Bit of a shock

I came home from work, ready for a weeks holiday. I had a nice quiet week
planned, some DIY, some resting and possibly some dressing up.

All my plans were shattered as I walked in my front door and saw my
very determined wife, arms crossed in front of her, while she sat
in front of the computer.The screen showing what I had thought were
my private files, containing stories and fantasies about cross dressing.

She knew I had this little twist to my character. I had told her before
we were married that as a boy I had worn my mother and sister's clothes.
She seemed okay with it, even though I made it clear I did not feel it was
something that would fade away. Anyway, I was faced with a visibly upset partner
at that moment, and it was directly connected to my 'hobby'.

'So, you'd still like to be a woman?' she started in on me.
'You know I could never be a woman. I just have this desire to look like
one from time to time, wonder how the clothes must feel, that sort of thing'
I was defensive.
'Well, explain this then' and she started to read from the screen 'I knew
he fancied me because I could feel his dick stiff against me as we
danced,and not for the first time that night considered
if he would give me the pleasure of it in a more private setting' she
paused 'I could go on, but I reckon you know the rest, seeing as how you
wrote it'
My eyes were downcast, looking at the floor, anywhere but at her glaring
'It is only a story, like James Bond is not a real spy, my stories are made up as well'
'Just a bit too much for me to handle, I am afraid, I am not sure I want a
man who even thinks what having another man shagging them is like.'
'Only hypothetical' I pleaded.
'Whatever, I have made up my mind. I am going to divorce you'
'What, no, please!'
'Forget your whining. I have decided I want out of this marraige.
Now, I spent today sorting out a few things and not just solicitors. But I am not
heartless; as a separating gift, I have set you up for a week as Mandy,
your femme name I think. A man named John is looking forward to being
your partner for the week. He only fancies trannies for some odd reason,
and can't wait to meet you'
', please I love you!'
'Forget it buster, I don't love you anymore and I doubt if you truly love me.'
'And if I wont give you a divorce?'
'You will, and you shall do everything I have organised for your
separation gift, or else I will site the reason for leaving you as being
the fact that you are a gay transvestite, and there are a few interesting
photos I found on here. You really should have been more careful how you
closed down this thing you know'
'But I am not a gay tranny!'
'I think you are, and that is enough for a divorce. Now do as I say and I
shall just say the grounds for the divorce is down to growing apart'
'Do I have a choice?'
'Well yes you do. Either I tell everyone you are a gay transvestite, or you
spend the next week as a gay transvestite and find out if you are one! I think
you could even say thank you for making this scenario avaliable to you'
'Please no!'
'Forget it! I have never been so determined as I am with this.Either
John gets his transvestite for the week or I get to ridicule you publically.
Now choose!'
There were no other options. She was right. I had thought about what it
would be like to have a man treat me like a woman in as many ways as
possible. I also hated the thought of everyone I know finding out about
my secret hobby. Defeated, I quietly said 'you win, what do I have to do?'

I was shown the spare bedroom and told to strip. There was a set of pink
sweats on the bed. 'Right, before tomorrow morning, you will have shaved
all over, rubbed in this tanning cream and read some of your more
graphic stories, so you know what might be in store for you'. I slumped
onto the bed as she continued: 'and tomorrow at nine, you will be waiting at
Transform, in your pink outfit there,' she pointed at the sweats 'for
the doors to open. I have given them a full list of everything, they
think, you have asked for. Got it?'
'Yes, but please?' I was cut off.
'I don't want you anymore. Maybe John will, if you treat him right.
How did you put it in one if your stories? 'I lay there feeling like his woman, and
I knew he was my man', maybe you can make it come true?'
'But I have only had sex with you, I don't know how to with anyone else'
'That is a bit weak after what I have read. With your descriptions, if
you have not been fucked, then you definitely want to be'.
Tears ran down my cheeks. 'Perfect,you're crying like a girl!'

I spent the rest of the evening in the bathroom, removing my body hair
and going to the kitchen to get something to eat, before being chased
back to the room. I slept fitfully, and could have been at Transform
well before nine, but she was going to take me and make sure I arrived.
And so I ended up embarrassingly standing outside a closed door,wearing pink
sweats and waiting for the staff. Her parting words as I got out of the car
were: 'Try and enjoy it, who knows, you might like it, and by the way I
have changed the locks at the house so that you can't get back in for anything,
until I meet you here in a weeks time! Bye Bye Mandy' I had not moved,
hoping it was all a joke, that is until she shouted 'Get out, you perv!'

Karen opened the door and welcomed me in. 'Mandy isn't it?'
'Come on in, we have an awful lot to do before John arrives' I was taken
through to the back, which resembled a woman's hair salon. 'Now let's
start with the body first. We need some new curves and to lose some old
ones. I am told you want to be as much a woman as possible, which for me
means, no dick!' I stripped off and meekly allowed Karen to do
whatever she intended to do. I had no fight left in me. First, she shrunk my
penis with ice water, then glued it backwards, with my ball sack making a reasonable
labia. Next, she glued some D cup breast forms to my small chest. After a
little make up on the edges, she stood me in front of a mirror. 'Say hello
to Mandy' Karen prompted. 'Hello' I said. 'Okay, breath on this inhaler'.
I took a breath. 'now say hello' I knew it would sound funny, because my
mouth tasted odd. 'Hello' it came out an octave higher. 'Perfect, you
sound and look like a Mandy now, follow me'. She gave me a luxurious wrap
to cover myself with and asked 'I am not sure what you and John are
planning, but from experience I find girls like you and men like him go
for one of three looks: a proper tarty style, a desperate housewives
look and sometimes the french maid. From what I can make out, you are
wanting to find out about being a woman, so how about a housewife look?'
I agreed, not wishing to walk out in a frilly maid costume or looking like
a whore.

I sat down and said little as i let Karen get on with her job. My floppy mop
of hair was styled into a curly blonde bob, which seemed to take ages. My
eyebrows were waxed into neat tadpoles, my lips were injected with
collagen to make them plumper,and my forehead botoxed.Before she put any
make up on, I was looking dramatically different. By the time she had applied
all of the cosmetics I was unrecognisable, what with my pink lips, defined
cheek bones and most amazingly, the blue contacts surrounded by bold mascara
and eye liner.
While my hair was being coloured, she had enhanced my nails into ovals
that doubled the length, then she painted them a rich pink to match my
lips. I felt she had about finished with the body and she would move
onto the clothes next. I was right. She took me through to the shop and
browsed the racks for something suitable. I remember feeling quite odd
as there was another man in there looking at high heels, which looked
kind of incongruous. Karen had made her choice for me. A white V neck knitted
top, and a grey soft cotton skirt. Once in the back room, I got dressed.
White satin bra and panties, tan stockings, just so he gets the idea I am not
a prude, Karen suggested, grey peep toe heels and a matching hand bag.
Then a few cheap bits of jewelry, a couple of rings, a watch, a big
bangle and a matching set of necklace beads which dangled into my
'cleavage'. Then she clipped on some pendants to my ears.
When I said they hurt, she suggested I let her pierce them, so I shut up
quickly. 'Right, something to make you smell even better, and a jacket' I
was declared ready, and was told to ring a number she gave me, with
instructions about what to say.

The ringing stopped. 'Hello, can I help you?'
'Is that John?'
'Yes, who is this?'
'Oh hi Mandy!'
'Hi John, if it is convenient, could you come and pick me up'
'Of course, give me ten minutes'
'See you soon'
'See you, Mandy'
I hung up and told Karen that my ride would be here in ten minutes.
'Now remember, besides what you are wearing, and the make up in the
bag, you have nothing. So when John gets here, you will have to go
shopping for more clothes, underwear and night stuff, and if you need
any advice, give me a call, but after reading your stories, I don't think
you will need my help any more'. I blushed at the thought of her knowing
what I had written. 'I do like the way that your heroine is always
wanting to please her man. I am sure John will be very happy about that.'
'I suppose I should say thank you'
'I think you should. After all that has been spent on you, I expect you
to come back next week and tell me what a brilliant week you have had'

A man then walked into the shop, confident, smart,and six plus feet tall.
'Hi, I am John and have come to pick up a Mandy?'
I summoned up all my nerves and spoke up. 'Hi John, I'm Mandy'
'Wow Mandy, I was not sure what to expect with there being only some old
pictures of you, but bloody hell, you look fantastic!'
'Thanks'. I picked up my jacket and bag.
Karen gave me a kiss on the cheek. 'You go and enjoy yourself, Mandy'
'Thank you for everything, I think!'

I had had plenty of time to think how I would handle this meeting, so I
went with my plan as if it were a story. I gave him the bag of stuff
Karen had used on me, took his other hand in mine,and reached up to kiss
him. 'Right then, I am yours for the next week it seems.What do you
think of how I should look? I need some more clothes and you
could get me to wear what you like as long as it is legal'
'In that case Mandy, we had better get to the shops. Are you hungry?'
And so my week as Mandy started, with John keeping hold of my hand and leading me
out to his car. We ate in a nice cafe. Wine and a small pasta meal.It
was here that I had a few ground rules explained. If I did anything at all
blokish, John had been instructed to drop me outside of my wife's
solicitors. He also admitted to adding some of his own. I had to wear
skirts and heels all the time, because they looked good on me, and he wanted
breakfast in bed as well as all the other normal wife type duties I knew
would be expected of me. By this time it was pointless even thinking I
could rebel. Everyone I had met was in on my week as Mandy. I was going
to have to do it, but looking so good and being with a man who I could tell
was quite good looking was making the first day at least a lot easier
than I first imagined.

By the time I was ready for my new home for the next week, I
had bought, or I should say John had bought me, three sets of sexy
underwear, all lacy and satin. Two satin nighties. A plain cream dress
for daytime he said, a silver tube for night time, a long cotton dress
for going out in, and a pair of spike sandals. He showed me around his
house, then sat down to watch the TV. He had made some comment when he
showed me the kitchen about how it was my room, so when he sat down, I
took the hint and went to prepare a meal. I found everything I needed,
including a bottle of wine in the fridge and some candles that I lit
when I laid the table.

Meal over and the kitchen tidy, I relaxed with John. Thinking
what a woman might do,I sat beside him and put his arm over my
shoulder, then proceeded to finish the bottle of wine. It was not late
when John suggested we go to bed. I took the hint and went off to get
ready for my first ever night with a man! I cleaned my
face like Karen had told me, added another dab of scent and slipped into my
long white nightie, appropriate for the ocassion I felt, and went to wait
for my man in his bed.

We had kissed and cuddled prior to getting into bed, but I was just his
from the moment he lifted the sheet, saw the white satin and said 'you can only
be a virgin once'
'I know'
He then kissed and carressed me until I was aroused and felt my dick
straining against it's restraining tape,and soon found myself wanting to
feel his cock. Then, as if thinking aloud, he said 'I suppose we might as
well do this properly from the start, Mandy'
I just said 'Whatever you want, John'. At which point he lifted my legs up,
massaged some cream into my arse and pushed his cock inside me.
'Relax Mandy' he said a few times, then I felt him go inside and I
tensed up, breathing deeply. I relaxed and felt him moving in and out,
still tense, but willing myself to relax. I felt him getting deeper until
his balls touched my arse, and I thought 'my god how has he done that. No
more then'. I was even beginning to feel some nice sensations as he
pumped away, then he tensed, climaxed and relaxed.

He climbed off me, wiped himself clean, then after a quick peck on the
lips, said good night and fell asleep. Leaving me wondering if my arse
would ever feel the same, and at the same time feeling confused. I had
satisfied my man as I should, but I felt used because he had ignored any
needs I might have harboured. Then I felt the cum trickle out of me and
I made a quick exit for the bathroom. I was surprised to find a box of
tampax there, but relieved to have the oppurtunity to stem the dribbles.

Sleep was not easy as I worried about my situation, what John might end
up doing to me, what would happen to me when the week was over and I had
to face my wife once more. Would she take me back? where would I live?
how could I live as a man with such a feminine face, hair and nails?
Even if you think you are awake all night, somehow it is a surprise when
the alarm goes off to tell you that you need to get up. I had to be up
early so I had time to make myself look like Mandy before making John's
breakfast. I decided to stay in the nightie, brush my hair and have a
wash before applying some basic make up. For my effort, I was rewarded
with my second shag as a woman. John seeing me in my nightie said I
looked far too tempting and my arse moving around under the satin too
welcoming, and so for the second time in twelve hours I was living my
fantasy, as a man used my arse for his pleasure.

As I showered, washing off the sweat and other bodily secretions that
were on me, I considered if the discomfort I was experiencing in my
rectum was truly worth it. However, soaping my own breasts was a novel
and stimulating sensation that helped ease my concerns, followed by the
delights of having to make myself pretty and once more wear a dress (the
long cotton one) and heels without the aprehension of being caught in
the 'act'. And so I reconstructed Mandy for mine and John's pleasure.

After some housework, John told me as it was Sunday we should go for a
drive. A rather pleasant journey, followed by a nice pub meal, followed
by a randy driver stroking my leg, playing with the stocking tops and
tickling me between my legs. I in return tried not to get John too
excited and kept away from his dick until he announced 'It's no good'
andpulled into an empty car park. 'Right Mandy, get on with it' I was a
little unsure what I was to get on with, but he undid his fly and hooked
a ready prepared erection out for me. Still not sure, I massaged it then
thought of one of my stories, of being in a car with a handsome man.
I lowered my lips and kissed his tip, tasting the dribble of cum,
it twitched..I cupped his balls and ran my tongue around it, then took
it in my mouth, bobbing up and down, taking a little more every time
until it touched the back of my mouth. I gagged and slid off it, going
back down to the gag spot again and again making my tongue and lips
excite his flesh. I could tell he was enjoying himself, whereas I was
thinking this is getting a bit dull, when he tensed up and ejaculated
into my mouth. I had tasted my own cum before and knew it was salty, but
this was different. I had milked this man and the stuff in my mouth was
just for me, and it tasted great, especially with the knowledge I had caused
it's release. I licked him clean as he wilted, then sat up. 'Time to be
going, I think'. He did not reply and just drove the country lanes back to
his house where I made us a snack before settling down for the evening.

Before I fell asleep, I had a reminder of how I used to treat my now ex
partner. John was interested in some boring film so I gave up cuddling
with him and went to get ready for bed where I found a girlie magazine and
happily read it. Then while I am relaxed and half asleep, John came in,
gets undressed, climbs into bed and without much ceremony rolls me on my
back and climbs on top of me. Once he has spent his cum into my arse he
says thank you, rolls over and falls asleep. I once more make a trip to
the bathroom and plug my leaking hole with a tampon and return to bed
and hopefully a decent sleep before I am expected to be up first to make
his breakfast.

On the Monday, I fullfil all my duties and see him off to work before
getting myself showered and dressed. With the day to myself, I take time
to explore my make up options and oppurtunities. Discovering they are
quite limited, I make plans to improve my look and hopefully improve
my pleasure with John. I need to shop for some groceries, so a trip to
an anonymous Tesco is in order. John has left me some cash for food, but
while I am there, I see the clothes section and am tempted by a halter
neck mini dress. When John gets home, his house is clean, a meal is
waiting for us to eat and I am in my new dress and heels. I asked him if
he liked it, he asks what it is for, I tell him it is for dessert. He
smiles and gives me a kiss, letting his hands squeeze my arse and push
his erection into my body. Sure enough we had stew for mains, then for
afters I got a mouthful of cum followed later by a sausage in the hole.
This time however, I planned on being more in control. I made more of the
foreplay and once excited, asked him to make sure I had a good time.He
was in a mood to do anything and the more foreplay he got, the more
generous he was at promising to try and give me a good time. I had read
stories of how the 'woman' has a gland that if the man stimulates it
then an orgasm is possible. I was aiming on having John hit my spot and
I was not disappionted. I got some nice little tingles that left me
wanting more.

As I made him breakfast in the morning, I asked if he fancied going out
so I could wear the club dress. He said he would see how he felt when he
got home. So that evening, I greeted him in my short tube dress and after
giving him a nice long kiss asked what he fancied that evening. I wanted
to see what life was like as a girl at night, but I had to do it with
his consent. The hem of my dress rose over my arse cheeks and his
fingers ran along my crack. 'I have been stiff all day thinking of you'
he said, 'I also bought you a gift'
I put a hand on his groin. 'You are stiff, let me help you out' so I
released his erection and lowered myself onto my haunches and kissed it,
then with growing confidence and ease swallowed it, and found myself
looking forward to his explosion when it came.
'Something to eat, then I will take you into town and I can show you off
to some friends, but you will need to be on your best girlie behaviour,
we are going to straight places. Understand? I have not come out to
these people and if they suspect you are not a woman, I am in trouble'.
He gave me a stern look.
'I will do my best'
'Do more than your best tonight, or you and I are in trouble for
different reasons'
'And the gift, I would like you to take this and keep it in'
I gave him a puzzled look. I opened the bag to find a dildo inside.
'I hope it helps you find what you were looking for last night'
'Should I say thank you?'
'You can'
'Maybe later' I teased.

I put out the salad I had prepared and then went to make sure I was
looking my best.
'Will I do?' I asked, as I walked into the front room.
'Perfect, let's go'

He drove us into town and parked near a posh part of town. From here
we visited a few bars. John was on speaking terms with quite a few
people we met, apparently work colleagues on a celebration night out.
He bought me several vodka shots but stayed with fruit juices himself
as he was driving. I was doing my utmost best to be a perfect girlfriend
and the shots were making me unsteady, which meant I was holding his arm or hand
almost constantly. I even kissed him a few times as our faces came

By the time we got home, we had been flirting with each other
for hours; meaning that when we got indoors and upstairs, I was
easily taken to bed and as he replaced the dildo with his cock, I felt
myself wanting this man inside me. He pushed in and out, and slowly I
felt the tension build until he pushed and I came, then I wanted him to
continue pushing until I subsided. Somewhere in my moment, I had been
filled with sticky semen, which now leaked out, so reluctantly I got up
and cleaned myself ready for sleep.
'Happy now?' he asked as I walked back in, wearing my nightie.
'Yes, and thank you'
I slept well that night.

Thursday morning was almost a routine by then. Breakfast, see him off,
shower, dress, shop, cleaning, lunch, rest and consider what I should be
doing as a woman etc. Only that day I had a new toy to play with, so as I
showered, I cleaned the dildo and with some gel inserted it inside me.
It felt like I wanted to use the toilet but with an extra sensation to
interest me. By the time I had eaten my lunch, I was feeling quite
excited and masturbated myself with ease if you consider how restricted
my penis was, it was a relief to cum and feel the pain subside.

I was wearing the halter neck dress when John came home.
'Good day?'
'Not bad'
'Anything interesting happen'
'Not much'. I could hardly tell him I had been playing without him.
'What's for tea?' he spoke as he wrapped his arms round me and let a
finger creep inside my knickers.
'And what are you keeping under wraps down here?'
'Thought I would keep your desserts ready'
'Well how about we have entrees instead?'
'I was just going to swap your fake prick for a real one'
He was holding me from behind and smoothly manouvered me onto the table
so I lay face down, then he just did his thing and I forgot all about
if the chicken would be over cooked as I urged him to find my G spot.

The meal was a bit dry, but the entrees had been delicious, later we
even had dessert before collapsing, exhausted, into bed.

Friday was like a new dawn. I had experienced the delights of being a
feminine partner in an apparently straight relationship, and after a
week of learning, I had come to appreciate that I could make a man happy
by the simple fact of making sure I looked good and letting him
think I want sex with him, which in fact was exactly what I also wanted.
I looked down on my sleeping man and decided I wanted a taste of cum, so
woke him up by stiffening him up with a blow job.

He went off to work happy and I cleaned his house for the last time. The
next morning, i would be going to Transform so I could be switched back
to my old male self.

That evening, I had prepared a special meal for him and wore the club
tube dress to impress him. Once we had eaten, it was still early and he
suggested that as it was my last night with him, he would take me
somewhere appropriate to my dress style. Soon after, I was teetering
along in my highest heels; being escorted down the city's streets to a
club that played dance music to an audience that I was to find out was mostly
gay and tv. I had a lovely time. John looked after me, while introducing
me to some of his friends, some male, while others I was not too sure
about, but guessed fell into the category that I was
currently in, gay CD. The evening ended back at John's with me on my
back, urging John to tickle my spot with his prick.

Saturday was always going to be a difficult day. My week's holiday was
over, my ex wife would be wanting to complete her worst punishment on me
and now I had found out that I actually liked the experience of being a
man's woman. But I would be required to give it up, so I could conform to
society and keep my job. I would, however, like not shaving every day at
least twice, but that was about it, I reckoned. I wore the long summer
dress that emphasised the bust and wafted around my ankles. On my last
outing as a woman, I wanted to feel as feminine as possible.
John did not rush to get me to the transform shop, he wanted his breakfast,
followed by a personal scrub in the shower, including particular attention to his
crotch area, which he insisted I wash with my tongue. So after all that,
we arrived late in the morning to be greeted by a smiling Karen who took
me through to the back room and asked how the week had been. I told her
it had been fine, but then she opened up her computer and clicked onto a
blog site, John's blog site! It took a moment to sink in, but John had
been publishing my life over the past week in quite vivid detail at
times. Excerpts from saturday: 'looks good, is very passable,
should be no trouble taking him/her out' and later 'few rough edges to
smooth off, should be a good week'. A few days later: 'keen to please and
I think she wants to be just taken and treated as a submissive girl'
followed by: 'she came last night for the first time, very keen now.
Loves dressing sexy for me, which is nice'

I was sitting back taking in what I had read, when Karen came back in
with a coffee and John and my ex! John asked 'Any problem
with what I wrote?'
'Bit public, isn't it?'
'Not really, only a few were reading it'
Then my wife chimed in 'Does seem like I was right, you did like being
the girl in a relationship'
Karen then asked if she would be needed to clean me up, but John and
Kate(my wife) said no, they would like to take Mandy out for a little
while to discuss my future..Like I wasn't there, I was sat down while
they talked over me. Karen just informed them the shop was busy, but she
had a slot at four when they could bring me back.

Being about midday by then, John suggested a quiet bar in town a few
streets away. Kate agreed and that was it. John took my hand and led me
out onto the pavement. We sat and ate a light lunch and drank some nice
red wine until about three. John talked about how I had risen to the task
of being a good wife and after a couple of glasses, I lost some restraint
and told them how much I had enjoyed my week as Mandy.
They even suggested I have electroysis to remove my beard permanently,
which I think I responded to more keenly than I should have.
We were back at the shop for four and Kate
had been talking about how I should keep myself pretty, but I was
resisting, thinking of what life was going to be like on Monday with all
the things she had done to me anyway. Then John suggested that if I did
not need to go to work on Monday, what then? I was thrown, I had to go
to work to earn money, but John persisted with the what if I did not?
I admitted that if I was not going into the office on Monday, then I
would not rush to be out of the dresses. But i followed it with the fact
that I still needed somewhere to live. 'But if you could forget all of
those restrictions, come Monday, would you rather wear a dress or be a man?'
'If I had another week's holiday, I would stay as I am', I concluded.

We walked into the shop as I was saying this. Karen said 'Hi, made a decision?'
'Yes' said Kate. 'Mandy needs her ears pierced and a course of electrolysis'
'No I don't' I protested.
'Why not, I have rung work to tell them you are resigning, and you need
to get away from clip ons and shaving, so what is your problem?'
'You rang work and told them I was leaving?'. I sounded horrified.
'Yes, the redundancy papers are at home'
'But I need somewhere to live, I need a job, I can't do that dressed like this'
John then piped up. 'I can see no reason why you are being so resistant.
Isn't it clear? I want you to live with me! I like the job you did
looking after me, and what is more, Kate here has come to see a new side
to you and does not want to be difficult. She says that she could do
with a house helper now that she is on her own'
Karen took me to one side, I thought to help me gather my thoughts, but
as the pain of a needle puncturing my earlobe brought me back to life, I
realised I had no choice other than to accept my female role until these
two stopped pushing me, or I got some strength and a plan to change back.
Which at the time I did not have! Come Monday, I was John's live in
partner and had a job as a home helper at my old house. All quite sudden, but
exhilerating, fun and definitely better than my old days of writing fiction
based on other peoples stories.
Truth for me was now stranger than fiction!

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