Three letter word, or who's dear.

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Ah here we go, this is one of those lunatic rambles inspired, if that's anything like the word, by various 'conversations' with several different people. It's about identity and self perception and that big little three letter word, you know the one, it's every bloody where, whether you think about it or not. I mean what is it that sells and what do your average 14 year old boys think about every 3.5 seconds or something?

Now we here may be average in a rather limited and obscure focus group, that generally doesn't do surveys and the marketing types only care if the numbers are there, so...

Is it boys or girls? What is it that you dream of? What person or type inhabits your dreams and fantasies? I suppose being as how I sort of identify in a vague way with guy to girl types that's where my head is.

Did I before? Yes I did, I fell into a couple of relationships with women. Fell? Well yeah, I couldn't claim hunter status in any way, just happened. One of those I could.. well I thought maybe I could... have done the man thing. Sex? Nah, sex was no biggie, nice enough but so what. There's a whole lot more than sex, despite what some may say. No I mean the whole marriage, commitment, father, husband thing. Had she been pregnant I would have... well I'd have tried. But I know, I'd have failed. It would have been a disaster sooner or later. Now how could I do that to anyone, especially someone I loved. So... Mixed in with a few other things, damn near killed me, but hey, still here... Of course my situation is not necessarily yours and we all make our choices accordingly. Different circumstance or timing, who knows. I don't and I surely can't judge.

So who is it for me? Ah, good question. I could not have had a relationship as a guy with a guy. Just could not. Nothing to do with morals or societal expectations, I just couldn't. Did kiss a guy once. Sorry, separate story. Anyway the thing is I don't believe that hormones really affect you that much in that sense. Sure there's effects, no question. But the core of who you are and who you're attracted to, nope doesn't change. In my case I can say I'm a little free'er to explore the possibilities. So a guy is not out of the question. But then being as I'm in that sort of inbetweenies state it's somewhat moot anyhow. I don't look and I don't try. It's not an out of the question thing, just very unlikely. Yet I have been gently set up with a guy and gone out a few times. Friendly and there's stories both sides... isn't there always. Cliché... hah, I don't know how to spell it, er...

So I guess I'm wondering. To you, what is it? Is it your own desires free'd up to be yourself now? Is it an expectation that, hey you're a girl and girls like guys... right? Or do you and have you always liked gals? Or perhaps guys as the case may be.

Maybe it doesn't matter at all, hell I know the journey is fraught enough that I have enough trouble holding myself together. Just imagine... responsibility for others.. oh god, so you steer away perhaps, not wanting to risk or burden or.... what's that Billy Joel song... Honessssstttyyy is suuuch a lonellly wooord.... Too bloody true Billy boy. Course we're all selfish pricks aint we... I mean..can't you just be a man, you're hurting people?

Ah, see... 'like a circle like a spiral like a wheel within a wheel... '

I do get that sort of. It is selfish, but then so's breathing. And should you decide you can't and go... Oh you selfish bastard, look how you hurt... Yes I know, selfish bitch, but chances are they wouldn't think that.. and of course there's little thought as to why.

So back to that narrow focus group. Yet within that little microcosm there's a whole wide world of individual desire and expectation. Belief and perception of right and wrong. Wishes and expectations as wide as the rest, yet not within it in a way. I'm just so bloody different yet I just want to fit.... here. No not there, that's dirty or degrading or twisted or not nice. Oh that's cute... Yet a half step or a wrong turn and...

See what drives us is the same and yet it's not and it's different yet it's not that different, but... When and how and who do you want to hold on to?

Drunken musings on a Saturday night. Like someone said, you need to get something out every now and then... Good thing I never claimed sanity. Damn that's one hour I won't get back... Good thing I've got the kids... here puppies…

Befuddleddly yours


If it floats your boat...

go for it. If it doesn't don't try to be something that you are not.

I've always been attracted to women. Except for a year or two when HRT took away all attraction. So years later I'm still a lesbian, I now believe I could have sex with a man and possibly enjoy it. Yet truthfully men don't work in my mind for relationships which I consider to be much different from sex. Since I want a relationship over sex I guess I'll never know if I would enjoy sex with a man.



I wonder, but I try not to worry too much

I can't speak for anyone else, but this is how I've sort of worked it out for myself.

My first "sexual" (or at least "sensual") kiss was with a boy. We were nine, or at least I was; he might have been ten. We did it on a bus ride to a summer day camp, his idea; I figured the intention (being nine) was to "gross out" the rest of the bus which I thought was a great idea. But I found I quite enjoyed the sensation, even without all the amusing expressions of general disgust that "smooching" elicits from eight- to twelve-year-olds, and was mildly annoyed at the exclamation of "ewwww, ho-mo-sex-shoo-walls!" from some older kid in the front of the bus. Not that I really understood what that meant beyond the literal meaning, but it was jarring to realize that others really did see us as two boys kissing, even though that was kind of the point of the exercise at the outset, because that's not how I experienced it and it kind of ruined the moment for me.

As I grew up, I mostly didn't question the sexuality of my friends, though I tended to gravitate to people who weren't too stereotypically masculine or feminine just because I guess I felt more comfortable with them. I formed emotional attachments equally easily with people of either sex. I only ever found myself fantasizing about sexual situations with any of my male friends when I was imagining what my life would be like if I had the female body I felt I was supposed to; the idea of a boy being attracted to me because I was a boy wasn't exactly revolting or anything, but more disappointing because it missed the point. But the idea of me being attracted to boys who were attracted to me as I saw myself deep down, as a girl, wasn't a problem for me emotionally. And the idea of a boy being attracted to me as a girl gave me a happy, warm, comforted feeling. I could get aroused thinking of myself as a girl being with a boy, but I never could get aroused thinking about myself as a boy being with a boy.

Girls of course were a whole different matter. Mostly I was suffused with envy that they got to have the bodies they were supposed to and I didn't. When the testosterone started flowing and stirring up sexual feelings I spent a lot of time imagining what it would feel like to have a body like that, and to be touched, caressed, and so on. I also "knew" that as a boy I was expected to be with girls, so I tried to imagine what that would be like. And it was quite arousing, in contrast to imagining me as a boy being with boys. It was confusing when I tried to understand it, which I didn't too often, but eventually I realized that what was so arousing about it was imagining what the things I did would feel like to her. But when I imagined having a girl's body myself, imagining being with a girl wasn't nearly as arousing. Again, not revolting or anything, just--not sexually exciting, particularly.

So to an outside observer, I suppose I looked rather like an ordinary heterosexual male. (Then again maybe not; I've always tended to set off people's "gaydar" for some reason.) I suppose my strong ability to empathize with women has made it easier for me to "fit in" that way and probably helped me be a sensitive lover (a compliment I've gotten from more than one partner). Whenever I've been in a sexual relationship with a woman I've found it quite possible to get aroused thinking of myself as a woman with her, so at times I've wondered if maybe I was a "lesbian trapped in a man's body," but then I've remembered high-school daydreams about being a girl and "making out" with one of my male friends and decided that didn't make sense, or at least couldn't be the whole story.

Other times I've wondered if I wasn't just a gay man in deep denial, but the idea of being gay doesn't bother me as far as I can tell; I've actually felt quite bad more than once at having to disappoint friends who were hoping I was, and with one close friend even tried "making out" a couple of times just to be sure but it didn't do anything for me at all, even under the influence of a few wine coolers to loosen any inhibitions I might have had. I suppose I could "be" gay and just didn't find those particular guys attractive, but it just doesn't feel like a good fit for me, so I don't think that's it either. And for all the aforementioned reasons I don't think I'm exactly bisexual, either.

Anyway I try not to worry about it too much, but when I feel the need to categorize my sexuality these days I tend to look at myself as a more-or-less heterosexual woman stuck with a man's body, but with certain useful coping skills built on strong empathy and a vivid imagination.

How do you put your finger on it when your TS

Some might say I'm Bi-sexual because I attempted to meet societys expectations of me.Being with women just didn't work out and I almost developed a simpathy for men(one horror story of a girlfriend).Now men they do it for me but only from my belief that I'm truly meant to be a woman.I also view sex with a man as a man well as gross (it's okay to be gay).So here is where all the confusion meets am I gay because I was born with a male body but enjoy the company of men?Am I bisexual because I tried women or am I a heterosexual woman because I prefer men and wish to live my life as much as possible as a woman?Amy who's now more confused then ever Lol


joannebarbarella's picture

I can scarcely spell that when I'm sober. If I was drunk-no chance-I couldn't even find the keyboard. You're an amazing lady, Kristina, to be able to carry on like my Irish mate, Phil O'Sophicle with a few drinks inside you.
Ah, sex. I don't really think it makes the world go round as much as most people think. Of course it can be a lovely feeling, but I think it'd be more an expression of real affection and then, in many situations, totally inappropriate. I love my son and my grandchildren without reservation, but there's nothing sexual about it and I'm sure this community is no less caring than any other (maybe more)in such relationships. Some things transcend sex.
Personally, when it comes to partnerships of the romantic kind I've always been attracted to women only, even when I was at my most girlish, and yet I still feel that envy for their state of existence, that wish that I should have been one of them. Confusing, eh?
I can only surmise that it shows the futility of trying to hang labels on ourselves. If you can find love and comfort in the arms (whether figurative or real) of another human being, of whatever ilk they may be, then I say grab it as hard as you can. What turns me on will likely be totally different to the tastes of others but, to me, that does not detract from the reality of any relationship with love in it.
And how do you know if it's a good relationship? Well, you don't until you suck it and see. Love can burn fiercely bright and then slip away because of a change in circumstances, and that can really hurt, particularly if one partner still loves until the emotion is beaten to a pulp. But should you never try because of that possibility?
Of course not.
And, Kristina, It's clearly time you wrote again. When you can put all that into a blog there must be a story dying to get out.

I know what you are talking about

I have built walls so I could no tact on my own intuition. I have known since I was a small child in grade school that my femininity and desire for boys ran hand in hand. Unfortunately I was raised in the 50's. boys are not supposed to like boys. Being born intersexed and raised as a boy certainly was a challenge. I looked at girls because of the clothes they wore. I was envious of them.
I soon learned to remain locked within myself.
For many years I felt left out. I claimed asexual as my sexuality, knowing full well if I had a vagina I'd be with a boy.
Now at a late age I finally have come to realize that my dating a guy is not wrong, I am after all a female and what takes place between two consenting adults is perfectly natural. My inner psyche is female so holding a gus hand, kissing him is all natural for me. I am a female and thus my cravings for men is exactly like that of any other female.
it is amazing at how people place that little bit of flesh between ones legs as prime importnce in a relationship, when in fact is a whole lot of things before that piece of flesh becomes a part of the deal.
Here I felt like I was all alone, thank you for broaching the subject.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.