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By Susan Brown
Once again my thanks go to Kristina LS for knocking this into shape
The gun was still smoking slightly and was warm to the touch.
As the small trickle of smoke rose from the barrel. I looked the body up and down, feeling sort of proud of myself. A clean shot through the forehead. Very little blood on his face. I couldn’t say the same about the back of his head as what was left of it was splattered on the wall behind.
Robin Smith is, I mean was, my partner. He was getting a bit too squeamish about his part in the very lucrative drug and prostitution business we ran, very successfully I might add, up to now.
I couldn’t afford to have someone with a ‘conscience’ working with me, so he had to go. Maybe I'd need to reconsider this partner thing.
It was a pity but that was the trouble with my business; people had to be taken care of occasionally. He was my sixth, no, seventh partner. They all did something wrong sooner or later. Perhaps too scared like Smith here, or perhaps Davies who was a gnats whisker from telling one of my suppliers who I really was. Then there was Chan, the not quite as inscrutable as he thought he was Chinese, who had ideas that he could take over.
No, they all had to go and I must admit that I got a degree of pleasure, looking at the fear on their faces as they died by my hand.
I know I’m not nice. I can’t help it. That’s just the way it is. I cannot let anyone stand in my way. That’s how I got rich, by stamping all over the opposition and killing or otherwise disposing of anyone who opposed me. Fear gives me power and I liked to be in control.
The problem now was that I had to disappear for a bit, until things died down and the heat was off. Killing people tended to get the police all excited and interested and I didn’t want anything coming my way.
Things would still work OK without me for a few weeks. My network mostly ran itself. I used the cell system where no one new much about anything or anyone other than a single contact and their immediate subordinates. I was the only one to know the true extent of my empire. My four senior managers only knew me by an assumed name and had never met me in person.
They are paid well to do my business and all have become rich working for me. The fact that they are shit scared of me and they know what would happen if they cross me, all helps to keep things running smoothly. Occasionally I had to make an example of someone. I didn’t like the way Stefan was asking too many questions, so I removed his head from his shoulders, filmed it as it was done and sent copies to all my other ‘assistants’. It’s wonderful how things like that concentrates the mind and helps focus people in a positive way.
I walked out of Robin’s house glancing over at the bodies of his wife and young son, huddled together in a corner, covered in their own blood. A pity that, still dead people can’t talk.
I Started up the BMW; one that couldn’t be traced to me, of course and drove into the night. It was clear with a full moon, I smiled as I remembered the date; it was the 31st of October — Halloween.
My cases were in the boot and I was heading towards one of my safe houses. I hadn’t seen this one; it had been bought on my behalf through one of my dummy companies and couldn’t be traced to me.
As I drove I keyed in the post code of my destination on the sat nav and let it do its thing while my mind was on other schemes that might earn me more money. Then I got reflective.
Why do I do it? I was rich, so rich that money meant nothing to me except as a tool that gave me power over others.
The fact that I caused the death of so many people, through drugs, prostitution and murders did not bother me. We all make our own beds and we must lie on them.
I had always been a loner, preferring my own company except when I was test driving the occasional hooker. The trouble was I was a bit rough and occasionally left them damaged or shall we say, slightly the worse for wear. Yes, I preferred my own company as I was the only one I could trust.
Even as a kid, my violent temper and unpredictability made even the hardest kids stay clear of me. I went through school without getting close to anyone. I was bright, did well in my classes, nearly always coming top in all subjects but, I could never get into a relationship with anyone.
My parents divorced when I was 7 and I never saw my father again; no loss there…
My mother had a series of relationships that never went far. She was never close to me. I don’t know if it was my fault or hers but we were never what you would call a ‘family’. She was always doing her thing and I did mine. I lost count of the amount of instant uncles I had accumulated and after five I didn't bother. One uncle thought that he could control me and his hospital stay was somewhat lengthy.
She’s in a home now, being looked after for dementia. I haven’t seen her for 2 years, what’s the point. She doesn’t know me and I haven’t got the time to see her. I do pay the bills though, so that’s all right.
I drove for three hours checking the sat nav every so often. Firstly on motorways then more minor roads and finally a long winding lane, miles from anywhere. After about a mile, I could see some big gates loom up in the headlights.
I picked up the gate control and pressed a button. The gates opened silently. I drove through and watched in my rear view mirror as they closed behind me.
A long gravel drive led up to an impressive mansion. It was evidentially about 300 hundred years old and looked it.
I couldn't see much though because it was dark but what I did see, I liked. The place seemed well maintained
Maybe I could make this into a health club, a yuppie spa with lots of New Age crap; it might even pay for itself. I did like to have at least a veneer of respectability and it helped keep the law from sniffing around too much.
I pulled up outside the double front door and switched the engine off, leaving the lights on so I could see to open the door.
I grabbed the keys to the house got out and walked over to the door.
After fumbling around for the correct key, I opened the door and was about to go in when I felt a small chill go down my spine and shuddered slightly.
‘A bit chilly in the country.’ I thought as I walked in, flipping the light switch and going over to a panel set in the wall.
I opened the lid, keyed in a series of numbers and a light on the panel turned green, neutralising the alarm system.
I went back outside, got my cases from the boot of the car, flicked off the lights, locked it and went back inside, shutting and locking the door behind me.
Once inside, I went back over to the alarm control and armed it for outside and perimeter protection.
A quick look around found the kitchen. The fridge was well stocked and I was pleased that my instructions had been followed.
I made myself a ham sandwich and coffee and sat down at the kitchen bar to eat, picking up the papers that had been left for me, outlining the details about the property.
Ten bedrooms, three reception rooms, a library, two large dining rooms. Spacious kitchen and utility room. All bedrooms had en suite.
There was also a swimming pool, some tennis courts, several out buildings, One thousand acres of land and plenty of privacy as the whole place had high walls and fences around it.
The lodge by the entrance was where my four tame security guards would live, together with a number of dogs. They would be arriving as per schedule in the morning. No inside staff, I would fend for myself and preferred it that way.
Skimming through the details I yawned slightly. It was late and I was tired.
I closed all the curtains, checked the doors, windows and alarm system and when satisfied, I made my way upstairs with my suitcase and found the master bedroom.
I put the case on the bed and then went around, checking the windows and shutting the curtains in the windows of all the rooms.
On returning to my bedroom, I stripped off and went into the bathroom for a shower.
Suddenly I felt a coldness against my neck that sent a shiver down my spine and I made a mental note to check for drafts in the morning.
I had a shower, keeping my hair dry, shaved and towelled myself dry. Then I went back into the bedroom. There was a definite draft, it was making the hairs on the back of my neck rise and I was getting goose bumps.
I opened the case and took the clothing out, hanging the items carefully in the wardrobe and putting my underwear in the drawer.
I yawned again. I was tired. After all I had just had a busy day.
I picked up the long nightgown from the bed where I had left it. It was cool white cotton and Victorian in style with long sleeves, high neck and plenty of lace.
As I put the nightgown on and then carefully placed my long blond wig on my head, the tension began to drain out of me. Now I could be Sharon and forget for a little while the problems that I had and could pretend that I was perhaps someone else.
I went back into the bathroom, feeling that slight breezy chill again and walked over to the basin and mirror, brushed my teeth and rinsed.
My hair needed a bit of a go over. I pinned it in place so that in the night it wouldn’t work loose then brushed 50 strokes, it had become a bit tangled from lying in the case .
I decided to put some lipstick on. I don’t normally like to do that before bed but on a whim I did it anyway.
After carefully tracing my lips with a liner, I filled in with my favourite Max Factor lipstick— Lipfinity Vivacious.
I spritzed a little perfume and then went down to the kitchen for a drink of water and on returning heard a muffled bang coming from the other side of the house, making me jump slightly.
Senses alert, I went back into the bedroom and put the glass on the bedside table, went over to my jacket and pulled out my gun.
I crisscrossed down the long corridor, looking into each room. I felt strange doing this dressed as Sharon. I normally kept my business away from this side of my life. Saying that, I had a large number of enemies and I didn’t take chances.
I searched every room and found nothing.
I put the noise down to this being an old house. It was bound to have knocks and creaks. Satisfied that all was well, I returned to my room.
Before going to bed, I went to the toilet, sitting down of course, washed my hands and glanced up at the mirror. It was funny; my face looked softer, more feminine that I remember. I shook my head at my stupidity and went to bed; shivering in my thin nightie as I noticed the breeze that seemed to whisper through the room.
As I fell asleep, I had the weird impression that somehow, despite the alarms and precautions, that I wasn’t alone.
To be continued…
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Great start!
Let's see some more!
Totally Different
Certainly not your usual stuff.Interesting,though.I look forward with anticipation to a suitable comeuppance for your nasty protagonist.
Sue, Very Different
Shows you can branch off into other venues. Me, I wonder if he finds justice or redemption. He might be ruthless in his business, but he loves his mother and his Sharon-self is his way to forget his burdens. He might need to become Sharon in real life to truly be free.
May Your Light Forever Shine
All Hallows Eve
Thanks for all the kind comments.
This one is considerably darker than my normal stuff and I'm glad you like it.
A total sociopath ...
The man is a total sociopath. I have to wonder if it is his reaction to being in a male body ... his way to cover his true feelings (if any). If so a very extreme one. Anyway, so far, a very good story and one that is not in your usual vein.