Lesley gets promotion

Lesley was convinced that as a woman she would never get promotion, and yet again she had been passed over for a less able man.

In the rest room later a girl friend suggested she should apply as a bloke, and see if it made any difference, it was said in fun and at the time she laughed. But when the job she wanted came up a couple of weeks later she was filling in the forms and realised how easy it would be to not be totally truthful about things like mr and mrs. Once completed she sat and stared at it trying to decide whether to change it, but thought she might as well leave it because she would not get the job as a female. All she had to do was get the references to play along, one was her friend, the other her immediate boss who had experienced such things herself, both agreed and with great trepidation she sent it off.

The next thing she has an interview, which she rarely got before, and her boss had been asked about this man working under her. Bottle out or turn up, the friend and boss point out they are all in this together now, they had lied for her so she had better turn up. She had a weekend to sort herself out, while Martin was out she tried on his suit, which was not too bad, shoes she had a pair that would do, no make up, but the hair was wrong and she did like it. A couple of phone calls did not alleviate the problem, the friends told her to get it cut, then Martin came back and caught her, she now had to explain what was going on. He just said fine but have your hair really short, there are some clippers somewhere. He found them and left her to make her mind up. But an hour later she was still sat on the bed when he returned, ‘how bad do you want the job, and to get at the bosses?’ He paused then plugged the clippers in, he knew she wanted it and motioned for her to go over to him. She sat down and shut her eyes and told him to not let her see the clippings. Ten minutes later she has a number 3, Martin tells her to get out of the suit ‘it is Saturday’ and gave her jeans and a sweatshirt, she cut her nails and bandaged her chest. ‘Right lets go shopping’ if she was to succeed she had to go out before the interview as a man, no good doing it on the day. Well things went fine, she spoke slowly and deeper than they really had before. He took her to the football where she watched the men rather than the football, then in a pub she was given a man’s glass, acceptance Martin said.

They spent Sunday doing more man type things, then on Monday she had the interview, full of terror that this was stupid and could loose her job and affect the others, but it was too late. Besides, she could do the job.

In the afternoon Martin got the call he dreaded, he had had the upset rejections so often, he was not sure how to take the ‘I got it’ call. She was over the moon. But by the time she had got home she had realised that they had employed her as a man, so how could she now go and tell them they were wrong and risk loosing the job. Martin pointed out how much she would be earning and she should go and buy herself a suit and get on with enjoying the job.

So on Tuesday she turned up for work in the suit, as she had a week to work at her old job. ?Fortunately nobody really saw her but she decided to go sick for the rest of the week, and start in the new job at the new site afresh.

The fun started the next Monday, Lesley went to her new job and quite happy with the clothes she had bought the week before, she spoke to Martin during the day to tell him things were fine, but she would be a little late, could he cook the tea. He often cooked but felt he would send up the situation and before cooking changed, he found her clothes and dressed as a woman, without much thought he got a dress that buttoned up the front for ease, tights, a pair of high heels, then a dip into make up to find red lipstick and green eye shadow he surrounded his eyes with, realising he had no tits he undressed and managed to get into a bra then put an orange in each cup and he was ready to greet her with a rush to the door and ‘how was your day at the office dear?’ and give her a lipstick kiss.

She was late but still excited by the job and the deception. The welcome she got made her laugh, as Martin teetered towards her in the ridiculous outfit, gave her a big red kiss and exaggerated hug.

‘Quite the housewife now I see’ she commented

‘well, we do have to keep or men happy don’t we’

‘Oh if that’s the case, come here my girl’ she then kissed him properly and fondled him as he would fondle her in a skirt, making it ride up.

‘Oh boxers, how romantic, not. What was wrong with those French knickers you bought for me?’

‘It was not serious you know’ he defended,

‘Just thought if you have me go about as a man, you should do it properly as well’ then smiled and kissed him to let him off the hook.

Some weeks later, she has settled into the new job and though wishing she could be honest, rather enjoyed the world as it now was, being a man at work suited her. Martin had allowed her to share his clothes and the boxer pile had increased to accommodate hers.

She decided to have a wardrobe clear out, it looked pretty much like the job would last, and with it her new identity, so she gathered all the old and unused clothes into a bin bag and put them out. Very soon she realised she had not worn a skirt or heels for months, and Martin asked her how she felt about being so butch, jokingly she replied, ‘What I really need is a good woman, people must think we are gay’

‘You are joking, I do love you remember, and it was me who encouraged you’

She tried to defused the tension in his voice, ‘I was joking, I know I have you, but I can’t help thinking what an odd couple we make, and how I would behave if I was dating a woman. I know I react to and others react differently to me with me looking like a man. Just a thought’ Martin went all quiet and thoughtful until Lesley started tickling him, but he was considering her words all the time.

The next day he was alone at home was Friday afternoon, he was really anxious about what he intended to do, but wanted to try it anyway, just to get it out of his system he said. He sorted through the bags of Lesley’s clothes that had not made it to the recycling bins, until he found a cream blouse and a denim skirt. Next he looked in the drawers for underwear and got undressed. The first thing he felt was how soft the pants were, then how awkward it is to fasten a bra behind, and tights are not socks are they. But the blouse was so soft and delicate, last the skirt. Now he looked at her dressing table, the make up was pushed into a drawer, but he found a lip stick and spread it around his lips, and brushed out his hair so it came more forward. He was just wandering what ever Lesley did for so long when she was doing her make up, when he heard the door close and Lesley call, the time had flown by and Lesley was early. Panic.

Too late,

‘hello dear, that is a nice blouse isn’t it?’

Martin changed from panic white to crimson blush in a second,

‘yes, oh I’m sorry, I was only, well,’ he started to stumble over words.

‘You were thinking about what I said about wanting a woman, and wanted to see if you could be that woman for me. How sweet. Love you’ she then gave him a hug and kiss.

‘Right’ she said,' taking a particularly bossy tone, ‘let’s do this right, strip off and start again’ she looked him over for any objections, ‘if you want, I would like to see what sort of a girl we can make of you?’

Martin looked a little unsure he was only mucking about, Lesley seemed to be taking it seriously. In his silence she took charge. ‘It’s only 4 o’clock, lets get you sorted and have a pizza delivered’

‘OK and if I look awful that’s it’

‘That’s it’, she agreed. Now she thought this has to be good, I had best go to town and do everything, and do it well

First she rubbed immac all over him, and shaved his bikini line, when asked if necessary she said yes it was, no explanation. Showered and talced, she led him to the bedroom with a towel turban and a towel dress. Next she found the silkiest bra and pants, filled the cups with tights, then thinking how Martin liked her to dress, she fastened a suspender belt, and showed him how to put on the stockings. He even commented on how much nicer they felt to the tights he had struggled with earlier. Now she got the hairdryer out and styled his hair from the pony tail he always wore, to a full of volume side parting, that swept across his face. Out came the make up next, plucked a few stray hairs from the eyebrows, and followed with a full foundation, powder, blusher, eyeliner, shadow, mascara and lipstick. All the colours being carefully chosen to create the face Martin would fancy on a woman, so they were quite bold.

‘Now what to wear?’ Martin was feeling quite sheepish by this time, ‘you like the blouse, and a skirt? Maybe trousers?’ he did not have a clue what would be a good choice but picked one of Lesley’s skirts that went with a suit, straight and to above the knee, and on Martin tight. She finished him off with a pair of low sandals, and a few bits of jewellery.

‘Now you can look in the mirror’ he stood in front of the image not speaking, the shock was complete. ‘So tell me’ she asked ‘do we have a woman in the house again?’

‘Bugger me, it certainly looks like it. How did you do this............ and what do you think’

They ordered their pizza, and sat down for a chat, and when the bell rang Lesley went to get the plates casually saying ‘You go and get the door’ as if Martin was dressed as Martin usually dressed. To both of their surprises, Martin collected some cash from the sideboard and went to the door, it was as he opened it he realised how embarrassing this could be, but he was there with the door open, the pizza was handed over, he paid, and said thank you. Lesley was right behind him as he closed the door. ‘That was brilliant, I do believe we are back to man and wife’ Martin was stunned by what he had just done, and did not take in her words, but as they ate he soon caught up. She called him Tina and planned their weekend around Tina’s learning.

Martin was always the tidier of the two, and would often cook and nearly always clear up, so he automatically cleared up after the meal, but then went on to make drinks for them, and cuddle up to Lesley on the sofa. The whole feminine role seemed so nice he relaxed into it very easily, as Lesley played a more masculine part.

Changes happened at bed time too, Lesley went up first whilst Tina was clearing up, and then washing the make up off. As she got undressed she saw the cotton pyjama bottoms Martin wore and tried them on and climbed into his side off the bed, leaving her satin pyjama’s on top of the bed clothes for him to see when he came in. without a word he removed the skirt and blouse, Lesley could feel herself getting aroused at the sight of him in the stockings, and when he put on the satin nightwear he commented how nice it felt and slid into bed, to find his wife taking a lead role in the lovemaking, not unusual but given the day, appropriate.

Next morning they sat and drank a coffee discussing how things might be. Lesley teased by saying that the side of the bed she had slept in was much more convenient for the boxer shorts drawer, and she had no need for the dressing table if he wanted it. Then she got up dressed in jeans and a T shirt which were his, over his boxers, and found a pair of his shoes and laced them up tight. The implications were not lost on Martin.

‘OK, I need to learn about make up, hair and dressing. If that can be done I will be Tina more often, would that make you happy?’

Lesley went over and kissed him long and hard, ‘I would love it, after last night and the pizza delivery I think it would be lovely, and very possible’ So they discussed and planned for the weekend.

Martin agreed to do some housework, and Lesley was to do the dirty car maintenance, and garden work. But not until Martin had been through his first make up and hair styling lesson. Which left him looking more Tina than Martin, so taking Lesley’s lead found a pair of her trousers, a  ¾ top and sandals, which he wore over a very nice bra and pant set.

And so Saturday passed much as normal, just clothes and tasks reversed. Mid afternoon approached. Lesley sat with a drink, ‘How do you feel?’

‘Fine, nice to have clean hands and to see you do some work for a change’

‘Cheeky, anyway we still need to go shopping and what are we doing tonight there is nothing on the tele’

‘Well I have been thinking, if we went out of town, say the new Tesco, and for tonight how’s about going into Manchester’ it Martin was asking.

‘We need to go now, do you want to change?’ Lesley was completely taken aback by this turn of events.

‘Well maybe find a jacket and a purse’ Lesley snapped out of the stare that the answer had given her, regaining composure

‘The denim jacket is good, and here’s a purse, let’s have a wallet in exchange.’

And so they went shopping, Martin was nervous about meeting someone he knew, but was very watchful, and avoided looking at people. Lesley was equally unsure about being seen with him, but at times left to go and pick up some item from another aisle, and would stand and watch how people around responded to him, and besides looking nervous he attracted no comment at all, eventually she had to tell him to stop being nervous, no one was clocking him, and the store detectives will start following if he continues to be nervous. Martin tried to relax, and when they went into the cosmetics, he found himself engrossed, and then feeling conspicuous, as he smoothed foundation into his hand, Lesley told him it was an easy way to try out the shades, so gave it a go.

To be back in the car was a relief, for both of them, but they had had a buzz from being out.

‘Still want to go out tonight?’

‘Sure, and you?’


‘I don’t mind a film, a club, a meal or just bars. You tell me I’m only the ‘wife’ after all, and the man makes the decisions!’

‘In that case I shall take my 'wife' somewhere special’

They had already chatted about what Martin thought a good looking girl looked like, which pretty much was as expected, a stereotype, so Lesley wanted to dress him in that style and take him to a few bars and see how things went. The smart look she really wanted could wait for another time.

Lesley decided they should wear clothes they had bought for each other in the past, Martin had never bought her anything sensible, whereas she would buy nice shirts for him. And so Martin surveyed his options, he had only ever bought sexy underwear, and a mini skirt, so he was limited, but he had liked the skirt, so agreed to try it. Underwear there was more choice, though it had to be with stockings with the mini, he had never bought her tights, but there was a choice of pants. In the end he chose some tight briefs, the thong he could not fit everything in and the French ones were too lose. So in a white undies set and stockings he slipped into the white flared mini. Lesley was ready way before him, and seemed pleased with her wife, ‘Just a top and some shoes, eh’ she had a rummage and found the sheer white blouse Martin liked her to wear as the bra was clearly visible through it. Next she found the 3” sandals, and advised on stronger make up colours. Finishing of with a load of bangles, a many stranded necklace, some rings and an anklet. Martin looking in the mirror approved of the result, but had reservations about the heels and whether the skirt would cover the stocking tops. Lesley just reminded him that he was dressed as he wished she had dressed before, so any idea of suggesting a lower hem, tights, or flatter shoes were dismissed from his mind. He did find a long coat to wear that recovered his modesty until he walked and realised it opened from waist and showed an awful lot of leg, but how could he argue?

Once he had walked about a bit and learnt how to walk and wiggle in heels, it was time to go out for something to eat, Lesley got the car and pulled up close to the door, making the distance from door to door a short as possible, and giving the prying eyes less opportunity.

In no time at all they were parking and Tina would have to walk down a street, in a skirt and heels. When it came to it there was no one about, and they were walking easily by the time they got to the bar they wanted to go in first. Lesley produced Martin’s wallet and ordered a beer and a gin, their usual, but gave Martin the gin, ‘Hope you like it, the lager shandy should be OK’. The evening went well, they had a bar meal, and visited a few bars, Lesley insisting on paying, she even used his credit card and forged his signature. She opened doors, showed affection in a male way, and was utterly male. Tina responded by trying to be convincingly feminine, which helped by the constant reminder of the heels that made him walk differently, a skirt that rode up, and stockings that slid down. By the time they had drunk enough, they called it a nightand went home. Lesley doing the hand on the knee position as she drove, then sliding it up to the stocking top.

‘Feels nice to me, even if I say so myself.’ She slid a little higher. ‘Seems you do as well.’ That night they were hardly in the door before they were making love. Sunday morning just had to be a lie in after the evening activities.

But the role reversal continued, Lesley got up for the papers and to make breakfast, and by midday they had got up and dressed, nothing special, just jeans and baggy jumpers, but not their own. The swapped roles hardly noticeable that day at all.

Then going back to work on Monday neither really thought about the implications of what they had done, rather reflected on the fun the weekend had been. But some things had changed, the sleeping arrangements remained reversed, and Lesley was being more dominant at home, while Martin would just fit in with her more easily.

And so it was Thursday evening sat in bed, Martin his satin pyjama’s, that they discussed the situation. Both wanted to see where this bit of fun might lead, Lesley to see how far she could go at being the man, and Martin wondered what he could get away with, or just for the sake of it.

A few months later, their roles within the home have changed radically. They both occupy the area the other used too, in chores, positions and clothes. Well at least underwear for Martin, he was not for going to work in a skirt, but there were a lot of nice panties not being used. They had a couple of week’s holiday booked, and they fancied a travelling trip, stopping in guest houses and looking around places. They choose the south coast and booked their first stop but left the rest open. They also decided they would see how it would be if they lived reversed for the two weeks.

So on the Friday they packed, Martin feeling most odd, not knowing what to take, and wanting to take everything because he did not have a clue what he would need, Lesley obviously found it easier.

Saturday they got up and Martin went for a casual travelling look of jeans and jumper, he did do his hair nice and a little make up, and his defence was they were in a hurry to get away. Lesley complained about the look, and wanted to know if he was serious about doing the wife thing or not.

Well they made good time and were booked into the hotel for early afternoon. Martin feeling a bit stung from the earlier criticism made an excuse to go off on his own, Lesley thought for a sulk, which was possibly true. But walking by the shops Martin passed some salons and after three offering walk in appointments, he thought I’ll show her, and entered.

‘Hello can I help you?’ immediately he felt panic, but he stood frozen for what seemed an age, eventually he managed to speak.

‘Could you do me now?’

‘Oh yes, depends what madam would like.’

Then from somewhere Martin did not know, he asked ‘I fancy a complete change of style’

‘Certainly come and let me show you some pictures’

‘No, I’ll let you choose, you will know what will suit best my shape’

‘If you are sure’

‘Yes sure as I will ever be’ and then seeing some one having acrylic nails applied said, ‘and I think my nails could do with a change as well’.

The girls then stood around and discussed his hair, and then started. They did explain what they were doing as they washed, then applied chemicals, and styled it, but all he could really do was worry if this was so sensible now, but then as he looked at his fingers and saw the long nails being painted a rich pink, he just thought of Lesley’s reaction. When they were finally satisfied, he looked in the mirror and smiled he was auburn with red tints, the hair was still near his shoulders, but curly and full of body. All he had to do now was get back to the hotel and see what Lesley thought. He had been gone hours and she was out looking for him, so he sat in the room and waited expecting trouble. Sure enough Lesley was really wound up when she came back to the room. She first wanted to make it plain how worried she had been, but Martin went to her and took her hand and said sorry. The nails struck Lesley then she registered the hair.

‘All by yourself?’

‘Yes, how do you like the new look?’

‘Great, I mean why’ so Martin explained the way the criticism had felt, and the salon’s acceptance, hence the result. Martin then feeling good about himself continued

‘For the rest of the hols I have decided, no more jeans, the only trousers will be those loose flares, I shall only wear heels, and I will not answer to Martin. Last can I have your purse, I had to pay cash and my card or cheque would not do, so here are mine, you can be Mr M Smith and I shall be your good wife, Lesley’

Lesley looked at him taking in what he had just said, then took out of the pocket her cards, ‘Lesley might take a little getting used to, but here you are Lesley’ she felt this was a big moment so told him what she had seen.

‘While I was driving around I found a funny shop, I think it sells stuff for cross dressers like us. Let’s go and have a look before they close’

Soon they were walking through the door of what looked like an odd clothes shop, a helpful assistant approached them and complimented Martin on looking so good. Then seeing his disappointment explained she had seen many cross dressers and knew what to look for. They had a good look around and came away with a pair of tits stuck to his chest, and a very tight g string that hid all his manhood perfectly, if a little painfully. They also bought a vibrator which Lesley could see uses for now he had lost his penis.

Then it was back to the hotel to change for dinner, which they both agreed should be something special to celebrate the new ‘Lesley and Martin’

The new Martin as good as her word wore a smart suit, while the new Lesley took ages to get ready as there was much admiring of the purchases to do, in the end he dressed in a soft calf length skirt with a flouncy blouse, bare legs and good to his word a pair of 3” heels that he had only worn about the house. ‘So this is how it will be for a couple of weeks?’ she enquired, ‘If you want it, then like I said you be Martin and I shall do my best to be your nice wife’ She took his arm and lead him out for a lovely romantic meal, followed by a romantic walk, and a particularly good night in bed, that is after the feet had been rested in a bar.

Next day he was lying in bed thinking about things, and was not satisfied with the pants that were supposed to hid his bits and felt he could do better. He went shopping after breakfast and bought some surgical tape, then shaved himself well and taped his penis backwards with the balls taped up as well, it was tight but looked really good, and he could always remove it if it was really uncomfortable. Then with the tits glued on as well, entered the bedroom to see her reaction. She was certainly pleased and liked the nude look but preferred some sexy undies to enhance the figure and hide the edges of the deceit. She flattered him making him feel brilliant, and the day went well driving around visiting places and stopping for snacks. Come the evening after dinner the got all randy and as he stiffened thought to remove the tape, but it was secure and not for coming off. So she took charge and gets the dildo out, eventually she has both relieved his hardness and penetrated him. Then after a clean up makes her tired wife pleasure her until she gives in and comes.

‘You are becoming more the girl aren’t you, what shall you do next I wonder’ she asked

‘Only responding to your masculinity, shouldn’t it be your turn to do something next’ they lay resting for a while.

‘I know what I shall do, the barbers for a proper hair cut’

She dressed in T-shirt and jeans, he in his flared trousers and pink top, and they went off to the shops to get her a proper barber haircut. She came out with a proper boy cut, all gelled to hold it as it swept backwards. They spent the day walking the promenade, and teasing each other over which could or would do the most contrary to their born sex.

The time passed quickly, they went walking on the hills, he was allowed to wear shorts and trainers for a change; they even went swimming in the sea. She wore a T-shirt to cover her chest, but bought Bermuda shorts, as being loose seemed better, he bought a tight costume with a high neck and built in cups. He managed a very obvious sunburn pattern, which would later make it difficult to take his top off in company. She also started wearing padding at the front of her pants to try to impress her maleness on others.

Towards the second week they noticed an advert for a dinner dance, she was keener than him, but insisted that getting all glamed up would be brilliant. So she bought tickets and made sure it was a smart do, then set about planning. Her best suit would do, but he had nothing, so they looked at dress hire, at salons, and accessories. She told him he had to shop alone, men rarely pick women’s clothes for them, so he rang in advance and told them his position to avoid embarrassing moments and then went shopping.

The hair would be easy as the salon he had already used took a booking, then he tried dress hire, there were three and one seemed particularly approachable. So explaining what he wanted to do, they told him to call anytime. This turned out to be a great choice, they had lots to choose from and very helpful staff, they would have him try on something and then say that’s not right and fetch something else. At last they all agreed on a cream dress, it laced up the back to giving a definite V at the front, the skirt coming down over the hips and then tapering in, with a split up the back so it was possible to walk. He left knowing the next shop would have to be for shoes, he did this by just window shopping until he saw gold sandals, then going in and as confidently as possible asking for a size 7, after 4 shops he found a pair, a bit higher than he really wanted but there was a clutch bag to match, so it was done. Just a pair of glossy stockings to find and it would be time for the hair appointment.

He was in a good mood and the stylist made suggestions that she wanted to try out so he sat back and was pampered. After what seemed like hours, he was ready to leave, they had tied his hair up and weaved some more browns and reds into it then teased it out into a star on his head, with wispy bits all round the edge, his nails had been redone in gold, and a trainee was asked to practise on his eyebrows. He felt great and went back to the hotel to put his feet up before getting ready, and see what his other half thought.

She came into the bedroom having spent the day on the cliffs, but even the windswept face could not hide the pleasure of seeing her wife relaxing and showing of such a great hair do.

‘That the dress over there?’

He confirmed it was. ‘I had best get a shower then and put my suit on.’

Lesley only had a man’s preparation to cope with. Martin had to do his face, change, make sure everything was right, then check just once more he was ok. Which meant he took ages.

‘The more we do this, the more you are becoming a right girl. Look you are fantastic, the hair is perfect, the dress flatters your figure, the whole you is screaming gorgeous woman. Now come on.’

They ate and danced until the early hours, then after the taxi had dropped them off and the laces had been released, they made it to bed to finish off their evening with some enjoyable sex.

The rest of the holiday was something of an anticlimax, Martin was still going about as a woman and Lesley was still playing the husband as they went about their holiday activities, but at the back of their minds was the nagging thought 'What happens next Monday?'

Eventually the discussion happened. Lesley it was accepted would hardly change her image, work for her was a male thing now and she would be wearing a shirt and tie anyway, but Martin could not turn up unexpectedly with long nails, a ahir style screaming 'female' let alone the idea of wearing a dress. He enjoyed his job and did not want to upset that, so come Sunday he had to colour his hair a more natural shade, remove his nails, which was hard, and try to obliterate any trace of the holiday excesses until he was happy Martin was ready for an appearance at work.

The holiday had had a deep impact on their relationship though, and Lesley was most definitely now the man at home as well as at work, and Martin was only to happy to spend his weekends in one of his skirts. His nails over time bacame more manicured, his face less bearded as the electrolysis slowly cleared the hairs, but it was his walk that got noticed most, he minced a lot and used gestures others called camp because they saw him as a man, but he considered feminine. His confidence at work overcame any teasing he recieved about his lingering femininity, ultimately he was just accepted for what he was, a camp man who was good at his work. Lesley just got on with being herself, months later learning that she had been rumbled at her initial interview, but because of the effort she had made no one challenged it and she would have got the job anyway. But after all these months looking manly, she was not ready to give it up, she felt it created a no nonsense image which made managing easier even if some made comments her behind her back.

But most of all they liked the way each other looked and behaved in their new relationship, especially at the weekend when they relaxed and could be the husband and wife they most enjoyed.

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