Time out of phase

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Not sure when I'll post (repost technically) the next chapters of "Ju-Ju Box." I'm in a weird phase of life where I'm trying to overcome long term alcohol addiction while at the same time getting balance in everything I do. Such as gaming. I had a huge problem playing way too many video games a few years ago. It ate up almost all my free time and before I knew it, yeah, it affected everything else in my life, story writing included. So now I try to keep the gaming to like 2 nights a week but if anything video games are more addictive than the alcohol. So what to do? /sigh. Anyhow I've got some great ideas for more stories, just haven't had the time (or focus) to get to writing them.

The combination of 20 years or so gaming and alcohol addiction has made things seem "out of phase" for me. Not just talking blackouts but it's like you put other things aside and then forget about them completely. You don't mean to but it happens... quite often. Like forwarding addresses. I'm really bad about changing my address when I move. Horrifically bad. Like it's not my style either or personality type to just not care but here I am, forgetting, and after I post this, you know what? I'll forget again. That's what I mean by out of phase. Like maybe I'm getting alzheimer's or something. Like the other day I had the same conversation like five times with someone and didn't realize it until they pointed out that "you said that five times already just now" and I was like "I did???" And the strange part is I've seen this before and felt sorry for people that had that problem. And it doesn't feel like your memory is bad or anything. It just feels like you actually had ONE conversation and then someone standing there you're talking to is lying to you, telling you you said that again and again, and you're like "no way!!!" Like time just skipped a notch and you missed it or else someone else saw time loop again and again five times and you weren't in the time loop but they were. Something like that. And the weird thing is the first time I had this happen was at a very young age. Preteen, where I saw my sister run out across the back lawn late one windy night and she vanished right before my eyes and the scene scrambled up like someone playing fast-forward on a video tape. I haven't experienced that same phenomenon since but that's the closest thing I could imagine to what is happening to me more and more these days. Like some ability I had way back when to see time from a different perspective and watch it skip. Sort of like a time traveler where your perspective is different from those around you as you fast forward through time. Exactly like that. Exactly like a time traveler going faster and faster. And you know what? As I've grown older it does seem like the years go by faster and faster than ever before. It's definately a measurable difference from my perspective than when I was much younger.

So now I get to go to some kind of alcohol rehab but it may already be too late. The damage is done and I'm stuck out of phase from everyone else and there's nothing I can do but accept it for what it is and maybe hold back from talking too much for fear of repeating myself.

Hi there. Not sure when I'll post (repost technically) the next chapters of "Ju-Ju Box." I'm in a weird phase of life where I'm trying to overcome long term alcohol addiction while at the same time getting balance in everything I do...

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