Mature / Thirty+

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 4

Galactic Marshal II


As we were approaching Prowhiness, Jeff turned to me.

“I guess I ought to give you a warning about a rumor I heard about this place.”

“OK, what kind of rumor?”

“Well, it sounds crazy but the rumor is that there is an alien presence here.”


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This is a compilation of a chapter story that I submitted last year. I would like to thank Angela Rasch for her help in editing. She was remarkable and I never would have finished it without her help.


Halloween - Chapter 1
October 31, 1970

“So what are you boys going to be for Halloween this year?” Mother asked looking directly at me while I was eating breakfast with my brothers.

“Are you asking Steven and Billy or are you asking me, Mom?” I replied.

Spacetran 13

This chapter addresses Beverly's concerns about 'The Sucession'. Which of her children are to run the family firm of 'Taff Spaceships' after she is gone? How is she to protect those powerful secrets that could enable a megalomaniac to try and rule the earth or even the universe.


Spacetran 13.

List of our children and their friends.


Wendy, William’s twin.

Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.

Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.

Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.

Cold Feet 13

I make my crackling the old-fashioned way. Ish. After scoring and soaking the skin, I pat it dry and then rub it with olive oil. Sea salt is then rubbed into it, and the oven turned up high for the last twenty minutes of cooking. The result is a lovely brown crispness that rises clear away from the meat and just screams “Eat me!”

Healing Mishap -13-

Healing Mishap -13-
By Lanzaq

The group stayed as quiet as possible as they trudged quietly down the path and eventually they came upon a landmark, however it shocked everyone, instead of a rock, or a tree or even an odd animal it was a town. Hands flew up in both excitement and horror. “A town! Yay!” Kate cried pulling the robe out and handing it to Cael before sprinting toward the town at full steam.



I don’t know even how to really tell a story, much less one like this. My name is Jamie Stevens and I’m I’d like to think I’m an average guy. Even to the point of thinking I’m a freak sometimes. I think everyone has that thing in their head saying I’m not normal.

The Walking Wounded

In a shadow war waged by a top secret agency, an infiltration op succeeds — only to go horribly wrong once the mission is done. How can an agent keep his partner alive when the only future his friend can see is no future at all?


The Walking Wounded

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

Spacetran 12

A chapter where Beverly's life moves on after the universe is offered, (and accepts) space warping and time warping.
This chapter starts to address the family issues of inheritance and sibling rivalry for control of the firm.


Spacetran 12

List of our children.

Wendy, William’s twin, our first-born twins

Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’ sisters, our second born triplets.

Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.

Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.

Spacetran 11

In which Beverly (and a whole stonk of clever Aliens) save the earth from catastrophy.


Chapter 11

A couple of years after the twins were born, we were overjoyed to discover that I was pregnant again to Beverly and this time it was triplets-, two girls and a boy. My bio-prosthesis company was now doing excellent business and Beverly’s spaceship manufacturing business had expanded to Mars and Venus. Trade around the solar system had expanded logarithmically, and we thought all our problems were over.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 3

Galactic Marshal II


The guy we were after had gone into a national forest in Kentucky; my old stomping ground. There was no way a 100 marshals could ferret him out if he did not want to come. The only way to find him was for us to go into the forest as if on a camping trip.

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?
By BillieBob

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” ( Read the story to find out)
No warm fuzzy creatures were harmed in creating this!
Who said a Halloween story had to be scary? TISSUE ALERT!!!

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~10

On the quay, Mummy Dotty and David in his Naval chaplain’s robes stood on a little platform, built for the purpose by the Penmarris Boy Scouts and Cubs.

Multi-coloured bunting and balloons leant an air of festivity to what might have been an otherwise solemn occasion.…


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 10

Lucy and the Ghost


What do you do when you discover your new house is haunted by a transgendered ghost?

Lucy and the Ghost
by Kristine Roland

Edited and proofread by Angela Rasch

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 25

The real Hiromi Sato was still in prison. A female guard had just brought her dinner.

“You are new here?” Hiromi asked the guard.

The guard, whose name was Sayo Seo, had been told to ignore Hiromi Sato and not to speak to her. So she turned her back and began walking out of the cell.

“Can you help me? I can make it worth your while.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Five

Synopsis- The Yakuza war between the Watanabes and Inagawas escalates as Hiromi meets with Swan Song officials.

Spacetran 9

In this chapter Beverly reluctantly returns to earth because mankind cannot make sense of the Anti-gravity science. She starts to realise that there may be hope for her returning as she learns that tolerance has moved a long, long way since her traumatic childhood. She also meets her only remaining older sister.




Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 2

Galactic Marshal II


I had a big grin on my face but, now, Carol looked just as shocked as the doctor. She shook her head.

“That can’t be!”

I glared at her.

“And why not?”

“Boys are not born here!”

Spacetran 8

In this chapter Ruby takes her 'alien children' for an educational tour of America that ends up with an accident having unforeseen consequences. Beverly's return with their Amph/Human children becomes news and the Cold Albatross has to 'Skeedaddle' from earth to avoid all the 'hoo-ha' and military paranoia.



Chapter 8.

Cold Feet 1


Winter mornings could be fun, and pretty, but the A2 was often a nightmare. The Kwak was buzzing away as I finally got past the Whitfield roundabout and I could let it have its head. It’s a long, long straight past Lydden, and just as I was topping the ton I picked up the change in the lights at Husk. Bugger.

Bridges 11

Bridges 11

Chapter 11


Morning light seems to almost drift in through my windows. It’s so…I’m not sure there’s words for this right now but I’ve been watching the little dust motes in the sunshine for about ten minutes now as they drift in the sunlight. I’m so not used to any of this. That feeling deep inside. My breasts tingling and more aware that they’re breasts than in awhile…after awhile it’s just parts of you a vital part if your like me but this morning they’re more there.

An Old Flame

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

An Old Flame
by Kristina L S

Copyright  © 2009 Kristina L.S.
All Rights Reserved.

The idea grew until it became almost an obsession. A long lost relationship that had seemed perfect... and yet it had ended. Almost twenty years, was it possible?


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