Mature / Thirty+

Skipper! Chapter 22

Jacqui - Part IV The Parties



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part IV - The Parties

"Well, aren’t we special?" she replied, sarcastically. "Poor little Jacqui was kissed by a boy and she’s not happy about it. Perhaps she should become a nun."

"Jacqui, I’ve noticed a change in you over the past few days. Want to tell me about it?"

"I shall take Jacqui to the ball then," he said.

Jacqui - Part III New Uniforms and Corsets



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part III - New Uniforms and Corsets

Normally, no more than a four inch reduction is recommended for new figure training.

It had been one of the most humiliating days of my entire life.

I didn't need to look to know what I would see. There would be a cute, submissive maid and a strong, dominant mistress.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 19

“You won’t believe who we just see in the lobby, Ryuku-san,” Said Sadao Koba.

“Who is that?”

“The dancer, Kristi Yamaguchi. She was just here.”

“Sadao-san, you are mistaken. That was not Kristi Yamaguchi who we just passed,” Ryuku said. ‘Hung over men and their fantasies.’

“Man say she with FBI,” Sadao said insistently.

Tsuki tried correcting her friend. “No, they say she from February.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Nineteen

Synopsis- As Agent Ripley makes her move to Hong Kong she begins to re-think her Swan Song assignment.

Jacqui - Part II Jacqui Becomes a Maid



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part II - Jacqui Becomes a Maid

Our uniforms were quite plain, with white pointed collars and cuffs on the short sleeves. The moderately full, above the knee skirts were pouffed out some by the gathered cotton petticoats we wore.

"Are you two really maids?"

"Yes, we are really maids," I found the courage to reply, even though I was still trying to understand what that meant.

"Melissa," I screeched. "He tried..."

Jacqui - A Maid's Story


A Maid's Story


Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

In 2001, I read a very brief version of this story, essentially the first chapter, that Karen had written. I wondered what would happen after that. Eventually Karen Anne and I decided to co-write this story to find out. While there is a terrific narrative, mostly generated by Karen, this version is also character driven. Jacqui, the maid, and the other key character each have their own voice and we get know what they are thinking and feeling as they interact with each other, change and perhaps grow.

Like other stories of mine, this is a story about becoming, about how we deal with situations that may be beyond our control while still trying to maintain our core values and fundamental humanity. And while this story has high heels and corsets, Karen just can't live without a little kink, it is not one that is about sex. It is about Jacqui and how she makes her way in a not always friendly world.

A Girl Can But Dream: Part 5

A Girl Can But Dream

by Tanya Allan

David buries his wife after she loses her fight against cancer. He is nearly 50, and their children are now grown up, so he breaks the news that he is going to undertake that which he wanted to do for as long as he could remember — a sex change. He had struggled with his transsexuality all his life, but his love for his wife and respect for her meant he just played the hand that he had been dealt, up to now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the USA, grizzled Police Chief John Collingwood comes to near breaking point. Stressed from his job, his grief over his dead wife, and the despair of near alcoholism, he embarks on a trip to the UK with his brother to seek out his family tree.

Two very different people find a very different future, they also find each other...

but will it work?



Quietly it sits in a corner, no movement can it make
But when you sit, go outside, the world begins to shake

When you come near, some people, they would balk
As if they had seen some fright, like Carroll’s jabawac

If they knew you, as all who do, and I am no exception
They would take another look, and love upon reflection

Why do some, when they see, someone different than their own self
Stick them into a box, and put them on a shelf

My dear friend, don’t be sad, if someone turns from thee

Skipper! Chapter 21

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This story explores the progress of Sian's project to create a trekking centre. In searching for custom she manages to persuade a large inner city social services unit to bring some children for a short respite, trekking. The project proves a success and there are some unexpected developments for Mac,Skipper's old shipmate when one of the social workers proves to be his nephew.

Feminizer disease takes my body over - Chapter 22

The phone rang. It was Karla asking us over to Sunday dinner. He had a big announcement to share with us. Karla has the same disease I have but has had the Feminizer disease longer than me and he is not getting better. We attend many classes at the Institute together. He is a fun guy, or should I say girl?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 22
By Terry Hansay

Tolerance Town

Tolerance Town

Barb watched the bus full of tourists pull in to the parking lot of the library and took a moment to check her outfit. Blue jacket, white blouse, blue skirt, cute blue-and-white hat. It had been suggested as a joke, but now she decided to just to go for it, why not?

Frosti the Snowgirl

Frosti the Snowgirl

by mittfh


Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.

Creative Commons License

Blame Angela Rasch for the inspiration behind this! In response to my earlier blog post about the creators of a snow sculpture being persuaded by the local plod to cover up her 'assets', she quipped:
"What if there's some magic in that old silk bra they found? What if, when they put it on her, she began to dance around?"

So of course I couldn't resist the temptation to play with that song... and the few small changes had the side-effect of loading it with innuendo, thus making it appear far less innocent than the original!

Second Life

Second Life
by Lauran

Some while ago there was a news story about a marriage divorce happening, the cause adultery, but the man had never meet his mistress. They meet online in a comunnity called Second Life. The wife was given her divorce.


My Own Lies kept Me From Seeing The Real Truth

"What was I doing?" I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. "What have I done?" It was as if I had woke up from a dream where I had no control over what had occurred in the dream and then realized it was not a dream at all. I am a man or at least I was at one point. I sat down on the bed and began to go back through my life to try to find something to hold on to before I went out of my mind.

by Steve B


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


The State does not make mistakes -14-

Well, finally! Expect to see these released on about a weekly schedule. Ish. I had intended to do six parts in this story arc, and I'm already up to seven and only about two-thirds through... This short part is a sort of memory-refresher, so you don't have to go back and read all the previous parts. Not that I'm stopping you...

The State does not make mistakes

14 - Puzzle in a dress

by Penny Lane

The Instructor taking the Shepherds Training Course finds out about an unusual member of her class, and Belle discovers something unpleasant back at the Enclave.

Skipper! Chapter 20

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


In this Chapter, Sian's Pony trekking venture starts to take off by offering brief respites and trekking holidays to disadvantaged chilodren. Meanwhile Beverly suffers a harrowing inquisition by the Social worker who is bringing the business to Sian.

A Girl Can But Dream: Part 4

A Girl Can But Dream

by Tanya Allan

David buries his wife after she loses her fight against cancer. He is nearly 50, and their children are now grown up, so he breaks the news that he is going to undertake that which he wanted to do for as long as he could remember — a sex change. He had struggled with his transsexuality all his life, but his love for his wife and respect for her meant he just played the hand that he had been dealt, up to now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the USA, grizzled Police Chief John Collingwood comes to near breaking point. Stressed from his job, his grief over his dead wife, and the despair of near alcoholism, he embarks on a trip to the UK with his brother to seek out his family tree.

Two very different people find a very different future, they also find each other...

but will it work?

Madame Norma

Madame Norma.

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

It is six months today that Madame finally took total control over me. Before that, I was a regular "client" of hers for several years.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 18

Tom’s senses kicked into overdrive as he and Chuck continued to press not just their lips together but their bodies. The manly touch and smell of his husband made Tom tingle all over and feel warm inside.

‘Tell Chuck the truth about yourself. You’re only postponing the inevitable,’ Tom told himself. He just couldn’t summon the strength yet. He blamed it on the Swan Song mission.

It took all Tom’s strength to avoid breaking down again because of the horrible work he had to do. At night Chuck was the release that kept him sane.

‘You’re using Chuck like a crutch. One day he won’t be there, then what will you do?’

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Eighteen

Synopsis- Ripley makes some vital decisions as tensions rise between rival Yakuzas.

The talk

The talk

You know, when I started my transition, I swore up and down I was still into girls, and it wasn’t going to change. Then I met Max, and suddenly I found my inner flirt.

For example, I know that the boy has a serious foot fetish, and so yesterday went out and get a super pedicure, and then wore the highest heels of my life, with thigh high stockings thrown in for good measure.

Skipper! Chapter 19

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


Chapter 19 describes Sissie's assimilation into the group and subsequent experiences. This is my first effort at getting stories uploaded from my laptop. Please be patient. There's a lot of stuff going on in my personal life at the moment. Nothing serious.

A Girl Can But Dream: Part 3

A Girl Can But Dream

by Tanya Allan

David buries his wife after she loses her fight against cancer. He is nearly 50, and their children are now grown up, so he breaks the news that he is going to undertake that which he wanted to do for as long as he could remember — a sex change. He had struggled with his transsexuality all his life, but his love for his wife and respect for her meant he just played the hand that he had been dealt, up to now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the USA, grizzled Police Chief John Collingwood comes to near breaking point. Stressed from his job, his grief over his dead wife, and the despair of near alcoholism, he embarks on a trip to the UK with his brother to seek out his family tree.

Two very different people find a very different future, they also find each other...

but will it work?

HH: Interlude-04

Hayfield Hall: Interlude-04

By: Annette MacGregor & Karen Page

As seen in A New Style of Education (in July of 2005) Rachel Ruiz is the Head of the Support Staff, and the previous year (as seen in Hidden Gifts), Kate Mayhew was head. What happened? Another staff change occurred at the same time. Dr. Sue only recently became the primary internist for the school. What happened to cause this change? Did something happen last year to cause this staff change? Was the change voluntary? I wrote this interlude to rationalize, in my mind, why some people in important positions might leave without jeopardizing the school — And, in the case of Rachel, lay the groundwork (in my mind) for why they recruited a new Head, rather than promoted from within.

Fairytale Drabbles: Sleeping Beauty / Cinderella

Fairytale Drabbles: Sleeping Beauty / Cinderella
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License

Oh dear... after exploiting nursery rhymes, I've now found a couple of fairy tales to exploit - and squeeze into drabble format.
Familiarity with the original tales is highly recommended!

A Girl Can But Dream: Part 2

A Girl Can But Dream

by Tanya Allan

David buries his wife after she loses her fight against cancer. He is nearly 50, and their children are now grown up, so he breaks the news that he is going to undertake that which he wanted to do for as long as he could remember — a sex change. He had struggled with his transsexuality all his life, but his love for his wife and respect for her meant he just played the hand that he had been dealt, up to now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the USA, grizzled Police Chief John Collingwood comes to near breaking point. Stressed from his job, his grief over his dead wife, and the despair of near alcoholism, he embarks on a trip to the UK with his brother to seek out his family tree.

Two very different people find a very different future, they also find each other...

but will it work?

Skipper! Chapter 18

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter addresses Chrissies eventual arrival at Skipper's cottage and then deals with some of the preliminary issues surround Chrissie's adjustments to finding herself in a liberal and all importantly, supportive environment.

Jeannie and Claire - Part 4 - In Her Eyes

Jeannie and Claire Part Four
In Her Eyes

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio


She stares through my shadow
She sees something more
Believes there's a light in me
She is sure
And her truth makes me stronger
Does she realize
I awake every morning
With her strength by my side

A Girl Can But Dream: Part 1

A Girl Can But Dream

by Tanya Allan

David buries his wife after she loses her fight against cancer. He is nearly 50, and their children are now grown up, so he breaks the news that he is going to undertake that which he wanted to do for as long as he could remember — a sex change. He had struggled with his transsexuality all his life, but his love for his wife and respect for her meant he just played the hand that he had been dealt, up to now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the USA, grizzled Police Chief John Collingwood comes to near breaking point. Stressed from his job, his grief over his dead wife, and the despair of near alcoholism, he embarks on a trip to the UK with his brother to seek out his family tree.

Two very different people find a very different future, they also find each other...

but will it work?


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