I am a Christian. I was raised a Southern Baptist. I am lucky that their dogma did not poison me. I believe that GOD LOVES us all and that HE will not oppose one that wants to correct their body to the gender that they want to be. If you are T.G. in anyway, God will accept you as you are.
Those that stand against the T.G. Community do not represent GOD!! They are using god to fulfill their own agenda of hatred and intolerence. A TRUE CHURCH will accept all people as they are.
A bourgeois conceit
I was raised in a socialist millieu, but by the mid-eighties many of my friends, and some relations, had drifted into the Militant movement and maintained that TG (like homosexuality) was a bourgeois conceit. I wanted nothing to do with this Trotskyite posturing which is why I became a straight ahead Marxist-Leninist, even though with my complexion the people's flag does tend to make me look blotchy.