Well, for a few weeks anyway.
The good news is that my cousin lent me a laptop, so I can still work on writing and keep in contact with people. The bad news? The internet here is AWFUL. I swear, it's worse than before I left. Just doing the basic research I have to for the games magazine I got an (unpaid, unfortunately) position with eats up my daily bandwidth, and doing anything more than email -- no, INCLUDING doing email -- is an exercise in waiting, dealing with random drops and delays, and frustration. I've got some writing work that requires research I'm only going to be able to work on while at my cousins' because our connection here is so bad.
Nevertheless, I need to raise some money while I'm down here, so here's what I'd like to propose:
I may not be the best writer around, but I'd like to think I'm pretty darn decent for an amateur place like this. My work does relatively well as far as read counts go, and I know that it is pretty clean.
Here's the deal. I'm gonna be stuck down here another 3-5 weeks or so. While I'm here, and heck, if it goes well even once I get back to New York, I'm putting out a shingle as a freelance editor and ghost writer.
That's right, people! For the low, low price of 1$ for every 1k words you can have me edit and comment on your work, providing feedback on characters, story flow, structure, and anything else you'd like my opinion on. Alternatively, if you have a story idea you'd like to see written but just don't have time for, I can instead write original pieces of short fiction (no more than maybe 5-7.5k words) at the same rate.
There are caveats to both of these offers, of course. Everyone should be well aware of my tastes in fiction by now, and while I'm willing to step outside those boundaries a bit in the name of work, going too far will result in me turning down a position. On top of that, I simply don't have good enough internet access to do any research online, meaning that ghost writing requests for something like, say, a period drama or a heavily religion-based piece would be unrealistic.
I'm gonna be stuck here for a while, so any and all interested parties should PM or email me with details about what they would like. Longer editing works I'm willing to renegotiate.
My mom's on disability, my dad just had a toe removed and is fighting to get temporary disability with the plan to eventually change that into long-term, and things are a bit tight around the house money-wise at the moment. Anyone interested, PLEASE, let me know.
Melanie E.
Sorry sis.....
I'll try to get better as soon as I can.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
It isn't your fault
And don't rush your recovery, sis. I'm alright here for now, really!
Just take care of yourself, and keep in touch, and I'll be happy.
Melanie E.