Mature / Thirty+


Synopsis: Little did Roger Lyons know that the pretty young girl he met on his late night flight would lead him into a new life and introduce him into a world he had no idea existed. (Newly edited and combined version of the original 10-part story.)

My Funny Androgyne

My Funny Androgyne


 © 2005 by Nom de Plume


What will Donna Mae Trix get her girlfriend for Valentine’s Day? Could a cruise be the cure for the wintertime blues? The continuing misadventures of Miss Anne Thrope, by the author of The Jessica Project.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The Deception of Choice -Part 6-

The Deception of Choice

by Fleurie 

Part 6

Chapter 15.

David rejoined the waiting group of girls. He saw their faces expectant, anxious for his news.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The Deception of Choice -Part 3-

Some light is cast onto the general background, but not enough to provide real illumination. And, alas, none appears at the end of the tunnel for David.

Indeed it is generally a rather dark episode; with nothing in it to provide comfort for those who enjoy a happy ending. Although I suppose such depends on your point of view and where your sympathies lie. With the Foundation or with David?


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Another Ranma 1/2 Story

Another Ranma 1/2 Story

by azgerri


This is an idea that came to me one day. Ranma, for those who don’t know, is the main character in a Japanese comic story. He is a first rate martial artist who has been cursed. While on a ten year long training trip with his father, Ranma accidentally fell (actually was knocked) into the Jusenkyou Spring Nyannichaun, the Spring of the Drown Girl. Now, whenever he gets covered with cold water he turns into a girl, while hot water returns him to his male self.

But, what if Ranma’s father, Genma, was even dumber than we have been told. What if, instead of heating regular water, he managed to heat…

Read on and see. Anyone who wishes to use this idea, feel free to do so.

Standard Disclosure: The characters of Ranma 1⁄2 are not my own creation, they are the exclusive property of Rumiko Takahashi. The story is mine, but the rest is hers.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Purty Prison Guard

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence,
bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from
my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Autumn is the Season of Doom-Chihuahua, Mexico Team - Slothtrop's "I Can See For Miles"

Autumn is the Season of Doom
- Chihuahua, Mexico Team — Slothtrop's “I Can See For Miles”

Valentina Michelle Smith

Tina decided help was needed from a most unlikely source, so Angel finds ‘The Doctor Is In”

Early October - Billings, MT — Munson Apartments


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Phase Transitions: Gas pt.1

Phase Transitions

(Based on a Story and Title suggestion made by Tyrone Slothrop)

Transition one: Gas pt.1

The night sky was clear and still warm on a night in late July of 2004. On interstate 95, just north of Baltimore, a green Kia Spectra uses a tractor trailer to run blocking for it as it makes it way to the 695 interchange. Renee Holister and I have been discussing how I came to the understanding that I was transsexual.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


The Day I Went Home - Part One

This story is suggested by another story posted now on Fictionmania. Thank you Nighthawk for "Once More With Feelings."

The Day I Went Home - Part One
By Barbara Lynn Terry

I am 56 years old. I'm not a real genius or anything, but, I have been toying around with time travel. Something suggested by the Back To The Future trilogy and the series Quantum Leap. I was being helped by a university professor friend I met one day at the campus coffee shop. I was talking to a student who used to live in my neighborhood, until he moved on campus after entering college. We were talking about the Back To The Future trilogy, and pondering on what it woud be like to actually travel through time. This professor was at the next table and heard our conversation.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Psychotherapy, Part 2

“Eight years,” I thought as I left Jennifer’s office. “Eight. Years. Eight. Fucking. Years. And she pulls this shit. Who the fuck did she think she was? If I wanted this, I would have gone to a dominatrix. It would’ve cost me a hell of a lot less, and I wouldn’t have wasted all those lunch hours.”


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Laura Returns to Brazil - Rio Team - Slothrop's I Can See For Miles

Laura Returns to Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro Team -
Slothrop’s I Can See For Miles

by Bluto

Series Originator Note: I first met Bluto through his comments on one of my stories, and we found we shared a similar set of themes around the unsung and unwritten tales of the TG fiction victims. After exchanging emails, I knew he would be key to lending Angel a helping hand. It is so good to see Laura and Harold live again, I need to find another reason to get them to come back.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


October Intervention

October Intervention

By Tyrone Slothrop

What do you owe for having your life saved?

Chapter 1: Vacation Cruise

The small yacht was going down as Emily looked through the storm. Fred was laying on the beach unconscious, completely tired after his futile attempts to swim out and get any supplies.

By Dreams Betrayed-Allentown Team - Slothtrop's "I Can See For Miles"

By Dreams Betrayed
Allentown Team — Slothtrop's “I Can See For Miles”

A Men In Black Dresses Adventure
Valentina Michelle Smith

Series Originator Note: Tina writes with passion and skill and we found a similar interest in the concept of victims who won’t be victims. In many ways, Diana Hunter was one of the inspirations for Angel and Angel and I are very pleased that they got to meet.

Someday, the MIBD may call on you. Be ready.

Enjoy “By Dreams Betrayed”

Tyrone Slothrop


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


I Can See For Miles Part 2 (End)

Part 2- I Can See For Miles

Fourth Story in the Angelverse

By Tyrone Slothrop

The story winds to it's conclusion

Chapter 14: To The Mattresses: High Sierras, Northern California- September


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


I Can See For Miles - Part 1

I Can See For Miles

By Tyrone Slothrop- Fourth Story in the Angelverse

Author’s Note: This is the fourth Angel story and he needed lots of help for this mission. Even when I threw in characters from my previous work into the mix, we still needed more. I then reached out to other authors who had created heroic figures with a similar purpose. You will see a series of works attached to this story, all launching off the same assignment detailed in chapter 20. I can tell you we had fun doing it- Tyrone Slothrop


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Lamb And Lion

Lamb And Lion

By Tyrone Slothrop- an Angelverse story

Predators and prey, prey and predators. One good turn deserves a……hero


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Winter Is The Season Of Endings

Winter Is The Season Of Endings

By Tyrone Slothrop- an Angelverse story

Parody is in the eye of those connected to the oxen being gored. Angel descends to visit a very strange lady…..


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


A Christmiss Story

A Christmiss Story

 © 2004 by Nom de Plume

Will our scoundrel-turned-damsel survive the office holiday party? What will she find in her Christmas stockings? The continuing misadventures of Miss Anne Thrope, by the author of The Jessica Project.

Where No Man Has Gone Before

SUMMARY: This story in an original work, I wrote a story just to stretch
my creative muscles. We all know aliens are ugly gray skinny dudes
without any sexuality at all. Don't we?

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild


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