
When David Bowie and T Rex were making waves in music and their hair my characters find a new way of living. Another dip into the world inside my imagination. Not sure the pictures will copy, sorry if they have not.

Back in the 70s we were a normal sort of couple, my wife Bev was a busy sales person who was good at her job, looked good and was my best friend. I was a less exciting civil servant who did the 9-5 uninteresting work nobody seemed to appreciate but I personally liked the life. My main problem was that my parents had christened me Lesley a more popular name then than now but still one that caused some to smirk as they worked out which gender it was if they had only seen my name written down then realised I was a man.

Our first sadness was in our mid twenties, Bev got pregnant and we were getting excited about the thought of being parents until one terrible day when Bev felt ill and she lost the baby. That brief sentence hardly does justice to the pain we felt. Follow up examinations made it clear that Bev's plumbing was incomplete and though now a days with test tube baby technology we could have tried again, the prospect of us getting or affording the then new procedures was not going to happen. We had to confront the fact that we would be a couple and never a family. We all take things differently, and cope in our own way. Bev decided that if she was not going to be a mum then she could follow a dream of being her own boss and within six months had set up a business which wholesaled (hopefully) salon products to shops in our area. Like I said she was good at sales, she filled the garage and the spare room with products and was soon getting orders for stuff. Money at first was tight, my wage covered the basics, just, as she ploughed all her profit back into more products. Within a year she was making a decent profit and wanting to employ someone to do the things she did not like, accounts, order picking, deliveries, mail, all the things I was doing as I could to help out but was not able to do on top of my own job, so possibly the bravest thing I ever did was to give up my secure, job for life, and risk it on working full time with Bev. Within weeks it was clear it was right, she could spend more time selling so orders increased and we got something of our free time back instead of working ever evening and weekend to catch up on what had not been done in the week.

Well after my initial fears subsided over giving up my safe job I found the freedom to work how I wanted almost as refreshing as the freedom to wear what I liked, the civil servant back then was not quite suit and bowler hat but it was still smart and grey for a bloke, I did not need to keep my hair neat and short, I could wear my flares and bell bottoms along with some shirts that were not white or mostly white, I had a full rainbow to choose from. I even bought myself a pair of platform boots, nothing like Elton John's just a half inch sole with a higher block heel, the main thing was that I could. Bev was always encouraging me to be more adventurous in my style, she had been style conscious since being a teenager but my job had limited me to the weekends when I could be more free, now with her constantly spending time with beauty and fashion people her style became ever more, well err, stylish and some of it rubbed off on me.

I looked something like this, coloured shirt possibly silk, tight trousers with enormous hems, heeled platform boots, probably a ring on my finger but no medallion round my neck usually a simple neck chain.

The business was going well, I stayed in the background pretty much, Bev did all the selling and seeing suppliers, I did the accounts, kept the stocks level and sorted out the deliveries for the courier to collect, working from home also meant I could look after the house and have the evening meal ready for Bev when she finished work. We worked hard but enjoyed ourselves while doing it.

I had worn nothing to outrageous for the times when you consider what pop groups were wearing, that was until I got dry chapped lips and as I was putting some new stock away, I was reading the labels so I knew what it was we were selling, product knowledge they call it now, I used to call it knowing what we sold. Anyway one product claimed to help dry chapped lips like mine so I decided to try a little product testing. The little box looked quite feminine as it was aimed at women, inside was a silver coloured tube which worked just like a lipstick, I had seen Bev apply her lipstick many times so found a mirror and copied her actions and spread the clear but glossy stick over my lips. It tasted just like Bev's coloured lipsticks though it did not have the ruby colour she liked to wear. My lips did feel better and after a few hours I reapplied the product to help soften up my rough lips. I was looking in the mirror thinking to myself how strange I must have looked if someone had seen me, lipstick tube in hand carefully going round my lips with it. But I was alone as usual through the day until Bev came home. It was then I was in for a shock, she gave me a usual hello kiss pressing her ruby lips against mine and I still don't know how she could tell but immediately pulled away.
'Lesley are you wearing lipstick?'
'Well yes' I went onto explain about my dry lips and the clear lipstick.
'Do you like it?'
'Well it has helped my lips.'
'No do you like it, the taste, the feel, maybe how you look?'
'How I look?'
'Well maybe not with a clear one.' she conceded.
'It is fine I suppose.'
'Just I was thinking that maybe you should try a few more of the things we sell to see how they make you feel and how they make you look, and besides I quite like taste of lipstick when I kissed you, took me back to my college days and fun I used to have with some girlfriends.'
I was getting more information than I could handle at one go. She had girlfriends, this was news to me I thought she was straight, she liked me to wear lipstick, what all the time? she thought I could try some other products, like what?
I could not marshal my thoughts so went off to organise the tea while she did her usual sorting out of her orders.

The next morning as I got dressed I found the gloss lipstick in my trouser pocket and thought if I should use it, my lips were rough still and Bev had said she would like me to wear it, so I did. Only I was so intently looking in the mirror I did not notice Bev behind me.
'That looks so sexy the way you are doing that.'
I blushed and finished up quickly, but not before she had rubbed a hand over arse letting me know she approved.

Through the day I indulged myself and just like Bev did I would reapply my lip salve and made a point of using the shaped tip to run round the edge of my lips. I quite enjoyed the process, and later enjoyed the kiss I got when Bev got home that evening.

The lipstick relieved my dry lips after a few days but I enjoyed using it and the reaction I got from Bev, so I continued to wear a glossy look on my lips even though I had no need to. This might have lead nowhere but I was surrounded by cosmetics and every now and then a new one would come in and I would read the packaging as I stacked them on the shelves. A new lipstick from the range I had used came, 'A hint of tint' it was called, intrigued I took it out and tested it on my lips. True there was barely any colour to it, the stick looked pink instead of creamy like my usual one, but I could not see it on my lips. Bev didn't notice either until she saw the tube by the mirror, praised me for being adventurous but explained that the idea was to make some women who could not wear lipstick to work feel as though they were, but then almost like an afterthought suggested I try one with real colour to it and see how that makes my lips look, something close to my natural colour she suggested. I smiled and said I would think about it.

Well I did think about it and once more intrigued by the idea of how I would look I found a colour that was close to my pink/purple lip colour, it did not stand out like Bev's ruby or red lips choices did, rather it made my lips look finished, all neat and smooth.
'Been trying the products?' was all Bev said when she saw me later.
'Yes, what do you think?'
'Suits you.'
'Thanks' and that was it, I was wearing one of three lipsticks from then on.

My next move away from straight male was when we went shopping one weekend, it was meant to be clothes for Bev but I ended up with a pair of white flares and a yellow shirt though it was more of a blouse, big full sleeves ending in tight multi buttoned cuffs, big rounded collar and frills down the front. This to me was a going out to the disco shirt but, and this was a big but, Bev suggested I might like to wear it around the house, 'like when working?' I enquired, 'why not.'

Well I went out in it a couple of times before I wore it daytime, Bev told me I looked the part amongst all those beauty products, all dressed up and looking fabulous, I pointed out the sleeves got in the way and white trousers were not terribly practical, she rebuffed me telling me she had to take care with most of her clothes and they were not ruined, why should I not take the same care about my look and clothes. Hard point to argue when she is in pale full skirted dress with big fan sleeves. The trousers were also very tight around the hips and squashed my little man flat against my body, unless I was aroused there was no manly bump to be seen which was a little disturbing until I got used to the sight of a flat front.

All this androgyny was affecting me, what with the clothes and Bev liking me to wear lipstick I was increasingly coming over as camp, not a problem so much now but back then some thugs liked to go queer bashing and I was mindful of how I looked especially when I was not at home or in a club. Which strangely did not stop me from experimenting with how I looked when at home as one might have thought dressing up was something people did when going out. My first foray into something more unusual than lipsticks that were hopefully not noticed was mascara. We had a box of samples turn up from a new supplier and in with the blushers, foundations and lipsticks were mascaras which claimed to make your lashes longer, I just had to test this out and see if my lashes could be longer. I had seen Bev expertly wave a wand over her lashes many times but to replicate the actions on my own was a challenge and I came near to poking my eye several times. Eventually I coordinated my hands and cleaned off the errors left on my skin. My eyes did look darker but longer lashes? Bev came home at her usual six o’clock, her first words were. 'Wow your eyes look great, did you have much trouble?'
'Just trying out a sample that came and yes it is not easy to do is it.'
She smiled, 'your eyes do look kind of more prominent, do you like the look?'
'Not sure, it was a lot of effort to do and I am not sure it looks that different.'
'No, what you need to do is see your lashes from side on, which is hard I know, but that is when the effect is best or if you curl the lashes. But if you don't think it makes any difference why not keep using it now you have opened the tube.'
'But you just said.'
'And you just said the effect was small, besides I rather like you with a bit of make up, kind of makes us more equal.'

That evening she gave me a few tips on using mascara and made it rather obvious that when I coated my lips in the morning she would rather like me to coat my lashes as well. I did not mind as I much spent most of my time in the office I had set up or about the house later on doing the chores, the only person to see me was the van driver who came to collect the orders I had prepared, and he never said anything nor saw anything if the way he squinted at the paper work was anything to go by.

I was rather buoyed up with the whole experimenting with sample products and next tried blusher, only a shade darker than my own skin but when I looked in the mirror could see how my cheekbones were more defined. This was not a regular product though, more something I played with when I had time, Bev was making it clear she liked me wearing make up and more flamboyant clothes. Elton John, David Bowie, T Rex and the Sweet were all over the TV and she would make comments about nice these men looked in their outlandish stage outfits, I always countered by saying it was for the stage not the street, to which she asked which street was I on regularly. Their style did change how I looked though, my favourite purchase about then were a pair of burgundy satin trousers, really tight hipsters with bell bottoms and legs so long I had to wear a platform high heel boots to stop them dragging. More significant was that I bought them for working in, so at least twice a week I could be seen walking about the house in heels and unisex trousers with a blousy shirt to compliment the look. Bev liked the choice and I liked that Bev liked it, so I wore it.

The status quo was disturbed somewhere about eighteen months after I started working with Bev, I never encouraged reps to call, that was for Bev to do, she knew what would sell I did not, so best if she saw the suppliers herself, however one day I had been playing in the sample box, this time with foundation, I had added blusher to give my face some definition and my usual lipstick colour when I heard a ring on the door bell, too early for the courier I thought, so I ignored it, but the ringer was persistent and did not seem to want to leave so I checked myself in the mirror, brushed out my lengthening hair and thought 'why not' the face looks right, the loose blousy shirt looks good and the satin trousers are unisex so why not indeed. I minced up to the front door and in what I hoped was a natural voice said 'Hi, Bev is out can I help you?'
'Oh sorry I thought we had an appointment booked for today, my name is Wayne from (I forget where), maybe I can leave these samples and call her tonight.'
I smiled and hung onto the door for support 'That should be fine, I will tell Bev when she gets back.'
'Thank you' he said ever so politely looking me up and down once more, was he eyeing me up as a possible date or trying to work out if I was a man or a woman. He turned and left for his Ford Cortina and drove away. I was still stood at the door stunned at what I had just done, it might have been the pragmatic thing to do but even if I did look vaguely female it was still reckless to expose myself to a stranger like that.

I told Bev about Wayne's visit but not about how much make up I had on at the time as I had gone straight indoors and cleaned myself up not wishing to get caught out again. But I was caught out, Wayne rang Bev and after much chat that I did not listen to as it seemed to be about products, she came into the kitchen where I was cleaning up the pots wearing a nice apron to protect my clothes. She watched me for a few minutes, 'So tell me about Wayne.'
'Nothing to tell, he came, I took the samples he left.' I was feeling very uneasy about how she was looking at me.
'Well Wayne has invited me and my lovely, pretty assistant to a product launch at a fancy hotel in the city.' A short pause for effect and to make me nervous 'Now who could that pretty assistant be?'
'Ok I was caught trying make up on.' I went on to give her the full story, at the end she just looked at me, 'I'm sorry this is so embarrassing, I shan’t do it again.'
'Oh dear my love, that was not what I was thinking, I was thinking that I would like to see my pretty assistant and work out if this Wayne was winding me up.'
I was completely unsure about what she wanted me to do but I understood enough to know she wanted me to go and put on make up again, so rather sheepishly I went upstairs and sat at the vanity table and lifted the samples from a drawer in the unit. I carefully applied the cosmetics not knowing if I should try my best and look good or make it terrible and she will not think I am pretty. In the end I went for doing it properly like I had done earlier, honesty won through.
'Lesley you look so different, you look really good you know, just one thing. How did you talk to him?'
'Like this.' I said in my girliest voice.
She smiled at me, 'So does my pretty assistant want Wayne to find out that Lesley is male or female, it seems you have a choice. If he finds out you are male it would be awkward for both of you, his being fooled and you looking so good, yet if he thinks you are female he might get randy and find out your secret anyway.'
'You could just go on your own, I think I can be sick that day.'
'Oh no that would be too easy, I think he fancies you which means he would give us better discounts, and I rather like the idea of you being my girlfriend !’
My eyebrows went up at the suggestion but after the day’s events I was feeling quite tempted to go with Bev's suggestion.

Nothing more was said about Wayne till the weekend, the product launch was for the Wednesday the following week so I rather expected Bev to be planning my new look. I tried to go shopping with her but it was clear she wanted to go alone which made me fear for what she might fetch home for me to wear. I was right to be concerned, she came home with a new 'shirt' the body was a baggy shiny satin grey fabric while the sleeves were a near transparent grey material with a silver thread flecking in it, the cuff if that is what you can call it was a thin edging loose on my wrist with a small fabric button fastened in a loop. I asked her if she had bought it from a women’s boutique, I was put down with a curt 'so what if I did?' followed by a softer 'It suits you really as a boy or a girl, I bet Bowie would wear something like that.' the mention of this fashion icon was enough for me to relax my opinion on her choice. For my part I would play with cosmetics when I had time during the day only I would leave it on to show Bev when she got home and take her criticism positively and include the points in the next day’s play.

Come the Wednesday I was terribly nervous, hardly sleeping the night before.
'Big day today' Bev said as she turned to me and kissed my naked lips.
'Are you sure this is a good idea?'
'It is a fun idea and I think we need a little fun.'
'Maybe we do but this might not be fun.'
'Don't be a wuss, you can find out what it is like to be chatted up.'
'That is what worries me.'
'No need it is all harmless, good fun and if done right gets us better prices, just flutter your lashes and flirt.'
'Flirt ! you said nothing about flirting.'
'All men like to be flattered into thinking they are special.'
'I am seeing a new side to you, you flirt with suppliers.'
'Off course, it is part of the game, means nothing, I always reckon if I can get a man to have a semi I will have the best prices.'
I did not like what I was hearing all that much. 'a semi, what are you doing putting a hand down his pants?'
'Don’t be silly, but a sexy smile, bit of cleavage, wiggle the bum when you walk, they use their imagination for the rest.'
'Glad to hear it.' I paused for breath 'and you do this to me don’t you?'
'Sometimes when I want my own way.'
'I shall be more careful in future now. One thing though I don’t have a cleavage.'
'Maybe not but we can give you a nice bust.' she must have read my face 'Leave it to me I shall make sure you are properly dressed for meeting Wayne later.' I felt my heart sink at the thought of seeing this man once more and how it could go so horribly wrong.

Well I did try to concentrate on the work I had to do, but to be honest I had to redo the accounts the following week as there were so many errors. Bev came back mid afternoon and we quickly got the orders finished and the courier on his way. It was then Bev, sitting with a coffee in her hand smiled at me with an odd twist that I could not really read but took to be I'm going to have fun and you will too if you don't argue. As I downed the last of my mug I tried not to sound too resigned to my fate as I said, 'Ok so what do I have to do first?'
'Well if we are doing this properly then Immac is first.'
And so it began, I have blonde hair and consequently my body hair is fair and I thought invisible, but seeing my arms hairless made me rethink that opinion. Next Bev sat me down after I had washed my hair, it was long for a civil servant but looked very much like a short back and sides growing out really, she trimmed a few bits but nothing much then got her small curlers out and filled my head with them. The next step was possibly the most worrying, she tidied up my eye brows, it felt like they were all coming out and I was convinced I would never be the same again if I did not have my boy brows. My relief was massive when I saw in the mirror that she had only neatened the edges and thinned them slightly. With my hair still in rollers she did her own hair and asked me to sort out something light to eat as there should be food at the event. Eating over I was sat down to have a master class in make up, I had learnt a lot from experimenting, books, magazines and the product information but to see it applied expertly was something else. I soon had the full works, foundation, blusher, dark and light shades of grey on my eyes, curled and blackened lashes which did look more effective than my usual application of mascara, a brow pencil to define my brows better then instead of my usual lipstick she choose a dark pink that looked great in the situation but I doubted I would wear again. I was beginning to feel more confident about the idea of me looking like a girl as she took out the dry curlers and brushed a curly style into place before coating it with a cans worth of lacquer. I know smelt like a woman. All I had to do was get dressed, something I could do alone or so I thought, first she produced some tight lycra pants 'We don't want any unexpected bumps showing in the wrong places do we?'I squeezed into them and for added effect tucked my dick backwards.
'Next time we should shave your panty line.' she casually remarked.
'Next time?' I stuttered.
'We might like it so why not?'
'Let's see shall we?'
She kissed me ever so softly 'Next is to give you some bumps.' She fastened the bra behind me and filled the cups with balloons full if rice, 'Now you can get dressed.'
'Well thank you.' I said a little sarcastically.
'No need to be like that.'
I pulled on my trousers and had to stare at the flat front it was just so flat I could not imagine how good it had turned out, next the shirt but it really was a blouse as it buttoned up the wrong way, the satin was cool and soft the sleeves nice but certainly not manly. I put on my new platform boots and considered myself ready.

I was looking at myself in a mirror when Bev came in wearing this outfit.

She looked fantastic, goodness knows how high the heels were but her legs looked so long and with the bare shoulders I felt quite mundane.
'You like what you see.'
'Yes you look fantastic.'
'No I meant you, checking yourself out in the mirror.'
'Well I suppose I don't look much like a man do I.'
'No like I keep telling you. You are a pretty woman. Now just a few touches.'
She undid enough buttons so if it gapped the blouse would give an admirer a glimpse of bra, a set of thin bangles on each wrist, a pearl choker, a couple of dress rings and finally a squirt of scent.
'Ready?' she asked.
'As ready as I can imagine.
'Well her is you handbag with a few essentials' she passed me a small grey clutch bag, I checked the inside contents, money, lipstick, tissues, a comb and most shocking a tampax. I picked it out.
'Because if you happen to open your bag and everything spills out it is more or less always in any woman's bag either a left over from the last period or just in case it comes early. Ok'
'Suppose so, I don't have to use it do I?'
'Not unless you want to know what it feels like.'
'I'll pass on that one.' and quietly put it back in.
There was a car horn peeping outside at that moment and the whole reality of what the afternoon had been building too climaxed. A taxi was waiting outside to take us to the hotel function room. This was it my first planned outing with the intention of looking like a woman, not just a over the top or camp man.
'You ready sweetheart?'
I replied in my best voice 'Now or never.' trying to sound braver than I actually was.

The nerve it took to walk out the door was at the top of my range and I only just made it, which was odd after being so blasé when I had just opened the door to a stranger a week before. Whatever my internal thoughts were I was in the back of a taxi with Bev, clutch bag on my lap, and trying to think of how this could go well rather than wrong. I considered trying to think of myself as a woman but lack the experience so fell for the idea of copying Bev and being a pastiche of how I imagine a woman might behave. I had long enough to calm myself down before the next challenge. Getting out of the taxi. This was easier, the door was opened by the hotel door man and I just stepped out without considering the actions, and so into the function room. We were given a glass of sparkling wine, not champagne, which was nice as it gave my hands something to do. Wayne soon spotted us and came over telling us how good it was we could make it and how gorgeous we looked. He explained there was a demonstration followed by a buffet with a chance to chat about the products. My nerves were just about under control as I took a seat in the demonstration area. The products were basically the same as everyone else’s except they were nicely packaged and they would have a nationwide ad campaign to promote them, though you would have thought they were the only company making cosmetics if you believed their sales staff.

'Eat small bites and don't fill your plate.' was Bev's advice on the buffet, so I picked a few small items and nibbled in between drinking more fizzy wine. I was almost relaxed enough to forget I was not a man dressed as a woman but just me with Bev, that was until Wayne turned up again, more flattery and male patronising talk about how we are his prettiest clients while clearly unable to look us in the eye preferring my open blouse or Bev's bouncing boobs. Bev would offer whispered advice like smile, laugh at his jokes even if they are not funny, look down while looking up at him, try and let him be taller than you. I would then watch what Bev was doing and copy her. After an hour of Wayne buzzing around seeing us plus several other clients he came back to us or rather me, Bev had gone off to the ladies for a break and I was alone. I did everything Bev had encouraged me to do and Wayne seemed to like being with me as he offered to get me a drink from the bar, returning with a cocktail of violent colouring and more flattering words. He had discussed the products earlier and left us to decide what we might take and this time he wanted to get an order, so in my coyest tone asked if they were his best prices, and sat so my blouse gapped hoping the lace of my bra was showing. I was only doing what Bev had suggested. He offered a few extra percent but promised to increase it if we re-ordered within a month. I told him it sounded good but I would need to check with Bev and walked over to the bar where Bev had been watching from. My shock was that he came with me and not only that, he was with me and he had a hand on the small of my back sort of guiding me through the other people there, I was not liking this contact but it got worse as we stood next to the bar and as he talked to Bev his hand remained on my waist. If that was not enough when Bev had agreed the discount she leant over and kissed his cheek, I watched and quickly realised I should copy her, so with his hand still in place he said 'been lovely meeting and doing business with you Lesley' but as I leant towards him to kiss his cheek he must have moved slightly and I kissed his lips ever so briefly. I almost froze but recovered quickly, he gave me a pleased smile before departing.
'You did fantastically, I could snog the mouth off you right now except I think it might upset some here.'
'He just kissed me.' I stammered out of my shocked mouth.
'You will get used to that, be ready next time, he is just trying it on, playing a game of sorts.'
'But I just kissed a man.'
'No a man just kissed what he thinks is a pretty woman, which is quite normal.'
'Now come on let’s get a taxi and home I want to find out if my girlfriend is as good in bed as she is with men?'

It was handy that there were taxis sat outside the hotel and we were on our way home in minutes. Bev I could tell was restraining herself, she was clearly feeling randy and not covering it up too well, I just hoped the driver did not see too much of what she was doing. Once in the house we tasted each other lipstick as the front door clicked shut. Bev was getting really turned on fondling my bust and squeezing my bum. Our outer clothes came off and as we stood there in our underwear she asked me to kiss her down below, off course I obliged and took her to our bed and lay her down. She came with my lips wrapped around her pussy lips, my arousal was still trapped in the tight pants and getting no relief.
'That was fantastic I think I could be a lesbian with you.'
'Do me again please.'
'But what about me.'
'Oh I shall think of something to repay you my pretty lover.'
I obliged her but could only feel myself getting more and more excited, I almost stopped when I felt a finger work its way inside the knickers and instead of going for my cock went for my hole, but after the initial surprise my excitement allowed her to explore my hole until she pushed a finger inside and stroked something sensitive there, I stopped licking her to catch my breath which let her know she had found a G spot. I don't know how long it took but without her touching my cock it exploded in my panties as she massaged my arse. The climax was so different to when I came inside her I just slumped on the bed spent.
'Oh Lesley I think we have found a new side to you today.'
Tired to respond I managed to say 'Pardon?'
'I think I have found myself a lesbian partner and you a whole new outlook on life.'

I had a fitful sleep caused by the memories of the previous day and woke in the morning unsure how to handle the facts of evening. Had I really come with anal sex, had I really passed as a woman, did I actually flirt with a man, had I enjoyed the experiences and the one I had the most trouble with, would I do it again?

I dressed as conservatively as my current wardrobe allowed, plain purple shirt, denim flares, adidas samba, I was about to give the lipstick a miss but Bev noticed and asked why so I told her I was having trouble with the ramifications of the evening, she just got the tube of my usual coloured lipstick, and while I let her apply the creamy product she just asked me 'did you enjoy yourself? Because I certainly did.'
'Well err I err well there were some bits, and err I am confused.'
'You enjoyed yourself that was definite, I enjoyed myself. All you have to recognise is that this is part of you and either accept it or suppress it, but I would like you to accept it.' She gave me a hug, kissed me and left for her first appointment.

That Thursday was a long day, concentrating was hard again as my mind drifted onto the questions that had troubled me when I woke and as I picked the orders I was confronted by the sight of cosmetics that I knew could make me look female again. It was like being a child in a sweet shop but told not to eat because they rot teeth, well not quite but close. Bev did not pressure me over next few days she seemed happy to let me find myself and the style which I was comfortable with. This was still quite camp even when I was trying to be a manly Lesley. After a couple of days I began to feel underdressed without my usual mascara and clear lip gloss, so they crept back into my dressing, then a ring on a finger, and a bracelet found their way onto my body and I was finding myself drawn back to where I was before the fateful night out. I felt I was just taking the camp look a little further than was maybe normal, but in fact I was looking quite female without intentionally doing so. If I had meant to do that I told myself I would have full make up, longer hair and wear a dress. As it was I was wearing trousers, a shirt that buttoned up the right way, my hair only covered my ears and collar not my shoulders and I only used minimal make up, so in my eyes anyway I was not dressing as a woman.

Right with that sorted in my head I continued getting on with work and life. The new products sold well and we were soon running low on several items so a stocking order was required, I made the list up, showed it Bev, she increased a couple that she knew where selling well in the shops, then rang Wayne. This was where my life got complicated again, Wayne wanted to call round and show us some more products, he could make Friday but Bev was committed to seeing a new customer and would not drop it for Wayne as I could easily handle Wayne, all I had to do was give him the order, look at the samples, see him on his way. Now if it had been anyone else I might well have said yes but this was Wayne a man who thought I was a woman. I could overhear Bev making the arrangements on the phone and I am miming 'NO' to her, eventually she puts the phone down after a few comments like 'Lesley will be in and have the kettle on for you when you call.' and 'she is right here and looking forward to seeing you again.' I knew she had committed me to being female on Friday and the smirk on her face told me she was enjoying the thought behind what she had just done.

Well that was the Tuesday morning, I spent the day thinking through the questions about who I was and would I do it again all over again. I looked at the make up and the blouse Bev had bought me and spent the day drifting between yes and no until she came back from her days order collecting. She was rather excited and after a nice kiss she made me promise not to be cross. I promised.
'Because, you know Kim from Kim's Kutz,' I nodded, I knew the name and had spoken a couple of times to her 'well I have made an appointment there for you, your hair is needing more than a tidy up by me, something more professional is needed.'
'And when do you think I will find the time or would like to go there?'
'I think you will go there because I have done a deal with her so you get it cheap, I would like you to get a bit of style into your hair and I think you are ready in yourself for a new style, something a little more in keeping with the new you.'
'Ok maybe but when?'
'And this would have nothing to do with Wayne coming on Friday.'
'Never crossed my mind.' she said with a fake innocent look on her face.
'You are setting me up aren’t you?'
'But you like it I know.'
'Well maybe, just as long as I don't come out looking to feminine,'
'That is up to you I only made the booking.'
I knew she was teasing me and if I was pushed would have admitted that I liked the way she was winding me up, she was clearly enjoying helping me to venture into new areas of style and I was finding it interesting to experience the new clothes and routines that were offering themselves up to me.

And so on Thursday I finished early after seeing the deliveries off in the van and made my way across town to Kim's. We had never met before and I had no idea what she was expecting of me, Bev had not given much away besides the time and how to get there. The salon was on a quiet side street just away from the high st rents, the place looked smart and fashionable with a unisex look about it, both male and female model pictures decorating the walls.
'Hi, Bev made and appointment for me.'
'Oh you must be Lesley, we have spoken.'
'I believe so, you must be Kim.'
'That's correct. Now Bev tells me you have been growing out an old style and fancy something fresh, any ideas yourself.'
'Well not really, it is still a little short, thought maybe you could have a look and suggest something.'
'Off course I can, come over here and let me take a look at what you have.' I went and sat in her chair while she moved around running her fingers through my hair. 'Nice thick hair you have must be nice being a natural blonde. Now we could feather it or go for a dramatic edge, how about an afro though that does work better with dark hair, could give you some curls though just to lift it, how about a sweeping fringe over here like this......getting popular these days, some are going back to a more lacquered style and a fringe would need control.' She went on like this for several minutes. 'What do you fancy my dear?'
'Oh I am not sure really you have come up with too many options but I don't want a mullet, I want to keep as much length as possible hopefully grow it a bit longer, but unless Bev gave you any suggestions that she thought might be good I will leave it up to you.'

This picture is about the closest I could find, mine was shorter in the neck but the flick back at the front is pretty much as it was, Kim put some curlers in and dressed it with some solutions so it would hold its shape better but I was taught how to blow dry it and lacquer it to recreate to style when I was at home. My one concern and it was a small one, was that when I did something like visit my parents I could let it be less full and swept back, but I had seen some men with similar styles, true not many but I had seen the occasional man on the TV, so in my mind that made it ok for me as a man to have that style also. But if I was being honest with myself it did make me look more like a girl than man. Kim seemed pleased with the results and how it suited my face shape, as I was offering to pay she told me that her and Bev had come to some arrangement over stock and that if I ever wanted my brows waxing or ears piercing then she would be more than happy to come to some similar arrangement. I left before she could do anything more to me, I was not sure my male ego could take much more that day.

Bev loved it when I got home saying how well it suited me, I did explain how much work would be needed in the morning if I was to do it every day suggesting I might not be blow drying every morning, this got a swift response telling me it would be a shame not to take care with my hair after all the trouble I had been to too get such a nice cut, so I put it more bluntly, 'It makes me look too feminine.'
'Well maybe........but it does suit you.....and I think you like it.......and I love it when you look less and less the civil servant you once were.'
'And what was wrong with a nice suit!'
'Just too dull and boring for my blossoming flower.'
'So I am a flower.'
'A flower that is just coming out of its bud and giving us a glimpse of the beauty that is to come.'
'Not sure I want to be a flower, they get cut and put on display and then wither.'
'Not the best metaphor then.'
A few minutes passed before anything was said, 'What will you wear tomorrow?'
'Not thought about it much.' I lied.
'Why not wear your baggy yellow top and the white trousers.'
'I could do, but I had thought of the white shirt and pin stripe trousers.' I teased.
Her eyes popped open 'No way, Wayne offered you more discount when you repeat ordered, what will happen if he sees you in male things!!’
'Only teasing, I had decided to go with the yellow as well.'
We talked some more about what might happen the day after and how I should handle various situations before we settled down to watch the news on TV and prepare for bed.

The Friday morning was more involved that I ever expected, 'good grief' I thought 'many women go through this every day' as I wet my hair and styled it before applying my full make up and getting dressed, Bev popping back in to check up on progress and how good I was looking, she reminded to wear a bra more than once and swapped my thin cotton boxers for a pair of french knickers to go over the tight panties I already had on. When she left for her appointments we air kissed and wished each other luck, I know she was hoping to get a new client but I was expecting to deceive this salesman again, and that would need luck.

I could not concentrate again and must have redone my lips ten times before the bell rang and I stood in front of the hall mirror thinking how mad I must be to go through with this, but if I don't Bev will want to know why and just bottling it was not a good answer.
I opened the door.
'Oh hi' as if it was a surprise to see him. 'Come in, how are you?'
'Well thank you, you look every bit as pretty as the last time we meet.' I blushed 'you would not believe how many in this business don't take an interest in how they look themselves, it is always nice to find women like you and Bev who make the most of themselves, walking adverts for their products.'
I was still blushing especially when he called me a woman. 'Come on in, would you like a tea?'
And so it went on, he took the order, I made sure we got the extra discount, he had some samples to show me, a range of nail care products which I promised to look at with Bev.
As we were drawing to a close he came out with something that shook my every fibre. 'You don't have a wedding ring on, how can anyone so nice not be married?'
I could hardly tell him I was Bev's husband, now could I! 'Not meet the right one yet.' I said trying not to sound flustered.
A few minutes later he was in his Ford and driving to his next appointment, and I was standing by the sink washing up the cups thinking 'how did I get into this situation, he is virtually chatting me up.'

Bev was home early afternoon, I tried to get her to talk about her day but she was far more interested in mine, so I showed her the nail care stuff, eventually she got out of me the comments about not being married. And for the second time that day I was shaken 'lesbians can't marry, it is against the law.'
'But...' she clamped her lips onto mine and distracted me from the thoughts that were worrying me. We ended up in bed with me on my back licking Bev's pussy while she fingered my hole. In the afterglow she whispered in my ear 'now tell me what two good looking women are doing in bed together if they are not gay.'
'But you know the truth.'
'The truth being that my partner looks female, behaves female and likes having something inside her.'
I lay there in her arms stunned by her words 'I would screw you if you let me.'
'But I don’t want you to, I love making you come like a girl.'
'But I am a fake girl, a man really.'
'And I don't care, I like you as you are.'
Even though I had just had a satisfying climax and should have felt relaxed I was feeling unsure about how I was supposed to be reacting to Bev's words, did I agree with her or should I step right back and even go back to my previous life.

The rest of the evening was spent watching the TV, nothing unusual about that except that I did it wearing a satin nightie and wrap, Bev almost dressing me in them as I got off the bed telling me how wonderful I was.

That night I learnt how much hassle cleaning off make up was but the benefit was that I would not need to change the bed like the last time I wore full make up. Saturday I expected to be able to dress a little more reserved, we had some work to do first but then Bev fancied going shopping. I was persuaded into the velvet trousers and a loose shirt, she also managed to get me to blow dry my hair, freezing it in place with a can of sample spray, along with my coloured lipstick and mascara I just knew I no longer looked camp I had become feminine.

The shopping was quite a success, Bev got a big floaty gypsy dress and I did a first, I bought my trousers from the women's section of a store, a pair of wide leg pale blue pants that were so wide they could almost be called culottes if you wanted to, and if that was not enough Bev picked up a waist coat to match them only this jacket had definite shaping to accommodate a woman's chest, to me the outfit screamed female and I knew why Bev was buying them. On the way home Bev suggested we go out to celebrate, I had dealt with my first salesman and she had got a foot in the door of a company that ran a chain of beauty parlours. I did not need to ask how she would like me to dress I was carrying it my carrier bags.

I changed into the new outfit and put a bra on to fill the top, having gone this far I followed it up with full make up, there was no way I was going to be called sir in my pale blue. We would normally go out to a club where trendy fashion people went but this time Bev booked us a table at a spanish cafe and then took me onto a disco club. We had been asked if any men were joining us at the cafe, which was embarrassing but nothing compared to the lads who kept on coming over to see if we wanted a dance, drink, company I guess even sex if they had been blunt enough. Bev turned them all down, that was until she got drunk and a couple of good looking blokes came over bought us a drink and then proceeded to lead her and then me onto the dance floor, well I was not staying on my own with a stranger and having to make small talk. They hung around till the end and I got caught have a slow dance with this bloke called Ray, he even managed to get a kiss out of me, nothing to full on like tongues but certainly lips. After that I told Bev to make her excuses we were going home, she was not as keen as me but agreed and after some farewells and promises to call them we left.

Bev was randy again and could not wait to get into bed and play with our sensitive parts, as we lay there in a 69 our fingers in each other she tickled my G spot and mused 'I wonder what sort of a cock Ray has'
'And why should you want to find out'
'I was more thinking of you and what a cock might feel like in here' she moved her fingers and made me take a deep breath 'what with you being virtually one of us now.'
'Pardon, one of us?'
'A girl silly'
'Well I think you should take at look at yourself then, your lovely clothes, your interest in make up, your nice hair, did anyone shout queer at you today, no they all took you for a miss.'
'Oh Bev please don't?'
'Please don’t what? Don't do this?' she withdrew her fingers letting them gently glide over the spot, my body reacted 'I thought not, one day I think you should lose your virginity properly just so you find out what it is like.'
'But I love you, why would I do that?'
'Because I my love am not a man and cannot fuck you properly, and every girl should be screwed at least once to find out what all the fuss is about.'
'But I am not a real woman.'
'Try telling that to Ray or even Wayne.'
'Please Bev stop teasing me.'
'OK no more teasing with words, just teasing with fingers, eh'
I came shortly after that with the strange idea that a cock might feel good in there, but it was not going to happen, these men would run a mile if they ever got near my hole.

Anyway things for me seemed to have changed after that weekend, though I never actually took a decision to change I must have unconsciously changed my mindset. Come Monday I picked out of the wardrobe the white trousers and a baggy top, I did my hair nice and added blusher to my make up routine. I even caught myself answering the phone in my girlie voice. I would ask myself why several times but every time I got the same answer, I like it, I like dressing up and if that means I look like a girl then I shall look like a girl.

By the end of the week I had lost my inhibitions and was using full make up and even wore the pale blue baggy trousers to work in. Bev predictably loved me being more girlie and got me to wear nighties to bed and sleep in a bra. Having accepted my new look I found that with the previous limits gone I could try all sorts of eye make up, working through Bev's cosmetics first then trying samples, all colours and textures giving me some horrid looks but a few really nice ones. I also discovered lipsticks that were not my natural colour and tried reds, pinks, purples even a black one. This whole process took several weeks of experimenting but I was finding colours that I liked and getting used to Bev taking me out as a woman not to mention having sex as a woman. The whole thing reinforcing not only how I looked but how I felt and how I expected people to see me.

This picture minus the long hair is pretty much how I looked on a working day at that time, casual but with plenty of feminine decoration to let anyone seeing me that I was not masculine. Over the next month I also plucked more and more of my eye brow hairs out until I had a much higher brow line and when I went back to Kim's for a trim I asked her to pierce my ears. The other more noticeable change was that I allowed my nails to grow and with a hardener painted on them got them to a length where I was having to type with a different action and had difficulty opening coke cans amongst other inconveniences, but the reason I never cut them back was because I loved how they looked when I painted them in any of the wonderful colours that were available, coordinating with my outfit whenever possible.

But possibly the biggest step I took at that time was to meet more of the sales reps who would usually meet Bev, she said her time was better spent out seeing clients and reps took up to much selling time, so I saw more and more of these people. I did not think any had seen through my new look although some had spoken to me from the first days that I had worked with Bev. Wayne was still the one I saw the most, he would call whenever he was in town even if he had nothing new to show or had no chance of an order, he just used to call and have cup of tea with me. He never failed to compliment me always liking whatever new product I was trying out that day, though occasionally suggesting a slightly different shade of polish or shadow, he was surprisingly good for a man at knowing how colours altered style.

That change happened about 18 months after I started working with Bev, our house was full of products, my life was only male for my parents, the nieghbours must thought me very weird as they had had a very nice straight bloke before and now they had one of those blokes you can't tell if they are a girl or a boy. Well they might not have been able to tell but I was in no doubt Bev saw me as a girl, she never touched my cock, encouraging me to use tape so it was held backwards all the time, this meant I had to sit like a girl to pee and at night there would be no unexpected erection waving about. We even bought a couple of vibrators, Bev being able to enjoy hers more readily than me as my sphincter muscles were a bit tight to start with until I learnt how to relax and allow intruder inside.

Over the next six months we made several big changes, we took on a storage unit and gave up our regular suburban semi detached house for an apartment closer to town. This had two big changes to me, I no longer worked at home so the housework had to be done in a more ordered fashion rather than when I fancied during the day, And I had new nieghbours who had never seen me going to work in a shirt, tie and suit. I was later to find out there was gossip about the lesbian women who had moved in and how sinful that was, but we did not notice, Bev thinking of us a couple of girls sharing. I actually had to make a big effort to visit my parents, I would leave the flat dressed down as much as possible, then park near their home and change into more male clothes before letting them see me, reversing the whole process on my return.

The storage unit had a nice little office and a counter near the door, we painted it and made it as nice as possible given that it was a basic building. The new premises opened up new sales for us as customers could now collect themselves and salesmen had somewhere more specific to call, which all meant I was being exposed to the public more and more, not just when we went out.

Wayne was still the salesman I liked the most, he was not as creepy as I first thought, it was just his nature to touch and show concern, that time he put a hand on me at the hotel was just him, I once asked him why he kissed me his answer was that it was the continental way and it was a great excuse to kiss pretty women. I dare say I blushed. But the friendship between us grew, I even looked forward to his calls and would wear something a little more feminine when he was due. Then a few things happened all together, the first was that my parents were both killed in a car accident. They had been my foundation and to have them removed was a blow that it took weeks to come to terms with. I did the funeral as butch as I could, for the sake of friends and the few family we had, but once the wake was over and I felt I would not be seeing any of them again I drifted back into my girlie style, taking ages to brush my hair, painting my nails more outrageous colours, until I was not drifting back but throwing myself into the female persona completely. Looking back I was trying to escape the grief and being someone else in a way distanced me from the reality that I parentless. A few weeks after the funeral I went mad and bought my first unambiguously female outfit, a grey maxi skirt, a pink blouse with a pussy bow, a poncho and a pair proper high heeled clogs. I was making a statement to me I suppose that this was the new me. I knew it was impractical and one of my excuses to Bev in the past had been that loose and light colours were not easy to work in, but then I felt it was worth the extra care needed to work in such clothes.

The next big thing to happen was that after a few weeks of grieving I was back at work and getting into seeing people again when Wayne called hoping for an order, or so I thought, I was wrong he had heard about my loss and had just come to see how I was, I told him that was sweet of him, a girlie phrase if ever there was one, and when he told me he was stopping in town overnight and would I like to have dinner with him that evening I was about to say no, when a voice from the stock room called out 'she would love to, take her somewhere nice and spoil her.' Amid a serious case of blushes I accepted his invite and promised to be ready for seven. Once he was gone the argument started.
'What the F are you doing setting me up like that?'
'I thought you could do with going out, doing something special'
'I could go out with you'
'But you like Wayne, he is nice enough.'
'And a man.'
'And you are a what in his eyes?'
'Well yes but......'
'And to him a single unattached female.'
'Which is why I can’t do it.'
'We once said you should try a man at least once, well here is one to try.'
'Yes but I also said it would never work.'
'And who is to say it would not work, I reckon he is gay anyway and would love to find out your secret.'
'No. Stop it. I might like being your lesbian partner but a man, no way.'
'Too late my sweet he will be calling for you at seven, now if you leave a little early you will have time to change and spruce up your face and hair.'
I was sulking I knew it, so Bev walked away then asked if I knew where something was that she could not find which got me back into working mode, so much so that when three came round and she told me in a matter of fact tone to go home and change, I did not complain, I just left. On the way home and while I was changing into my maxi skirt outfit I did rather change my view, I felt it was as far from the old Lesley, the one who had lost his parents, as I could get. To be a single woman out with a bloke was nothing like the person who was grieving. As I changed I made this into a mantra as I took extra care over my make up, curling my lashes, using eye liner and lip liner which I rarely did, glittery shadow made a rare outing as well. Bev came home and told me I looked fantastic then undid the bow I had fastened up to my neck and tied it in a loose knot about tit level and undid the buttons down to my cleavage. Within minutes the door bell called me and I was off on a date with a man.

He took me out for a lovely meal and treated me like I was someone special. He was attentive and kind, kept me entertained and whenever he had the opportunity made me like a woman. I had to admit it, I loved the attention, it really took me out of myself and for a few hours the misery lifted. My concern earlier was that he might find out my secret, well he was such a gentleman that besides small touches to guide me to a table say, or a greeting kiss he kept his intentions (if he had any) to himself. He took me home and after a kiss to say thank you we parted.

I walked in to find Bev still up. 'Successful?'
'It was ok.'
'Well take that grin of your face if it was only ok, because that face is one of a girl who has had a good night.'
'Ok it was good.'
'Thought so and when is he around next?'
'Well surely he is taking you out again when he is in town next'
'What makes you think that?'
'It is how men work and I bet you know as well.'
I got defensive 'I do but only because it is in the diary at work.'
'Good enough for me I think. And you will be going wont you?'
'Because you enjoyed yourself.'
'I am going to make a coffee, do you want one?' I did not want to admit to myself or to Bev how much I had enjoyed being dated, it felt disloyal to Bev and just a little odd to me.

The other big turning point was that one day Bev came back from her travels around the beauty shops with a small container and with a big flourish produced them.
'I think you will like these'
'What are they?'
'Female hormone tablets'
'What, why, how?'
'I got them from a friend who gets them for girls who don't want to get pregnant but can't go to their doctor, so that is how and what, the why is because I think you would look great with some real breasts and these should help you grow them.'
'But their will be side effects.'
'Here read the notes and decide for yourself, I only got them to see if they might be liked.'
I calmed down and promised to read up about them.

I also found myself looking forward to Wayne's next visit, Bev would be out so I would be able to make my own mind up and not have her pushing me into something I might not want to do, though to be fair I had enjoyed what she had pushed me into last time. The diary page told me that Wayne would be there on the Thursday, so for no expressed reason I washed my hair on Wednesday and gave myself a manicure and a full body shave. Bev was up and gone early so I was able to pamper myself some more with more expensive make up and spending time choosing what to wear. The pussy bow, baggy trousers and clogs won for work, but what to wear if he asked me out again?

He turned up on time, was as flattering as ever, did the french thing of kissing both cheeks. He just made me feel special. We did the business of what we needed before he rather awkwardly asked if I would like to go out for dinner again, maybe he was not sure if he was getting too familiar with a client or was having a fit of shyness himself, but when I accepted he relaxed and thanked me.

I was home for five, Bev turning up just after, and finding me in bra and knickers knew without asking what I was doing, she knew Wayne had been to visit earlier. I wore the pale blue outfit, Bev gave me a sisterly hug when the bell rang and told me to be careful. I told her I had no choice. The evening was every bit as enjoyable as the last only this time as we sat in a pub having a pre dinner drink we sat a little closer so we could speak more easily, but I did find the contact rather nice and when he took my hand to lead me outside and to the restaurant I felt I was being accepted as a woman and revelled in the experience. I was leaving the old me behind.

Going out with Wayne became a regular thing, he was in town every fortnight and we would go out for dinner. I got used to holding hands and kissing after another date. Which prompted me to look out the pills Bev had got a few weeks before and consider if I was enjoying being a girl so much, why not take the hormones and make my body conform to how I felt. With my morning coffee I swallowed my first and considered that I had indeed crossed a line into a female world at that moment. The tablets took time to have any effect, but I did notice my erections were weaker but my orgasms did not fade in strength, my nipples also started to tingle and get darker which Bev loved to see and nibble on when we made love.

So two months after my parents died I had started taking hormones, going on regular dates with a man and living full time as a woman. Though it was probably something to do with escaping my grief I would say that I enjoyed the new horizons the situation was creating. It was on the forth date with Wayne that we were eating in a country pub, side by side and able to talk more intimately than across a table. He starts to tell me how much he likes me and thinks I am really nice and how he would love to see more of me. I tried to counter this by flippantly saying that me and Bev had him down as gay, he blushed at that I had clearly hit a sensitive spot, but when he recovered he somehow managed to say how he knew I had a secret as well, my turn to blush. Over the next half hour he admitted to preferring men but how he found me attractive in spite of my clearly pretty looks, and very gently he let me know that ever since the first time he saw me he had been suspicious of my true gender and wanted to get to know me better if only to find out the truth. I was shocked that I had been rumbled, but he held onto my hand and calmed me down telling me he had to look very hard to spot the clues and it had been months before he was sure. I ended up telling him about my whole story, right up to the hormones. It was late when I got back to the flat, Bev was in bed asleep. So I slowly got ready for bed and made myself a drink to relax with, all the time thinking about how I had opened up so easily to Wayne and wishing I could tell Bev but did not want to wake her then wishing I was still with Wayne snuggled up in his arms like Bev used to do in mine when I more of a man.

Come the morning I was groggy but Bev just wanted to know where I had been to be out so late and clearly implying that I might have been doing way more with my date than having a meal. In the end I told her everything to shut her up, even how we had held hands, kissed and enjoyed a cuddle together. She was a little shocked by my disloyalty but she had encouraged me, so that seemed unfair. Soon she was off to see clients and I was off to the warehouse where I found Wayne waiting before he left for his first call of the day. A bunch of flowers and a promise to be back as soon as possible was all he had time for. I promised to call him when he got home. And that it seemed was the start of a more serious friendship. We spoke a couple of times a week and every other week we had an evening together. Then he arranged to make us his last call on Friday so he could take me away for a weekend in the country, well York to be more accurate. I agreed and Bev did not object, saying that I might get over the teenage crush stage and find out what men are really like, a bit unfair I thought as I was still technically one.

Anyway I packed enough for a week and was waiting for him having done all I could in the office before I left, Bev gave me a hug, she said as a friend and told me to make the most of the opportunity, a quick wave and I was driven away from my familiar surroundings and onto the busy roads out of our town. We arrived late and had a quick meal before booking into our hotel, Wayne signed us as Mr and Mrs W Smith which felt so risky at the time, and for us well beyond not just being unmarried. Wayne ever careful had made sure I was ok with a twin or double room before he booked, I had said either but was still a little surprised to see a double when we opened the door.
'I suppose you thought a married couple would prefer a double?'
'I did, any objections Mrs Smith?'
'Not at the moment but if I find anything to object about be sure you will hear them.’

'Best make sure my wife has a good time then.' As the door closed behind us he gave me a kiss unlike he had done before, full of passion and desire.
'I think I should be getting ready for bed'
'If you want.' I think he took it as a rebuttal to his advances, but I did need to clean my make up off, get out of my trouser suit and into the new short nightie I had bought for the occasion. En suites were just coming in and Wayne had booked a room with one, so I disappeared to reappear some while later in a pink baby doll nightie with pink frilly knickers just showing below the hem.
I hung from the door frame 'Worth the wait?'
He was already in bed and just pulled the sheets down on my side 'I still can't believe how good looking you are.'
'Well my dear you must understand I have never done anything like this before and you are the first man I have ever slept with.'
'I understand how you must feel, I felt the same a few years ago when lost my cherry'
We talked for a bit about how he had found out he was gay and some of his experiences, all the time we were tenderly touching each other until I allowed him to kiss me again. This time he was naked and I could feel his cock against my thighs. Fascinated I took it in my fingers, I had only ever held my own and his felt so strange, a dribble of pre cum got onto my fingers so I licked them to find out what it tasted of, Bev was never keen on sucking me, said it was not a nice taste but I found it salty and nice. Wayne asked if I wanted some more and pulled the covers back to reveal his manhood standing to attention. I gave it a few licks and smiled as it twitched on my lips.
'Have you ever swallowed?' I asked.
'Has anyone ever screwed you?'
'What was it like?'
'Hard to say. Do you want to find out?'
'Not sure. What would you like to do?' I said passing the lead back to him.
'Well if you want to, I would love to be the first person to make love to you as a woman, to fill your hole and hopefully make you come in a way that only anal can do, but only if you want to.'
I kissed him with his cum still on my lips. I was preparing myself for what I had been telling myself I wanted to try. In the end I rolled onto my back and raised my legs like a woman might and invited him to lie between them. I was so glad I had been using the vibrator because feeling him pushing his cock against my arse and me relaxing enough to allow him in took an effort, I screamed into his neck as he penetrated me, but then as the KY jelly worked he pumped in and out, going deeper each time until he touched the spot Bev had played with, I arched my back and squeezed his buttocks trying to push him further in. I lay there aware that he was on top and riding me, but I was lost in the pain and pleasure until my senses exploded and I could do nothing but pant and hold him tight. I believe he came himself sometime during my time beneath him but I was not sure when, my own climax overriding any other feelings.

He lay on top, our sweaty bodies exhausted. 'So how did that feel?' he whispered in my ear.
'The best ever. Is it always like that?'
'You should know you must have had sex before.'
'Well yes but not like that.'
'All I can suggest is we try again so you can find out the answer.'
'Not now though Mr Smith, Mrs Smith needs a rest.'

That was the first time I made love to a man and was the first time I slept cuddled up with a man and I loved that feeling of being his woman, being protected by him as he held me in his arms.

The Saturday was a day of sightseeing and going to pubs for lunch and dinner interspersed with looking round some nice shops. I remember he bought me some nice long ear rings that tickled my neck. But the main event was the evening. We were in our room early and making love before I normally have supper, but I wanted to feel him inside me again and to relive the fantastic moment when I came once more. He did not disappoint, gently and tenderly relaxing me before easing his way inside, finally working his cock on my spot until I was asking him to push harder. I had never felt like this with Bev, I had been the cock and just banged away hoping she got there before I could hold out no longer and wilted after my sudden burst. We recovered a little and made a cup of tea (no mini bar) and sat there near naked, Wayne stroked my inner thigh and made me jump it was so sensitive.
'You know what is so good about this...........I get to look straight while I know I am going with the best looking bloke I have ever known.'
'And for me I get to have a bloke who rather likes my non female anatomy, so that is about perfect.' And with that the cups were set aside and bed gymnastics resumed.

Well that was Saturday. Sunday was a return to reality, a lovely drive home and back to Bev. I had become more and more swept up in the novelty of being taken for a woman by a man eventually taking it to the ultimate intimacy. But that drive home my bubble burst as the unfaithfulness of what I had done dawned on me. I often looked across at Wayne and thought of what ifs, and then looked at my female decorations like long pink nails, high heel shoes, and tight clad legs thinking 'how did I end up in this situation?' Wayne only carried my case to the door and gave me a quick kiss as he thanked me for a wonderful weekend, I had said a few things which had made it clear I was having trouble reconciling myself with my actions and how Bev might react when I got back. I crept in trying not to be annoying.
'So how was York?'
'Lovely, some nice shops and parks'
'And Wayne?' gosh that was direct.
'Did he make you feel like a woman, treat you like a woman?'
'He was very nice to me.'
'But did you let him?'
It was then the tears started 'I am so sorry I do love you Bev, but I am so confused, I did let him in me, I wanted to have him in me. But why did I want to when I have you, why do I want to dress like this, I enjoy so much and feel that I am a woman most of the time now but I am a man, why do I prefer heels and I am sorry Bev a real cock is better than a dildo.'
She got up and hugged me as I stood there tears streaking my cheeks with black. We ended up on a settee Bev's arms around me with my head on her chest, I don't know what was going on in my head really, the grief, the disloyalty, the guilt were all there, but Bev just held me and let it all pour out. She was a good friend that night, I told her about my parents and how important they were to me, I realised how I had been hiding from the pain, I also told her how good Wayne was to me, how it was nice to be taken for a woman and ultimately have sex in the woman’s place. She sat with me listening as all this and more came out. Eventually we went to bed and cuddled until we slept.

The next day was work, I hoped for no public customers and few phone calls and that is what I got meaning a day buried in a desk lost in paperwork, ok I had moments of distraction but I was using the work as a sanctuary. I meet Bev at home later, a meal on the table for her, she kissed my cheek before handing me a carrier bag, I took a look inside, 'for me?'
'Yes for you.'

It was like a short monks habit, Bev then looked me in the eyes 'For you next date with Wayne.'
The tears started again as I told her I was wrong to have gone with him, that I was stopping with her. Then as the meal got cold she told me I should go with Wayne or another man if a nice one comes along, as a man she knew I was straight but as a woman I liked men, she had set me up and encouraged me to be more and more feminine until I preferred looking like a woman and thinking of myself as female, it was she who had encouraged Wayne from the start at first to see my reaction but later to allow me to experience a woman's role with a man. I had to go and dry my eyes and clean up the streaks on my cheeks once more before putting the cold food into the oven to warm through. She finished by telling me that she loved me but not in the way she had when we married, more in the way you might love a child and when it grows up you have to let it go, I had grown into a lovely woman but I was not totally lesbian so I needed to find my own self.

Maybe Bev regretted encouraging me to wear that lip gloss, the girl’s trousers, though she never openly said so. The next time Wayne was in town she made a point of seeing him and asking when he was taking me on a dirty weekend again, that was only ten days after my first weekend and a few days later I was in his car being driven to another part of the country in my new dress with mixed emotions about who I was and why I was there. He listened and seemed to understand, his discovery of being gay had some parallels. Friday night he just held me close, but by Saturday night I just wanted to feel this man inside me and make me feel like his woman, he did not disappoint.

Well after that weekend I found it hard sharing a bed with Bev, and in a single bedroom flat there was nowhere to go, so when a small flat came vacant I rented it and moved in, Wayne offering to pay some of the costs if he could stop when in town, off course he could. Me and Bev managed to stay good friends and make the business work. She started being more open about being gay and would date women once I had been away for a while. I got to see Wayne more as he would stop weekends and midweek whenever he was close until he gave up his place near his office and we got a larger place between us, this meant his travelling a little more but I got to be his wife as I changed my surname to his by deed poll and avoided the Mr bit.

Now forty years on I wear sensible mature clothes, stopped the hormones when I found out how dangerous they could be, had breast implants but retained my dick because Wayne liked me to have it. The business did fine as we got the best rates of one company in particular, selling up and retiring after 30 years of selling to become fulltime housewives, Bev found a rather butch dyke who loved her and loved being the breadwinner it seemed so we ended up being ladies who lunch while our partners worked to pay for it. Perfect.

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