Okay, here's what I told Sephrena last night:
Before I left the hospital, she was stable and "sleeping normally" which is the doctors' way of saying "not in a coma".
She was found with duct tape on her ankles and wrists on the outskirts of a park under some bushes, and it doesn't look like anything was broken except her head. Several skull fractures, but nothing actually broken free, and she was bloody. They found a fire bat about 100 yards away from her that had blood on it that's the same type as hers (and is likely hers).
Today, she's in and out of sleep, but doesn't appear brain damaged. She has 3 broken ribs and 4 separate fractures of the skull. She's going home today with her head wrapped and her ribs wrapped, AMA (she has a mild concussion). I only got to talk to her for a few minutes before I had to leave. The doctors are still being fussy about her visitors.
She's battered and beaten pretty badly, but it's mostly what they call "superficial" stuff. Bruises across her face and arms, a few incidental cuts -- but since she's on those thinner pills, all the blood from the little cuts is probably what got her dumped out at that park so that they didn't get caught with a dead girl in their van.
The police have talked to her and apparently she decided to take a walk yesterday afternoon/evening. She was about a block away from home when a van stopped and grabbed her. She said that she didn't pass out when they hit her with the bat, and that she only saw the two guys in the back, and not the driver. She was able to rip the tape holding her arms together and dig her phone out of her pocket to hold down one of her quick dials with her thumb -- my number. But she was only able to call and not talk and passed out soon after under a bush she crawled to. She saw the two guys in the back of the van, but not the driver. I don't think it was our relatives -- they're too stupid to have hired someone and they live 5-6 hours from here. They would have wanted to be hands on, so I don't think they had anything to do with it.
I'm going back to the hospital this afternoon, so I'll tell her about all the well-wishes.
Thanks for keeping us in the loop
She's someone we all care about.
You Bet!
Hugs Ariana and please let her know we all love her and wish her the best possible recovery!
BigCloset TopShelf
Thank you for letting us know
I've been thinking about her all day worrying how she is. Still the way it was done seems strange. No matter. What is important is that she lived and will be home soon. Hang in there both of you!
You are a good sister
Thank you for letting Edeyn's online friends know about her.
Best wishes to you and yours.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Walker beware?
I just recently moved from the city to a rural area. I got the creeps each day I was in the city. I feared for my own life even in good ol archaic Dover, DE. People have been shot, hit and run, cut and stabbed just for being on some sicko's turf. I found it safer to move as finding someone to be a companion is hard to do (for me, I have a hard time with socializing and not driving someone away).
I transitioned two years ago, no longer do I ook like a brute but as I intended to be female. ergo I know I am no longer a threat to someone else.
Lets hope the bat has finger prints of the culprit and certainly the duct tape has finger prints where it was torn. where ever this took placel ets hope the foresics officers are involved in solving the case.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Are you saying that
Are you saying that relatives would like to hurt her?
This sounds really bad to me.
Does that mean that they might have anything to do with this?
That sucks terribly.
I hope she will get better fast.
and take care you too.