Mature / Thirty+

Play Nice ~ Part 8

Old Mrs. Pirelli was yelling at me from her backyard, "Joy! Come down from there! Yer gonna break ya neck!"

"Only if I fall. How you doing Mrs. P.?"

"What?!" she hollared, squinting into the harsh sun, "What're ya doin' up on the roof?"

"Cleaning out the rain gutters."

"That's a man's job! Let yer bruthah do that!" she cried.

This was the woman whose Nativity scene had been blown up by my sister and her idiot headbanger friends. She hadn't spoken to Joy since. Now not only was she speaking to me, she seemed inordinantly concerned for my safety. She warbled hysterically, "No Joy, leave that for Teddy to do! You've gonna get hurt!"

"Hey, I can do any job he can! Haven't you heard?" Maybe the sun had gotten to my brain, or maybe I was just irritated at this old busy-body telling me what a girl could and couldn't do, but suddenly I was performing a jerky go-go dance and singing loudly, "The sisterrrrs are doin' it for themselves! Standin' on our own two feet, and ringin' our own bells!"

"For God's sake, STOP THAT!" she shrieked, alarmed at my dancing so close to the roof's edge. That crazy Joy Farranino was being crazy again...


The State does not make mistakes -11-

The State does not make mistakes

11 - Accidents and Incidents

by Penny Lane

Belle fails to turn up in the morning for work and Sophia consults with Marion. Later, Marion goes shopping and learns what a Shepherd can really be capable of.

Play Nice ~ Part 7

I'm getting pretty good at this, I thought as I applied mascara from the new tube I had bought with a deft, unflinching hand. The lip liner I'd put on before my lipstick made my lips appear a critical millimeter or so plumper at the places where they seemed to need it ....... In a way this wasn't unlike those portraits I had painted for my whole family for Christmas a few years back. Each had its own unique set of criteria, which it would reveal to you as you worked on it; and sometimes you needed to fudge the truth a bit. Like softening the features (just enough, it still had to look like her...) on that one I did for my Aunt Livia, who was a dead ringer for Anthony Quinn...

There was no telling what Papa would think of my efforts this morning. As unforgiveable as Joy's crimes were to him, it was likely that no matter what I wore or did or said he'd continue to see me as having snake's eyes, horns and a tail. This mission of mine to fix his relationship with my sister by pretending to be her had a real Don Quixote feel to it. Everything I'd seen so far told me it was doomed to fail. But nonetheless I'd polished up my armor + was sallying forth once again...



I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face.

I was spooned against my Abby. I could feel the warmth of her body through the thin silk of our nighties. She was still asleep and breathing deeply. My hand was cupping her breast and it felt both soft and firm at the same time...

Chapter 33
By Susan Brown


We sat there for what seemed ages.
I let it all out–the grief, shock and the fact that Olivia was still trying to manipulate my life from a distance.
Eventually I was all cried out and was left with an empty feeling.

Chapter 32

By Susan Brown

Forced Feminization?

A lot of people ask me about the forced aspect of this popular fetish. Of course 99% of the time its not really forced. It isn’t like I have a loaded gun to their head or anything. There are occasions where theoretically I could blackmail someone to do whatever I want but that’s not going to happen. The thing is, that although they do enjoy being dressed up most want it to be a very intense experience. Many also want it to be at the very least somewhat embarrassing if not completely humiliating. So I like to make it memorable for everyone involved.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 13

Your wife really loves you and wants all the best for you." I started crying. Joan ran over to hug me asking what was wrong. I said, "I am so happy, I am not sure what has gotten into me! I have changed so much. My mind is all different. I think only feminine thoughts. I love being in a corset, dresses, high heels and doing my makeup. Will I ever be able to be a man again?"

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 13
By Terry Hansay


I didn’t know quite how, but I found myself back home just a few minutes later.
I recall being bundled into a car–Abby’s old thing I think–and then being driven away from the High Street.
That was about the limit of my awareness.

Chapter 30

By Susan Brown

The State does not make mistakes -6- Exonerated

The State does not make mistakes

6 - Exonerated

by Penny Lane

Marlon receives an interesting proposition and makes some life-changing decisions, and the legal process finally grinds to completion.

The State does not make mistakes -5- Answers and Arrests

The State does not make mistakes

5 - Answers and Arrests

by Penny Lane

Marlon finds out what was done to him in the facility, and why, and ponders some unexpected choices.


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