Kolchak, The Nylon Stalker. Part 4; Yule Tide Me Over, A Stalking Stuffe

(Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice. )
By Way Zim.


December 28th, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio.
Karen Foster Klein’s Journal;

“It never snows but it blizzards. “ Pardon my paraphrase.
This was something that The Professor might smile at; as our recent Holiday proved. It was not only the certification of our status as a couple, but Gail’s (Mom‘s) confirmation of her only daughter’s odd condition.

In keeping with the season, and that immaculate conception of long ago, I had similar hopes of Salvation. It was not for my own battered soul, however, but for two women whom I loved.

My journey; since inadvertently high-jacking Karen Klein’s luscious body back in June, had certainly taken a eccentric set of turns since then.

But what started out as an old male reporter trying to live the life of this young woman, as best he could … well … it soon became as much about my Reeducation as her Resurrection.

Over the past several months I’d discovered the joys of Family & Friends; though the novelty of an ex-lover becoming your parent never got old. My alliance with a rather randy mythologist, named simply ‘The Professor. ‘ deepened into Love, just recently consummated in full.

And on my last adventure, I was finally able to bury Kolchak for good. This was due in small part(but no less significance. ) to the deities responsible for my present disarrayed state.

Finally, though my sister spirit seems less than half full, the tiny bit of Karen that reemerged during a rather embarrassing cruise had since grown to be a quite noticeable presence in our mind.

This, along with the rest, certainly made the past month a mix of confusion, comfort, and ‘Yes.‘ even Joy.

December 10th, 2005
Oberlin College, Ohio.

“Honey? “ the endearment still rolled somewhat awkwardly off my plum painted lips, as I casually adjusted the plunging neckline of my burgundy cocktail dress.
The simple tabletop mirror in his bedroom, in keeping with The Professor’s austere existence, was hardly suited to feminine vanity.

But this was just part of a growing list of issues between us, since that first passionate kiss in Early October started he and I down a riotous relationship road.

“Honey? “ his annoying good natured voice echoed from just out of sight, thoughtfully keeping away from any throw-able objects within my reach.

Having a boyfriend who knew all your darkest secrets … and … was all too willing to use them in a pinch, did make him a convenient target for my ire. Still, when it mattered, The Professor had been my personal savior and loving confidant, saving my sanity more than once.

For that reason I ,more often than not, aimed simply to maim.

“You’re safe. “ I teased, though quietly I thought. ‘For Now. ‘ “Do me up, please? “

My mature pepper haired scholar came in with that unworldly sense of assurance, which still left me breathless.
If he were a god, he was very good at playing the mortal, albeit a quite stylish one.

For the season he developed a fondness for casual formality, thankfully not always tweed, befitting his academic standing which I‘d recently discovered was formidable. This, as much as anything, turned out to be the straw which finally broke down any remaining resistance to his charms.

“Are you sure you mean ‘Up?’ “ his strong right hand deftly held the small of my back while the other toyed playfully with my zipper. “ I can do ‘Down.’ just as easily. “

For all the foreplay and sometimes frenzied petting, we hadn’t bent the bed springs yet. Unlike my only other lover, I felt merely a patient humor from The Professor.

Sometimes it seemed an old world sense of chivalry at work, though in Historic Truth that meant Rape with Honor.
Mostly, I considered it a side affect of our unique history together. I had little doubt that when he thought me ready, my amorous expectations would be more than met.

Reluctantly, for this particular evening, I choose ‘Up.’ , accepting a dark fake fur stole for my bare shoulders as his touch made me shiver with delight. But Duty came before Deviltry, and we were already fashionably late for the Dean’s Christmas party.

With so much left indefinite about my beau, still, I hadn’t considered the reaction to our arrival at the college presidents unpretentious manor.

Of The Professors peers, I’d only being introduced to a few; and never as anything but an associate or friend, yet this collective turn of heads caught me off guard.
The majority reflected a polite curiosity. With a handful of the female grad-students, however, there was a mix of envy, spite, and … was it pity?

“I’m glad you finally accepted my invitation this time, Prof. “ The Dean retorted with something akin to goodwill, before casting an interested glance my way.
“He’s always managed to come up with some reason not to show up. “ explained this gracious old man before taking another shot. “And how many years has that been? Twenty-Five? Thirty? “

“Nearly Forty. “ deadpanned my boyfriend with such sincerity, my mouth fell open in spite of myself. I shut it fast, though not quick enough that he didn’t give this girl a saucy grin.
“If you can believe it, this is the first time I was able to rustle up a suitable date. “

Now I didn’t believe it … not a word … not with some of the sour glances thrown his way by those aforementioned females.
But while I mulled over some choice words, for the present I put out the brightest smile I could muster as The Dean joined in on the joke.

“And worth waiting for, I’m sure, Ms. Klein. “

“It’s my pleasure, of course. “ I enjoined cheerfully, giving my mystery man a severe squeeze of his hand. He winced almost imperceptibly, for my benefit, though I planned not to let him off that easily.

Again, that was for afterwards as we exchanged some pleasantries with The Deans daughter (his wife having passed on that year. )before moving to our assigned table.

Though the company was modest in size; less than sixty but somewhat more than fifty, it still felt like we were the head of some processional. Or rather, The Professor was, and I was his consort.

It was perhaps understandable that I basked in the afterglow of his notoriety, making sure the hussies who slyly demanded his attention knew who he’d arrived with.
I fussed a bit more than I usually did, the dregs of old Carl Kolchak generally keeping me from being too girly, but this was War!

I questioned my man about the wine, and the selections he choose from the expansive buffet, acting as his better half in principle if not on paper.
I took note of a familiar twinkle in his loving gaze, knowing full well that I’d suffer his sardonic reprisal later on.

Unlike other times, I felt rather honored, even if it made me less popular with some of the women in the room.

Still, if my own standing was in dispute, the response from the men was almost comical.

With my less than subtle Hen-Peck, I’d made The Professor one of the boys in full; rather than a envied distant elder. I beamed impishly as he was whisked away by them at the conclusion of our meal. I supposed it was meant to be a rescue from the old Ball and Chain.

I … on the other hand, now faced an Inquisition of intense feminine interest, which would’ve made Torquemada confess his sins in a heartbeat.

“So … how’d a newspaper columnist hook up with our Professor? “ so clear, the less than subliminal nuance from the chipper doctorate student to my right.
What she meant to ask was ‘How’d a tramp like you, with only a masters degree to her name, manage to snag a prize like The Professor? “

“It’s rather funny. “ I chuckled with forthright irony. “I was working on a story, which initially had nothing to do with his area of expertise, when at some point in my investigation a name came up. When I asked around, everyone I talked to suggested that he was the best man to help.
" As it turned out they were right. The Professor was … very giving. “

“Yah, but how did you two … hook up? “ echoed another co-ed, whose name deliberately escapes me. “I mean, all these years and suddenly … “

“You mean The Great Hedonist? Pan’s Frat Brother? Dionysus’ Drinking Buddy? How‘d he get caught?“ I mused quietly.
She wasn’t asking anything I hadn’t thought of myself. It nearly broke us up before we even got started.

But what I’d believed to be a wild bacchanal, turned out to be his idea of a peace offering. What I’d suspected from one phone call became an enchanting reality after Chicago …

“It started out with a bet. “ I told the gaggle with bemused fondness.

The Bet, concerned my potential yet symbolic deflowering as a reborn woman. It ended with our first date, though I neatly derailed any romantic intentions by making it a family affair.
Of course the Gods, or Fate, knew better … “I lost, of course. Eventually it turned into something a lot more interesting. “

“I’m sure. “ the Deans Daughter interjected, though I wasn’t sure it was support with that shaded look she shot my way. “So, have you put him through the relationship test? “

“Cuse? “

“You know. “ teased another woman. “Your toothbrush in his bathroom? Using his razor to shave your legs? How do you know you’ve domesticated him if you don’t? “

We’re not that kind of couple. “

“Well, at least you took him to meet the Parents? “ asked The Deans Daughter, again with this oblique expression.

I definitely felt too old; in both my incarnations, to suffer these foolish games without comment. “We did … before. And with Christmas coming up … “

In my arrogance, I never expected the collective look of shock from the table as I said this.

“He doesn’t do Christmas. “ they announced, surprised that I didn’t know this. Yet even as I feared I’d finally been called on a bluff … again he came through when I needed it the most.

“Well, there’s always compromise with any couple. “ The Professor interrupted from behind with light condescension, firmly gripping my soft shoulders as he said it.
“After all, the winter solstice has been celebrated long before it became a Christian tradition. “

I bent my head back, staring up into that infinitely kind face, hoping he’d catch my cues.
He made me wait, damn him, if only for a split second longer than I would’ve liked.

Eventually though, The Professor rewarded my impatience with a firm kiss. With that I felt Karen send me smug vibes, as well as some risqué images which made me blush.

She’d become my copilot, or was that soul pilot? Sending amorphous symbols of trust and love, long before gaining a more vocal presence in our shared consciousness.
I think it was a psychic suggestion from my inner sister which finally nudged me into The Professors steady embrace.

“Soon, my love. “ he whispered, deftly reading both our minds. “Not tonight, but soon . “

“Don’t unwrap before Christmas? “ I shoot back derisively before he silenced me with another kiss.

“Perhaps even before that … “ he suggested roguishly, after coming up for air. “But only if you’re good. “

‘My Own Pagan Santa. “

“So be good, for goodness’ sake. “

At once we were mindful of our audience, especially those goggle eyed youngsters who just now understood how far out of his league they'd been.

I was seriously pleased with myself, leaning against The Professor to further enhance the point. Finally I was ready to enjoy the rest of the party. For the remainder of the night … we did.

“For a former old man, you’re quite the minx. “ he whispered rudely in my ear as we hit the dance floor in a cleared arboretum.

With a contemporary mix provided by satellite radio, all pretense of stuffy academic entertainment was nicely overturned. My partner, in keeping with the evening’s surprises, proved himself to be a fairly competent dancer.

“Speak for yourself. “ I giggled, feeling quite the spring chicken beside him … or was that Chick? “Just how old are you? “

“Ask me no secrets. “ he paraphrased before bending me back into a dip which made my head spin … or was it the wine?

As he brought me upright, I readily admitted that my journalistic instincts oft got in the way of a good time. But this only meant the matter was deferred not forgotten.
When we segued into an impromptu tango, what was deferred all but disappeared before a flood of joyful abandon.

It was honestly one of the most magical evenings; as man or woman, I’d ever enjoyed.

The Professor behaved himself, in broad terms, but even that set itself for amusement rather than outrage.

For my part, in engaging the Drunken Intelligentsia, I unexpectedly recalled vivid college experiences at Columbia as my own. I later realized it had been Karen who fed me her life in sublime detail.
For that moment, we were psychic siblings set against the world and winning.

“I’ll get your wrap, hon. “ The Professor informed me, even before the Dean thoughtfully chimed the edge of his coffee cup with his spoon.

The last round was served, with a touch of the Irish added, along with some pudding pastry which I couldn’t identify.
I idly grasped his hand as my man rose, letting him lift me out of my chair before letting go. “You do that and I’ll say our Goodbyes. “ I amended coyly.

For our farewells, it was affable on both sides, The Dean giving me a friendly wink which earned him a chaste buss on his right cheek.

I believe that night was an exercise in Normalcy for my unusual academic, which nonetheless held a touch of the theatric. Unlike before, it felt less heavy handed; almost playful. Perhaps this was the Gods notion of throwing us a bone.

“Karen? “ The Deans Daughter took my hand shyly, a smile touched by whimsy. “I hope you don’t think we were picking on you. You really don’t know how unusual this is. For everyone, I mean.
"For all his eccentricities, The Professor is one of the most admired men on Campus. On any campus … “

“And with no hint of impropriety on his part, no real scandal. “ I ventured softly. “Not even with all his adoring fans? “

“He’s a man, that’s for sure. “ she laughed, as something akin to regret implied she never slept with him. “But there was never any subterfuge. It was simply an exercise … “

“In getting laid. “ I finished, having heard something similar back in July. “Hon? How long have you known The Professor? “

“Since I was a child. That’s what makes this thing between you two so amazing. What he was then, he is now. This constant, it never wavers.
"I don’t mean to say he remains exactly the same. Still, it’s as if he wills only those changes he wishes for. For your beau, however, it’s all perfectly natural.
"If there’s magic in the ordinary, is it still ordinary? “

“I like to think so. “ I answered kindly, believing I understood the girl; as well as the others, just a little better.
No matter how good the sex, if there was no lasting intimacy … “Otherwise, we’re forever chasing rainbows with no ends. Where’s the fun in that? “

We giggled reflexively as the object of our discussion arrived, an inquisitive expression on his handsome face.

The Deans Daughter grinned wickedly while I snuggled into his chest, wrapping first my stole and next his arm about me. She waved from the door as we stepped out into the chilly night, all the while The Professor looking uncharacteristically confused.

I didn’t really mean to be cruel, but after suffering under his smug self awareness for all these months …

“Enjoying ourselves? “ The Professor scolded, which brought me up short, turning me round on my fashionable maroon strapped heels.

“As a matter of fact, yes. This is a problem? “ I challenged him, his reproach at once highly inappropriate.

My frosty words outdid the winter air with their icy resolve, but for the man who looked as if he was working a riddle rather than a relationship.

For several minutes The Professor contemplated my stern gaze, these lovely yet tight glossy lips, until a faint upturn to his solid masculine lines turned the frown slightly upside down. “Not anymore. “

“Not anymore. “ I repeated stupidly, feeling a change between us but not knowing what it meant.

That rather sheepish look made it seem he’d been caught off guard. Not by anything I’d done, specifically, but by his own response to it. “Could you possibly be more vague? “

I’m not sure, but I could try. “

For the moment it was as close to an apology as I’d get that night, his sly blush making him more mortal than ever before.
Perhaps it was a precursor of our future together. If so, it was I who felt more forgiving toward his slip into an all too human frailty.

Still, I couldn’t let The Professor get away with it entirely. “So much for compromise. “

We kissed, and this time it was smoldering, even if he withheld the fire. But his promise was there, and I could take comfort in that. For the present, we were two embers waiting for combustion.

December 13th, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio.

“So, my tight lipped only child, what’s the word on Christmas? “ Gail asked as we window shopped along a slightly blustery avenue in the city. “Is this mystery man you’ve been seeing going to grace us with his presence? “

“Uh. “ I absently brushed a few snowy flakes; the remnants of a lake affect squall from the morning, off a wind burned cheek. “We hadn’t really made any solid plans at this point. “

“And what’s the hold up? “ interrogated Mom, my own personal yenta narrowing her beautiful eyes with mocking skepticism. “He makes a one time surprise appearance on our doorstep and that’s it? “

“That was different, and you know it, Mother. “ I scolded her with a dismissive snort. “We were simply colleagues at the time. I invited him in return for a favor he did me .. “

“And you probably thought so, though the rest of the world knew better, young lady. “ Gail chuckled.

“It’s rare to find a fit like you two seem to have. I probably sound like an old lady, but throw all the romantic clichés out the window and that’s what you’re left with. That’s what’s important. “

“Well, maybe a fit like water and electricity. “ I countered with rueful candor.

The primary reason we hadn’t cinched our holiday schedule was as much my problem as the Professors’. So far our notions of a good time usually ended either in Terror, and/or Humiliation.

Though recently I’d possibly leaked some clues concerning my true nature to the parents, that was different from placing them in harms way.

“That’s just passion, sweetheart. “ Mom murmured tenderly, patting my shoulder before aggressively slapping it with impatience. “So get the lead out. Your Dad & I aren’t getting any younger, you know.
"Besides, I think Daniel would like another man at the table. Sometimes he feels double-teamed by all the Estrogen in the house. “

“You are evil. You know that? “

“My prerogative, dear. So I can tell him that company’s coming? “ Gail wheedled in that playful yet pushy tone which Kolchak could never refuse.

In Vegas it had ultimately set him on a course which took him away from her, onto a long road of Dark Shadows. “Do you believe in Vampires, Little Girl? “

“Ok, Ok, I give. “ I smiled with weary affection for the woman. “If I inherited even half your skills, The Professor won’t dare refuse us. “

As I would discover, Half was occasionally just Right Enough …

December 15th, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio

I was in for a disappointment when I tried to call my boyfriend, though unlike Chicago he’d thoughtfully left me a rather cryptic message.

“If this is Karen, I love you & I’ll be home in a few days. If you can’t wait, remember what I said about ‘Pan’s Sanctuary. ‘ when you last tried to find me. Again, I love you, and we’ll talk when I see you. “

There had been a bit of unpleasant housekeeping back in October, after the Chicago Detectives had finally let me off the hook concerning Kolchak’s odd demise.

I’d been pissed at The Professor for leaving on his retreat, for leaving me to my own devices to face a vengeful demon alone. Once all that was past …

Pan’s Sanctuary was a spot for true Pagans, a glade of understated yet potent forces.

Surprisingly it wasn’t that far from a State Park (whose name I won’t disclose for my own reasons ) but as The Professor explained, it only revealed itself to loyal disciples of the old ways.
The key, however, was not physical, or psychic as we’ve come to think of such things. The closest example was from The Buddha, concerning a emptying of self.

Self …

It was hardly selfless these days, though I could perhaps argue that I was finishing what Karen started.
The very thing I’d been after The Professor about … Keeping Secrets, I’d done a rather botch job of that on my own.

I’d thought what I was doing was for all the right reasons. But what if it was still only for my own happiness, rather than to lay out the bread crumbs so Karen could find her way home?

And what of Gail’s suspicions? as I’d so thoughtfully come close to spilling the beans not that long ago?

It was my hope that she’d never know Kolchak had taken up temporary residence in her daughters body. Now I couldn’t help but wonder if I hadn’t underestimated her resilience.

Perhaps that was yet another test from my preternatural benefactors?

I fidgeted restlessly in my empty apartment, a glass of wine in one hand and a quarter empty bottle beside my chair. What had been delightful confusion just two days ago was now a morose guilt trip … until …

Up to this point Karen had seemed content to slowly cultivate a steady connection between us.
In the present; like a vivid Christmas cliché, she blasted an articulate message which broke through my self indulgence. Only three words, but her annoyance was evident.

“Go To Him! “

It was without any further hesitation that I ventured out into the late afternoon, across the river and into the woods as snow chains rattled appropriately for the season.
After a few hours my car chugged gamely along a fire road, lazy flurries shrouding the surrounding forest in a swirling mist.

It was silence beyond the sputter of the engine, the weather ambiguous as partially cloudy became a whiteout which shrank the visibility to just beyond my front bumper.

I suspected that even the hardy winter hiker & too frequent poacher would stay indoors today, but I had a few miles more to go. It was little worry to me, in any case, only an annoying delay.

What I soon realized was that the whole world was gone. Ok, technically it wasn’t, but rather it was my connection which had been severed; along with all the baggage which came with it.
The Sanctuary clearly had extended its influence, and yet I felt no danger there. It was almost welcoming, though the ancients had warned unwary travelers of such sirens lullabies.

It was not much further on that the storm cleared, just enough so I could safely pull the car over, near to a familiar set of trail markers.

Almost imperceptible from normal wear n tear, the seemingly random scars on the pine tree formed a runic glyph to my practiced eyes. What it meant was that I would have to hoof it from this point on.

No slacker; at least in this beautifully fit body, I psyched myself up for the trek ahead.

The wood was Lovely in its icy eloquence, Dark with the lengthening shadows of the short winter day, Deep as the deceptive winding path ahead. It forced you; by necessity, to narrow your focus upon the now.

I, of course, as contrary as ever, had but a single thought to keep me company. I thought about The Professor.

Only an hour into it, I got my first sign I’d passed through the barrier, a loud raucous cry greeting me from a tall spruce.

It was a great black bird, with a shimmering riot of unkempt feathers, watching me with a tilt of its head and single purple eye. I stopped respectfully, offering a short nod back to which the sentinel cackled somewhat cynically before taking flight.

I wasn’t sure if I was suppose to wait, but having never been one to obey orders anyway, I trudged on through the ankle deep snow.

Evidently ‘To Follow. ‘ had been the right choice after all as I spotted a shifting light through the trees. Feeling the cold somewhat more I pulled my downy suede jacket tighter, hustling toward what now revealed itself to be a modest campfire.

“Trust you to be fashionably late. “ The Prof greeted me, though his mild tone was anything but mocking. We were the only persons within the open space, and yet I sensed the remnants of a greater presence(s) whose afterglow lingered within Nature itself.

The trees seemed to lean into the circle, perhaps to warm themselves with our fire. Over our heads, the deepening blue of the sky swirled in patterns that Van Gogh himself might have painted. And in the midst of the wonder, Prof stood as part of; yet somehow separated from, the elemental.

“Another test? “ I pondered aloud, with a piety that felt so alien to my nature. He chuckled somewhat reflexively, taking my smaller hands in his larger palms.

“Perhaps, but not for you. “

In my spontaneous reverie, still I managed to cock my head inquisitively, wondering if he was joking. This was before The Professor gave me a full on kiss.

I felt a certain neediness in that otherwise ardent lip-lock, an emotion I’d never felt from him before.
He’d been my rock for so long that I felt slow in my nurturing embrace, but once I took him in my arms I wouldn’t let go.

“It appears that I’d been privileged in my devotions. “ he whispered reverently, and when I realized it was directed at me, I blushed fiercely. “But you don’t get gifts for nothing. There’s always a price to be paid when you accept them … or reject them. “

As an old man set in my ways, or a much younger woman of stubborn self reliance, I was usually slow in comprehension. But I did my mentor proud in catching his drift at once.
It was what I’d discovered at the Deans Party, the attitude of the girls and all it implied … “Love? “

“A teacher shouldn’t fall for one of his students, even though she technically isn’t. “ he amended, almost as haughty as before. “But when you first walked into my office … “

“Hold it, lover. “ I interrupted in a passing huff. “Karen came to you first, even before she met me. So, which of us was it? Karen or Kolchak? “

“And why did you suddenly decide to come here? “

‘Uh, Karen sorta pushed me out the door. “ I admitted reluctantly, but at the same time grinned at my own naiveté. “She is me? Or both of us? “

“Who keeps her safe and sane until she can finally take charge of her own destiny?
"But while I adored her from the start, you certified my initial instincts. So, if you insist on being technical, it was her beauty and brains, your ability to improvise under pressure. Together you forged a versatility of spirit which was the final straw.” The Professor confirmed, glancing over my shoulder at something I couldn’t see.

I expected regret, but the way he held me, it felt more like relief … or release. “So, you ready? “

“Ready? “ I inquired disbelievingly. “For What? “

“To Go Home, of course. “ he rejoined with an otherwise unvoiced concern, like a houseguest who’d overstayed their welcome. “And I could use a ride back. “

I would’ve asked ‘Why.’ under other circumstances, but Karen felt the point to be moot, so I simply gave him my hand as we left the mystery behind us.

Again it was I who gave him support, strangely comfortable with the temporary shift in our roles. If he found himself on uneven ground, I had faith that The Professor would regain a firm footing once more, so long as Karen & I stayed true.

The glow had all but gone by the time we reached my car, the only warmth was found in each other. But after enduring so much, that was enough.

December 16th, 2005
Oberlin College, Ohio

Back at his place, the one o’clock hour chimed as he unlocked the door. “After you Milady. “

As I stepped inside The Professor impulsively placed a hand on my ass, gently guiding me into the apartment somewhat hurriedly.

“Frisky, are we? “ I quipped innocently, feeling his fingers trace a lighthearted line up the small of my back. At the party he’d said ‘Soon.’ but only when I was ready.

At the sound of the door closing I felt more than ready, a quirky smile coming unbidden at the school boy earnest in his unabashed gaze.

In that moment I felt we were equals, perhaps a first in the long life of my former counselor.

But what precisely had been the price paid for this moment?

“What are you thinking? “ he asked and I laughed. It was not so much how he said it, but that the question was asked at all.

I felt somewhat bad, like he’d lost a limb or something. Perhaps all knowing had its limits after all? And what if that gift was suddenly whisked away?

“I was just wondering … what other surprises you have for me tonight? For Goodness sake? “

With that, Christmas came early, and several times more as well before the first cautious rays of daybreak pressed through the window shades.
Resting secure against The Professors solid nakedness, I happily realized that not all his talents were God Given …

Later on, when we finally deemed it necessary to get up & out, I couldn’t help but tease him as we ate a hearty country breakfast at the nearby diner. “So. “

“So. “ The Professor echoed back, that soft quizzical smile making me giggle. “It was good then? “

“Prof? You really were handicapped, weren’t you? Were all your experiences channeled through your talent? “ I chided him tenderly. “I couldn’t see how … “

“Because … my dear … you were gifted with an all too human myopia. Up and Down, Left or Right, Forward or Back. Few folks can deal with more than one of these choices at a single time.
"Fortunately, the mind’s eye can fill in those blanks where Intellect fears to tread.

“For the time wherein I paid a certain penance to the elders, the sight was only that which they allowed me to see. Unlike Blind Phineus, thankfully I could indulge in human appetites, but much of the nuance was lost. “

“Which explains certain of your habits. “ I chided without thinking, grabbing his hands across the tabletop after I said it.

He sighed heavily before giving into an puckish grin. “All of them, I would think. But The Gods figured that experience lead to obligation and attachments. Fear … “

“Leads to the Dark Side. “ my pixyish comment made my beau guffaw raucously which brought heads up from the various booths.
I couldn’t stop laughing at their startled faces as tears of merriment cooled my flush cheeks. Eventually though, I managed to pull myself together enough to ask. “So now what, sir? “

“Now that I‘ve been forced into retirement, you mean? “

“See, now that’s another thing … “ I started in on him and The Professor groaned. “With you it always is … another thing. “

“I just need to know. “ I pressed on, disregarding his newfound nonchalance. “You still my teacher? My quest isn’t nearly finished, after all. “

“As much as my pipeline to The Gods is gone, I’m not without some tricks.“ my misplaced mystic answered confidently, a faint semblance of the grand sage, battered but tempered by his own trial. “As for the rest, I’m not going anywhere. “

“That’ll be put to the test. “ I warned him cheerfully. “Mom has officially insisted you come home with me for Christmas. “

December 21st, 2005
Akron, Ohio.

“The Return of the One-Time Guest. “ Gail greeted us with an ironic tone, giving her daughter an ‘I told You So. ’ look as she gently hugged my date. Strike that … my lover. “You’re overdue, but Merry Christmas anyway. “

For this second time with my folks, The Professor was more the fish out of water than before.

I suppose I felt somewhat guilty for that, but still it was fun to watch him act initially awkward as any normal suitor.
Nevertheless, turnabout was short lived as even without The Gift, this extraordinary man … my man, worked to charm the stockings off her.

Figuratively, of course.

“We like to make an impression. “ that smile, while several shades shy of the old superior one, aptly substituted something else for Bravado. It was a something which also started with B. “When that fails … “

“Wine! “ Gail exclaimed. She was both impressed and puzzled as she studied the rather rough dark bottle in his hands, a dull golden label emblazoned with an antiquated script. “This is very old, and likely very expensive. German? “

“Right you are, Mrs. Klein. “ The Professor approved, ignoring my evil eye. “Although the area was known by a very different name in olden times. But in any age, the regional crop of several different berries matures almost up to the first snow in November.
"For that reason, it’s considered ideal to celebrate the Winter Solstice. “

“Yuletide. “ she ventured as Mom handed the bottle over to Daniel. “Are you a Wiccan, Professor? “

“At one time. “ He answered lightly yet I sensed some hedging behind the glib. “I’m in between Faiths at present. “

“Well. “ Dad interjected, catching my sideways glance before Mom did. “We’re pretty laid-back about the holidays around here. No Pressure. “

“I think I like that. “ The Professor agreed, absently taking my hand to confirm I was still with him. “So if you’ll set the wine by the hearth, it should be ready to serve by Yule Day. “

“Perfect. “ Dad amended amiably as he gestured toward the kitchen. “And while we wait, how about a Beer? “

I thought about the Deans Party as the men went off to do some bonding.
I idly wondered just how Daniel would handle the latest man to debauch his princess.

Gail eyed them conspiratorially until they were out of sight, only then taking my elbow. “How about you help me get the bedroom ready? “

“Perfect. “ I mimicked Dad exactly, to which Gail rolled her eyes with parental exasperation.

“Well. “ she opined casually as we turned the mattress in the guest room. “He’s not quite as I remembered from before. Did you two have a fight? “

“Nothing major. “ I murmured diplomatically, smoothing out the ivory sheets while Mother fluffed the pillows a bit. “It’s just compromise. Like I’m sure you and Dad had to do at first. Yes? “

“Mostly he just had to learn I was Right all the time. “ snorted Gail fondly. “But there seems to be something else going on here, daughter of mine. Does it have anything to do with Chicago? “

‘Why would you say that? “

“Because of all that unpleasantness about Carl, and afterwards you were very upset with The Professor. “

She came to me, taking my cheeks in her lovely hands as she continued. “Because I think that you lied about several things, darling girl. What you shared with Kolchak … well, it can’t explain the way you knew certain details about he and I. “

“Like Mother, Like Daughter. “ I quipped badly. “Maybe he was just in a sharing mood? “

“You’re not that good, young lady. “ Gail chided seriously, almost as if she was pressing against some invisible barrier. “It was like you were channeling him … “

“That’s pretty out there, Mom. “ My dismissal was not as light as I hoped for, but it did bring out a dry giggle as she patted my shoulder consolingly.

“What in our recent experiences hasn’t been? Besides … “

“Besides What? “

“I was just picturing Carl possessing you, even temporarily; like some bad B-movie. What a bit of Culture Shock that would’ve been. “ she laughed self consciously, impressed by her own wild flight of imagination.
“An old chauvinist finding himself in the body of a young woman … “

“It’d have been a shock, I’m sure. “ I responded with dark humor, reminded of that first reluctant shower, certain opportunities bypassed for much later. “But possibly he’d have used it as an opportunity? To make up for lost time, make amends for past mistakes. Perhaps even to reassure a former love … “

“Reassure her of what? “ Gail quietly interrupted, no whimsy only wistfulness.

“That he’d promise anything, sacrifice everything to ensure her happiness … and her daughters future. “ I concluded, uncertain and scared.

I believed I was her child now, even without the rush of approval from my spirit guide. Perhaps Karen’s cogent presence accounted for this brand new understanding between Mother and I?

“I think we should go see what mischief our boys are getting into. “ she whispered, absently dabbing moist eyes. “Since this is your first real ongoing relationship, you’re gonna need all the help you can get. “

I briefly wondered what Gail truly meant with that offhanded remark. Did she believe? Did it matter?

All I can really say is that as we went downstairs, her encouraging arm around my waist, I felt considerably lighter and happier than in a long while.
As with our first meet, I felt all the love necessary to eventually complete my mission.

December 22, 2005
Akron, Ohio

“The Weird just keeps getting weirder. “

I awoke late morning, the bed space beside me empty but comfortingly warm. Unlike my previous fling as a woman, I felt no want after that strange passion filled night; my first night as a guest in my parents house.

Miles yet to go, but no promises were necessary between The Professor and I. He’d committed himself to the quest even before I’d come on the scene, accepted this new Karen freely. No bribe or false pledge was as strong as his actions toward us.

Karen tickled me inside, and I laughed at the single phrase she flashed me … “Ménage a trois. “

It was true.

While I was trying to quiet The Professors rather juvenile antics, our spectral third wheel did suggest some crass jokes about Mom and Dad hearing. After that, there was no stopping an outburst of rowdy giggles, followed by a noisy thump as he crash landed on me.

Kid in a candy store couldn’t quite cover this spontaneous release from him, but it left me gasping with unbridled lust even as I thought of those grad school girls.

Somehow I couldn’t imagine anything but ‘Business As Usual. ‘ with them, a rhythmic rote reasoned out through prescience knowledge of sex.

With us; and the uncertainty of the moment, our lovemaking was a novel act never to be recreated in exactly the same way. In short, the moment was ours alone, and I could see that he appreciated it even more than I did.

“If you two are done with your girl-time? “ chuckled The Professor knowingly as he came in, freshly showered and looking very satisfied in his terrycloth robe. “I believe the folks have breakfast ready? “

“Unless you want to have breakfast in bed? “ I suggested with a hopeful little girl voice, to which he shook his head gravely.

“Good Gods! I’ve created a monster! “

However tempted he seemed by the offer, I was handed a silken gown which I reluctantly threw over my naked form.
He did give a playful slap to my ass, if only to get me moving toward the bathroom.

With a come-hither glance over my shoulder, I tried again to get him interested but Prof only grinned. “Get cleaned up, you. “

I pursed my unmade lips prettily and considered the shower head briefly. Ultimately I settled for simple hygiene, though there were tentative plans for tonight which included romantic payback …

“Wow. “ Daniel announced as I came into the kitchen, the smell of cinnamon coffee tingling my other senses while Mom cocked a speculative eye at her fresh daughter. “You look like you had a good night, Princess. “

Gale choked on her Orange Juice while The Professor reddened in polite embarrassment.

“A Good Nights Sleep. “

“I did. “ I answered, pausing to give him a peck on the cheek for his tactful correction. “Thanks, Dad. “

And you’re lucky you got down here when you did. “ Mother suggested as I snuck up behind my man to casually drape my arms around him. “Breakfast was fast on its way to becoming Lunch. “

“Well, it smells good in any case. “ I gave The Professor a quick kiss before grabbing a cup for myself. “So what’s on the agenda for today? “

“I think you’re going to like it. “ He teased, covetously eying his lady as I dug into the meal with inelegant abandon.
Glancing over a forkful of scrambled eggs at Gail, she acted the innocent to my quizzical look, as if to say ‘He’s your man … you figure it out. ‘

“You two go on then. “ Dad intervened somewhat sagely, as frustratingly oblique; if that was even possible, as my other favorite male. “Your mother and I will catch up around two? Prof knows where. “

“But where are we going? “ I demanded, wondering whether to be amused or nervous.

Whichever, I had a feeling of venturing into uncharted territory … for the both of us. “You’ll see. “ he repeated, helping me on with my coat.

I drove, of course, following his directions to a very familiar place, some fifteen mile east of the family homestead.

Many a Christmas, Dad took us out to Dilbert Tree Farm to select a fur, up until I’d left for college. But just what was The Professor up to?

“We already have a tree, hon. “I started to correct him, but was stopped short by Karen who remarked abstractly about my big mouth.
All at once I sensed a motif, full circle back to Pan’s Sanctuary.

You probably guessed the answer by now, wondering at this particularly dense reporter. As former man; now woman, I’d always been slow where matters of the heart were concerned.

I mulled over the options even as The Prof arranged for a flatbed ride into the grove. I’m not even sure that Karen got it, save for an inaudible murmur as we rattled along the rows.

It was only when he signaled for the driver to stop that I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, several nearby customers looking on in bemusement.

If he’d been any other man, I would’ve expected him to get down on one knee, but The Professor merely took my hand and opened it, palm up.

I have to admit I was dizzy in that moment, in a way I never expected nor could quite cope with, staring blankly at the ring of sliver and gold.

“My Companion, My Lady. “ he spoke with a gentleness unlike before.
As with that night we danced, he treated me as an equal, and this time perhaps someone better than he …

“Before witnesses, before The Lady and Her Consort, I humbly ask for your consent in matrimony. I’ve already pledged myself to you in principle, let me reaffirm that vow aloud for all to hear. Would you allow me to walk beside you for the rest of my life? “

“What is this? “ I answered abruptly, embarrassed, happy, upset and confused. “I mean, I know what this is, but what is this ring? “

“You’ve heard of a Claddagh Ring? “ he explained, trying to glean something from my nonplussed expression. “It’s a Celtic thing, a friendship bond. Well, this is something a bit stronger. It’s like an Unbreakable Bond between us. “

I missed the pop culture reference until Karen flashed it to me while our beau stood expectant, waiting for some clear response from his prospective bride.

I handled the ring gingerly, deftly fingering the entwined floral loops like a conjurers prop. “You’re honestly serious about this? “

“Always. “ Prof chuckled with a cautious optimism. “With everything pushing toward this moment, I couldn’t imagine facing the blind future without you. What do you think? “

“And what about my mission? “ I shoot back nervously, hushing faint protests from my psychic sister. “It was never about my personal happiness, was it? It was about bringing someone back in full, not some ghost to rattle chains at the periphery. “

“You can’t believe that, Karen. “ he protested, confused by this stubborn girl before him. “That you’ve come so far in such a short amount of time is amazing. But don’t you think you’re confusing your desires with those of a man named Kolchak? The man who they buried? The Gods … “

“Whom you aren’t exactly on speaking terms with these days. “

“I know. “ his calm retort belied the hurt in those handsome eyes, reminding me that mine was not the only obligation on the table. “And I know what I said to you about living your life in full. That was from them, and it included the possibility of Love. “

“And I do love you, damn it. “ I said, calmer though no less unsure. “But Marriage?

"I’d marry you in a heartbeat, if it were my own choice, Professor. What if something were to go wrong after that? … if I were to lose her again? What kind of a wife could I be to you then? “

“If you must wait, then wear my token anyway. “

He placed the well fitted ring on my finger, with the heart symbols turned outward.
“This frees you from commitment to me, but allows you to remain open. My soul remains always your servant. But you’ll let me give you one more bit of advice? “

“Always. “

“There are other people to guide you in making the right choice, like your mother and father. Or … perhaps someone even closer? “

I kissed him hard, ever stuck in indecision as Karen remained silent.

I winced at the uncomfortable stillness within, hoping against hope that she was simply being a bitch.
But while we left our disappointed audience behind to meet up with the parents, I couldn’t leave my fears behind as well.

“She said ‘Yes.’ … or not? “ Daniel announced with our arrival to late lunch at the small bistro. The Professor smiled gamely to hid his own uncertainty in the face of my refusal.

“ She said ‘Maybe. ‘ “ he laughed tightly, moving his chair closer to mine, though whether to reassure me or himself I didn‘t know. “But there’s Hope. “

“Always that. “ Gail confirmed, recognizing something familiar in my nervous eyes. “Especially when you have family to keep you from making foolish choices. “

Facing this impending double-team, with Daniel as referee, I took the path of worst resistance, slyly diverting any possible counsel with some fairly lame jokes.

Through a generally ambivalent day of shopping, ending with the quietest dinner in family history, I stuck firmly to my guns.

By bedtime, however, I did open up; in the erotic sense, giving in to several exciting rounds of ‘Not Really Making Up. ‘ sex which at least shelved my concerns for the night. But not entirely …

December 23rd, 2005

This; dear readers, is where The Weird got notably weirder, as the clock struck One with an resounding clang.

To paraphrase a popular holiday chestnut, my eyes did spring wide open to see what was the matter. Given its volume, I was greatly surprised to find the rest of the household unaffected by this shocking noise.

Under any other conditions, the soft unobtrusive patter of snow on the roof, the low buzz of a quiet transformer down the street, all else would’ve seemed frustratingly normal.
All, that is, save for an amorphous pink shimmer at the foot of my bed. When it gained some solidity …

“Did you really expect anyone else? “ Karen Foster Klein asked with straight faced merriment, an ill-hid twinkle to those bright eyes. “At least that’s what I gather from this exercise in self pity. “

Janus ReGen couldn’t have done a better job with the decidedly non-spectral figure, adorned as she was in her festive best.

Karen wore a scarlet sweater dress with a wide black belt about her waist. A dark burgundy half jacket offset the ensemble as did the suede calf high winter boots. Her lush shoulder length hair was highlighted with a sprig of Holly tucked neatly over one ear.

“So this is about my reclamation? “ I asked casually as she extended her palm.

“More about giving you a stern talking to. Maybe a slap upside your head. “ she countered, giving me a tug to get me moving

“Honestly, I was thinking of your welfare. “ I protested, unaware of my nakedness until Karen deftly tossed me a pair of sweats.

“Liar. “ she scolded. “You were afraid, admit it. Afraid of losing all this good stuff, afraid of being truly loved after too many years of macho bullshit. “

“Pretty selfish, huh? Carl is a hard man to kill. “

“Because while he’s dead in flesh, he’s less so in memory. “ Karen explained, leading me toward the door. “But isn’t that the way we want it to be? “

“And this is the point where we revisit my past, show me the error of my ways? “ I half teased, sparing a glance toward my love, still in peaceful slumber.

My doppelganger chortled with Christmas sarcasm as we went into the hallway.

“Wrong again, my adorable but thick headed twin. I just thought we could talk better out here. Our poor Prof needs his sleep after the grief you put him through. “ she scolded as we went downstairs and into the kitchen.

I rustled about in the cupboards for some cocoa, amused by Karen’s soft refusal of a cup.

“In any case, the past is past, and besides all that, his life is no longer yours. “

“Because I’m you? “ I said again, amazed to feel the flat of her hand as it hit my forehead.

“Well, duh. How many people have tell you that before you truly believe it?

"You answered your own question long before now, when that stud muffin of a boy seduced you. We are me. “ Karen chastised me with sisterly aggravation.

“Not quite together on this, but whose fault is that? “

“I’m guessing that the correct answer is ’Me.’ “ I responded with much chagrin. “So I should just marry The Professor? Do you love him that much? “

Karen let slip an evil grin, making her even more beautiful than I knew we were.

I remembered when I first went to see him, on the behest of Jillian Crane. Oh, despite my best attempt at journalistic integrity, I was so ready to let him take me, right there in his office … “Honest Injun? “

“Hell, yah, sister of mine. “ she admitted freely. “He’s not William, not Arthur, or even that rather nice detective you meet in Chicago … “

“I think I get the point. “

“I think you finally do, young lady. “ the foxy phantasm agreed, taking my hands in hers before deftly stealing a sip of my chocolate.

“Hey! Are you real? I mean Really? “ I gasped.

“As real as you. “ she rejoined playfully, giving me a kiss on the tip of my upturned nose. “Or is that the reverse? But for now, please get off your high horse, sister of mine.

"Let’s put it another way. Go back to bed, climb aboard that wonderful man of ours, say ’Yes.’ already, and then thank him properly. “

“Advice for the ages. “ I retorted impishly before realizing I was talking to thin air.

That must have been the most vivid dream I’d ever experienced, full 3-D and Surround Sound. But in the end, I was simply having a conversation with myself.
Or so I thought, until I saw two different shades of lipstick on the cup …

Prof was half roused by my less than subtle attempt to slip quietly into bed.
“You’re up? What? Everything OK? “ he mumbled protectively.

I felt as giddy as a schoolgirl as I took Karens advice literally, straddling my nude knight which brought him instantly erect.

“You have my full attention now. “ he gasped as I pressed against him, our joyful release as pure as the newly fallen snow. “You had an epiphany, Did you? “

“I expect a lot more than that from you. “ I cooed. “But first, I want to show you something. “

I took the ring off, making sure he was paying attention with a pointed wiggle of my digits.

“I believe this is the proper way to wear this. “ I happily told him, slipping it back on the correct finger, the sudden glow on his ageless face all the confirmation I needed. Well … not all.

December 24th, 2005

And so; dear readers, for all of you who’ve stuck with this narrative from the start, I’ll spare you the more saccharine details of our final reconciliation.

Let’s just say that while Karen returned to her place within me, the line between our split consciousness’ was all but gone. Her life was mine in full.

With The Professor and I, we were as endearing and annoying as any betrothed couple; perhaps more so from Gails perspective.

Daniel, wisely it seemed, stayed supportive in his loving neutrality, the ideal Father to this blushing future bride.

There was one tiny niggling concern left, however, even after I’d called my friends and e-mailed associates with the good news. But after a few wonderful days of pre-Christmas cheer, Dad gone off to properly break in the new son in law, Gail invited me out for an early eves stroll.

“So. Now that the proposal is properly behind us, the real nightmare begins. “ she stated with dedicated severity, belied by the softest squeeze of my fingertips. “The worst a mother can imagine, the wedding plans. “

“Well. “ I chuckled contritely. “While Prof’s willing to do Spring, he believes that Late Summer would be even better. I think we have time. “

“That’s another thing. “ Mom interjected, at which point I pitched a fit.

With some distress showing on Moms face, I waved her back until I caught my breath.

“It’s fine, mom. It’s just something The Professor mentioned a short while ago. “ I gasped in a gleeful voice.

“I was just wondering … “ she tried again, giving me that stern look which only a parent could. “If at some point before the ceremony … we might find out his real name? “

“Uh, even his closest associates aren’t sure. “ I soothed, ineffectually it would seem. “They’ve been calling him by that other title for all their lives. “

“However long that‘s been. “ she groused before grinning with familial mischief.

“Ah, I could just see the invitations now. ‘Daniel and Gail Klein, invite you to the wedding of their daughter Karen and her groom, The Professor. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Professor, Karen Foster Professor, nee Klein. That’s for your business cards, of course. “

Mom, it’s not that terrible. “ she had me laughing again, and I knew I’d been had. “Or if you’re lucky, that’s the worst … “

She placed a warning finger upon my mouth before further silencing them with a strong kiss.

I truly realized how little left there was of old Kolchak in that split second, impulsively pulling back while Gail flashed me a Cheshire Grin. If this had happened only a few weeks earlier …

“So what are your thoughts on the venue? “ she requested without missing a beat, as in those eyes I saw deep gratitude for the Christmas Gift her former love had given her.

“Oh, I thought we’d just run off to Vegas. “ I retorted.
“Maybe Prof and I could get married in the Temple of The King? Though I’m not a big fan of rhinestones … “

“You never were. “ that quick comeback was definitely not meant for Karen, as Gail reddened quickly. She concluded the thought with … ”Besides, I have another idea about that. Perhaps we might have the Bachelorette Party there? “

“Mom, you’re a genius. “ I gushed happily, feeling a certain symmetry emerge, even as Karen quite vocally endorsed the plan.

‘Exordium Requiro An Terminus.’ indeed. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. “

December 28th, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio

And so we three women plan the future, our respective paths joined as I hope my ghostly sister and I soon will be. I’d felt The Gods were beyond kind with their tokens, that Karen Foster Klein would inherit a life even more enriched than when she left us.
Perhaps Kolchak had also been able to revisit his own abandoned desires, fulfill them in ways he couldn’t have dreamed of.

But still, I knew one thing for sure. That when that other life is reduced to the fond recollections of a young woman, the crusty old reporter will quite gladly face the void with a happy heart, eager to explore whatever lies beyond.

Soon To Be The End.

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