Tragedy of the Spirit

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I will continue with Yragedy on the weekend. I am due for a hospital visit thursday for some Chemo. Blessings. The next few chapters are complete except the few edits that they require.

Mellissa (prairie_girl_64)


I have the "C".....

Hi Stan, Yes Unfotuneately, I have Cancer of the liver, No I did not get that while drinking. I never touched alchohol. I have Eplipsy and the medication I take for it has cause a severe deterioration of my Liver. In November of last year I had 20% of my Liver removed. I the had a biopsy in Feb of this year and ia few weeks later I was diagnosed with Liver cancer. I am managing as best I can. That is why I was in the hospital for a while before I posted my last set of chapters to "Tragedy". It is a preliminary dose to see how my body will react to the treatments. I am on so many prescription meds as it is with my MS and my Epilepsy, that it was a inevitable thing for me to get it, later on in my life. Hoawever I am kinda upbeat and scared at the same time. Blessings Stan and tyo all of those that have read "Tragedy". I will return with the next set.

Mellissa (prairie_girl_64)

God Bless