Honesty or a lie? which would you choose

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This could be a story of morals, is it ever wise to lie, should we always be truthful and honest, even if it will cost us.
Or maybe it is just more drivel with bad grammar and spelling mistakes from Lauran.
I just hope you enjoy it, and if you don't, at least I enjoyed writing it. :)

It was only a small lie.

For the first time ever I had been unfaithful, she was young, keen and made herself very avaliable. For both of us I think, it was just the sex. But along with the sex came the buzz of it being illicit, I knew I should not be doing this with Jasmine but it was so much fun I just did not know how to say no.

The lie came one Sunday afternoon when Fay, my wife, was cleaning the car. I was busy indoors watching football when she came in with a pair of Jasmine's kickers, the nice white satin thong pair. This was a bad moment in my life, I had been rumbled and it felt dreadful. I was amazed at how quickly my mind worked in that situation, in the time it took to say 'I can explain' I had remembered our mealtime chats about courses Fay had been running at work on sexist attitudes and acceptance of sexual diversity in the workplace. Now I could have told her they were Jasmine's but that would cause huge irrepairable damage to our relationship, and I do still love her even if I would like more sex, so I decided in a flash to say 'They're mine' to which she replied 'Please explain'.

Now I had to think quickly, I knew about a shop in town which caters for men who like to cross dress, so I came up with this extended lie about how I liked the feel of the satin and wore the knickers for pleasure and comfort. She asked me to go and put them on so she could see what I meant. Now for a boxer man these were snug, I squeezed my bits into the front and thanked god I was no stud and hung like a donkey, then positioned the thin strap up my crack. They felt snug as I say but they were also quite nice to wear after I had got over the initial tightness. Fay was very complimentary about my chioce and asked how it felt to be a man wearing knickers, more lies came out, but now tinged with truth. Then as the conversation went on and I relaxed into the lie I found myself saying I only had the one pair as I usually went to the Transform shop if I wanted to have a full dress up session. Eventually after not finding a decent reason to remove the knickers from under my trousers we went to bed, after Fay had distracted my attention from the soccer highlights by wearing her gossamer thin bady doll outfit. I went to bed in the knickers and we had a smashing session that night is all I will say about it.

The next weekend she went shopping and though I thought the cross dressing thing had been forgotten because it had not been mentioned, I was in for a shock. She called me in and scattered some underwear on the table 'I hope you like them, but it must be very difficult to buy your own so I bought you a few pairs. Yours are the size 12 mine are the 10' On the table was a pile of sexy panties, not her normal plain cotton ones but lace, satin maybe silk. I had to say thank you or give the lie away, and then she told me it was ok with her if I go and try a pair on, I could hardly say 'No I was lying' could I, so I wore a pair of silk and lace french cut panties which were a bit like boxers but much nicer next to my skin.

The lie got deeper when she was asking me if I liked my new underwear, and I had to say yes didn't I, and in truth they were nicer than I expected. So she told me that if they are so nice and it means so much to me that I would have maintianed a secret from her about it, she would be happy for me to wear them all the time. I tried to back pedal saying I was fine with an occasional wear, but she insisted on being understanding and I had no chioce but to wear a red lacy thong the next day.

Seeing the washing drying was a little odd later in the week, no boxers but twice as many panties. I had worn a different pair each day all week. Three things came out of this, I got a illicit sort of buzz from wearing such unconventional underwear, I could never let Jasmine see me wearing them so the affiar was over, and Fay was more randy than I could ever remember.

Over the weeks and months that followed Fay would say she was sorry not have been aware of my needs and wanted to make up for her failings by letting me explore my feminine side.

After the first week in knickers, she encouraged me to wear tights under my trousers, which was unexpectedly nice, then she came home with stockings and suspenders for both of us. Agian another nice experience. This was followed by silk camisoles and I had to admit Fay looked great getting dressed for work in her sillk underwear and stockings, I did not look as good, but I could not stop without telling her I had lied, so I continued.

Soon after I had shaved my legs because the stockings would feel better, and they did. So now I was shaving every week, and not just my legs but all over, including what Fay called a Brazillian. Strange how no body hair makes you feel even more naked.

About this time I felt I ought to back up my lie with a trip to the Transform shop and a bit of reading on the internet about cross dressing. The shop visit was quite an eye opener. They were very impressed that I was wearing my own underwear and was shaved all over. The package I paid for meant I got to wear four outfits, have a complete make over and leave with a series of photgraphs for me to remember my day by. The first outfit was a 'day at the office', pink satin blouse with pussy bow, tight straight black skirt and black courts, the skirt limited my stride and the heels caught me off balance at times. The full make up including pink nails and some neat jewelery made me feel just like one of the girls at work. Then after some photos and a change into 'night out look' A pretty cerise cocktail dress with a flared skirt over net underskirts, long opera gloves and some big jewelery. Then onto another change. 'The wedding' I was squeezed into a corset bodiced dress, and gave me a veil, silk bouquet, the lot, I loved the silk and felt so feminine dressed in it. Then because I had read about it on websites I asked if I could try on a maids outfit, off course I could, proper corset this time, lots of frilly underskirt which did not really cover the stocking tops, black satin dress, very hard to stand in spike heeled shoes, a small apron and mob cap, then I was given a duster and told to clean the guest room while they took photos. All this took hours but I had lots of detail now to back up my lie and strangely I had enjoyed the time more than expected.

I was not sure why Fay brought it up one night after we had had sex but she asked me what sort of dress/outfit I would choose if I could have anything, I thought back to my Transform experience and could honestly say I liked all the clothes I had ever tried on. Then she said she was going to treat me to my own outfit and did I have anything I would prefer. So in my head I discarded the wedding dress, the maid as it might give the wrong ideas, so I told her I quite like the smart but sexy business woman and evening dresses. She kissed me and told me she see what she could do.

Saturday afternoon and she has come home with a smile on her face and bags in her hands. 'Look what I have found for you' she exclaimed with delight 'Let's go and get you out of your shirt and jeans' It took an hour but in that time she had dressed me in a white blouse with more buttons on the cuffs than I have on my shirt and big frilly front which went neatly with the powder blue skirt suit, the skirt being lined and tight enough to show the suspender clips through, she did my face with her make up, then the final nail in my masculinity that afternoon, white stileto sling backs. I was a smart but sexy woman, and for some reason Fay liked it, insisting I stay dressed for the evening.

She asked to wear it on the Sunday as well which rather stopped me going out, so she lent me an apron and 'let' me do some cleaning and cook our meal that evening. I was rewarded with the most fantastic sensation of having the smooth lining in the skirt riding over my arse all day due to wearing a thong as I must never have a VPL apparently, very tired feet from the high heels, and the most fantastic sex when we went to bed.

After that weekend I was 'encouraged' to get rid of all my boxers, well it was months since I had last worn them, and to always wear full underwear includiing a training bra with cups that found something on my chest to fill them. I just hoped no one ever put a hand on my shoulder and felt the strap, it was a nerve wracking but exhilarating experience doing something so off the wall.

Well she found the CD with the pictures from my Transform day not long after and let me know how much she liked them, how good I looked as a woman, which the pictures rather enhanced because of the poses I was asked to stand in. And once again I felt myself sinking deeper into this lie that I was a tranvestite when I was not.

The upshoot of her finding the pictures was that she bought me my own apron and when in my skirt suit was 'allowed' to be a housewife. Then she bought me another outfit, this time a red but loose and virtually see through top, put with black leggings and ankle boots she said I looked dead sexy and insisted I wore a shiny red bra that was filled so much it stood out against the thin fabric and clearly visible, to me anyway.

That night during our sexual adventures with her on top and in charge, she paused as I was getting close and suggested we go out to the gay bars in town, I had to ask why, her reply 'Well where else could two women go for a night out' then she rode up and down some more and I knew I had agreed to going out with her as a woman. And all because I could not tell the truth.

The next week I was worried sick, the buzz from wearing female underwear was fading as I had no chioce by this time, because Fay wanted me to get in touch more fully with my feminine side. The fun wearing thin if you will excuse the pun, all I could think about were those sad images of big builder types in dreadful outfits and hairy arms drinking pints you see on some TV programmes. She could tell I was nervous and suggested we go on the Friday evening with me as me, then when we have had a good look round we shall know what to expect the following night.

What I was not ready for was a full day of preparations, soaking in hot scented baths, shaving all over, doing as much girlie stuff as Fay could find, then when it came time to get ready I am presented with a pair of very realistic silicon breasts to put into a bra, the wieght surprised me after using rolled up tights, and then a very tight thong to keep my male bump squashed into my grion and I was ready for the leggings and loose top. Fay helped me with make up though she had been teaching me how to do it myself, this time she wanted to be sure I looked my best. A few new things appeared that afternoon, plucking eyebrows being one and at first 'just to neaten them up' but that quickly became 'keeping them looking good' which meant thinner. My hair which was mousy brown and long for a bloke had been styled before, but this time after she styled it she trimmed a few ends to give it shape she said, stop it from tucking behind my ears I found out when I went to work on Monday, meaning I either had to have a fringe flopping across my face or use gel to hold it in place, both a bit too feminine for a man at work.

The evening itself was not that bad after I had got over the initial trauma of leaving the house while thinking every curtian would be twitching to see how I was dressed. Fay just told me I looked like a woman going out with another woman. I forgot to say Fay was wearing a stunning red tube dress, red heels and a big smile. We parked and walked to our first chioce, a bar for a warm up drink, then onto a resturaunt before going round a few more bars to see what a Saturday night has to offer. I was pleased to see and chat with other wierd people like myself who I found out actually prefered to wear a dress to trousers, and was invited to their Wednesday night club. Fay said I should go, and there were two good looking girls, that is good looking for men dressed as women who suggested we go onto a club with a dancefloor and is the place trannies migrate too. They were right, lots of them, some not so good looking, but all seemed to be having a good time. I think I was the only one there with a real woman, though there were a few couples but I reckoned they were both men under the clothing, and quite a few men out to pull themselves one of the single trannies. It was all rather novel to me and Fay I think as we held hands and danced a bit before leaving for home. One last 'delight' Fay had to help open me up to my femme side was to give me short pink silk nightie with built in cups so i could slip the inserts in to keep my female body shape, she was really keen to be on top that night and played with my new chest like I would have done to her in the past.

From that day on Fay made sure I had every oppurtunity to be the woman I 'needed' to be so I could be fulfilled. She bought me more clothes and ever higher shoes until I was walking in 4" heels and only a toe strap to keep them on. Any time away from work was pretty much spent by 'indulging' my passion. We were giving each other manicures, brushing hair till it shone, reading magazines together. Gone were my sport magazines, football never came on the TV anymore, Gok Wan and how to look good naked, or model wanabee programmes as we discussed the styles. I was so involved that when I was asked to have my ears pierced I did not even recognise it as something I should not do, rather it would mean I could wear those nice chandelier ear rings I had seen.

I did go to the tranny club and made a few friends there, Mike or Michelle as he preferred was good fun to be around, he looked real good when he dressed and with his encouragement got me be more adventurous, going out dressed without Fay, even going out in daytime for a wander round the city shops and coffee shops. There was one main difference between me and Michelle though, I was striaght, Mike was gay, which was fine he did not fancy me as I was a 'woman', no he wanted a man who wanted a chick with a dick, and because when dressed as Michelle she looked hot, there was no shortage of potential admirers as I discovered they were called.

Then one weekend Fay wanted to go and see an old friend on her own, I said fine and thought it would be a chance to slip back into manly ways for a change, but she told Michelle who told me were going to have fun, I told Fay she was the only one for me as she left on that Saturday morning while I was still in my nightie, wrap and heeled slippers, she smiled back and told me to enjoy myself. Fay was hardly gone when Mike turned up in a very male style, and as I had not had chance to get out of my nightwear he got to see me in the nightie and wrap, maybe he had expected a male version of me, but was clearly pleased to see I had spent the night in such female attire. He called me darling and gave me a peck on the check. I was hoping to just slob around for the day, instead made him a coffee and when I said I was going to have a shower and change, he said 'wear the long plum dress, it looks nice on you' so much for being a bloke. Then as I walked past him he patted my bum, he was being so masculine I was wishing Michelle had come instead.

When I was getting dressed he suggested I try adhesive with my breasts, then I feel them better. Then he showed me how he hid his boy bits and encouraged me to do it. I was soon stood infront of a gay man naked and displaying nothing that looked manly. My status as a woman while he was a man was further enforced as he stroked my bare skin and told me I looked beautiful. By this time I could dress and do my make up as quickly as any woman and was soon downstairs in the plum dress. 'Right then darling, I am taking you out for a treat today, get your bag and don't even think of saying no, I think you spend to much time with Fay beinga pretend lesbian, today I hope to let you see what it is like to be with a man' I should have guessed at that point where this would lead, but I did not.

He took me out to lunch, walked around some shops, then went for coffee and cake at a local beauty spot before stopping at his house where he offered me the chioce of his/Michelle's wardrobe. I tried on several dresses, he had plenty of party outfits as well as plainer daytime stuff for me to try on. His favourite on me was a lace top which left nothing to the imagination and a red leather mini. He was clearly well planned and said it was great club gear, so why don't we go to a club. Hardly able to stop his enthusiasm I ended up on the arm of a bloke being walked through town looking liking like a tart. However it was a very different experience to that of being out with Fay or Michelle, with both of them I felt like a woman out with another woman, equal in some ways, though they have different agendas for their nights out, and I was happy to just be along and not cause trouble for myself. Being with Mike was very different, he was flirting with me, flattering me in a different way, before it had been to make me feel confident I looked OK, now it was flattery to make me feel good. And I did feel good, I had never gone out of my way to attract admirers but in that nights outfit, whenever Mike left me I could almost feel the eyes and sometimes hands on me, and the chat ups were frequent and in my mood that night, welcome.

We danced, we smooched, we walked arm in arm, he held me close, he kissed me, I melted in his arms, we cuddled. Then when we got back to my house I invited him in for a coffee and he taught me the pleasures of being a female in a partnership. He controlled me, made me feel wanted, aroused me, so when he suggested bed I was in the right frame mind, half drunk, half deluded That I wanted him to make me feel like a complete woman, to be his woman and give him pleasure. He undressed me and I undressed him, I had never seen another man's erect penis before, and definitely never one so close as when I slipped his trousers off. We kissed, we cuddled, we petted, we applied luricant, we used protection, we lay as lovers do, me on my back legs in the air, him on top pumping into me. Like I say I wanted to be there because I was drunk and he had seduced me into it, but as he pumped I got past the pain and enjoyed the sensations until I had an orgasm that came from deep inside coming in waves, quite unlike the sudden explosion I got as a man. I lay in my marriage bed not caring that I had made love to someone other than Fay in it.

That was until the morning, I woke with a sore arse and no Mike, then I heard vioces, could be the TV but it was late and did not sound right. Curious I got up, no nightie just bra, knickers and stockings on from the night before. I walked downstairs fastening the tie around my wrap, I could see Mike in my male dressing gown sat at the kitchen table talking to someone just out af sight, then I heard her speak, Fay was back. Wishing a hole would appear to swallow me, this was not a good situation, Mike turned to me and smiled and not just a friendly smile, one full of longing and lust. Then Fay spoke 'A good night I take it?' this was not a polite question, 'well it proves one thing, you cant be trusted' I tried to say 'what', but she just went over the evidence, stockings showing beneath my wrap instead of a nightie, walking awkwardly and unwilling to sit, Mike in my dressing gown looking like the cat that got the milk and wanting some more. Mike was not helping with anything that sounded like a denial, and I just felt so bad, added to which I had got used to being subservient to both of these people and dressed in just my underwear it felt wrong to speak up and challenge them.

Then came the final blow 'This actually makes what I have to say so much easier. When you said those panties were yours all those months ago, I knew they weren't but it was fun to see you squirm as you got deeper and deeper into being a girl, and it rekindled something I had felt at college with Becka, you were a dull predictable lover as a bloke but as a woman I wondered if it would be different maybe better. It was not bad but Becka was better.'

I was stood open mouthed not knowing what to make of this information, she had known from the start, the lie was in vien.

She continued 'And it seems last night must have been something of a moment for both of us, you have found out what it is like to lie on your back and let a man use you, whereas I refound my love for Becka, you see we can both be unfaithful, all we need to work out is who is stopping here, because sure as anything I do not want a fake woman when I can have a real one' then she turned to Mike 'do you want it'

'Don't drag me into this, I just thought it would be fun to be a man for a change, no I want a man in my life, girlfriends I reckon are for gossiping with and sharing clothes, I only thought it would make a nice change for both of us. But I did think you were broad minded enough to let her enjoy being screwed by a man'

There is nothing like having your world fall apart in a few minutes to crush your self worth. I turned and fled to the bedroom in tears, considering what the future held. I could stop dressing completely, it was all a lie anyway, but then the doubts appeared. Mike had given me such a great time the night before. Fay had told me I was useless as a lover. Jasmine had not seemed bothered when I broke it off with her. Maybe I should follow Mikes lead and be a girl to attract men, but it is all based on a lie that I am a transvestite when I am not.

What a terrible position to be in and all because I could not be honest in the first place.

In his position what would you do?

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