daphne's blog

The Penultimate Chapter of Evi Westcott's Odyssey at Long Last

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Hi, all. I didn’t imagine that 14 months would pass before I posted another chapter of my book-length story, Balthasar’s Extract. Blame it on a serious case of writer’s block aggravated by real life — the usual excuse. It seemed to me important that the story come to a full, complete and convincing close.

I leave it to you, dear readers, to decide whether I’ve succeeded or not. Jan S, my muse and most faithful proofreader, has already chastised me for not carrying Evi Westcott’s story onward to about 1940, but that’s just her opinion.

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Evi's Endless Odyssey

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I gave serious thought to killing Evi Westcott off this time. Her diary just won't quit, there are more characters than War and Peace, and she hasn't even started college yet. All the friends could have come to her funeral and said what a swell girl she was. Anyway, I tried out some scenarios on my friends, one of them (the scenario, not the friend) shamelessly plagiarized from la Traviata, but no one was buying it. So here's Part VI of Balthasar's Extract. If you like it, drop me a note and tell me why.

Hugs, Daphne

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Imaginary Conversations I Had Once, with a Girl

The power was off last night. There was just me and my laptop in the dark, and my mind started to wander around.

Imaginary Conversations I Might Have Had Once, With a Girl


Felicia, I know I’m not cool, and I promise I’ll never tell anyone we’re, you know, we have anything going on, but, do you think, I mean, could we just be friends? Friend friends?

Downside risk: Eeww!

Upside possibility: You mean talk and stuff? I s’pose so. [Thinking] Uh, Harry, would you help me with my Algebra?

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This Beta Text Needs Smart Readers Like You

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Dear BCTS Friends,

Evi V is ready for testing in Beta version. Known formally as Balthasar’s Elixir Part V, this 16,000 word chunk is the continuation of Evelyn Westcott’s novel-length journey toward self-realization as a turn-of-the-20th Century gender-conflicted youth.

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And Now We Know

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The jury is in. Our collective apprehension about the contents of the pop up ads has been put to rest by experience. Whatever filtering process Erin is putting them through works just fine. Hope they put lots of pennies in the hatbox.

Hugs to all, Daphne

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Seeking Aid from One Who Knows Vienna Well

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Dear Friends, I am an American author engaged in the writing of a coming-of-age novel about a young person of indeterminate gender that is set in the early years of the 20th Century. Four parts to the novel, totalling over 70,000 words, have been posted on Big Closet Top Shelf (www.bigclosetr.us) as Balthasar’s Extract, the Diary of Evelyn Westcott.

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I Hope So Too

Jan, Thanks so much for posting A Ray of Hope. I've been to the Third Way website that you mentioned, and read a synopsis of the progressive-evangelical dialogue and manifesto that's posted there. And it does give this BC regular, at least, reason for hope that people in the US may yet find "common ground" on cultural issues.

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Author Needs Help!

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Do you know a lot about organic chemistry? Do you speak German and know your way around Vienna? Do you speak Italian, and know your way around Rome? If any of these, and you are able to help me authenticate the plot of a lengthy coming-of-age novel set in the years just before World War One, I would love to hear from you!

Hugs, Daphne

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