TopShelf Blogs

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Dear Worried of Hartlepool

Dear Worried of Hartlepool,

I have read you letter with some concern.

You appear to have let yourself go slightly. Your wife, being more sensible and of a higher intelligence has left you and you wonder why?

Perhaps, if you had got off your backside and got a job she may have stayed, but it is unlikely.

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Movie "Stardust"

I would not normally recommend a movie on this site , and believe me, this is not an advertising pitch, but I just saw the most wonderful film on a plane. The title is 'Stardust' and it really is a magical movie which includes TG/TV sequences (Robert De Niro as a TV pirate!) and it is one of the nicest films I have seen in a long time, but then I'm a silly sentimental old romantic.

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Point Of View: And Stories -ll

I want to thank the authors that have given me permission to do a P.O.V. on their stories and characters. I promise everybody that I will only do a P.O.V. on those that I have permission to do.

As you can see from my P.O.V., I have done my best to keep it within the basic story and try to sound like the character. I want to thank everybody for their comment both for and against.

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A short time out

I will be taking hopefully a short time out from writing another chapter of Hell Yeah it hurt.I'm just in the beginning stages of out lining what I hope to be a 7500 or less word historically correct Tg short story for this months contest.If all goes well I think it will be an educational and fun read.Amy

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trapped inside in wis.

i really hate days when all you can do is sit inside and watch tv. we just got over a foot of snow and it is still falling. i am feeling really trapped and down today i really like to just get out. so i have had all day to read alot of stories on this site and find i think that everyone deserves a thanks for all of the stories.

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Holiday of the day

New Feature in the Shortcuts!

Holiday of the Day. A world holiday will be associated with every day according to this favoritism list:

Top Priority - The United States (sorry, it's the country which holidays I'm the most familiar)
Next Tier - The United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia
Next Tier - Japan, Greece, Spain, France, Germany
Last Tier - The rest of the world

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Reflections on naming Jewish daughters and Femdom

Didn't you just love Courtney?

Forget the issue of what kind of Jewish parents give a daughter such a goyishe (Hebrew for gentile; literally meaning “nation,” but signifying non-Jew and often carrying a pejorative connotation when Jews carry out all those secret rituals y’all are so worried about) name like Courtney. I know that Sara, Rebecca and Leah, three of the four matriarchs — the fourth being Rebecca - were already taken in this story, but really, Courtney?

Anyway, don't you just wish you had a sister who was so open and accepting, and willing to go with the flow? And don't you just wish you could share a dressing room with her while you both try on expensive lingerie?

Forget it. She's my sister, not yours. Okay, she's not mine either, but this is fiction, after all.

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The 34C 18YO Virgin A Rant

The Eighteen-year-old 34”C” Virgin

Many of the men here, even those of you who write as women, will not see anything wrong with that possibility. You have not considered what causes breast growth.


Normal Hormones:

From about ten to about forty a woman has gradual growth of her breasts. They need time to grow. A woman about thirty who has never been pregnant will have larger breasts, (probably about a “B”) than a woman who is fifteen and never pregnant (probably about an “A”). The latter is why many bras in the smaller numbers are padded.


A pregnant woman’s breasts will enlarge to accommodate the need to breastfeed the baby. This enlargement will revert to near prepregnancy size with breastfeeding. They will revert minimally if she doesn’t breastfeed, has a miscarriage or has an abortion.


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music to write to

I thought I'd try something tonight by way of an experiment. I'm still plugging away at my Edwardian story so I thought I'd programme some appropriate music for the period, so far it's been Parry and Elgar orchestral pieces, with a chunk of Vaughan Williams ('London Symphony','Lark Ascending','Songs of Travel') - I'm not sure it's working as I intended, I seem to be listening more than typing :)

anyone else tried something similar?

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How 'bout them Giants?

I don't watch football usually, but I would watch it more often if games were as good as the fourth quarter of this Superbowl. Two excellent teams, two fantastic quarterbacks, head to head competition between the minds of two great coaches. Wow!

The Pats didn't let themselves be outplayed, they just got out-lucked by a Giants team that made no important mistakes. Double wow!

- Erin

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Rambo Granny!

This was sent to me as an email, sadly the picture didn't copy.
Not sure what I think about it, don't believe in violence, but then she didn't start it. Author unknown.


The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles.

The old lady spent a week hunting those men down -- and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbournepolice investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be:

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Personal Transgender Activisim

I have a powerful need for contact with other human beings, and in spite of my own personal fear of rejetion, that need drags me out of my apartment and into the public. Inadvertently, I have spent thousands of hours working with a group called,"The City Repair Project", and have made dozens of friends. Oh, I am 61 and they are all in the 18 to 30 Age group, so my social contacts with them are less than what I would like but we have worked on several projects together. The good part of this is that they have seen a transwoman who is socially together enough to be a viable positive force in their organization

It is something that they needed to see, and I like to hope that little actions in many different places by transwomen will ease the way for all of us.

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Small Signs

Something interesting happened today when I went out to eat, at one of those chain steak/buffet places. As is usual on a Sunday it was mostly filled with families, three generations or more.

I was seated next to an extended family who were there along with the grandmother. Three little girls, about 10, 8 and 6 or 7, something like that. The kids were playing and cutting up a bit, not dreadfully so, but a bit annoying. Then the oldest came back from where the three of them had gone off to, and Grandma asked "What's wrong, did the girls run you off?" Well, my head popped up at this and I looked again. Pretty pale blonde hair in a long shag with bangs, pierced ears with a small crystal/fake diamond in each ear, non-descript unisexual clothing - jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. Could this be a boy?

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Teen Transsexual

I just watched a documentary TV show on BBC America called Teen Transsexual; I hour long at noon MST. It followed a girl while she was 17 and 18. There was a little about her early life. She went on HRT at 16. After she turned 18 she was able to have breast implants. She was very slim and had had very little breast growth from the HRT.

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My cats and dog love me - whatever

As I sit here writing this, my lovely wife is cooking my din-dins downstairs.

She isn't aware of my TG thing and because I think I know her after 20 years of marriage I think that she never will understand.

I was brought up in the 50's and I suppose your upbringing colours how you are for the rest of your life.

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MORFS Month-long Marathon!

Hi Everybody,

i just wanted to let everyone know that I've just started the MORFS Month-long Marathon! there will be a new MORFS story posted everyday during the month of February.

to read all the stories and to find out more info on the marathon, visit the MORFS Universe at

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As we try to find ourselves

I know that each of us grapple with the question; "who are we"? I think I am doing OK; at least as well as most other people. Those of you who know of my past brush with Islam, may also know that it left a deep, smoking, brand on my heart. I am talking of the stated philosophy, not of the weirdos, kooks and murderers who get all the attention.

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What would you like to see from me?

Okay, this is a "survey" sort of entry, I guess...

I'm gonna list all the things I've poked about on BCTS with that are still 'open' that I'd like to or am at least willing to continue, and I'd like you all to rank them according to what you'd like to see more of first.

Sk8r Grrls
Horsey Acres
Carlotti's Way
The Violet Ajah

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silver lining day

Woke up this morning to find I had no control over my left leg, no bigee really as it's happened before, and is generally a bit wonky anyway. What it did mean was a day off work, to read through what I've been writing, and to rifle through my record collection (it really is a record collection, I never said goodbye to vinyl) for songs for Firestorm's repertoire...

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The Memory Debacle

I posted this as a comment to "Who Was I", and then realized that it may be for a wider readership.

My dears, coming out as a T girl can be extremely hard for most of us. Perhaps coming out in our teens is easier but I don't see how it could be. Now, into my 4th year fully out, I can see a posible future for myself. Before was all about death and dying.

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Does Size really matter?

A question for everyone:

I've recently been having discussions about the lengths of
stories, which I thought might be nice to bring out into the
group as a whole. The question is, how long should the post
be for a full novel; or, how would you like it served?

Do you prefer to have it all in one lump, so that
so that you can download and read at our leisure?

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Other Writer's sites

Not really anything to do with BC but everyone is so helpful here I thought it worth a try.

I have a young pen friend (just coming up 14) who is experimenting with writing a novel.
Does anyone know of a friendly site where she could post her efforts and receive the kind of support and encouragement writers appear to get here.

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"The whole point of fiction is to describe change."

Wow! My date with Phillip is accruing hits with amazing speed. I guess you can read it as a stand alone, and some people must have at least opened it with that in mind because too many people have opened it to have just been those who've read the earlier chapters.

Also, the last blog, Thoughts on Femdom, got a huge number of hits.

Maybe it's just the title.

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Seven Ups For Life

1. Wake UP! Decide that you will have a good day today. A positive attitude can brighten your day.

2. Dress UP! The best way to dress up is to wear a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

3. Shut UP! Say only nice things and learn to listen to what others have to say. We have two ears and one mouth, so let's do twice as much listening as we do talking.

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Life Is Genderful

Here's a poem I wrote 11 years ago that I just found in a folder. When I first wrote it, I couldn't figure out what to do with it so I buried it. Now I'm hoping I found a home for it here.

Life Is Genderful

Tries placing me
As one kind
In body and mind
But I am not a man
And I am not a woman
I'm a human being
Somewhere in between

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Well, at least Unfinished Symphony has more comments than my blog

So I had forgotten how much ego it takes to post a story. I mean, I spent all those millions of hours alone writing the damn thing, and really thought it was pretty good till I sent it to some wonderful people who read it for me. Then I spent another million hours (at least) fixing it.

Thank goodness the first chapter got so many nice comments. I can exhale now.

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I guess it is true o_O!?
This link bothered me deeply, is it really true to do something like that? Now I know the CD is supposed to be for un-forced, but it reminds me of those stories I've read where the mother or person played a certain tape over and over again in a person's head. Is this stuff really possible? O_O!?

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belle epoch?

As I started to look for background detail for the Edwardian set stories I've planned, I quickly realised I knew next to nothing about huge chunks of the period (as opposed to the forties setting I've used before when I could rely on books, films and personal reminiscences of family who lived through it).

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The English language

Yesterday, I got myself into a discussion that I shouldn't have (I know - "oh no not again," you're thinking), but really, the argument was stupid because whilst we were both using the same language, we were both using it different ways.

Here's what I mean


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Denizens Of The Antipodes

Some vital points were raised by participants in the recent blog discussion about food instigated by SueBrown and left unanswered, because she flummoxed me and I had to concede that I did not have the information readily to hand. In addition I was falsely accused by Sarah Lynn Morgan of hastening the demise of the Homing Leek. I will demonstrate below that this is a monstrous calumny.

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Post ops only.

For those of you who are post ops and living as a woman, would you do it again? I don't think I recall anyone telling me not to do it. It was after all my responsibilty.

I don't want a discussion with non ops here. It is too painful right now and I don't think I have anything to offer. I don't really want any comments.

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So where does inspiration come from? Tonight it came from two pieces of classical music (one by Schá¶nberg, one by Ives), Klimt's 'Judith' and an assist from Oscar Wilde.

I'm 300 words in and it seems to be going swimmingly, though there's a better than fair chance that when I read it back in the morning it's just going to be pretentious b*****s.

Oh well :)

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Tragedy of the Spirit part 2 (exerp from my book)

As I woke up on the floor after being dumped back into my room. I was covered in blood, sweat, tears and dust. The outfit was ruined as was my hair and there were bruies starting to appear on my arms and my face. I was not sure how much of my now sore back was torn open from the abuse I had recieved. I was kind of secure in the knowledge I was in my room where I thought I might be safe.

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New story?

I recently posted an older story, New Job, here. I must admit I was disappointed by the response. Although 2,000 readers opened the first chapter and 1,000 the last of five, there were very few comments. I suppose I should be used to that, every author ultimately gets less feedback than she would wish, but based on past reactions, I was hoping for more than just hitting the floor with a thud.

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While reading alot of stories classified as TG I've wondered

While reading alot of stories classified as TG I've wondered ....

If someone was happy BEFORE a forced change...

Are they actually TG AFTER ??

Even tho they've resigned to their fate....

Someday a boy will survive and return to what they wanted ???

I don't recall reading a plot where the boy comes out the end as a boy happily...

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Shortcuts update changes

  1. (afternoon) I made the Compressed Titles slightly longer, if it would still fit on one line in the cell, I lengthened it
  2. (afternoon) I added a colon as separator for Parted stories
  3. (early evening) I added the latest two stories in a new row
  4. (early evening) I re-alphabetized for the longer titles
  5. (early evening) I set the width slightly thinner to a point that it won't inte

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'I' itis, I'm getting better, I think

I have a confession. it's hard to stand up and admit it, but here goes (gulp)

I have 'I'itis. For those who are not aware of this condition, it occurs where you use I too often and inappropriately in stories.

It started when I was knee high to a little grasshopper. I was doing a fan-fiction based on Jack and Jill, it went something like:

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A thought on front-page scrolling

Just a thought. Since we have such a (wonderful) influx of oft' posting authors as of late, the rapidity of the front page scrolling down and away has become an issue to be thought about. I have an idea...

Why not have a small plain-text "sticky" post at the top with the past three days (and links to them)?

That is, like the "Leave a Comment" post, it stays up at the top, but has just quick links to the stories that've been posted in the past two or three days?

For example, right now it would be:

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