The consequences of lying.

I was staring at my friend Andy, no Amy, no Andy, no Amy. She, no he, was standing in front of me in a set of grey satin underwear, which included a suspender belt that was holding up some glossy stockings. The hair was perfect, the make up ideal for the situation. The voice neither falsetto nor too deep, just sexy, no wonder I was confused.

'Oh fuck me' I exclaimed.
'No darling, that is what you are going to do to me later.'
I was staring at my friend Andy, no Amy, no Andy, no Amy. She, no he, was standing in front of me in a set of grey satin underwear, which included a suspender belt that was holding up some glossy stockings. The hair was perfect, the make up ideal for the situation. The voice neither falsetto nor too deep, just sexy, no wonder I was confused. I knew this was Andy, my friend, but tonight had he had been set up so that he was my 'girlfriend', and Amy was perfect, even if somewhere in a cupboard marked 'Do not open', was the truth that my 'girlfriend' was a lie.

It had all started a few weeks ago as I was coming to the end of A level exams, with summer holidays ahead, school behind us and university to come. What could go wrong? Andy, that's what. He had been up to something and once more he asked me to cover for him by saying he was with me. I have no idea if it was girls, drink, weed or other lads, he did not want his parents to find out about, but every now and then I got a call for a favour. I should have known better. He should have known better, our mothers knew each other and would talk. I was 18, about to leave home, where was the harm? Even if he was rumbled, I was ok.

That is not quite how it worked out. The Tuesday after the weekend of covering the lie, Andy and his mum are in our house. Andy is looking cocky, his mother flushed with fury.
'So Mark, Andy was with you?'
I was set up. Mum was there, she knew I was home early that evening.
'Yeah, we were together'
'Till when?' His mum was being unusually frightening, I always had her for a soft touch. I tried to side step her questions until I had squirmed enough, then she just came out with the obvious. Our mum's had been talking. Andy's reason for being out late was a lie, and I had lied to cover for him. I thought that was it for me, I had let a mate down, but it was his lie and he was found out. Now he had to face the music, not me.

They left, with Andy being bullish, saying more or less 'So what'. My own mother gave me a hard time about the lie, and how she was dissappointed in me and the shameful situation she had been in when her friend had accused me of not being honest. I made the right noises and apologised, but I did sense that it was not going to be dropped that easily. Sure enough, I half overheard a conversation that our mothers were having on the phone, Andy's mum clearly still livid. I still had no idea what he had done, other than string her along for years with his lies. I knew it was not over. Without introduction, mum walked in front of the TV and announced 'Tomorrow, 7pm at Mary's, do not be late.'

Of course I had a text conversation with Andy. He was having a rough time with his mum. She had gone ballistic. This last lie had been the straw that broke her back and there was much shouting and tears, plenty of laying the law down. He was indignant that she was treating him like a child. He kept on saying he was old enough to leave home, all the usual stuff I had thought of saying to my parents, but never actually had the guts to say, just in case they called my bluff and said, 'Ok there's the door, let us know when you find a place.' The texts went on right up until I arrived at Andy's and was ushered into the living room. Andy was there looking worried, his parents looking determined, my mum looking nervous but serious. All this just made me feel very uneasy about what might happen in the next few minutes.

I was right to be worried. Andy's mum started by explaining to us all, how Andy had been pushing the boundaries for far too long. She knew he was lying when he was out late. She was sure he was up to something and until last weekend, had just let it go rather than challenge his behaviour. Well, that all changed when someone said something and that person really rattled her cage, and this time it was not being forgotten. This time she was going to make up for all those times she should have pulled Andy up and had not. Why was I there, was all I could think of. Andy was in deep, but why me? Then it came. I knew there would be a punishment of some sort and it was very inventive. She was in control, which was unsettling me, as she explained that seeing as how we had lied, she was going to make us lie in a big way. Now I was confused as well as worried. Andy, she said, was going to a wedding party with me. I knew the one. In August, some cousin we never saw who lives miles away. I was going with mum and dad, so what? Well, the lie we would have to pull off would be that Andy was going to go as my girlfriend! I am not sure how Andy reacted, though it did involve some swearing. I just asked why me? What did I do? My mum simply pointed out that I had helped him with the last lie, so I could help him with this one, as I quite probably knew what Andy was up to when I covered for him. I was floored. This could be so embarrassing. What if and it would be a very easy if, someone spots that my 'girlfriend' is a lad. Her answer, best make sure no one does, or else I shall look a fool, because they will have all sorts of lies to tell about me. 'In front of family, you will make me take Andy dressed as a girl to this wedding, and if he looks like I suspect he might, you will just disown me and say it is the way we are? Have I got that about right?' Her short answer was yes. I tried a few attempts that I did not know what he was up to, that this is unfair, this is out of proportion, this could backfire on you. All had no effect.

Andy was having a similiar time it appeared, when we later compared notes as it were. He could not believe his mum would make him do this either, but he had to accept the final crushing reply. 'My house. My rules.' He could leave. No he could not, not without living rough. He was broke, having spent all his money and some more on his nights out. I still did not know what he was doing and did not really want to know now. Andy tried to make me feel better by pointing out that at least I was not going to dress as a girl. True, but I was going to be humiliated in front of family. We spent the rest of the evening commiserating with each other and planning how to aviod this disater.

I got a text next day, telling me to get round quickly. Andy sounded desperate so I went over. His eyes were bloodshot. Clearly he had been crying, but that was not the first thing about him that struck me. He was in his room, wearing black leggings, a short denim skirt, a red girls tee and a defeated expression. Not only had his mum made him wear these clothes, she had removed all his regular 'Andy' stuff. Andy wanted to know if he could borrow some of my stuff, but I did point out that I was much bigger than him. He was possibly 60kg tops, and maybe 5'6". I am 6' easy and over 80kg. There was the problem of getting my stuff to him or him to my stuff. Even if it did fit, his mum was bound to find out. I left, promising to be back later with some of my smaller clothes.

This was not a good plan, as I am sure we were overheard, because when I tried to leave with a bag full of stuff, mum intercepted me and asked what I was doing, there being an emphasis on not lying when I answered. I told the truth and returned the clothes to my room, and let Andy know we had been found out. He replied he already knew, and his mum had put an end to his ever showing his face outside again. I asked how? He told me she had given him breasts. Not understanding, I went round as quickly as I could. He had worn a bra the day before, which had made him look quite feminine. What was different now was that with the use of threats and force, his mum had glued on him some fake tits, like the ones women with breast cancer use, and if anything they looked bigger, more rounded, actually quite real. No way could he go out and hide something as obvious as that pair. I nearly said 'nice pair' but held it back, he was suffering enough. I left him to try and reason with his mother, but instead of the nice woman I had known for years, I got a stern response. You supported him in his lies, now you support him in this. Make him live this lie or you both will be humiliated if anyone works out that 'Amy' is really Andy. I nearly asked 'who is Amy?' but the penny dropped quickly enough. Seems I might not have to dress as a girl, but I was most certainly far too closely linked with this to walk away. I had to go back and try to calm my friend down and make some plans for our next few weeks.

His mum came up with a few things that helped. She had told people who rang that Andy had got a job working away. Her niece was staying the summer, which would explain why any possible similarity to Andy, Amy's cousin. We had  £500 to spend on clothes, make up and anything Amy might need while she was staying. His phone had mysteriously vanished so he would not be contacting mates without going out. And a final threat that my mum was fully behind her, so I had better do my best or share in Amy's failure.

We spent the rest of the day in Andy's, no Amy's room now, drinking coffee and trying to find a solution. In the end, we both were beaten into the realisation that the only solution was to accept the fact that Amy was going to be about. This I knew was tougher for Andy to accept than me, but I also realised that I was going to have to be the main support for my new 'girlfriend'. I did tell him about the helpful things his mum had done, though I do not think he took them as positives, more like nails in a coffin. But when you are dressed in a skirt, it is hard to find the silver lining to your particular cloud when you think you would be more comfortable in loose jeans.

I did all I could to help lift his dispondent mood, but after a couple of days of trying, I was getting worried that it was not going be a good outcome if Andy did not stop sulking, and at least start trying to be Amy. Then I called round, and he was his more normal bubbly self. Don't ask what happened, I have no idea, maybe he just saw that what I had been trying to say was right. 'The best and easist solution is to just get on with this bizarre punishment and get it over with, who knows it might even be fun.' He was overacting quite a bit, playing with his skirt, flicking his hair off his face, that sort of thing, but the biggest change was how he looked. His hair had always been long and straggly, but now was washed and brushed out. When I mentioned it, he said 'us girls have to look our best for our boys' and fluttered his eyelashes at me. At least he was not sulking. I got him to sit down and we discussed how he should play his role. We decided on a regular girl, no over the top dizzy girl like some we knew, nor an earth warrior type, just a girl next door look. His mum had some magazines we looked at, but they seemed too old for what we wanted, so it fell to me as the only one decent to go out to visit the news agent and buy some magazines, cosmo and the like. That had me blushing as I put them on the counter and paid for them. I know men buy them all the time, but this was my first and it was awkward. We had an interesting time reading, looking at pictures and discussing what was there, but we felt that the clothes his mum had given him, short skirts, leggings, tees were about right for now.

For the first time in years he was home on the weekend, but seeing as it had fallen to me to make sure this punishment had little impact on either of us, I set about planning what should be happenning before our big day. I even had a chat with my mum, who had clearly had a chat with Andy's mum, who wanted to see him getting out and living like a real girl might. Shopping, going out with lads, dressing up, preening, all things he was currently not doing. But I could see that if he got used to being out as a girl, come the party he would be more confident and carry off the lie much better.

Sunday we asked his mum to show him the basics of make up. I was amazed at how much this changed his face. I could tell from his expression when he looked in mirror that he was surprised too. She brushed his hair about a bit too, and lent him two hoops to replace his boy ear studs, and we just had to call him Amy. I spent the day helping him learn to behave like a girl. We picked Vanja from his tutor group, as a model to copy, and having donr drama as one of his subjects he picked it up quite well. After another day at home, and he was getting better. No lad in a skirt or hamming it up, he was coming across as a girl more and more.

Things seemed to be going fine. I suggested that I could borrow a car on Wednesday and we go out, maybe see how he felt in the big wide world. It went not too bad, he was terrified to leave the front door at first, thinking every neighbour would be watching, but then he sat really low in the car. He need not have worried, his mum had done his face and hair and he looked great. We drove out to a park on the edge of the city. I went and bought two ice creams which we ate in the car, then the big moment. I persauded Amy to go for a walk along the river, not a great scenic idyll, more a track by a quiet stream, but we did it, Amy had stepped outside.

By the weekend we had been out a couple more times in the evening, and on Saturday Amy was persauded to go to the Trafford Centre (a large shopping mall) and just blend in with the masses. This was a big step, and stressful for both of us. Amy might not be recognised, but I could be, and Amy would be rumbled on close inspection, but the mall was a good way from home and we would just run if we saw anyone we knew. That was the plan and it worked, as we saw no one we knew. Eventually we relaxed and bought a coke in the eating area and watched the throng of people milling about us. I started to comment on particular looks of girls , Amy even picking out the odd style she might try. Now we were getting somewhere. I suggested we spend some of the money, and after a few false starts, as we only got just inside the shop door, we finally made it to looking at the racks of clothes hung up. We were looking for a batwing top. After a couple more shops we found a cream one. No way was she trying it on, so I just paid for it and we left. Exhausted from the nervous energy used doing this, we retreated to the car and home. His mum was very impressed with the purchase and wanted to see it on her. We chatted a bit and told her how uncomfortable the experience had been, she just pointed out that lying should be uncomfortable.

This I reckoned would need to be the first of many such adventures, as we got Amy used to being outside and seen. Amy wanted to make herself look as different as possible, hoping to hide any feature that might hint at the true Andy. We decided that Amy should have a new hair colour, made into a proper girl's style, and maybe a fake tan. I ran these past my mum who seemed to approve. Unfortunately by the time I meet with Amy the next day, something had happened and the sulking was back. All that feminine poise was gone, a slouching teenager had returned. The reason for the regressive Amy was that her mum had made an appiontment at Kut Hair, a salon not far away, and one she would be recognised at, as that was where our mother's went. I managed to get the booking cancelled, but on the condition that by the evening, Amy had blonde hair, a tan and long nails, which was not on the original plan. I rang round distant salons and found one that would handle the tan and nails, and another which would do the hair later on.

Amy was not happy, but unable to really complian or fight, accepted what I had arranged with a resigned attitude. Like a lamb to the slaughter I thought, as I dropped her at the first shop. I waited, not knowing how long it would take, and was relieved that I did, as a distressed Amy came out only minutes after going into the back. They needed her to strip off, which we both knew would mean revealing her true gender. I came up with some quick lies about how Amy was doing it as part of a bet with a girl who had challenged him to have salon treatments done. On hearing this, they giggled and were apparently taken in, suggesting that to impress the girl, they could wax Amy as well. I only asked how much, not will it hurt, and because of the tan and nails, they did it cheap. I suspected later that it was to see Amy's reaction when the strips were pulled off.

The treatments were successful. Amy was now hairless, including most of her eyebrow hairs, with a very unnatural coloured skin, which we were told would fade with a shower later, and some extended shiny pink nails that seriously impeded her dexterity. As for looking like Andy, well with skin that colour, it was anybodies guess who it was. One last little treat the girls did for Amy was to suggest a shop across town that catered for men who like to be girls, and get something to hide the obvious male feature. Two days later, we called after phoning and bought a sheath that glued to the penis and secured it between the legs, creating a flat front and making Amy unable to pee standing up. Anyway after the tanning session, we went to the hair salon to get her hair done. No drama here, they accepted Amy as a girl, commented on the tan and gave advice on how to handle it while putting liquids and gels on her hair that not so long ago had been a pony tail. By the time we got home, Amy looked very much a girl. The mixed blonde hair with just a little wave and a long fringe clipped to the side made my 'girlfriend' look nothing like my mate. I felt Amy was not quite as pleased as her mother, who had a rather satisfied smile when she got a good look at her part time daughter. Not that she knew about the willy sheath thing, but I am sure she would have approved if she knew. I did though, and thought it might be interesting to see how Amy looked in a tight fitting skirt.

That weekend we went into the shops and shopped with more success. Amy bought a nice, cool looking summer dress. I choose a leopard print, stretchy skirt and another first, we bought some shoes, low heeled espardrills to go with the sundress. Another first happened that day was that Amy found the experience quite a buzz and was clearly on edge at times, but also showed times of enjoying the novelty of being someone very different to who she normally appeared as. This was a watershed in some ways. Amy realised that with care, this new look could open up a whole new range of oppurtunites, and the bubbly character she had had as a lad more or less returned. There were complaints about how long it took to do makeup and hair, the awkwardness of the nails and the thinness of the clothes when the wind blew, but overall there was a big change in her, which would make the lie easier to carry off.

His mum though was still wanting to push the situations we should be getting into, and encouraged us to go out in the evening. This could be difficult. I was 18 but even if Amy had been 18, then how could we show an identity card with Andy's face on it, without admitting the lie. Amy became a teatotaler that first night we went out. I was in my usual tee and jeans, but Amy made a effort and wore black tights under denim shorts, and a rather tight vest top which showed off her bra straps. I told her she looked good when I picked her up. She rebuked me with 'only good!' I took the point and remembered to be more flattering in the future. As we sat with our fruit juice and beer in an unfamiliar pub, hoping not to see anyone we knew, the topic of Amy being my girlfriend for the wedding party came up and different ways in which we might behave. We were still mates and hardly ever touched each other, well lads don't, do they, unless they are gay. We needed to work on a believable relationship and wondered just what this might entail. We could hold hands to start with, maybe cuddle if sitting close. Kissing Amy I was not too sure of. I could see this was challenging her personal gender view, but from my position, I was looking at a good looking girl who was my girlfriend. Why would I not kiss her, it would be unnatural not to. We tried holding hands on the way home. It was a little strange to start with, but once we had got comfortable, the warmth of another's touch was rather nice. When I dropped her off, I suggested a cuddle next time, she said wait and see, one thing at a time.

For the first time in a couple of weeks, I felt that I would not be needed to keep Amy on track, that at last she could be left to develop her feminine personality without me. She would probably practice the walking and posture, do some vioce training with a recorder, have a go with the makeup and see where her artistic tendencies took her. With my day alone, I considered what might happen if we were seen, would anyone recognise Amy, would the lie that Amy is Andy's cousin work, does holding hands with a mate make me gay, does holding hands with a pretty girl make me straight? Will I be laughed at come the wedding? I knew better than air my concerns with any family member, who would just give the standard response 'well you should not have lied.'

The next day, I texted Amy 'what are you doing today?'
'Will you come?'
I was round like a shot. Her mum had told her in no uncertain terms that Amy was going to be dressed up for the wedding, and in her opinion, that meant heels, so she had to get some heels and get used to walking in them before the big day, or else her feet would kill and any feminine poise would be lost as she staggered about trying to stay balanced. We bought some black ankle boots with a 2" narrow heel. She said they were fine in the shop but later, after she had walked about in them for a few hours, did admit her mum was right. 'Heels need practice'. I asked what sort of a heel was she expecting her to wear for the wedding. Amy looked dismayed as she told me her mum wore 3" heels as routine, her dressy ones were 4". I could only make sympathetic gestures, while inwardly thinking how hot a girl in high heels looks, and I saw no reason why Amy should not look just as good. I suggested we go and look for something higher that afternoon, but she declined, saying it would be an excuse to go shopping another day. I accused her of getting too much into character if she wanted to go shopping. She went to slap me, but I caught her hand, then as we stood there, her wrist in my hand, I looked into her mascara-ed eyes and saw a playful glint. She was getting into this so well now that I could easily believe Amy liked being Amy. We made our way home holding hands, and on the train sat deliberately close, so our arms entwined.
'You're being very friendly' I observed.
'You are as well' I blushed at that one. 'Just getting into the role, don't flatter yourself into thinking I fancy you.'
I denied I was thinking anything of the sort, and if we had not been squashed in the seat, I might have tried to wriggle myself free. As it was, I had to remain while she told me I had nice soft hands. I did feel that she was playing with me, so later as we stood at the door waiting for the train to stop, I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her close to me. She stiffened a little, as she felt the pressure of my squeeze, but in my mind I was the boss, her mentor. As we walked home, I took her hand to make sure she knew what I wanted her to be seen as, and then it happened. Joey, a friend from school saw us.
'Hi Mark, how's it going, good to be finished at school, waiting for results is a pain! What do you reckon, got my aunt stopping by, and her horrid babies, best out of the house' he went on like this for ages it seemed, all the time I am thinking he is going to take a longer look, or at least a more critical eye than the checking out he had given Amy so far. I was not listening when he said 'so this is Andy's cousin, that did not take you long' he nodded at our hands.
'Just showing her round, being a friend you know.'
'Oh yeah, right well, best be off, got to see Steve about going to a gig tonight.'
And he was off. I am not sure if either of us had taken a breath the whole time he had twittered on, but the release of tension was audible as he moved away.
'We did it, or more like you did it, Amy, that was brilliant!'
'I was sure he was going to to say hi Andy or something'
'But wow, how did I stay composed, I expected my voice to crack when I spoke.'
'So now that the town gossip has seen Mark out with a girl, what do we do now?'
'Nothing, that is what your mum wanted us to do. She wants us to pretend to be a couple, lie, as she puts it.'
'I know, but now we are a real public couple. Where do we go from here?'
I thought quickly. 'Well in that case, I think my girlfriend should have a' I turned, faced her and kissed her lips.
'I was thinking more along the lines of where should we go as a couple in a geographical sense, not a spiritual or intimate sense.'
'Well anywhere we fancy really, I suppose, but this boyfriend is going to do his role right and get a proper kiss out of his girl some day soon I hope.'
'Come on you randy thing.' And she walked off, ending the conversation there.

Her mother seemed pleased to see the heels, and commented how they affected Amy's walk, hinting that higher ones would look even better. We arranged to go to the shops in two days time, as I had promised my father to do some jobs for him the day after. So I left Amy unsupervised by me for 48 hours, and wondered what she might get up to now that she was growing in confidence.

Nothing it seemed. She took a day off and just did some housework for her mum it turned out. I decided we would get her some of the highest heels we could find and some underwear. My logic being that all lads like their girls in sexy underwear, so why not me? An uneventful train journey, a few resistant noises to my choice of shoes, but eventually she choose a pair of black courts with a thin platform sole, but refused to wear them home like she had with the previous pair of heels. Next, the underwear and this was more fun in a way, I had never looked at so much female underwear and could have bought her everything. I was not sure if she was thinking like a man or a woman, because this was clearly something new to her as well. The lad thinking like me 'this would look great on a girl' yet I could also see the other side saying 'what, me in that, soo tacky'. In the end, we had a red and a white set of satin underwear, plus a few different styles to try out. Thongs, french cut knickers, underwired, and half cup bras, hoping the size was right. No way was Amy going to try on anything for fit, and she did not seem to mind the prospect of returning items that did not fit.

Back at her house, I asked if I could see the purchases on her and she went all coy on me, and pushed me out of the room, not liking the idea of me seeing her naked. She was changing for sure, because it was only a few months ago we had both been in the same changing rooms after a PE class and her naked body had been seen by many. Most fitted, I was told, but a few would need returning, which she pointedly informed me she would do alone on the weekend. I was amazed and a little hurt that she did not want me to go with her. I could see that it would help if she had confidence to be out on her own. I still felt a little redundant.

That evening our mother's decided to have a bottle of wine together, to keep each other up to date with our progress I assumed. Amy came with her mum and after a polite glass of wine with them, we took our glasses into another room. Amy looked great, hair had been curled specially, make up more obvious, her longer looser cream top, black leggings and the new black stilettos, with a new accesory of a scarf, which was purely for decoration. The revelation that evening was to come as we sat and sipped our alcohol.
'I am wearing the thong' she casually commented.
'Oh' I stammered 'and is it nice?'
'Don't get a panty line showing through my leggings.'
'And that is important?'
'Of course it is silly, no girl wants everyone to know what knickers she has on.'
'Oh right, and do they feel nice to wear?'
'Odd having the bit between my arse cheeks, but yes they are nice.'
'Oh good.' I was feeling unsure of myself about this. Then she continued
'You should try them sometime, these female clothes are so nice.'
'Oh err' I was stammering again.
'The satin in the bra is so soft, those french knickers, they are silk and soo nice. And tights, they feel great on my legs.'
'I will take your word for it.'
'Here, feel this.' She held out the hem of her top for me to feel 'really nice soft cotton, Andy never wore anything this nice.'
I felt the cotton between my fingers and had to agree. All my cotton was stiff and thick textured. Then in a moment of pure lecherous thought 'So do I get to feel what a satin bra is like?'
'I only asked, to see if I agree with you.'
I think the wine had got to us both, me for asking and now for Amy's response. She took my hand and slid it up inside her top until I had a breast cupped in my hand. I had to agree the satin bra did feel very nice. It was also the first breast I had felt,, and was getting a bit excited with the whole situation. While still feeling the cup, I leaned forward and kissed her.
'Oh Mark, I do believe you like me.'
I pulled away 'well you do look great, and we are supposed to be a couple, so maybe we need to practice the more intimate parts of being a couple.'
To my surprise, she answered 'suppose you are right, couples do kiss and stuff, just remember that under all this I am not a real girl, so don't go getting your hopes up too high!'
The converstation changed to what was on the TV, but when we heard 'Amy love, going now' instead of getting up and just saying 'bye then, see you next time' I gave her a full kiss on the lips, and she kissed me back. I felt tingles go down my spine as I realised this was my first proper kiss, not a stiff quick peck like I had had with girls at parties in the past. This kiss had emotion in it somehow, and finished with my sighing 'oh Amy' but all she said was 'better be going' and gave me a quick goodbye kiss before walking out to meet her mum at the front door.

I lay awake for quite a while before dropping off to sleep that evening. At first we had resisted the idea that we should lie in this a way. Amy being more resistent than myself, but we had both seemingly accepted the situation and Amy had learned to live the lie that she was a girl. We had moved on to living the lie that we were a couple, but that kiss seemed to have changed the relationship between us. I had from quite early on seen that Amy could be a good looker, even a girlfriend I would be proud to show off. It had been harder for her to see this and was seeing the friendship still as one of mates coping with a difficult situation. I know that I had pushed her into more and more girly things, but now had I pushed her too far, or was it the wine doing the talking. I woke in the morning, not really coming to any conclusions, but feeling that the kiss had been given and returned with equal passion, so why not pursue the idea of us being a couple, at least until the wedding?

That evening I called round and took Amy to a pub for more social exposure. I met a friend who did not know Andy while I got our drinks and made some lewd comment about my chances with such a good loooking girl. I said we were just friends, to which he suggested he might try and take her off me if I was not interested. We chatted about nothing in particular, until we ended up in silence. We parted and I went back to Amy.
'Last night'
'Did you mean what you said?'
'Yes, some of these clothes are lovely to wear'
'Maybe not the high heels, but some of the satin, silk, soft cotton fabrics. I can see me wanting to wear them after this is all over.'
'Oh' this was new to me.
'You mean be Amy beyond the wedding?'
'Maybe not that, but at least wear some of these nice clothes. University can be a very open place for trying new ideas, don't you think?'
'Oh I had not thought about that, no, what I meant was last night when we kissed, well you kissed me back.'
'I did.'
'Err, because it felt the right thing to do, because I don't want to be found out, and if kissing will make the lie more believable, then we should kiss.'
'did you like it?'
Amy leaned back and considered 'I think it was a good one, once I kissed Lucy Lockhead, now she was good.'
'Pardon, you kissed Lucy'
'Yes, at a party last winter, she looks like butter wouldn't melt, but I tell you she can kiss.'
I took her hand 'That was not quite what I was meaning,. The kiss last night, I think we should do it more often, for realism if that is what you want to call it.'
'Ok Mark, if it means that much, then we shall kiss like a couple.'

After that evening, we spent less time together. Other things just cropped up that I should be doing, but it did mean that our meetings did become more like those of a normal couple. We went out a few times, we stayed in and watched TV, but the development of those days was our ability to kiss. Standing up, sitting down, lying down, we could cuddle and kiss for real. Well I was doing it for real, and I could not believe Amy was just doing it to please me, as she initaited the kissing sometimes. I was not sure but enjoyed it all the same.

With a week to go before the wedding, Amy was taken shopping by her mum for a suitable dress. Amy had worn dresses before and been out in the shops quite a few times, but this time was different. Her mum insisted on Amy trying on dresses in the changing rooms, no bringing things home and taking them back. From what I could make of the tale, the first store had been quite nerve wracking, but with each store the nerves faded until Amy was able to casually take the garment in and come out, show her mum how the dress looked and get her opinion, before going back to take it off. They bought a lovely grey and black dress that looked perfect on her.

I was given the money and task of taking her to buy some grey shoes, silver jewelry and suitable underwear. Amy by now was quite confident and could have done it alone, but her mum felt I should be included in this experience. We found some ridiculously high grey heels with a bow on them. Amy was not keen, but they were the only grey ones that matched the dress, so I insisted we take them. We found a small grey clutch bag to match, and felt we had made some headway into the list. Next we looked for underwear, and after my success at getting her to accept the heels, I pushed her into buying stockings. The bra and panties were white satin, a matching white suspender belt held up some delicate shiny stockings, which I hoped would look fantastic on her. Last, we bought some jewelry, a full set of silver 2" ear pendants, a neck chain with a similiar pendant that pointed down her 'cleavage', a delicate watch, a bangle and a couple of dress rings.

When we got home, her mum insisted on a full rehearsal and invited my mum round to make sure she approved. Our mum's never saw the stockings and assumed they were tights, besides that, both of them liked our choices. Told me I had better make sure my suit and tie are up to the same standard. Amy was encouraged to keep the dress on and pleased us all by mastering the heels quickly, and her feminine gestures, such as sweeping the dress under her as she sat. She even sat with her hands in her lap and put across a coy look at one time, then got up and wiggled her arse provocatively as she walked across the room to collect the wine bottle so she could replenish our glasses. This caused Amy's mum to whisper to my mum, but not quietly enough, 'I think I could get used to this new version of my child.' Amy looked at them, but it was hard to read her reaction as she just smiled and finished pouring, before mincing away to the kitchen with the empty bottle, then coming back to sit beside me. I took a nervous breath as she took my hand in hers. I was unable to read our parents reaction because I dared not look up and meet their expression. I did not need to look at Amy to know that the confident cockiness that sometimes got Andy into trouble was starting to re-emerge as she grew more relaxed in this new role. The last thing that happened to give our mothers something to consider was the incident that happened as I left with my mother. Mum went to the door chatting, but then as she turned to see if I was following, got an eyeful of us both enjoying lip contact together. Not a word was said though.

With a few days left till the weekend Amy, had to get her roots done and get her hair prepared for the event. She also needed something else neither of were aware of. She had to get her nail extensions filled as the false part had moved down the nail as they grew. Our relationship was also changing. Andy had been able to get me to do things in the past, and though I had been a lead partner in the making of Amy, Amy was now taking more of a lead. This was clear in the way we changed after we decided to make our relationship more credible with intimate shows of affection. I was enjoying my first proper relationship, which was more than a couple of dates. Amy I think, was enjoying it but also enjoying my enjoyment. A couple of times after that time we kissed in front of our mothers, we had some intimate moments and as we got closer, I became aware that I was stiffening in the trouser department. This had happened before, but what was significant this time was that Amy became aware of the effect our kissing was having on me, and would move so her body was pressing against mine. Then move gently so as to encourage my erection to grow even more. Two days before we were to go away, she placed her hand on the outside of my fly, squeezed it, at the same time slipping her tongue into my mouth. I was going weak at the knees when she released me.
'I think my boyfriend likes me.' she calmly whispered in my ear.
'How did you guess' I breathlessly managed to say.
'you have not forgotten that I am not a real girl.'
'No, but you look the part perfectly, I am just responding to the Amy I see.'
'I see, but most lads would want to at least think they could take their girlfriend to bed, and you can't.'
'I don't think about that, I just think of the girl, Amy, and how lovely she is, I am not thinking of sex.'
'I might believe you, except for this' she cupped my prick again, making it stiffen.
'Yes I know, but I also know you don't have girl plumbing.'
'Are you still a virgin?' this one was unexpected, I stumbled over the answer.
'I will take that as a yes.'
'Yes' I managed
'Has a girl ever seen your prick?' again I did not answer.
'So what if this girl took a look' I could feel the zip being pulled down and her long nails going inside my pants. I was beginning to breath rather heavily and having trouble knowing what to do.
'I think my Mark is enjoying himself' she kissed me deep and hard as my prick felt fresh air surround it.
'Now then Mark, something I don't think you have ever done before, and something I have never done before, but for the past few days have wondered what it might be like to do.' she paused and kissed me 'I would like to give you your first blow job.'
After much silence from me, I managed an 'Oh'
'Now I will do all the work, all you have to do is try not coming for as long as possible.'
And with that she stooped down and licked my very sensitive tip. It twitched, then I felt licks surround the head. I concentrated as hard as I could, trying to stop the inevitable. Her tongue slid along the underside as she moved up and down a few times. It was so unlike any wank I had done, my whole body tensed. I held Amy by the side of her head and exploded into her mouth. I then crumpled as all the tension drained out of me. Before standing up, she licked me clean and tucked me back inside my pants.
'Well then Mark, that makes us something other than mates I guess.'
All I could think to say was 'sorry, I tried to not come, but it is so hard not too'
'it's fine, you did fine, no complaints here, as long as you have no complaints.'
'Oh no, no complaints, that was..'
'wonderful 'she completed my sentence.
As I regained some composure 'have you done that before?'
'I know that, but has someone done it to you?'
'and did you like it?'
'what do you think? I did it to you'
'thank you'
'that's alright, but I also wanted to see what it was like to have a cock in my mouth also.' said Amy
'and did you like it?'
'it was nice to give you pleasure'
'but all that spunk'
'part of the deal'
'but is it not gross' I winced at the thought.
'unusual taste and having it squirt down my throat was odd, but not unpleasant'
'not sure I could do it'
'not asking you to, remember I don't have one at the moment, but who knows if you ask me nicely, I might do you again'
She then kissed me, bringing the conversation to an end. I got a taste of my cum and did wonder if I would be prepared to have a mouthful of that sticky salty stuff in my mouth.

The next time we met, she made it clear she had no intention of being anything but the girl in our unusual friendship. It was an afternoon and we had the house to ourselves. She said she was practising wearing the heels, but minced about as provactively as possible, until we ended up kissing on a couch. I was soon getting stiff and she played with me until she had me sitting with my trousers open and her kneeling before me with her lips wrapped around my cock. This time I lasted longer, but as I wilted, she remained in position, licking and massaging my retreating erection. This lead me to think she actually liked giving me a blow job.

With one day at home before we left for the wedding, and while I was relaxing, Amy was busy going to the salon to get herself primed and prepared for the weekend. I had a meal with Amy's family, my parents there also, so no quiet moments on our own. It seemed our parents were happy with Amy's progress and the possibility of us making this lie work. I was working on bravado much of the time, and I am sure Amy was as well, but with the big day looming, we just had to be confident and go for it.

The next morning, we drove round to collect Amy. I could not believe the size of her case, she must have packed every piece of clothing she had. I had a suit and shirt plus a change for the journey home. Amy could have changed every hour! I did the macho thing and lugged the case to the car and found space in the boot for it. A boring ride across the country and we were there. My parents had booked rooms at the reception venue, so they could drink and not worry about driving and had booked a room for us as well. They told me singles are far too expensive, so they had booked a twin, which they assumed would be fine for a couple such as us to share. I could only smile to myself and hoped she never found out just how intimate our relationship had become. Once more the manly thing was to carry Amy's case, made a note that cases with wheels are much easier and would make sure I had one if travelling in the future. My parents handled their own cases with ease while I struggled with ours. I did get a 'that is sweet of you' and a kiss of Amy in a very HOT manner once inside the room, which clearly made up for everything.

I had never been to a hotel like this. Maybe the older and more experienced will have had a tv, kettle, fridge etc in the room, it just. It just seemed special, went about playing with everything, made a coffee, put the tv on a sport channel, while I killed some time before meeting my parents for an evening meal. If Amy had been Andy, I expect he would have sat on the other bed and watched with me, but Amy disappeared into the ensuite after unpacking her case. I did not really notice what she took in or how long she was in there, but she came out changed. Gone were the leggings and short skirt and tee, out came a girl dressed for going out.

The straight dress with fringes all over it looked great. She wore her silver jewelry and with the black heels and a black bag I had not seen before, asked if I was ready. I made some excuse about going as I was, as I did not think I needed to change. She then produced one of my shirts and told me it was a good job I had her to look after me, and a mum who knew what I had not packed. She then pulled my tee over my head and got me into the shirt, which she very slowly fastened up, letting her nails stroke my hairy chest. By the time she reached the last button, my trousers were tight at the front, then to add to my troubles she said.
'My Mark does seem to like me getting him dressed. I think he is going to enjoy letting me undress him later.'
My cock went solid and she had not touched me, just suggested what might happen later.
'Oh er Amy' I was all flustered 'what time are we meeting my mum and dad?'
'Plenty of time yet.' she said before bringing her lips to mine. She was in charge and doing to me what she wanted. Early on I had thought of kissing her when I was encouraging her to be more feminine, to walk with a wiggle, to get her hair done, to wear make up. Yes I at times had wanted to have her as my girlfriend, but only a few weeks ago I never imagined that Amy would be the one initiating a kiss, let alone teasing me with sexual favours. As we kissed, her fingers slipped down to me crotch and found the pulsing problem.
'You can't go to dinner with that, can you' unable to speak as she stroked a nail along the underside 'I think I need an apertif before I eat.' Knowing what was coming, I twitched and watched as she lowered herself onto my pole. I hung on like she had asked me to the first time, then let go into her mouth. We collapsed onto the bed.

We lay there together, 'Is that more comfortable?' she asked as she pulled the fly zip up.
'Yes thank you, not sure what my parents would think of us lying on the bed like this though?'
'What, with your cum all over my lips'
'Well, that as well I suppose'
'Better not tell them and keep the door locked.'
'do you really like the taste of spunk?'
'I am getting to like the taste more, what I do like is the pleasure it gives you.'
I could almost see her grin 'and I think you like having a bit of power over me'
'what you mean like I have your most sensitive body part between my teeth and at that moment you would do anything I say rather than get bitten. Well no, I do just like pleasing you, and enjoy the fact that I can make you react to me in this way.'
'I hope to equal that somehow, not fair just me getting there, I would like to make you cum if you would let me.'
'But you don't like the taste of your own cum.'
'I know, but for you I would do it.'
'That's sweet of you' she said as she turned to me and kissed me with her sticky lips, giving me a taste of what I had just offered to take a mouthful of. 'Come on, time to go and get some proper food. I shall do my lips and check my hair while you make your self presentable, don't want your mum thinking we are enjoying ourselves do we?'

Two hours later, after a nice meal and no hint that anyone had mistaken my girlfriend for a lad, we were back in our room and wondering what we should do once the door had clicked and locked behind us. Amy read my mind and while still standing in front of me, pulled the zip down on her dress, let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. This is the point where my story started, I was looking at Amy and thinking how I had dreamt of such a situation, and now I was in one, all I could do was swear.
'Oh fuck me' I exclaimed.
'No darling, that is what you are going to do to me later.' she smiled and stepped towards me 'but first let's undo those buttons I fastened earlier.'
I swallowed hard, this had to be a dream, a half dressed girl is undressing me. I remember thinking how I was glad I had looked at those gay websites because this was not going to be anything like I had imagined my first time with a woman to be if you had asked me only a few months ago, but right now I was in no mood to reject the oppurtunity. All these thoughts went through my mind in a flash. I looked down to see long painted nails undoing another button, so rather than get in her way I put my hands on her hips and kissed her lips, working my tongue between them. Soon the awkward part of removing trousers occured and I had to sit and undo my shoes, leaving me sitting in my boxers next to Amy in her underwear. I rolled Amy onto her back and lay beside her while my cock continued to enjoy itself. We had been kissing and cuddling for what seemed like ages, when Amy asked.
'So are you going to?'
'Going to what?'
'Fuck me.'
'Oh I er you know, well, not sure how to ask.'
'Do you have some lube?'
'Well as it happens, I have.'
'You naughty boy, you thought you might get laid did you?'
'Don't tease, you are the one looking fantastically sexy, you could have just gone to bed.'
'I could, but where would the fun be in that. So you lube my hole and I shall do your cock.'
We played with each other for a while.
'I have never done this before, but I think it might hurt.'
'Funnily enough, I have not had any lads screw me before, but I want to know what it feels like to be filled my a man.'
I needed no more encouragement. I recalled those late night films of love making and got myself between her legs, then lifting them higher. I found her arse was more open, I pushed in and made her gasp.
'You ok?'
She recovered 'fine'.
I pushed in a little more, she gasped again, so I pulled back a little. She grabbed my arse cheeks and pulled me to her. Soon I was well inside and wanting to push deeper, she was beneath me panting I hoped in pleasure but it could have been to cope with the pain. As I pushed in and out a few more times, she arched her back and grabbed me so I pushed in deeper. Her panting got more excited as she buried her mouth in my neck before moaning something I thought sounded like 'ooohhhh Mark gooo ooonnn.' I was struggling to hold myself and just lost it, emptying myself into her. We collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty heap.
'My god Mark, that was incredible.'
'The first time is supposed to be difficult I heard.'
'No, that was just fine, you my boy, have just opened up a whole new world to this girl, I never believed sex could be so good. Now if you don't mind, I think I should get cleaned up and ready for bed.'

Ten minutes later she was back, makeup removed, clothes removed and wearing a short black nightie. Without hesitation, she lifted the sheets on the thankfully large single bed and slid in beside me. 'your turn now.' She was right I was sticky down there and I needed a pee so got up, returning to find her waiting for me, the sheets turned back, inviting me to join her.

That was possibly the worst and best nights sleep ever. I had never shared a bed before, and hopefully will never share such a small one again, yet at the same time I was close to someone who I had shared my first real sexual experience with, and would not have wished to be with anyone else. Morning came round and I felt dreadful. Amy got up and disturbed the other bed to make it look like it had been used before going and taking a shower. I was still amazed at how feminine my friend looked, even after a night in bed, her hair a mess, no make up and minimal clothing. What seemed like ages later, she came out in bra and knickers, letting me take a shower. Something else that amazed me was that even though she went in the shower first, I was ready before her. She had to dry and curl her hair, do make up, decide which dress and umpteen other things I had never considered before. Eventually we made it down to breakfast and joined my parents, the pleasantries of 'Have a good night?' Could have been answered in so many improper ways, but we both resisted and said 'yes, nice rooms' or something equally banal. I noticed another new twist to Amy, with a buffet style breakfast I could have a full english just like my dad, but Amy had cereal and a crossaint and ate it so daintily I was wondering where Andy had actaully gone. The wedding celebration started at twelve, so with a few hours to kill, I went to use the gym, but Amy and mum decided that it would be nice to spend some time together and help each other get ready, hair, nails that sort of thing they patronisingly told me in a way that made me feel unwanted,which I quite probably was.

By eleven I had sweated enough and went to get ready and suited up. Amy was already waiting for me, completely prepared but without the dress, not wishing to chance spoiling it. I went to give her a kiss but she moved away 'not a chance' I was informed 'took ages to get this make up right and you are not smudging these lips.' Half an hour later, I was in my suit and she was straightening my tie rather like I expected mum would have done, was that a female thing, straightening ties?

The wedding was pretty much like any other wedding, a ceremony to start with, lots of staged photos, women saying how nice the bride looks, some drinks then a meal, funny speeches sounding better because most listeners are drunk, a disco and more drink. That was the basic pattern this wedding took, for me and Amy it was slightly more involved what with the lie we were having to carry. The ceremony went fine, sat with my parents, said little myself, mum liked the dress and unexpectedly Amy chirped in with her own admission that she liked it as well, teasing mum by telling her if she got married her dress would be something similiar, maybe less lace and a higher neckline. I did not catch mum's response. The photos were fine as we managed to hide at the back of most. The meal was fine, Amy discovered she likes champagne. The more interesting part came later on when the dancing started. We had been doing the boyfriend/girlfriend part as best we could. I even had the odd dance with Amy, who was full of surprises as she had a slow waltz style dance with my granddad who was not in on the lie and told me I had a lovely girlfriend. She also danced with a few other girls that were there. I just did not expect her to know this stuff.
No, the real interesting part came from mum. We had all drunk enough to relax our normal limits on propriety, but it was mum who in a private conversation with Amy asked her how she was doing, how did she like living a lie. Amy had got over any nerves and knew she could carry this lie off, so told my mum she was fine and rather enjoying herself. 'I can see you are rather good and convincing, but as a lad how do you like having to spend time getting ready, the heels, those long nails you have, the patronising way some treat you.' Amy responded by teasing, I hope it was teasing, telling her how she loved the novelty of it all, the dressing up, the limitations of the heels and nails were worth it as they looked so good making her feel feminine, and what is wrong with getting a man to think he is superior when he will be nice to you. Mum also intimated that she thought we looked good together, like a proper couple. Amy really teased her with this one by telling her that was because we were a real couple. I wish I could have seen her face at this revelation, but I missed it, getting the backwash as it were when I returned with a round. Mum was looking at Amy as she got up, took my hand and lead me to the dance floor where she danced rather close and told me what had just passed between the two of them. I tried to say 'you didn't tell her everything' meaning the sex, but got a vague answer 'she helped set us up as a couple, what does she expect a couple to do.'
'Don't tease her too much, I have to live with her.'
'Only telling the truth'
'Maybe but I am not sure she is ready for that.'
'You ashamed of me?'
'No, of course not, I think you are smashing, I am just not sure how open minded mum is.'
'Open minded enough for this?' my lips then had a lipsticked pair pressed against them.
'Oh heck' or something more colourful went through my mind, mum is watching for sure. Grateful the song ended there, we broke and made our way off the floor, Amy to the toilets, me to face my mum.

'You having a good time?' I asked as I sat beside mum.
'Very interesting time.'
'Oh?' I was going to take this head on, alcohol reducing fear, and no common sense making this easier than normal.
'Yes I am not sure making Andy live this lie has worked out to be the punishment me and Mary thought it would be.'
'Oh' I was becoming repetitive.
'He seems to have taken to living as a girl rather too well, and seems to be enjoying the experience rather than being embarrassed and humiliated by it.'
'Oh' must try, um next time.
'Do you think it is going to affect him long term, I mean will he want to do it after this weekend?'
'Umm, not sure.'
'He just seems so confident. I know he was cocky before, but now he is just confident in a nice way, quite charming really.'
'Do you think he might be gay?'
I had a different answer for this 'do you think I am gay?'
'What? Why should that affect Andy?'
'Well he is as gay as me.' gosh that was some confession.
She looked at me with an expression I could not understand but possibly concern 'It has crossed my mind you might be gay.'
'No proper girlfriends' she paused 'that's about it I suppose'
'But I do like girls, they just don't seem to like me in that way.'
Then she sneaked in a trick question 'But Amy does?'
'We get on well.'
'And she fancies you.'
'What, no, that was just for effect.'
'No, she watches you, she gives you the attention, and she does a very good flirt look when she wants you to do something.'
'No she does not.'
'Whatever you say, but I think this has started something we never expected.'
'Like what.'
'Like you and Amy being a couple after this weekend.'
'Ask Amy, but I am planning on uni in a few weeks.'
'And she is going to do what.'
'no idea, fail to get good results we think and go get a job.'
'Not what I meant. I was thinking more that Amy will come to visit you from time to time. Would you have a problem with that?'
Quick, don't answer 'Would you?'
'Don't think so'
'Then it should not be a problem'

Amy turned up at this moment and came to sit beside me 'Mum reckons you can get me to do things with a flutter of your eyes?'
She looked across at mum before getting up and moving herself onto my knee 'Like your mum gets your dad to do things? I am learning.'
Smiled at mum, who smiled back, I just felt outwitted.
As if to prove the point 'I am getting hot, I fancy some fresh air.' she gave me a nice smile followed by 'you coming?' Before I had realised what was happening, she was on her feet and I rose with her. As we walked away she turned to wink at mum, I dared not turn round just in case I saw mum's grinning face.

To be fair, Amy was not just wanting to go outside to prove a point. No, she wanted some intimate cuddling and who was I to deny her the opportunity. I was soon displaying my pleasure from her attentions in a far from modest decent state my trousers were bulging in. I moved to return to the reception room but needed a minute to calm down.
'Mum thinks you might be gay.'
'I said you were as gay as me.'
'I should think so, because we are straight, aren't we.' I could feel myself being teased, but let her continue.
'Well you know what she means.'
'No I don't, take a look around, you look like a bloke, I look like a girl.'
'Yes, but.'
'You are a bloke and have one of' she slid a hand down the front of my trouser re-exciting my cock 'these. Whereas I have a perfect flat' she took my hand and guided it to her pubic area 'front, no cock there I believe, can you feel one. And if I remember correctly, there is hole a little further back that you seemed to enjoy filling last night. So that makes me your girl, and you my man. So we are straight. Yes?'
'Put that way, then, yes.'
'there is a but there, isn't there?'
'Just what happens when Andy comes home?'
'Lets just enjoy today, because today I am loving not being Andy.'
'After all the hassle you gave me when I tried to get you to be more girlie, remember the heels, the pressure needed to get you to have your hair done, how you have changed your tune.'
'And not just the hair and heels. I love the way I look, the nails, the makeup and this dress is gorgeous. Have you noticed how many people look at me' I must have looked a little blank 'thought not, I have done it a few times now, get dressed up just to enjoy being looked at.'
'I never took you as that sort of person.'
'I am not really, but I have felt special today.'
'And you have helped make it special, you have made me feel like a girl, and a desired girl at that.'
'I think we should get back inside.'
'Don't want mummy thinking we are doing something improper in the gardens do we.'
'No we don't' I tried to say firmly.

Back inside, mum was missing. My father told us she was getting tired and had gone up to the bedroom and that he was following her, now that he had seen us. I told him we would finish our drinks and maybe have another before turning in ourselves. Once out of hearing, Amy turned to me and asked if I was joking, another drink! Did I not want to see her underwear that night. We drank up, giving my dad a chance to get back. We did not fancy bumping into him in the corridors. There was hardly anyone to say good bye to and we were gone.

The bedroom door clicked shut behind us as we fell into the room. Our progress through the hotel had been frantic, a pause for a kiss here, a fondle on the stairs, an embarrassed giggle as we turned a corner, a fumble with the key while Amy is unbuttoning my shirt. My god, she was getting me excited. I made a move to grab her and just take her there on the floor.
'No, I want to do this properly.' she pushed me away and stood up. Then with a deliberate gesture, she invited me to stand with her. Her fingers soon worked on the remainder of the buttons, then my fly. I was stood in my boxers, which were unable to hide my excitement. 'someone looks happy.' She smiled then turned round so I could undo the zip at her back. I kissed her shoulder and let it slip down, creating a puddle around her heels. 'Now give me a minute to slip into something sexy.' She disappeared into the ensuite, coming out in the short nightie, her lips refreshed and scent reapplied. 'Are you ready Mark?' I just pulled the sheets back and invited her to join me. Within minutes, we had massaged cream into the right places and I was happily inside her hole and trying hard not to come until she did. I failed, maybe just too excited.
'Sorry I mumbled in her ear.'
'What for'
'Not getting you there'
'That is not necessary. I just wanted to feel you inside, making me feel like a woman. I wanted you to use me like you would a real girlfriend.'
I held her close 'but to me you are a real girlfriend' then I made an admission 'and I want to see Amy again, and to be honest, not that bothered if Andy doesn't come back.'
'You mean that, honestly?'
'Yes Amy.'
'Thank you Mark, you will never know how good that makes me feel.'

I knew nothing of post ciotal emotions or hormones back then, but as I lay there with Amy in my arms I felt as though I was in heaven, my girl in my arms her warm smooth body against my bigger hairy bulk. Bliss she wanted me and I certainly wanted her. I just lay there wishing that the night would never end.

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