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Well everyone, I'm just posting this to say that Chrissie is finally finished. The chapters that are posted here, have been edited, and gone over with a mine sweeper. So they are just a tad different.

The book will be ready for sale in about 2 months, or shorter, because I am editing it right now.

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(Show Me The Money, Ch 25) Hello? Is anyone awake here?

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Gosh people! I can't believe that you all missed a key element in the chapter. Do you all skim so fast that you missed this. This is soooooo key; like as in a big deal!

>“Jennifer, I felt to see if you had any development with regards to your testicles. I couldn’t even feel them. I’m surprised that your old doctor didn’t say anything to your mother about this,” she said.<

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Happy Easter

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Renewal and love are in the air in spring.

Call or visit someone you haven't seen or heard from in a long time.

Forgive an old injury.

Remember the sweetness of life, for all its frustration and pain.

Joy to you and all of yours on Easter Morning.


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Thinking about a Corset maker

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I am looking for a maker of corsets that someone has had good luck with. Romantasy seems nice but I do not know them. I am thinking that it could be a nice little train ride to go down there.

Can anyone make a recomendation for the Western Half of the US or ??


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Back for now

Due to moving I've been away for a while.It will take me a little while to get established and caught up on reading.As soon as that happens I'll start writing and posting more of "hell yeah it hurt".Has everyone gone back to not using the chatrooms?Amy

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I apologize

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My current work, 'MY NAME IS UGLY' forces what I consider a stereotype, transition, in the opening half. I am most sorry. I should have the new chapter done by Sunday.


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CONTEST - Let The Punishment Fit The Crime: Part Two

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Awhile ago I posted a story, 'Let The Punishment Fit The Crime'. It got more reads and comments than anything else I've ever posted here and people want a part two. Therein lies a problem. You see, I never intended to even POST that story!

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Panties cause anaphylactic shock!

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Hot news for Good Friday in UK is of a nurse who nearly died from anaphylactic shock caused by a new pair of panties. For more details see:

Could be scary. How many other people could be affected?


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Labor of Love

I hope I'm not being tiresome in reposting interesting tidbits I find elsewhere on the 'net every once in awhile.

This story is about an FTM man, legally married to a woman, who opted to carry their child when she couldn't.

For me, the most interesting part is the behavior of the medical staff where they live, putting their own petty attitudes above the health and welfare of their patient.

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Andrea James

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Andrea James is a young transwoman whose career I have followed for a few years. My first impression of her was that she was another man struggling to make a new life, and at first it seemed somehow flawed. My heart went out to her; and my wishes for her to succeed.

A few weeks ago, I saw a clip with her in it. Her voice was flawless, and she was pretty; no trace of "Frank" there.

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Being Accepted For Who And What We Are Inside

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I find that I am very lucky in that the Church that I attend truly accepts everybody for who and what they are. I hope that all of us here at Big Closet Top Shelf can find a Church Home where they are accepted.

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Silly Things to say.

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Whenever one has an audience and you are about to turn on any device that emits hot air... Hair Dryer, Hot Air Hand Dryer, pop corn maker, ...

Say in a load clear voice: "And now a word from Hillary." and then turn on your device. I've used it in boys and girls restrooms to various aclaim. From Laughs, giggles, to down right evil glares.


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Pray happy for you.

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I had not realized that there were several transwomen here who found themselves at an early age. My happiness for you.

To all those who have faced the horror of coming against a society that does not understand. Pray happy for you.

To all those who have been beaten half to death because of something you did not do. Pray happy for you.

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starting with a title

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The town where I live was expanded from a small market town during the nineteen sixties, spreading out into the surrounding countryside. As the newly developed areas were built on greenfield sites finding street names has been something of a problem - one area has streets named for composers, another for islands and another for Roman emperors!

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My installments will be late this week, and probably next week as well. I knew that having guests over for Easter would be throwing my schedule off, but I hadn't taken a serious look around the house to see how much cleaning I needed to do before I'd be comfortable with company.

So if you don't see me around here in the next week or so, nothing serious has happened.

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Runway thank you

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Thank you all for taking interest and commenting on this series. There have been several ideas posted as to what Brenda should do and a continuation of this story. One would be a trial, but trials don't take place for many months after the arrests. Brenda has taken care of her duties involving this case and won't be required to testify for a long bit of time.

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Mirror mirror on the wall...

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A friend of mine told me this little snippet:

Pick up a mirror, lie on your back and look at the reflection of your face; this is what you looked like ten years ago.

Sit up and look at your face in the mirror; this is obviously what you look like now.

Put the mirror on your bed/ floor and look down at your reflection; this is what you will look like in ten years time.

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Falling Off?

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I keep stating that I can't believe this is still running, and now after 236 episodes, I feel a need to check that you as readers want me to continue churning out this stuff.


PS thanks for the support you've shown throughout this story.

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Sometimes I Wonder

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Yeah well I'm like that. I get these random thoughts and they wander all over the shop and end up a million miles from the starting point so you sit and go… huh, how'd I get here.

I recently went through a bout of depression that knocked me about just a bit. Well, I did look in every now and then but I didn't comment and I didn't add anything anywhere. Just couldn't see…

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I bought a fence for my doggelle and put it up today. Now I'm in pain, hope to be feeling better after taking pain meds but need to flake out for a few hours at least.

The doggette had a good time in the yard though, she caught a three inch long grasshopper. :) It was almost worth kranging my back to watch her. She didn't know whether to attack or run and hide. :)

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For John in W-w-what'sitsname?

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An English couple were touring the States and while in Wisconsin, they came across a place named Wauwatosa.

Now this couple had no idea about how this was pronounced, having fallen foul when visiting Little Rock some time before and finding out that Arkansas is not pronounced the same as Kansas.

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tense? I am

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I'm writing an SF story set in the near future, but written in the past tense (if that makes sense). The problem is, although not written in the first person, the 'author' must be in the future to write in the past tense, but some of the things written about would/will still be the same when the 'author' is writing, so should they be referred to in the present tense?

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Names, Names, What's in Names?

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We were chatting about names, meanings, and which sex you might associate them with the other day in conjunction with one of the fine serials running.

Then, today, I noticed this story in the New York Times. (online subscription required, but easy to get and free.)

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Perhaps this shall be "The Vagina Chronicles 1.0".

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I am sharing these following details so that those who have not completed this journey will either be too frightened to continue or go into SRS with a more realistic view. Had I realized how significantly different my experience would be from what others had described, perhaps I would have thought things out more thouroghly, though I doubt that it would have changed my ultimate destination.

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Teh dog iz funneh

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I was lying in bed reading and Cuddles lying next to me. Some big truck passed on the street and shook the house. Cuddles decided someone must be in the house and started growling. I got up to go to the living room with her, she wouldn't go alone, to show her no one was in the house. She was right behind me.

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About "For King & Country"

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I thought I'd write an introduction for my currently serialised piece.

First of all, it's very different to anything else I've written, which tend to be surreal, very personal stories based on my own life experiences. I'll start posting those after I get done with this one. As you can probably guess, this one has very little to do with my life experiences! Unless you count being glued to the telly-box everytime a Bond film came on during my childhood...

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Komputor Arm. Oweeeeeeee!

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It's finally happened. I normally use the computer 8-10 hours a day; done it for a couple years and had no propblem. Suddenly, my right arm and shoulder are hurting like there is a daemon loose in my body, and my left is not far behind. I hope this resolves soon.

It is just awful, since those of you who write deserve generous comments, but they won't be coming from me for a while.


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Introducing myself!

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Hi everyone,

My name is Miss K and I've been kicking around the more disreputable corners of the Internet since too long ago. I'm a writer, artist, musician and have somewhat sarcastically self-labelled myself a "transgender z-list celebrity".

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Outsidey Awards Categories, and Now Open for Nominations!

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My Judges helped me finalize the Category list, and we've broken it into three areas of interest: Character Categories, Genre Categories, and Overall Categories

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Things Not Done

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Having some trouble getting things done, you may have noticed.

It's not just stuff on the site. I need time to recover which I will, I'm pretty resilient about stuff like this but just bear with me while I work through it.

Hugs to all,

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One last roll of the dice

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Sad news for all the gamers here. Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, has passed away at age 69. Despite his declining health, Gary was still hosting weekly games at his home as recently as January. He touched a lot of lives through his creation, and he will be missed.

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The Mary McCoy

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I don't even know anymore. I guess I'm a chronic alcoholic because last night I woke up about 1:30 in the morning not even remembering I had drank a single drink. I woke up looking at the clock and going "oh god... if I don't set my alarm I'm going to be late for work." And so I woe and set my alarm and set out all my clothes and all that and then, well... I had weird dreams.

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Taoist Funeral

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Last week I participated in a funeral in the Taoist tradition in Hong Kong. While funerals are not most peoples' preferred activity the older you get the more of them you witness.

The Chinese experience is so different I thought I'd share it. Firstly, Taoism is the traditional religion of China with multiple gods and "saints". The terms don't translate exactly, so I'll approximate.

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I wonder

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I ran across this article today while web surfing. In short it is about a Chinese girl Xu Jiao playing the part of a boy in a Stephen Chow film called CJ7. I can't help but wonder if there would've been more attention if it had been a boy playing a girl's part. After all what's the difference? :)

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I have a request.

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If anyone reading this has bought my book, "Headlights Girl", could you please go to


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Mothering Sunday

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Mothering Sunday is NOT the same thing as Mothers' Day. It falls every year on the fourth Sunday of Lent and is a Church of England festival. Originally it was the day when the nobility allowed their servants to go and visit their mothers, taking a small posy as a gift.

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Oscar v Stephanie

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I have a question for my readers (all four of them).

My installments in both Oscar Night and Stephanie's Deal were late this week. I have no buffer left on either story and I'm not sure if I can get back on schedule next week. So if I have to drop one of them to less than weekly (like every ten days instead of every seven), which one would you rather not have to wait as long for?

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Poem in Dear Abby column

There is a wonderful poem written by a 12 year old girl in today's Dear Abby column. It's called "Don't Judge" by Lealia Xiong from Guilford, Conn. The poem can be read in it's entirety online here:

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There are several Fan-fictions posted at that are not posted elsewhere. They are a most wonderful contribution to Maddy Bell's Gaby-verse. There are some Fan-fictions posted that are by authors here at Big Closet/Top Shelf. It would be a shame to not read these most excellent stories.
May Your Light Forever Shine

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the reason for poetry

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One of our worthy hereditary peers of the realm has launched an attack on nurses in the National Health Service, and went on to criticise staff in dispensaries for taking too much time to dispense drugs (he compared it unfavourable to the service he gets in his grocers, saying dispensing was a simple job).

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You had me at Vienna...

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Amazon's 'Your Store' can be a bit of a pain - if it's not the scrolling through, ticking 'own that' and 'not interested' boxes, it's the liability to spend, spend, spend. Once in a while however, it turns up something that suits you down to the ground.

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How did I know?

When did I know? That is a tough question. During my pre-school to the third grade I was believed to be mentally retarded. To say I was aware I was different is to make a huge understatement. Those years in school wasn't pleasant at all and whatever other problems was lost surviving in the middle of desegregation during the late sixties here in the South.

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How did you know?

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Hi, this is my first blog entry. I have some thoughts, when did you know you were TG, TS, or what ever? I don't want, after I had sex with an on line image or after I wore my mom's clothes, I want the first time I knew. I knew when I was around ten or twelve years old. I wanted to be a woman so badly that I could taste it. I read an article about Concinelle growing breasts and that put me over the edge. My Mom dressed me as a girl some years before, just playing around and I loved what she had done.

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I am doing the Snoopy happy dance!

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Mom came through with flying colors, my friend is FINALLY out of prison, sent there for a crime he didn't commit, and I got my first royalty check from Lulu from sales of my book, Headlights Girl!!!!!

All in all, life is pretty good right now, for the first time in a long time, even though I'm, still fighting a cold, and KimEm is in hospital.

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Posting Resumes I Assume

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Hey folks, Krunch here. I apologize for not getting content up sooner. I'm feeling much better, and thank you to everyone who's said nice things about me in spite of the fact that I've given you nothing to read lately. And to all of those who have been plotting against me, I will get you. Me or one of my loyals will get you.

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After thoughts on an Unfinished Symphony

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Well, it's all out there. I wan't kidding when I said it was like sending a kid off to college. I've lived with this story for quite a while and continued to learn more about the characters, who, quite frankly, I really like.

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Preening myself - occasionally?

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When I was sitting on top of a mythical Tibetan mountain listening to my mythical mentor - One Flung Lo, I recalled something he mythically said to me.

'Lotus Blossom, never look for accolades for if you seek, you shall never find.'

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KimEM More Updates

Just an FYI really for those that want.

They did the Cardiac Catherization yesterday afternoon. Results are that they WILL be doing the valve translplant and that there WILL be 2 bypasses done while they are in there.

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Oh, that I could have such a problem, Sigh.

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I think it is pretty obvious why these two created such a stir. If I could look like that they could kick me off every flight.

Maybe they should offer complementary Burqas?



Better look at this quick before it is gone. Yeah, totally.

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Transsexual in Iran.

To see this fascinating documentary, go to:

click on i-player, then go to BBC2, factual. You have six days to see it.

I found it profoundly disturbing but compelling viewing.


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StorySite, ReluctantPress, GabyZone, Maddybell and Others....

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Will be offline for a few days. Our provider is having yet another set of circuit issues and as a result we are MOVING everything to a new provider. Please bear with us durring this outtage.

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