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strong>Part 10 Friday Morning (27-Oct-06) - Continuing where we left off...
[Author's Note: Here's what Bill and Becky read. Perhaps you should look over their shoulders and catch up. I should also note that as far as I know, getting the depth of detail I'm assuming here from a CAT Scan, Dr. Johanson's report and conclusions aren't actually supportable in today's technology. Hey, maybe I'm wrong and one of you will tell me. The information may be available through additional testing (MRIs, etc.) but that sounds kind of booring to me so I'm cutting things short. Please forgive me.]
Now back to our story.
"Becky, don't go ballistic on us. At least not yet."
"Yet" she almost yelled, "What do you mean by YET!"
I put my arm around her. "Flo, perhaps you should talk to us some. This is a bit to take in, and a whole lot more disturbing than what Dr. Johanson said when I saw him at the beginning of the week!"
"I know Bill. I talked with him yesterday afternoon after reading his report and cover letter. That's one reason Dr. Flynn is here with us now, rather than waiting for your regularly scheduled appointment this afternoon. I hope you'll forgive me for getting your time switched for this morning. I also want you to know that I hadn't gotten this when we talked yesterday!"
"Okay Flo, but what does it all mean? All the words make sense, but not in relation to me!"
"Really Flo, I find this report VERY disturbing. Why wouldn't Bill's parents have mentioned one of those three things happening? Are you SURE that Dr. Johanis is any good? I mean this doesn't make sense!"
"Becky, that's Johanson not that changes things. I've known Stephen since school. He's one of the tops in his field. He prefers practice to lecture, though he's got open invitations to join the faculty in several of the top schools in the country. If he says it's true, then it is. But, he didn't put all of his thoughts into the report. He included some in a cover letter to me, and I think he's still not including all of his conclusions. Here, read his letter too. You can take his speculation there as seriously as the report you've already read. Bill, I'm really sorry this is coming at you this way but I think getting it all at once is probably better than a bit at a time!"
"Okay Flo, but it bothers me a bit that he told you this, and left a lot of it out of what he told me in the office."
"I can understand your angst at that Bill. But, he said the reason was that he knew it had some very disturbing elements, and he felt that you might find it less upsetting from me." At which point, she handed us both copies of a letter.
[Author's Note: Here's the letter. Same caveat as above. This is even more fictional.]
Now back to our regularly scheduled story.
Becky was sitting there opening and closing her mouth, as if she couldn't figure out what to say. I'm afraid I wasn't in much better condition just sitting there not saying much of anything.
"Bill? You still with us?" I guess my glassy eyed stare was giving me away. I shook myself a bit.
"Umm, I guess so. This is a LOT to take in right now. How come you're so calm about it?"
"Two reasons actually Bill. First it's not me. But the bigger reason is I've had most of a day to digest this."
"Well, what do you think about this now?" Becky responded. "I mean if we discount the cancer surgery as the doctor suggests, we're left with two VERY disturbing options. Does either make any sense to you? I mean, he was a KID at the time! He was about Genny's age!"
"Becky, Bill. I find the whole thing disturbing. But, I have to ask you a question now. Do you still want to find out what happened? A lot has happened since then. Just dealing with knowing something horrible happened may be disturbing enough."
"Flo, I don't know about Bill, but if someone did something to him that caused his memory loss, I want them!"
"Easy Beck, I'm still me you know, even if I don't know what happened. But yes Flo, I think it's even more important that I find out what happened! If some doctor did this to me, he may have done it to someone else. And then WHY? Why hurt a kid?"
We went on talking for another hour or so. After a bit it became apparent, to Flo and Susan anyway, that we were talking in circles. I suspect that's why Dr. Flynn stepped in. "Mr. and Mrs. Wyman, you've gotten a lot of information today. Some of it has been very disturbing. I think you may want to take a bit of time and think about it and then talk together some more. Mr. Wyman, I can give you another session Monday morning, if you think it'd be helpful, and Mrs. Wyman, I'm sure Flo or someone else on the staff could spend some time with you. I think it would help you both to work through what your thoughts are about this on your own, and together. A person doesn't find this kind of stuff out every day!"
"Ummm. Yea Dr. Flynn, I think that might be a good Idea."
"Flo, I'd like to work though this on my own a bit, if you don't mind. I'll give you a call, if I need to chat. However, we've not even discussed what to do about Bill's memories and Dr. Wong."
"No Becky, we've not discussed that. And, at this point, until Bill and you decide whether to go forward or not, I don't think we need to, do you?"
"Not really Flo. But, why might we not want to go forward and find out what happened?”
“Well, now I’ve had time to think about Dr. Johanson’s notes a bit more than you have. And, if it wasn’t surgery that caused the scar tissue, the other two options don’t sound like something that could be done accidentally. That makes me wonder who and why it was done. I’m sure there are many people when faced with that consideration might decide they really don’t want to know. The old ignorance is bliss thing.” I guess she could see that bit finally sinking in to both of us, because she continued “Just remember, whatever you decide, I’ll be here to help! And, I’m sure you have other friends that would be just as willing to help if the decision is to go forward!”
“Wow Flo, I think I’m glad you added that last little bit. Are there any OTHER little bombs you want to drop on me today?”
“No Bill, I think that’s quite enough. I just wanted you to hear it here and not think of it over the weekend, say in the middle of the night. You two both do need to get some sleep as well this weekend. It won’t do you much good, I know easy for me to say, to spend all your time thinking and talking in circles. It also won’t do the kids much good. One of them would be sure to notice.” She said this last smiling. She knows our kids too well and, I guess she’s right that just one would be likely to notice. The other two tend to be less observant.
“Thanks Flo, and that last point is telling, we’d best tell her something, so she doesn’t worry the other two. And, we do have a lot to think about this weekend don’t we Bill.” I just shook my head in agreement. It’s been a LOT to take in!
“Well Bill, how about you and I go and get a light lunch and then head for home. I'll call in sick for the rest of the day. And we can talk when we need.”
“Yea, that sounds good Beck. Thanks Flo & Dr. Flynn.”
Flo gave us both hugs, and I realized this disturbed her too. When we got to Dr. Flynn she nodded, and shook our hands as we were leaving. “Be well you too, and remember we’re here for you at any time!”
To Be Continued… ? What will Bill do?
[Author’s Note: Well, hopefully you have more information now, and the way you got it didn’t disturb you. How will they go forward? Will they hesitate? Is it full speed ahead? And if so, where do they go from here? Seems the more answers we get, the more questions there are. Please comment... Your comments and messages are the only way I know whether it's enjoyed or not, and if there are issues you have, with what parts. Thanks and sorry to beg.
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Who Was I - 10
If something happened during his youth, Bill's parents should know about it. It sounds very underhand to me and something his parents must have agreed to. I hope it doesn't affect Bill's thoughts of his parents.
Bad advice
This is beginning to sound like his parents got bad advice from some so-called expert. It was all for the child's own good of course. Nothing at all to do with advancing the doctor's own career or theories. The child doesn't need to know anything about it. I could be wrong but it is beginning to look that way. Stranger would be if they really don't know anything as if they too were memory wiped.
You certainly have us guessing!
I hate this...
For some reason, this is reminding me of stories of kids who are I.S. and their parent are the ones who decide whether they are having a boy or a girl.. not giving a damn about how the baby or young child will feel when they grow up and wonder what is wrong with them.
This is really getting interesting, but I'm wondering why his brother hasn't been contacted, and or other relations.
The suspicion of a female cousin, or was it Bill?
Bill hasn't done any searches yet, what about old neighbours.
I know I'm going to find out as you have finished the story, so I'm back to see what happens.
Can't wait!!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)