It was just Foreplay....

We were just messin around in the bedroom and things got bound up from there...

It was just foreplay....

I write this story after the fact, having shared it with a few people all of whom thought I should script it before the details were forgotten. It all started as just a bit of foreplay. As a preface, my wife and I had ventured into the world of bondage some years back (ok...her more than me) and along with my lifelong cross dressing, bondage became a significant part of our sexual release.

We started simple enough. We were in a tickle fight and I was getting the best of her when for some unknown reason she grabbed the tie from my robe and, pushing me back on our brass bed, tied my wrists to the center post of the bed. That ultimately lead to one of the greatest orgasms we (or I should say she) had shared to date. That night I returned the favor with her tied to the bed. She didn’t enjoy it near as much and subsequently rarely allowed me to tie her down. I on the other hand, was to “have to get used to it if I ever wanted sex again” she would tell me about 4 months later. She became obsessed with bondage. It was, as mentioned above, rarely her but me who was tied, hog-tied, bound, blindfolded, gagged, posted, or anything else she could think of to do with or to me. It reached a point that I was in some kind of bondage 24/7. I wore small chains as ankle bracelets that were padlocked in place all the time (it was quicker and easier to get started she once said). During the winter, wrist chains would be added as I would usually wear sweaters (women’s) that had tight wrist elastic and covered the chain and lock from view during normal activities. At some point during this time, I found for her what I thought would include her in the “fun”, a woman’s chastity belt on an online auction service. As it turned out, the belt measurements were a bit off and it was a bit loose on her but snug on me. Guess who got to wear it? Ok I was at this time still “into” the bondage so I didn’t mind wearing it for a short while as a day at a time was all she could stand without something inside her (real) anyway. I did take it into my shop and made a few modifications before any extended wearing. I installed a stainless steel sheath with a catheter tube that went about 2 inches into my penis and ended at the bottom of the front shield (bottom of the crotch) in an inch long slit that allowed me to sit and pee with it sounding like a woman doing it. Having started with a woman’s belt, I now looked 100% female when naked and only wearing the belt (I had done hormones in the past and have “B” cup breasts).

This pattern went on (and got worse) for almost 2 years. As the sexual thrill would wear off of one thing, she would create some other thing to do with or to me. I’ll admit I helped at times as she would become moody and edgy if she wasn’t doing something (to me) but the proverbial “straw that broke the camels back” came not many months later. It was about 10 in the morning on a late spring Saturday and we had just finished our chores with the horses and had showered. As I exited the bath, I noticed she had laid out on the bed my silver lame’ bra/panty/garter set. I put them on along with my sparkling silver hose and silver 3” heeled strappy sandals then went to find her and asked “what she had in mind” in a sultry, Mae West style voice. Twenty minutes later, she had added my white shoulder length leather gloves (that lock together across the shoulders), white face gag (under the nose to wrapping under the chin and a tongue depressor style gag — locking behind the head), and white thigh cuffs. I was bound with my wrists cuffed behind my back; a 6” hobble chain between my ankles, a chain running from the center of the hobble chain up to my wrists pulling it taught, and a chain from the lock on the gloves to the lock on the gag that prevented me from looking down without significant contorting. She then led me out back down the path to the barn. I had no clue what she was up to and probably would not like it whatever it was. I couldn’t resist though as more than a slight tug on the chain from the collar around my neck would send me toppling over.

About halfway to the barn is a post we figured out had been used to “train” horses (ok break) having them stand in one place for extended periods. We arrived at the post and she stopped me. She then loosened the collar and turned it so the ring was now at the back, and secured the lead chain to the eye-bolt at the top of the 6’ tall post. She then placed my white leather blindfold over my head and locked it to the gag harness. She then left me there. Now THIS is kinky I thought to myself. I was thankful that our house sat back off the road and the barn even further, as unless you had a reason to be back here, you’d never see this part of the property from the road and we had no neighbors on either side to speak of (almost a half mile to each and over a small hill). I wondered how long she’d leave me here. Was she standing off to one side and watching? What was she up to!! Some time later I heard footsteps. Kat was coming down the path (better be her and no one else!!) and she stopped in front of me. She pulled my panties down below my penis and tucked them behind my balls, played with me a bit, then continued down the path to the barn. I heard the activity in the barn and assumed it to be feed time which meant it was close to 4pm. It also meant I had been standing here almost 5 hours! She past me on the path back to the house stopping to fondle my breasts and my penis for a few minutes just enough to get me hard then walked on towards the house. WHAT WAS SHE DOING!!

I felt the sunset crawl up my body as the warmth left the air. I couldn’t wait any longer. I finally had to pee and was glad she had pulled my panties down as I relived myself. Funny. Standing here like this I was not embarrassed, but having to pee I was. A definitive chill filled the air as night replaced dusk. It wasn’t that cold, but I was glad it wasn’t any earlier in the season. I heard a large truck going down the road out front. A few trucks used our road, but it probably meant that a neighbor about 2 miles down was coming home. That meant it was close to 9pm. When was she coming out to get me? My joints were getting pretty stiff at this point; the top chain would let me drop down only about a foot, and would also only let me step (shuffle) about 2 feet in any direction. The back chains wouldn’t let me drop my head, nor would they let me lower my arms from my mid back. Needless to say that during this time my mind had begun to run wild. I had no clue what she was doing but the whole scenario was driving me sexually crazy; the cold the only thing preventing a sexual release.

Sunday morning. I felt the sunrise cover me as the slight warmth began to fill the air. I had dozed during the night. I could honestly do nothing else. Sunrise meant it was a little before 7am. She would pay for this I thought. But the next thought was I hoped she was ok and something had not happened to her. Later I heard her coming down the path. I began to scream into the gag and stomp my feet what little I could as she approached. She stopped in front of me, pulled down the demi bra cup and suckled me. At first I tried to fight the feelings but the sexual tension was so strong I couldn’t.
Sucking on one and kneading the other I shot my load in about 10 seconds without even getting hard. She pulled the cup back over my nipple and walked on towards the barn to begin the morning chores. One person doing them meant it was about 9:30 as she walked past me back towards the house. This time she didn’t touch me. I again screamed into the gag and danced but knew it was to no avail. I hadn’t given it thought prior but now I realized I had been standing here and hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours but wasn’t that hungry. I just wanted to do something…ANYTHING but stand here another second. This long standing in heels that are locked on your feet made the calves numb earlier, but now ached with pain. The sexual release of earlier had been replaced with pain from all parts of my body. I was angry and getting angrier by the moment. THIS would be the last time for this nonsense. I began to fanaticize to get my mind off the pain……

We’re out to dinner in a nice restaurant. I’m wearing a gold lame’ backless sheath dress with matching shoulder wrap that hangs to my waist with the center open and just barely covering my very prominent braless nipples. Gold-tone hose attached to a black garter belt and my chastity belt are all I have on under the dress. I’m wearing 4” gold strap heels which are locked on and the lock is visible from the rear. Kat is dressed to the masculine side wearing a navy blue pant suit and to the unknowing it would appear we are a lesbian couple. We are sat in a back corner booth. Kat orders for me when the waiter comes for our order, and then feeds me once it arrives. Why? Because I am bound in the rear with a black satin arm glove and a large paper file clip (the black metal type) is attached to my tongue to keep me from speaking. The pain from my tongue I remember like the pain I have now. It’s not a fantasy… I realize I’m thinking about dinner about 2 weeks ago with Kat. She actually dropped my wrap off my shoulders revealing the bondage as the waiter was serving dessert. He got a hard on just standing there serving us! Plus, she didn’t replace the wrap till we were at the front door leaving. At least with my changes no one could tell I was a male under all that. It was bad enough being a female in that type of situation. I’m brought back to reality by my body. I have to pee again. This time I don’t fight it and just do it…the embarrassment long since past. More time passes and I hear Kat coming again. She stops and pulls my panties back up over my penis then walks away. This time I do nothing. Like a stallion tied to this pole I feel broken. Its feed time again which means its 4pm on Sunday.

Sunday evening. It’s been dark for a while as the cold on my skin is tingling. I hear Kat coming again. She stops in front of me and pulls my panties down again…this time about mid thigh to the thigh-cuffs. She begins to fondle my breasts and stroke my penis. I’m in no mood for fun but my body takes over and fully responds. As I get hard she impales herself on me. She is naked except for what feels like a similar outfit (bra/garter but no panties). Our bodies respond to each other as designed and I quickly forget my anger. As I can only receive from this position, I let myself go in the feeling. Kat is doing everything and her breathing tells me she is close to exploding. The milking she gave me earlier is helping to keep me from coming prematurely. She explodes first and is riding me for wave after wave of orgasm. I finally release as well into a long drawn out orgasm myself. We stand there for several minutes doing and saying nothing (ok she doesn’t say anything…) her just embracing me. After a few moments, she steps away from me. In quietness she removes my collar, then the blindfold, and in the darkness I can see she is wearing similar heels but to my surprise is similarly bound at the ankles and similarly gagged. She moves me to the side then quickly attaches the collar to herself then the blindfold, then bends reaching between her legs and grabs a pair of handcuffs draped over her thigh-bands, cuffing herself behind her own back. The handcuffs are attached to a hobble chain between her ankles. She has taken my place. I catch the drift and begin to hobble back to the house. As I enter I look to the wall is just after midnight. As much as I want to get released I get to the bed and collapse, still fully bound.

Monday morning. I awake a bit startled but quickly come to my senses. It’s almost 8 and my body is telling me to make my way to the bathroom…quickly. My panties are still around my thighs which help as I sit to do business. I shuffle into the den and look out the window towards the barn. Kat is stirring. Funny how I was there this time yesterday and if she thinks she is getting out of it any time soon she is sorely mistaken. I quickly realize that I haven’t seen the keys. I head back to our bedroom for a look-see and on the dresser is a note.

“My Love. I want to thank you for this weekend as I know you didn’t expect to spend it as you did. I treasure your love and devotion and so greatly do I not want to harm it I took your place. Leave me there as long as you wish for whatever reasons you deem necessary. Kat” “Oh…PS…the keys are in the barn!”

You’ve got to be kidding I thought to myself. It took almost 45 minutes to hobble out to the barn. As I hobbled past Kat she made a sound but I didn’t respond. I found the keys all neatly laid out on the table in the tack room. It wasn’t easy to actually see them as I still couldn’t tilt my head forward to see which one was which. I would have to bend down since my hands were in the small of my back to get the handcuff key first to be able to do anything. AND…since they weren’t at the edge of the table I had to dang near lay on it to actually be able to pick up the first key. It took about 10 minutes to get everything off and since I was out there I went ahead and fed the horses before heading back to the house. This time I stopped at Kat. I started with suckling her breasts then moved to her panty-less crotch for some massage action. She was melting quickly. I pondered should I continue or leave her un-satisfied. She made my decision for me as almost immediately she began to writhe against my hand. I finally quit after she had about 6 or 8 orgasms. I continued to the house but formulated a plan as I arrived.

I found the strap-on dildo she was fond of using on me and inserted the vibrator inside it then headed back down the path to her (mind you I haven’t changed yet, and haven’t even considered how I’m dressed). I reached her and it seemed she was assuming I was there to release her. I stepped up to her and inserted the dildo then strapped it on her. Her facial expression (ok — what little of her face I could see…should I say body language?) told me everything I needed to know. I switched on the vib and stepped back. Almost immediately she began to writhe and gyrate from the vibration. I’m sure I heard her scream at least twice before I got back to the house. I showered, went into my office and worked for a while then headed down to see her. The vibrator was running at a very slow hum so I figured the batteries were about gone. Since the keys for her were in the barn a well, I went on out and fed the horses a bit early then got the remainder of the keys and headed for Kat. I released the collar from the pole but that is all.
I lead her back to the house and just for fun, re-attached her collar chain to a plant hook on the ceiling of the covered patio. She wasn’t ready for that as she had to stand up pretty straight to keep from hanging herself. She started screaming again thru her gag so I went in the house, grabbed a new pair of batteries and, putting then in turned the vibrator back on. About 30 seconds later she began to seriously dance about from her orgasms and as near as I could tell actually passed out. I was glad I was standing there as she would have for sure hung herself when she went limp. I quickly released her and carried her into the bedroom, placed her on the bed and then released her from her bonds. She awoke several hours later and came out into the living room and sat with me. She at first told me (with a smile on her face) that I was evil for the vibrator bit. Then she said she had truly enjoyed the adventure and would love to do it again sometime. I told her she was crazy and I would never be placed into bondage ever again that I didn’t originate. I told her that if she didn’t stop this escalating obsession she would be doing it without me in the near future. That set her back in her seat. Almost immediately she began to cry whimpering about she had no clue I wasn’t enjoying it. She agreed to no more bondage unless I agreed to whatever we were doing. I almost relented a few days later as she was sulking about the house but I stood my ground. It took her almost 6 months for me to get her under control by limiting her bondage sessions but now we can both enjoy it again.

This leads me to part 2 of the story (or a 2nd story if you wish).

This past May she went to a horse auction in Kentucky with another horse-friend of hers. I was to have her out to Fran’s by 3 that Tuesday afternoon so they could get a fair distance by that evening and to arrive by Friday morning for the preview. We had finished our horse chores and I had showered while she was getting her things around. We were going to have some fun after she was done so I dressed accordingly. I pulled out my silver lame’ bra/garter set and my chastity belt, silver hose and 4” locking “FM” pumps. Then I put on my makeup followed by the locking face gag. I then put on my ankle cuffs with 6” hobble chain between, the center slider chain that I fed through the D ring on the bottom of the chastity belt that then locked to the 10” chain between my wrist cuffs. In this combination, I can sit and work at the computer for hours unrestricted but if I stand up; my wrists are pulled tight to my crotch due to the short drop chain to my ankles. At around 11 the phone rang (I’m certainly not going to answer it!) but Kat was in the shower shortly after. I thought nothing more of it until about 11:45 when the doorbell rang. Not in my abilities either I thought and continued to work. A mild bit of panic rose however when I heard Fran’s voice in the entry. A few minutes later Kat came bombing into the office. She smiled as she saw me (dressed for fun) then kissed me on the forehead as she said that she hoped I didn’t mind but Fran wanted to do some sightseeing along the way and wanted to leave a few hours early. With that I gave her a wrist wave, she left, and I went back to work.

About 2pm I got a serious case of the munchies so I headed to the bedroom to change and do lunch. We keep all the “lockables” in a suitcase under the bed since I stopped her from using them all the time (out of site out of mind) but the case was now gone. I looked in several places but could only figure she had used it to pack since it was on the bed from me getting my stuff out of it. This created quite a problem for me as the keys to everything I am currently wearing were in that case. There is a 2nd set of keys in the hall bath closet on the top shelf but there was no way I could reach them as I was currently trussed. I went back to my computer and sent Kat a text message hoping she had put the keys somewhere I hadn’t looked yet before she left. Two hours passed and still no response to all my (I had now sent 4) text messages. At around 4:30 the horses were getting noisy so I figured I’d go give feeding them a try. Between the hobble out to the barn, having to get creative with feed so I could get to it from a 3ft high level and the hobble back, it was almost 7 before I got back to the house. Still no response from Kat! I went to the kitchen and got an orange juice bottle from the refrig then managed to get a straw from a drawer by hopping on a small stool we keep in the mud room — that was scary!!. I then placed the drink on the kitchen floor and was able to slide the straw into the breathing hole of the mouthpiece (after about 6 tries) and at least drink something. I sat up till 11 watching the tube before giving up hope she would call or text back this evening. Wednesday morning I sent another message at around 6am then continued to work until 8 before heading out to the barn. I got back inside around 10 (I was getting quicker at hobbling) to find that Kat had sent 3 text messages back; first wondering what I was talking about…then realizing what I was talking about but saying she couldn’t check the case till this evening as it was in the storage under the RV…then a screen full of smiley faces saying she loved me. I went back to work till time to head for the barn again at 4 and when I got back in at 6 she had text’d again saying yes the keys were there and she would get Fran to stop somewhere in the morning and overnight them to me. Great…I would now be trussed like this till sometime on Friday. On the way back from the barn on Thursday morning I got a wild hair and ran thru a sprinkler in the back yard to get the horse/barn dust off me then sat on a chase on the open patio to dry off. I almost wasn’t able to get up and ultimately had to roll off onto the concrete to be able to then stand up.

I at least had work to keep me busy and my mind somewhat off my situation. I had had to defuse a few situations like clients calling and me not answering the phone. I would e-mail them right back with the lame excuse of severe laryngitis and for the most part they bought it. What I couldn’t get away from was Friday was a field work day and unless the keys made the morning delivery, I would miss a full day of “work” to which laryngitis wasn’t a good explanation. I was out at the barn when the overnight truck came up the driveway. I was filled with joy to say the least. When done in the barn, I headed straight for the front door (not caring how I was “un-dressed”). The package was between the front door and the storm door. Due to the height of the handle I couldn’t reach the knob to turn it so I headed back out to the barn to get a box I had been using to reach the feed table (no it never crossed my mine to use an arm, elbow or my head on the door lever…). I got a rope and wrapping it around the box, then drug the box behind me back to the house (this alone took over an hour as the rope kept sliding off). Package in hand I didn’t even wait to get inside but sat right there on the steps and ripped it open. Four keys. Four keys are good but I am wearing 9 locks. Four keys is NOT good. I started first on my wrists as without those the others were not much use. The third key unlocked my right wrist. The fourth key wasn’t a wrist but did unlock the drop chain from the hobble chain. Going back to the first two keys, one released the gag (thankfully) and the other must have be a shoe key, but a lot of good that did me as the shoe locks were under the ankle cuffs. At least I had arms, although one had a 3 foot chain on it, could talk/eat (yeah!) and my stride was now 12 inches instead of 6.

Going inside, I went to the hall bath and found the envelope with the other keys and was able to find a key for the other wrist but no others. The hobble chain was now giving me a problem in that it was dragging in between steps so I took the drop chain and re-attached it to the crotch D ring to hold up the hobble chain. I was back to a short stride, but better that than on my face because of it catching on something. Besides, I now had a key for the chain. I thought about jumping in the shower, but as it was almost feed time, I waited till I got back inside from that before heading to the bath. I half expected what I’d see but it was still a shock. Standing in front of the mirror I removed the bra and garter belt for the first time in 3 days. I’m sure you’ve seen a woman wearing a bikini at the beach for just one day and seen the tan lines that resulted. Well, let’s just say it will be a very long time before I’m out of the house without a shirt on. The garter tan lines as well as the 2 inch wide area at the wrists look pretty strange as well.

As it was still daylight, I figured what the heck and dressing in a black floor length Bohemian skirt (to hide the hobble chain) and silver blouse (to match the 4” pumps), re did my makeup (figuring the way I was dressed a female presentation was best) and headed for the first job I was supposed to have done today. Admittedly, it wasn’t easy driving hobbled but I found, like the other things, you got used to it after a while. The nice thing about the Friday jobs are is the properties are vacant and I wouldn’t have to explain my short mincing steps to anyone. I was only able to complete one job (out of 3) and figured I’d finish on Saturday. Kat and I talked that evening; she thought it was funny that I had put myself in bondage for her and she’d left me that way again. Now that I was not fully trussed, I could enjoy the moment as well, but reminded her I was still hobbled and wearing my heels. She commented that the shoes were old anyway, why didn’t I just cut the straps off from the locks? I was at first hesitant but a short while after we finished talking I headed out to the garage and using a pair of tin snips, cut the straps and was finally free from the 4” heels. I walked around barefoot for an hour just enjoying the flat ground. A while later, my feet actually began to hurt from the change in position. I ultimately put on a pair of 2” sandals for the rest of the evening.

Saturday dawned and it was wonderful to be free…ok mostly free. After a bit of office work and feeding chores, I put on the same black skirt but with a white tank top, over shirt and 2” sandals then headed out to do the last two jobs from Friday. It would have been nice to stop at the mall and shop a bit, but again, the short steps would probably attract attention. I did however have an idea during my outing. After lunch, I stopped at a large discount hardware store. Making sure to not arouse suspicion, I first browsed the kitchen areas, carpets and window coverings. After all, a woman walking slowly was probably not so much “shopping” in a place like this as creating a honey-do list and usually not noticed. I took a detour down a tool isle and lo and behold…I’m standing in front of bolt cutters! With no one watching, I picked up a pair and, lifting my skirt a bit, cut the hobble chain! Then I wrap the loose end around the still attached ankle (kinda looks like a serious ankle chain now), purchased the bolt cutters and 2 new padlocks then proceeded on with my day…at a much quicker pace. Oh…I did go to the mall and buy myself a pair of new silver heels. Once home, I cut the padlocks off the ankle cuffs and for the first time in 5 days took a long hot shower…almost fully naked (the chastity belt was still firmly attached as I couldn’t work the cutters with the lock in the back)

Sunday dawned and for the first time in a very long time it felt odd to not be bound somehow. Well, I can fix that I thought to myself. I dressed in a simple shorts outfit for the day for starters. Ok, more skimpy than simple. It was a white satin tie back and top halter top, and white satin short shorts with 4 inch white heeled wedge sandals. I then put on the wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, and white 2” collar. I first ran a chain from one ankle, thru the d-ring on my crotch and back to the other ankle. Then I ran a length of chain thru the collar and attached the ends to my wrists. This had me fully “bound” but fully free to do anything I needed throughout the day. Since the chains and cuffs covered nothing, it was simple to change into a gown that evening for bed without removing anything and I slept so bound as well. Monday, with work to be done in public, things had to be toned down quite a bit so the wrist cuffs and collar had to go. I left on the ankle cuffs/chains since they were under my pants, although I did remove them briefly so as to put on my hose and garter belt. The interesting thing was if I sat down, the cuffs were plainly visible. Just a bit of exhibitionist in me I guess.

Kat would be home Tuesday afternoon and for this I prepared like I had the previous Tuesday morning, but this time in full control of the keys. Ok almost. She still had the chastity key but I knew that would be quite quickly available if I knew my girl. Plus, I wore the same thing as I didn’t want her to readily see my “tan”…just yet. We hugged and kissed on her arrival, she not too surprised I had re-trussed myself. The bad thing was, she wanted to see how I did the feeding so naturally she ran down the path to the barn…with the keys. I had to hobble down there, show her how I did it, and then hobble back as she ran back to the house with them as well. I was rewarded for my efforts as when I entered the back door she was standing there naked holding the keys. The chastity key was used first. The sex that afternoon was incredible. It was late that night before the rest of the keys were needed…

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