Do you know a lot about organic chemistry? Do you speak German and know your way around Vienna? Do you speak Italian, and know your way around Rome? If any of these, and you are able to help me authenticate the plot of a lengthy coming-of-age novel set in the years just before World War One, I would love to hear from you!
Hugs, Daphne
(p.s.: The first installment of the book was posted as "Evelyn's Diary" about six weeks ago.)
I Will Help As Much As I Can
I got A's in science. and I watch the Science Channel
May Your Light Forever Shine
Trying to help.
I speak English and know my way around Seattle does that help? :)
Mr. Ram
Seatle in 1907
Actually, Daphne, Mr. Ram might be on to something here. Seattle was an interesting place then. There were a lot more women in town then men. About one third of he women listed there occupation as seamstress, so the city instituted a "Seamstress Tax" but you didn't have to pay it if you owned a sewing machine. One of the major business figures was a woman who gave a million dollars (enough to make her one of the richest people in the country at that time) to the Seattle School system, but the city has never named a school, or library, or anything else after her.
Maybe Evelyn should visit?
Why Not Hoboken?
With all due respect to the fair city of Seattle, just imagine what Daphne's gift for historical fiction could
do with the Vienna of those days! After Evelyn's Diary I trust her vision implicitly. Of course Evelyn would have to meet with Dr. Freud; not to mention the comic potential of this unworldly provincial American kid confronted by all those crazy modern artists, bolsheviks, "free love" proponents and absinthe swillers...
Can I help with the historical, cultural or geographical background? Afraid not, my knowledge is limited
to a few anecdotes about artists, and I know even less about Rome, just a little about the Futurists
and some of those spooky proto-fascists. And the less said about me and chemistry the better...
But I can't wait to read it!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Seriously, people . . . nobody's a doctor or nurse?
OK, great, my earlier msg has turned up experts on Seattle and Hoboken and possible help from a German speaker who is regrettably not, however, Viennese. Not a single person who knows Rome! Those needs, anyway, are still a couple of months away. Right now, I'd love to hear from anyone who knows something about medical history, especially endocrinology and the development of organic chemistry methods, on which the credibility of Evelyn's odyssey hangs. Hugs, y'all,
Daphne, Have You An Encyclopedia?
You should be able to find the data there or on the internet
May Your Light Forever Shine