Continuing Release 3

Continuing Release part 3
By Kerry Brown

The transition project comes to an end, at least for some of the girls

Pam got home late on Tuesday night as she had to finish work for two days, Kerry looked at her and the state of the kitchen, new appliances in place but not working yet. “Come on lets go out somewhere for dinner, can’t cook anything here” Kerry said grabbing her handbag that continually resided near the front door. It wasn’t her only one but it was the one that carried most of her bits for work and car keys, “let me just freshen up” Pam said reminding Kerry that it took time to look good. Kerry used the time to dial ahead and make a booking at a new place that had just been reviewed in the weekend paper, table for two on a Tuesday night would not be an issue normally but today after the review they would have to wait thirty minutes for a table. “Make that drinks on the balcony first then” Kerry said confirming the time, Pam had slipped into a fresh dress and put on more makeup for the evening. Kerry commented “you know that you are looking fantastic lately, the extra effort with makeup makes you look so much younger.” Pam was pleased about the comment as makeup was hard for her to get just right, too much was cheap and too little didn’t show up in the night lights. Good job she hadn’t seen the goth.

As they sat around the balcony admiring the water views Kerry and Pam talked about the kitchen and new furniture that had been delivered this week. Pam asked how Kerry thought she would go returning after the project, this had always been the major risk in taking the project as 24/7 Kerry time. “Not sure what to do afterwards, Jean has offered me a job as Manager, Product Development with a very good package deal” Kerry said. “Thanks for telling me about this” Pam said sarcastically “when did you intend to discuss it with me, or have you already made up your own mind about it?” Kerry told Pam about waiting until end of project to discuss it so that she wasn’t distracted but Pam was annoyed that she had been misled again referring to the deception of years ago. Kerry worked quickly to assure Pam that it was only at stage one of the thinking with Jean and that she had made no decisions and wouldn’t until Pam had the full details and an equal vote, which really gave her power of veto. Dinner was a tad strained as Pam went through the emotions of being ‘lied to’ even if it was only a decision to put off any discussion she should have been told.

It was early the next morning when tradesmen arrived to continue work on the kitchen and Pam found the place too noisy to relax so went to work, she was still angry with Kerry. By the end of the day the kitchen was all finished and Kerry had time to cook a nice dinner for them before Pam came home, preferring to set the outdoor table using the water feature as a backdrop with candles floating around the pond. “Is this an apology for not telling me?” Pam asked putting her bags on the bench and picking up a wine glass. Kerry had a sheepish look on her face “I guess I should have been quicker to say something so yes it is” the puppy dog eyes fluttered. “Well don’t let it happen again, would you like to know what I think or should I make you wait until the end of the project?” Pam asked stringing Kerry along. Kerry was interested in what Pam thought but wanted to tread carefully, “only if you want to tell me dear” she said sitting down at the table.

Pam started to talk, “I don’t want you to take this as approval or rejection, just let me get it out, OK. Well, Kerry is not that hard to live with compared to Paul, he can be grumpy and demanding at times and even downright difficult while Kerry isn’t like that at all. I can take Kerry shopping and have sensible chats about makeup and clothes without being told to always buy sexy lingerie and such like. Going out for dinner or to the cinema is no problem because I just treat you like a girlfriend and have a good time without any expectations. From your side I assume the biggest question would have to do with sex, so let’s clear that up right now. I want you to write down a score for the quality of sex in the last seven weeks compared to the previous seven weeks and I will do the same, make it out of ten where five is no change.” Kerry scribbled down a figure and Pam hid hers “OK, let’s see what you think” and Paul turned over a piece of paper with 8 written on it. “Care to explain why, actually I don’t need to ask I can tell from all of the noise you’ve been making lately” Pam said making Kerry blush. “Here is my score and you will be surprised, an eight as well” Kerry looked at the score not sure how Pam would rate the current state of play as so high. “Shocked, let me put it this way —TIME, Paul has no real time he wants to get it over with, I know you make sure that I am happy and everything but that’s not the same. Kerry always takes time to seduce and romance me and as unusual as that may seem I totally appreciate that rather than just having sex, on this score alone I would vote for Kerry.”

Pam stopped and took another drink, Kerry was shocked as she expected more trouble with the sex question. “Let me get this straight, you prefer it when I am in bed with you than when Paul is here?” Kerry asked thinking she must of heard it wrong. “Yes silly so don’t change you make me feel so alive every time you seduce me” Pam said making sure Kerry understood that it was the seducing that made the difference and not just the act of sex. ”Does that mean that you are voting for Kerry rather than Paul?” Kerry asked not sure if Pam had gone that far yet. The gentle nod of her head was all Kerry needed “and what about being out with me and having others see us together?” Pam wasn’t as certain about this area but when they went out Kerry seemed to treat Pam as a friend and not a sexual object, public displays of affection or PDA’s were not that common for them and hence never a real issue. “We have so few of our old friends that it doesn’t matter anymore and the new ones are mainly ours” Pam said quietly. This point still hurt her but she had made herself come to terms with it. “Now that doesn’t mean that you can race out and get it chopped off or breast implants, we need to take our time and you had better keep talking to me” Pam stated making the ground rules very clear for Kerry. By now Kerry was beginning to get very wet from the eyes, she had just accepted that the most serious change in her life could actually happen and it flowed for a long time.

The next morning was just them and Pam made Kerry breakfast while she put her face in order, shave and makeup then basic underwear before coming out into the kitchen. “I should start to think about hair removal seriously and some kind of hormones to help the figure” Kerry said testing the water, “I told you to slow down and talk it through” Pam laughed. “I did slow down, I’ve been thinking of nothing else since last night and would of got out of bed and searched the internet if it hadn’t woken you up” Kerry replied. Pam shook her head “sometimes you can be so full on as Kerry, what about RLT and getting help?” Kerry had been talking with Jean about her shrink and had also spoken to Toni when she started her time so she had two references to go on. “I Like the sound of Jeans psych, she sounds more like the type of person I would relate to” Kerry said referring to Anne “I could ring and find out if she has any spare appointment times, if you let me?” Pam was never really surprised at the speed that Kerry worked through issues, she only had one speed — flat out. “Go on then and better ask about a good doctor as well, since you’ll probably want the lot fairly soon” Pam shouted as Kerry had gone to get her mobile and call Jean for Anne’s phone number. It would normally take several months to get into Anne’s practice but a client had booked a double session for the late afternoon and gone down sick so Kerry was very happy to take the spot. They spent the rest of the day choosing new paint for the lounge and kitchen to match the new furniture, then booked a tradesman to complete the job over a weekend.

As Kerry walked into the front office of Anne’s practice she looked every bit the professional woman that had it all together but underneath she was far from it in many ways. This had been a journey of an entire life time but the last few months had far exceeded her greatest expectations and blown away any fear of going back inside the prison cell that Kerry had been forced into. The receptionist handed Kerry a clipboard and pen to fill in the basic name details and sign a standard Privacy Waiver and Consent form that allowed the doctor to breach the privacy agreement if she felt the patient’s life was at risk or an associated person. It was almost exactly on time that Anne called Kerry into her room, Kerry nearly said to herself “are you good to go?” remembering her first outside steps nearly three years ago. Anne was a slightly eccentric person with posters and paintings all over the wall depicting various stages of life and death but her smile made Kerry feel safe. Kerry handed Anne the clipboard and it took her a few seconds to read the name correctly “Sorry, did they swap the forms on you?” Anne asked thinking that it was for another client. Kerry smiled at her knowing what was going through her head “no, the name is right just the body is wrong” she said sitting down on the proverbial couch.

Anne got Kerry to start at the beginning and talk about her life and what brought her to this point today, that took most of the first session. In the second session Anne asked several questions and gave Kerry a gender test that anyone determined on starting RLT could have faked and surprise the results said it all, Kerry needed to transition. Anne was very taken with how Kerry had carried herself for the last seven weeks and Jean had even mentioned her help in matters so RLT was officially started seven weeks earlier. Anne made copious notes in her folder and then asked about hormones and surgery, “good question, my wife wants me to slow down and not do anything radical at the start so how about just letting me visit the doctor and tread carefully with the whole deal.” Anne wanted to meet Pam at some stage prior to completing RLT and would need her sign off on the permission to proceed so nothing too radical could happen without Pam being involved. Anne handed Kerry a card with the name of a good doctor for hormones and surgery that she had used before with other clients, Dr Gwynn Jones. Kerry made an appointment for every month and thanked Anne for helping her then skipped all the way home, in the car of course.

As you would expect from a wife, Pam wanted to know about every question and what answers did Kerry give and how long and what cost etc, it took nearly as long as the two session for the debrief to occur, this made Pam feel happy and told Kerry. Friday morning and back to work but before Kerry started what would be a very tiring four days she stopped at Jeans office “time for a quick chat?” Kerry asked closing the door after Jean consented. They spent nearly an hour talking and going through the whole decision to transition, Kerry was far more excited than Jean had thought possible. The business offer was almost a done deal now as Kerry had moved the barriers in her favour. “Better get to work it’s going to be a long day or should I say a long four days” Kerry said leaving the office and bumping into Susan coming through the foyer. Susan groaned a bit as Kerry apologized to her “what’s up, not feeling well today?” Susan looked a bit white or green around the gills as some would say. “Not pregnant are you?” Kerry said joking but the look on Susan’s face told the story “not sure let me see, morning sickness, no period, bloated, what do you think?” Kerry had no idea what to do, this was outside her acting skills, men don’t hug each other on the creation of a life, and Kerry could never know how Susan felt. “Wow, what can I say, I take it that you had no plans to start again” Kerry said stalling for any indication of how Susan felt, “not really three under school age is going to be hard work.” Tracey had heard some of the conversation and came over to Susan and hugged her, “need a cuppa and biscuit to start the day?” Tracey said leading her into the side office away from the public area. Kerry felt like a fifth wheel or something just as unwanted at the time and vanished into her office, the thought of never knowing the joy of motherhood was an interesting pain for Kerry.

Grace came and went throughout the day, Susan was better after the drink and powered through the day, stocktake and invoicing kept pace with the deliveries and sales then banking and petty cash came into line just before end of day. Just before five the team met to confirm they all had met their personal goals and the system would be closed down almost immediately taking the system off line until Tuesday morning. As the staff all filed out it was time for Susan and Kerry to break, a short break for dinner while the servers all backed up and reinitiated the database back to zero journal entries. The old system would be exported to Excel, massaged into the correct format and finally uploaded into the new system, this was the most time consuming as the format changes could not be automated. It took a further three hours for Kerry to stop and call time out, she had everything on her laptop and remote access to the server, Susan had done a great job in keeping the old system spot on the money it all balanced and the trial balance was within a cent. Now it was up to Kerry to do her thing as the others would have three days off work for fun and games.

Jean locked the office and set the alarm and walked out with Kerry to the cars. “Have I told you that I appreciate having you on the project?” Jean asked “not in as many words but I gather that you have found the going easier with me around here than one of the male techs that may not be so caring.” Jean leaned towards Kerry and kissed her cheek “thanks for being here and don’t kill yourself over the weekend I need you to drive your vision” Jean said turning to get in the car with Tracey at the wheel. Kerry stood and waited for seconds before getting in her own car, this was not the project she had expected when Bill gave it to her nearly two months previously.

The home office was clear for work and she had to push herself everyday to make the deadline, massage, test, next data file, massage, test, and so it went on through the weekend until Monday morning. Kerry instructed the server to run a backup containing all data and stock files before running any trial invoices, she didn’t need to but Kerry was always aware that gremlins found their way into any programme that had human interfaces. Early afternoon and Kerry was now happy all tests had been passed and the system set back ready for start of Tuesday. “I’m just going to chill out and relax for a few hours” Kerry said and vanished into the bedroom, she emerged several minutes later wearing just a pair of silk PJ’s and her favourite silk wrap and slippers. For the rest of the day she sat on the couch with her feet curled under her reading a magazine and drinking tea, the perfect way to finish a weekend.

Just before six her mobile rang, it was a private number and that meant someone that she didn’t know and had to choose to answer it. Luckily she did answer as the doctor Anne had referred her to had an opening at the end of Tuesday and wanted to know if she could make it, Anne had sent him a personal email to speed things up if he could help. Pam accepted the offer of being involved partly to stop Kerry from racing ahead without her and partly to show her support for the process.

Come Tuesday and Kerry put on a mid calf wool skirt with sweater and beads around her neck, long brown boots without pantyhose, slightly retro looking but still very smart for the office as it would also be the outfit to meet the doctor in after work. Entering the building she stopped to say hello to Tracey then reporting to Jean that everything was good, the look on her face showed some of the stress associated with system upgrades from the clients point of view. “Got a meeting with Dr Gwynn Jones tonight as well” Kerry said almost matter of fact, “you really do go at things with a passion don’t you” Jean said pointing to a chair. They chatted for a while so Jean could catch up with the state of play in Kerry’s transition plans and let Kerry know how she was going. “Tracey has been encouraging me to make serious plans for the future, you know to cut or not to cut, that is the question” Jean said mis-quoting Shakespeare. “Would you consider delaying or putting it off?” Kerry asked, not surprised that the relationship with Tracey had brought some degree of doubt into the arena. Jean was not certain any more “it’s just that we are really getting serious together and that could all stop if I had the operation.” “I think you need to talk with Dr Anne some more and take plenty of time” Kerry said trying to give sound advice, “hah look at you miss lead foot giving me advice on slowing down.” The rest of the staff were coming into the admin area and Kerry had to be there to make sure they followed the right steps for logon and starting the data entry so it was time to work, and she did until almost five before the staff slowed down.

Pam had gone to work by bus and had arranged to meet Kerry outside her workplace en-route to the doctors practice, it gave them time for a quick hello and status check. “Are you still okay with all of this?” Kerry asked “yes I am, actually I am very relaxed with this stage” Pam said to Kerry’s amazement. As they entered the practice rooms they had the usual clipboard and pen given to them for privacy and billing information. The doctor was running late with his last client but as they heard another door close he then opened the waiting room door to let them into his office, “glad to meet you, well I have to say that you are passing very well and that will make my work easier.” The normal round of show and tell with prodding and blood test before he sat them down to talk through the processes and options available to Kerry.

“I would normally start a person on a hormone flood, absolutely belt the body with an overdose of female hormones to let it know that things were going to change, then continue with regular injections and tablets to keep it all moving along. In your case having already had a vasectomy I am thinking of a different tack, the risk of testicular cancer is greater for men that have had the snip and since you will probably end up with GRS I was thinking about removing the testes sooner rather than later. This is a simple operation that takes around 48 hours in hospital and I could remodel the scrotum and penis to give a more acceptable look. Tell me if I’m wrong but you have probably only ever sat down to pee, standing would feel too alien to you, this procedure would move the penis inside the sac and point downwards through a new opening. If you change your mind I can move it back but from what I see before me the chance of that is small, after a few days we would start the flooding and regular follow up doses.”

The doctor took a breath before continuing as if delivering a teaching lesson, “the other procedure is breast augmentation and given your stage of life the possibility of your growing anything substantial is minor so I would recommend a holiday in Thailand and a visit to my clinic.” Kerry stopped him, “what clinic in Thailand, Anne didn’t mention anything overseas?” Gwynn showed them both a brochure of the hospital with all of the latest equipment and staff wearing spotless white uniforms and smiling faces, “much cheaper than doing it here, and you can have a holiday at the same time, we could do both things together if you wanted?” Now it was up to Pam and Kerry to make a decision, all ahead or all stop, “when are you in Thailand next?” Pam asked. “I go in two weeks and stay for another four so anytime in that range would be easy to arrange for you” he said looking at his schedule. “It normally takes only ten days to get a visa if you have a passport” Paul and Pam had passports but then the thought of traveling looking like Kerry but showing a passport for Paul. “By the way, before you get scared off I give you a letter to present to customs at both ends covering the difference in appearance, all very normal to these guys” Gwynn said already printing off the letter. Kerry ran a painted fingernail over her calendar in her blackberry and the project finished in two to three weeks, time for visa and airfares. Now it was up to Pam, “I can make that timeframe doctor so it’s only up to Kerry if she really wants this” Pam said throwing the ball back into Kerry’s court.

Driving away from the doctors place it was Pam that spoke first “surprised that I said yes so easily or just not talking?” Kerry had been taken back at the speed of her approval “you told me to slow down and take it easy then go and book me in for the surgery already, what happened?” Pam laughed “that was only for you to slow down, I have had every day of the last three years to process this step and I had made up my mind a few weeks ago.” Kerry was glad she hadn’t manipulated the situation or pressured Pam into the offer but mostly that she was at the next phase of her journey from prison to freedom. Wednesday morning Kerry went back to work meeting Jean as she entered the kitchen to make a coffee for herself “how did it go with the doctor?” Jean asked “great, he has made booking for surgery in Thailand in three weeks.” Jean shook her head “surgery already, what is he going to do I thought you had to wait a whole year?” Kerry told Jean about the breast additions and how the obsolete testes could be removed and the sac reshaped to look better, not quite GRS but a lot better for her peace of mind. “This project was for me to transition not you does that mean I get my money back?” Jean joked. Reports and testing was all Kerry had to do and Grace had been reassigned to Kerry for the last two weeks of her holiday work, Kerry asked her to expand the PDA idea for data input and present a short report on Friday before finishing up.

After the Thursday project team meeting with Bill, Kerry asked him to stay for a while so she and Jean could talk privately with him. “I would prefer to do this between you and me but Jean has asked to be present” Kerry started “Bill, look at me, what do you see?” Bill mentioned legs, clothes, smile, makeup, “what you haven’t mentioned is Paul” Kerry said stating the obvious to all three of them in the office. “What I mean is, as far as I can see by looking in the mirror Paul has ceased to exist and finding him is getting harder each week. I have been talking with Jean about business ideas for her company and she has offered me the chance to join the company in an equity share. This was not planned or sought after it just came out one day when I started sprouting ideas like I do and then transitioning was a simple step on from there.” Bill sat and tried to take in what Kerry had said “two months ago you asked me how I felt after the ball last year and I hedged the question. If I had been honest with you I would have said about feeling cheated at having to take the clothes off and how I felt so special with them on so I can understand a little of how you feel” Bill said “go for it but can I have your skills available for a year behind the scenes?” So after an hour Bill had lost a consultant and gained a remote worker, Jean had a business partner and Bill had nowhere to go with his thoughts that would haunt him for many years to come.

Jean had offered Kerry the use of the spare bedroom over the weekend as Pam was away and the painters would be working for the four days, Friday to Monday. Tracey suggested that the group go out for dinner and dancing on Friday night so as Kerry dropped Pam off at her workplace with her suitcase ready to fly out, she also had larger than normal suitcase in the boot for her own clothes. She was not surprised that as Paul the bag would have been about a quarter of the size as Kerry needed so many more options and changes of clothes. Dressed in her black slacks and jacket Kerry had a deep red camisole underneath and low heels she walked into the front foyer and helped Pam by pulling the suitcase with Pam carrying her computer bag and handbag. They went to Pam’s office not expecting any of the other staff to be at work yet, “Hi Pam” said Megan, Pam’s assistant. “Oh, hi I didn’t think you would be here yet” Pam said looking at Kerry for help “my name’s Kerry, I’m Pam’s sister in law” she said holding out a delicate hand. The tense moment passed and Meg went to get her tea cup filled, “thanks, better get out of here before the rest come in” Pam said ushering Kerry to the lifts, no kisses or hugs just a quick bye.

Kerry had been finishing off the standard reports during the morning when Jean came into her office to find out if everything was okay for the evening. “You know that style of suit in the combination of red and black looks very good on you it could become a uniform around here” Jean said thinking aloud. “Only if you let me wear the short skirt that came as part of the outfit, I just love the quality and feel on my legs” Kerry said “and I’m sure you would like it as well.” They discussed the project then Jean went out leaving Kerry to finish her reports, she was a good week ahead of the project plans and that felt really good for her. Tracey and Jean vanished at lunch time so Kerry offered to take Grace out to the café for lunch and a time to talk about her future. Kerry chose a table on the outer and they both ordered similar style, salad and mineral water with fruit. “I know, watching your waistline for summer” Kerry said knowing exactly what was going through Grace’s head —‘summer fashions and stick like figures’. After the food had been served Kerry asked Grace “where do you think Grace fits in with the rest of your life now that you have had two long sessions out of the closet?” Grace was very articulate about her plans and feelings, Grace was a part of Graeme and not the end of Graeme so there were no plans apart from enjoying whatever got offered and Jen was becoming a major part of Graeme’s life as well. “So does that mean we may see Grace around occasionally or very little?” Grace had one of those sheepish grins on her face, “what do you think.”

The plan was for the group to meet at the restaurant and then go out for drinks and dancing, the group was Jean and Tracey, Jen and Grace, and Kerry. Susan was now officially pregnant and had to take it easy for a couple of weeks until the start of second trimester. Jen and Grace had matching outfits, Jen wore her silver body stocking and short black skirt and silver 4” heels, her pantyhose were Lycra with silver flecks that made her legs sparkle, Grace had the same style of outfit on but in gold. The pair made a stunning statement and the fact that they always held hands or touched made it obvious they were very close. Jean had been shopping and bought a gathered dress that could be made longer or shorter by adjusting or undoing the ties, almost like a venetian blind. Tracey was far more discreet with her LBD off the shoulder revealing a tattoo on her shoulder blade of a butterfly and rose, the inscription read “love blooms slowly”. Kerry was not sure how to dress but had been talked into the short black and red kilt, and take me home boots, underneath which she had on a black corset and stockings that were clearly visible. The six inch welt made from black lace sitting just below her hemline and the corset covered only slightly with a black and red bolero jacket that matched the kilt. Kerry had been more refined with the makeup but black was the theme of her evening and eyes that had been outlined to the limit and surrounded by lashes. The restaurant was next door to the club and did a good trade on Friday night, the staff not showing any reaction to how the girls had been dressed as they looked just like most of the clubbers.

Dinner was a relaxed time for most of them as they talked about anything except work, a basic rule that several companies tried when staff got together on a social time. Kerry had no problem going out normally but dressed like she was tonight caused a level of discomfort for her that made her look around regularly at the crowds. “Relax, you look fantastic and there will be others with similar gear on” Tracey said “maybe but none of them are quite like me are they” Kerry said making her point. They sat drinking coffee until the club opened just before nine and half of the patrons left the restaurant at the same time. “Good evening ladies here for a good time are we?” said one of the bouncers on the door, “depends what’s on offer” replied Jen knowing how to deal with the security guys. Grace and Jen found a table away from the music but close enough to the dance floor that they could watch each other during the night. Jean came back from the bar with the first round of drinks but Jen and Grace had already moved to the dancing area, “no stopping that pair” Tracey said. “I guess you want to join them” said Jean standing and taking her hand gently, “you okay minding the drinks for a while?” Kerry sat there watching the four dance away without drawing attention although it was four girls it seemed to be mainly girls tonight.

“Not dancing tonight?” asked a guy that could have been anywhere from thirty five to fifty “not quite my style” she replied noticing that he had pulled up a bar stool and sat down. “I haven’t seen you here before are you new in town?” he asked sounding like a cliché but not caring much. “Oh please don’t they teach you any better lines than that, what about hello my name is” Kerry offered to the guy who was a bit stunned by her reproach. “All right then, hello my name’s Ken how are you?” he said trying to start again “I’m Kerry thanks for asking, what do you do for a job Ken?” By the time the others came back Ken was chatting with Kerry about her work and what she thought of the new version of Windows. The music had changed to a slower style so Ken held out his hand “here’s a slow one, care to dance?” Ken asked standing ready to lead her onto the dance floor. It took Kerry a few seconds to adjust her dancing but Ken would have only noticed a slight hesitation on her behalf, they danced for a while then Kerry felt Ken’s hand move down her back to her skirt. “I think that’s far enough Ken” she said hoping to stop his wandering palm trouble, it didn’t “just wanted to touch you a bit closer that’s all.” It wasn’t all he wanted and Kerry found out as he squeezed her cheek, “a girl like you has different needs to the others, how about me helping you with some of them?” Kerry realized that Ken had not only read her but also determined that he wanted to take her home for in depth study, so to speak.

Kerry pulled away from Ken and walked straight off the dance floor leaving Ken by himself, sitting down at the table she started to shake as she took a deep drink. “What’s up?” Jean asked aware of her state “just had a guy touch me up after reading me” Kerry said taking another drink. Jean moved closer and held her arm until she stopped shaking, “it has to happen sooner or later, try to settle down and compose yourself” Jean encouraged Kerry. Ken had made his move found a blockage so went around it and came back for another try at Kerry “sorry I should have been more tactful, can I buy you a drink?” Ken should have left while he could still walk as Jean flew into his face. “Let me be blunt about this, either you get out of our space or you will need more surgery than either of us girls are looking forward to” Jean said without backing down. Ken had not read Jean or Grace but now he saw all three of them in his face and angry as hell, “alright, sorry to disturb your night out Ladies.” The small group gathered around like a protective cordon covering each other’s back, “are you okay to stay or do you want to leave?” they asked Kerry since she was the most affected. They stayed for another round of drinks but it had spoilt the night to some degree “my place, and drive carefully” Jean said picking up her clutch bag and heading for the doors.

Tracey made coffee and brought out the cups for each of them as each girl slipped off their heels and curled their legs underneath as they sat on the leather lounge and chairs. “Three of us are settled in for the night, you are free to stay the night if you want” Jean offered Grace and Jen who talked about it but with Jens work time she had to be out before 8am. “Thanks but it is bit hard being a Friday night, ask me on a Saturday evening” Jen said hoping that Jean and Tracey would invite her back. The group got on really well even with a wide age spread, they understood each other and the problems they had in common that needed talking through at times. “I can’t believe the cheek of that guy tonight” said Tracey, Jen laughed at the comment “haven’t been to many clubs have you, that is the problem with Friday night they want to pickup for the whole weekend.” “Is it like that at all of the clubs?” asked Tracey still amazed that in this era men could just grab a woman’s backside like meat off the counter, “pretty much every straight club not so much in the gay bars though.” “In that case our next night out can be at an all girls club” Tracey said rather determined that the group would both be out together and assuming that they were all girls when they did so. After a long week Jen and Grace ended up leaving quite early, compared to what they would have done if they had stayed at the club.

Saturday morning found Jean and Kerry sitting on the patio enjoying the sun having the first cuppa for the day, “last night shook me up a bit I thought that I passed really well, but then I could be in denial still” Kerry joked. Underneath she was disturbed at being read even by a person that was obviously targeting girls like her as he had put it. The risk of being outed was always there but by blending in she had been okay so maybe it was the outlandish outfit and the ‘take me home’ boots that made her stand out from the crowd. After processing her look on the night and how far out it was from her normal clothes she decided that the clothes outed her and not her own features, that took care of things and she returned to normal Kerry mode. Being in denial or self deception can be really useful sometimes. Tracey had mentioned going to the main shopping area and choosing some better clothes for Jean to work in rather than use all of her nice ones every day so after breakfast they piled into Jeans car and hit the shops.

After two hours she had some of the things Tracey had in mind but jean had another thought. “Remember that outfit you had on last week, the slack suit and red cami, that would make a nice work outfit for the girls and it matches our corporate colours” Jean said holding up a business card. By the end of another hour Jean had five deep red camisoles for all of the girls and she and Tracey had matched Kerry’s slack suit with skirt and shoes. “Now all we need is matching lingerie” joked Kerry thinking about what she had back home, “or a nice corset like the one you made me buy?” said jean. “Made you buy, you practically begged me to let you know about it, not a bad idea though and I know where we can get some whips as well.” Tracey could never keep up with these two as they had so much in common at times, “be nice girls, lets limit the fun to basic underwear and hosiery not like last night.”

Lunch called and they sat watching the customers run around the mall dragging kids and pushing carts full of groceries and shopping. “You know that when we roll out the new advertising it’s going to draw attention to the company so we had better make this work for all of the women at work, any ideas?” asked Jean. “I can see the women wearing lightweight jackets or blouses that match but not Bob in the store” said Kerry thinking of how Bob always insisted that it took a man to make the place work properly even after Jean came out. “A nice collared shirt and logo for the van guys and Bob should be easy to organize” said Tracey picking up one of the camisoles. “Winter gets a bit nippy so the women may need more of a blouse or thin sweater when the weather gets colder or they have to go out.” “Better make it a suitable uniform then Susan can use it till she pops out the next one” Kerry said thinking of how some of the women may need larger sizes.

“Talking of Susan, has she spoken to you about her plans yet?” asked Jean, “she mentioned something about working remotely but nothing else, why?” Jean told Kerry that Susan had asked if Grace could cover the Christmas break for four to five months to give her time to have the baby and take a few months off while she breast fed. Grace could handle the data entry and basic stuff while Susan would handle the accounting functions via remote login to the server. By mid March Grace had to be back at uni and Susan would return fulltime. “What about Grace, is she happy to spend so much time away from work experience as a production manager?” asked Kerry wondering how Grace was going to reconcile studies with working for Jean. “She has been talking about shifting her focus into more business management than production and this last couple of months has helped define her desire in that area, could you use her skills?” Jean asked Kerry. The idea of an intern or trainee was one that Kerry had been bouncing around with jean when they spoke about the new venture but Grace had never been on the radar. Kerry thought Graeme would return to University so it all needed thrashing out with Grace and Graeme and probably Jen as well.

Sunday came and went, Monday morning and Kerry drove to work via the house to see how far the painters were from finishing and also to swap work outfits. The painters had not arrived and only small details had to be finished so she was confident that they would be good by the end of day. Kerry took off her jeans and t-shirt dropping them to the ground and standing in her dark blue silk bra and panties admiring her image in the mirror, when the front door suddenly opened and in walked the painters. “Sorry love, didn’t know you were home” the painter said making no effort to move his eyes from her body. Kerry grabbed her jeans to cover her body but silently was happy that the guys found her worth starring at as she closed the bedroom door. She could hear the guys comments as they walked into the kitchen “not bad looking, nice set of boobs as well.” If they only knew that it was silicone and surgical tape they may not have been so impressed. Ten minutes later Kerry entered the kitchen wearing her black knee length skirt and jacket with the deep red camisole, sheer pantyhose and four inch heels. “I hope the floor show won’t put you off working too much” Kerry laughed picking up her handbag and keys, “and thanks for the compliment it makes a girls day” and she left.

By the time Kerry arrived at work Jean had already been talking to the admin women about uniforms and changes to the dress code. “I don’t know, been a woman all of a few minutes and thinks she can tell us what to wear” one of the women joked in a fake cockney accent. John and now Jean had always got on well with the staff and looked after their needs at work and sometimes in their families as well. “Does Bob have to wear a dress now?” one of the younger girls asked causing Bob to shout murderous comments her way. The light hearted nature of the workplace made change easier for all of them so by midweek the front office had one outfit and the admin area had their own adaptation in the same colours. Come Thursday the project team was ready for final handover with Bill, he entered the office to face five women all dressed in black skirts and jackets with camisole tops and sitting with their legs crossed the same way facing Bill. “Another setup?” he laughed at Jean.

Kerry summarized the project goals and objectives and confirmed that all had been achieved a week ahead of schedule then Jean took over. “This has been far easier than I expected and in no small part is that due Kerry and her ability to make things work, so thanks Kerry for all that you have done.” There was an implied thank you that few of the people understood for the special project as well. Bill had some formal things to do then handed over the final agreement for Jean to sign, this formally finished the installation phase and allowed for Bill to charge extra work as and when it was needed. The team split up leaving Bill, Jean and Kerry in the office together. “I guess that means I’m finished being employed by you as well Bill, I just want to thank you for being a great boss, over the years you have trained me well and given me some really good projects. I think the best two have been Red Cross and here as they allowed me to be myself and show what I can really do” Kerry said smiling to Bill. “The staff back in the office have been told the story of being seconded to Bill and posted interstate for an extended period just in case you want to come back and it will allow you to phone in or do the remote work that we talked about so good luck for the future” Bill finished and shook hands with Kerry, who gave him a kiss on the cheek “thanks Bill for everything.” Jean saw Bill to the front foyer and came back into her office a minute later “I think Bill is sorry to see you go in more ways than one” Jean said. “Me too he was good but then he did make me get all dressed up in women’s clothes and don’t I love them” Kerry chuckled standing to leave the office. “That puts me on leave as of Friday night for a month, Bill said the office will cover for me but if anything unusual happens just e-mail me and I can get online” Kerry said returning to her office and a meeting with Grace.

Grace had finished her research on PDA input devices and a methodology for interfacing to the system via the mobile wireless internet and presented the report to Kerry. It was fairly detailed in background information to support her choice of PDA’s and coverage maps showing franchisee locations around the state, the main choice of carrier determined by reliability of cover rather than cost. The project would need some web based interface written to take the core data from the system and upload to the PDA on daily basis or whenever the stock list changed. The input side would be almost simple XML coding similar to the report structure, just data moving in and out of ledgers in batch mode. Designing a suitable template for the PDA would be the biggest job but Grace had tracked down a supplier that made a similar product interface for another major accounting system and had been talking about adapting their product to suit. The cost was possibly going to be offset by the number of sales opportunities they would get from the new product but it would cost in time and effort to supply all of the technical details and testing the beta product. “This is one fantastic report Grace, from here we should be able to implement within the next year” Kerry said making sure Grace had added her name to the report as author. “Thanks, I enjoyed the challenge and talking through the project with other people it should be worth the effort to save the re-keying of invoices and the vans needing to carry stock changes every week. Is there anything I can do to get this started since I still have a day or two?”

Kerry asked Grace to give her a few hours to talk the project over with Jean and she would let her know what they decided, Grace went back to her office which had been constructed next to Kerry’s but backed onto the rear of Jeans. The layout was unusual but gave Grace access to the private shower and makeup area, a concession from Jean to help Grace. Kerry ran one last system update and scheduled backup for end of day then booked a meeting with Jean to discuss the second project. Seeing her face in the monitor reflections she stopped to ponder the past, from being sacked to consultant, released from jail and then a whole week as Kerry and finally this transition project. Jean had no problems transitioning but Kerry never expected that she would also get the offer to follow her heart in the same way. “Penny for your thoughts” said Tracey standing in the doorway, “oh, sorry I was just reminiscing about the journey” Kerry sighed. “You haven’t really told me about it, care to?” Tracey asked as she pulled up a chair, sitting there in the same skirt and top as Kerry they looked every part the corporate workers they had become. Kerry told Tracey the abbreviated version about being hurt after requesting time out from work, losing the job and working with Bill. Some of the stories made Tracey cry and some made her laugh but mostly they gave her the chance to see Kerry being released from the bonds of control. Tracey gave Kerry a hug before leaving the office, “I am glad you are staying around you will be good for Jean and me, we both need help at times.”

Jean buzzed Kerry to bring Grace’s report in to her, “give me the big picture outline no technical babble” Jean said as Kerry sat down at the small table that had become the normal place for Jean to use for meetings, her power desk had been ‘depowered’. Kerry gave a one minute executive overview, “and your recommendation” Jean prompted “I recommend that Grace head up and complete this project over the next few months and that she be paid in accordance with the outcomes” Kerry suggested. Jean looked at her seeing the change in Kerry’s mannerisms, she had stepped up to being a major decision maker rather than a project implementer. “Agreed, let her know what you expect of her and send me an e-mail confirming her rate of pay and conditions” Jean stated, this was how she liked her staff to work, make a recommendation then run with it. Kerry was a bit taken by the speed of the approval “don’t you want to check it over or ask questions?” she asked “why should I, you would have done all that with Grace and made changes if it wasn’t the right thing for us, I trust you” Jean said finishing the meeting. Poking her head into Grace’s office Kerry interrupted Grace putting on another coat of lipstick and gloss “come on princess, time for work” Kerry joked as Grace blushed at being sprung. “You know I never have thanked you and Toni for all of the help you gave mum and I last year, we would have been worlds apart by now if you hadn’t come around and helped us” Grace said.

For the next two hours Kerry and Grace discussed the project and outlined a schedule of mileposts or deadlines that could be reported on, Grace was happy to do the job for experience only but Kerry informed her that would not be the case as she was precious as well. Kerry had some technical files for her to review and suggested some more training on XML interfacing before she got started on the project but mainly they just talked about the over view and how it would work in practical ways for the guys in the vans. Grace could handle most of the details via e-mail and phone calls as the developer was overseas and a trip would not be required or fit into her uni timetable. Kerry had already setup an external e-mail server link for Grace and remote access to the test environment on the spare server, all she had to do was connect and it was just like being in the office. Susan gave Kerry a contract change form so that she could be paid at the determined rate, “I was thinking of $45 per hour for this project, okay?” Grace was shocked “that’s more than twice what I am on now, why so much?” Kerry explained about consultants rates and covering her own internet and mobile costs, major calls would be through the office “anyway, Princess Grace needs to pay for all of her lipstick so enjoy it” Kerry said closing the argument.

Friday was a non day, a day when time dragged as Kerry had little to do and the holidays in Thailand would be upon her quickly, only one week to go before surgery. She looked at her false breasts as they sat there in her bra looking almost normal, this was one thing she hated as it remind her that she wasn’t what she wanted to be or thought of herself. Plastic is not the same as flesh and blood but next time she came into this office they would be almost real, and her nether regions would be totally different as well. Over the nine weeks Kerry had been to the salon several times and changed the amount of permanent makeup to include more eyeliner and outline around her lips. Her hair had grown several inches and a lighter shade of auburn highlights and better styling had helped her appearance as well. The acrylics had to be redone every three weeks as she still needed to remember that she had nails and not just fingers. The regular waxing and herbal treatment had reduced significant amounts of hair from her body and face but it still needed more, electrolysis would be expensive and painful but the only way do get the clean face she wanted. Dr Gwynn had called to confirm the appointments and make sure that the visas had arrived in the right names, her letter for customs and immigration both in Thailand and Australia had been copied and secured to the passport wallet. The checklist had been ticked several times as Kerry cleaned her desk for the break, Tracey and Jean made her promise to call every day and tell them what she was doing.

The first week off work was to complete things around the house like new cushions and a new coffee table, but mainly just to relax and get ready for the trip that had taken her lifetime to begin. Pam had planned to work until the night before they left for Thailand so Kerry had to fill each day and that meant cooking and reading but she also decided to clear out some of her wardrobe. Wednesday, Kerry was sitting in a short skirt and tank-top drinking herbal tea in the patio area reading her e-mails from Jean, all good news and nothing to worry about. Jean repeated her best wishes for the surgery and Tracey’s comment about information each day.

The front door rang and although Kerry wasn’t expecting anyone she still answered the bell, one of the middle aged painters had returned to complete the last edge on the feature wall. “Sorry about not calling but I was in the area and thought I would take a chance on you being home” the painter said “no trouble will it take long or smell very much” Kerry asked. “There’s no smell with the new paints and it dries in about two hours so plenty of time before your hubby gets home” he said carrying in a paint pot and brush. “Thanks I’ll let my partner know when she gets home” Kerry said testing the water, the painter stopped and shook his head “what a waste” he muttered. Kerry laughed “just joking, and by the way don’t expect another view like last time” and the painter blushed “you would be surprised what we get to see at some home, yours was quite tame from what I’ve been told” he said reaching for his masking tape. Kerry wanted to know what he had heard about so made him a coffee as he prepared the edge for painting. “Well, one place had a couple of girls living in it that had a collection of vibrators arranged like books on a shelf, the guys said they got more teasing that week than the whole year. There is always the naked person running from the bathroom or forgetting to close the door when dressing but most of the time it’s not intentional. The worst or best depending on your point of view, was a woman that came out to her lounge wearing a very see through negligee picked up a book and returned to her bedroom.” He took his time getting it right and when he left the edge was as straight as the tape and perfectly finished, “thanks for the stories” Kerry said seeing him out.

Friday morning Kerry went to the salon and had her nails done completely from fresh and her hair was again lightened and streaked with auburn highlights. Jill wanted to know all about her trip to Thailand and what she was going to get done, a far cry from the first visit where she just wanted to get Kerry out of the place and away from her clients. Again it was finished with a promise to come and show Jill when Kerry got back to work. Pam finished on Friday evening and they went to bed early as the flight was 6am from Perth, a five hour flight and first appointment at the clinic was only two hours after landing. This was the last time Pam would be having sex with any resemblance of Paul as the surgery would make penetration impossible, the impact was subdued as Kerry made the most of ensuring Pam was satisfied to the most she could. The moment was not lost on Pam and Kerry had to admit that even if she tried all night that normal intercourse was a distant memory, her mind had made the jump to the future and was waiting for the body to catch up.

Waking at four in the morning they showered and prepared for a long flight, Kerry had a second check of the letter from the doctor, without it she would be both embarrassed and likely rejected from entry. Her makeup was simple as the permanent bits only needed adding to, mascara and eye shadow gave her nice colour, fresh lipstick and a touch of blusher. Kerry stood in the bedroom after finishing her makeup and looked in the mirror again, her body was lighter than three years ago by nearly ten kilos and the definition was much better showing hips and a very flat front. “Come on dear, there will be time to look at your body later, we need to get going” Pam said pushing Kerry out of the way. Kerry had been told to be prepared for anything so she put on a nice bra and panties under 3 quarter leg slacks and t-shirt.

The international airport had customs and immigration for all outgoing flights to ensure each passenger had been in Australia legally and could return without trouble. Pam and Kerry presented their id to the ticket counter along with the letter to confirm her identity if needed, the security was good and minimal hesitation after reading the letter. Screening and bag checks took no time at all so they had a good thirty minutes wait before loading, what Kerry had not seen was Jean, Tracey, and Grace standing in the departure lounge waiting for her. “Just had to come and say farewell” Jean said hugging Kerry “wish we were coming with you” Jean said and almost sounded like she meant it, Grace also hugged Kerry. The five of them sat around until the loading call and watched Pam and Kerry disappear through the gate to their aircraft. “How about you Grace ever thought of taking the trip?” Tracey asked “not likely, Grace and Jen have fun but Graeme has far more fun on both sides of the fence so to speak” Grace told Tracey. Jean had been coming to the same conclusion as her relationship with Tracey had grown so intimately, but the RLT was just that, a test, to see how far she would go, the final destination was always open for discussion and transitioning could stop at any place on the journey.
Bangkok was a city of contrast, the very poor and the rich, locals and tourists all together in the humidity and heat that made everyone hot and sweaty. The straights and gays filled bars that made trade the only rule, the local transgendered girls sang and danced for tourists earning more than their cousins in normal day jobs could ever earn. Sex was a commodity that got traded as easy as buying a beer or trinket to take home and disease was also readily available for those that didn’t take care. The clinic was in a new area that had seen growth due to the ‘medical holiday’ trade, cheap procedures in first class hospital / hotels using local nurses and doctors trained overseas. The cost was a third of the price back home and as long as you validated the doctor it was just as good, the holiday come recovery period was bonus. Doctor Gwynn had established the clinic as a joint venture with local doctors and shared his time with research activities and training to keep the costs down. Booking into the hospital was like entering a holiday inn anywhere in the world, concierge for bags and travel arrangements, bell hops to carry bags to rooms and room service rather than a tea trolley and bland food.

Dr Gwynn had his own reception and practice rooms with handpicked medical support and interns to provide the level of service he saw as essential. Kerry and Pam sat in the reception filling out several forms and insurance documents to cover the risk of infection, aids, death, and many other conditions that Kerry had not even though of. An intern assisted the doctor with tests and checking blood pressure and weight, “the only remaining question is what size have you settled on?” Gwynn asked looking at Kerry’s flat chest where the breast forms had been unglued. Kerry looked at Pam “I have been using a size D for most of this year but do you have another idea or suggestion?” The doctor turned to his desk and held up two different types and shapes of inserts, “this one suits older women that have had removal since it appears to sag rather than stand firm, whereas this one is for younger women that have had no children and hence normally stand out more but the choice is strictly yours.” Kerry looked at both, she had been used to the “firm and pert” style but wanted to make sure she blended in with older women, “what do you think dear?” she asked turning to Pam.

Two hours later Kerry was being wheeled into surgery ready for a major adjustment down below and a pair of firm and pert up top. It was nearly seven pm before she came round in recovery, everywhere hurt and then some places that she hadn’t expected to be touched, her bladder was empty but felt like it had been kicked. Her chest was bandaged tightly and the ribs dug in when she breathed deeply, shallow breaths and little chest movement became the only way to get air into her lungs. The pain killers kicked in and sleep came back to her as the nurses took temperature and blood pressure readings, Pam went back to her own room and ordered dinner, it had been a long day and Kerry was going to be in and out until the morning. Less than two days later Kerry was able to leave the hospital section and enjoy the hotel part of the complex, walking was slow and her new breasts still hurt when she moved too fast but otherwise the smile said it all. Dr Gwynn had done a good job and at first glance the new genital area looked much like the final model she wanted, just no connections behind the scene, so to speak. By day seven the bandages had come off and the bruising was in full swing, black and yellow bands down to her navel and almost to the chin but the pain had finished and as long as Kerry wore a good bra and moved carefully she was very happy with the size and shape.

A couple of day trips and several shopping events kept them happy and loaded the bags ready for return, Gwynn signed the releases and scheduled a full follow up test back in Perth. It was then back to the immigration check in and the expectation of being questioned by the security guys, this time there were no questions or funny looks as they had seen it all so many times it was normal. Arriving back home in Perth the same could not be said and the doctors letter was needed, questioned and followed by disbelieving glances around the counters before Kerry could retrieve her bags. The swelling had gone down and most of the bruises had faded by the time Kerry was ready for work again, things moved as they should, bounced when she bounced and didn’t need glue. She was one happy girl as she got ready for work on the first Monday. For the return to work she wore her business outfit, black pencil skirt and jacket with a new Thai silk blouse in the same corporate red they had chosen only a few weeks ago, heels and bag and she was ready to start the new position. “Welcome back, or should I say happy first day” Jean said as Kerry walked through the door, after all it was the first day in her new job.

Thanks for following the Continuing Release,
Just finishing an Alternative Release so stay tuned.


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