductions. They were also there to "learn" how to be a woman. I could not tell if Jenny and Paula were forced to be here or they just wanted to be women.

I could tell quickly who the other two men were, their voices were a dead give away. We all had the same uniform dresses on. Each had their "girlfriend" (teacher) with them.

We were given an extensive orientation and our class schedules for the weekend.

The lady in charge said it was time to get started. I thought it was late at night to start anything, but I was wrong. Joan said we were going to start my hypnotic therapy back in our room.

Once back in the room there was another girl there. Joan said she was the hypnotic therapy teacher. Her name was Abby and she suggested I get into my nightgown and relax. Joan started getting into her nightgown, looking at me, like "Well, get out of your dress and into your nightgown."

Here I was again undressing in front of another girl, now Abby. I guess I better get used to this undressing in front of other women.

Abby smiled at my all-in-one, asking if I need help getting out of it. She asked if I ever wore pantyhose. I said that my wife did not think I was ready for pantyhose yet. She seemed puzzled and brushed it off. Abby also asked if I wore a bra to bed at night. I said no, and she suggested I should since my breasts were still developing. She pulled a "sleep bra" out of the dresser. Wow, this was comfortable! It was all lace, had very little support, held my breasts gently. Abby knew I liked it by the smile on my face. She looked at Joan saying, "I think Terri found another bra she likes."

There was that "she" word again. "Am I a she?", I thought to myself.

We all sat and Abby explained the hypnotic therapy. Most of the program was with a music CD and listening to it at night. I would have one class Sunday morning for review, but most will be listening to music and thoughts each night before going to bed. This will continue even after I leave the Institute.

Abby explained that all the hypnotic therapy can be reversed after I am cured of my disease. But for now, this hypnotic therapy will help me deal with my womanhood. She explained how other girls have told her it was the best "help". They did not think they could have made it through their treatment without this hypnotic therapy.

Abby and Joan made it sound so nice. They were so helpful. I accepted it and said I was ready.

Abby explained the first phase will help me accept my disease and give me a greater desire to live, perform, and act as a woman.

This will be the foundation on which the following nights CD messages will teach me to totally accept womanhood: a desire to please others in my womanhood; and to be a sweet and kind woman. This will lead into giving me a strong desire to dress and act as a woman. You will understand there is no fear of dressing and interacting with women, as a woman. You will want to be a 100% total woman in every sense of the word.

I was blown away, fear was in my face and they knew it. I was nervous but I knew I had to beat this disease.

Joan popped in to change the subject suggesting we wash up and get ready for bed. She gave me several new pointers to help me wash off my makeup and moisturize my skin. I put my rollers in my hair like I have done each night before bed. Joan looked at me like, "What are you doing?" I told her I do this each night. My wife taught me and it makes my hair so much nicer in the morning. Joan said, "Well, OK that is so old fashioned, but if you like it, please roll away."

Abby got me situated in bed with the headphones and CD player. I loved the music, it was so relaxing, and the woman's voice between songs was so sweet and soft.

I was off in la-la land. My mind was captive to the hypnotic therapy.

To Be Continued...

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