TopShelf Blogs

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Which story shall I work on first?

I have managed to paint myself into a virtual corner, and I am unsure how to proceed. In addition to my novel for publication, I have a slew of stories currently in production for BigCloset. If I'm going to get anything posted, I need to focus on one of them at a time. The question I want to throw out there is for the folks who read my stuff -- what do you want to see first?

Here's what's I'm currently working on (not including my Stardust story contest entry):

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Update to "Ancient Lands" - Itinerant's Author's Page

I've posted some additional information. For Ma'at - A pointer to some pictures of the Temple of Ma'at that is located in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, and a link to an article about the mummy of Hatshepsut being found.

For Amazon, there are pictures of Nicole's "Journey" earrings and pendant, a layout of the apartment she shares with Angela Ogle, and pictures of the Tanner's house.

All this, and a kitten going postal, at

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New Julie O at Stardust

I've just posted Julie O's entry in Bob's Stardust Contest over at Stardust. Since one of the objectives of the Stardust contest is to increase readership *and comments* at Stardust, we will not be posting the story elsewhere until the close of the contest.

Please read and comment on all the contest entries at Stardust.


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My first post

The first post is like falling in love... I hope what I say will help you feel attracted to me and will make you come again to see if I have said anything new. I have a great challenge to attract you only with my words. I am sure an image would have been nice, moving images might have been better and even better would have been a three dimensional presence.

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Discovered - A Wonderful Author

I was scoping out my favorite TG comics earlier this evening, one of which is Jade Gordon's Lean On Me. I've always found her artwork to be lovely, and since she's currently needing some commissions, I thought it might be time for me to get some drawings for my K&K series. Following some links in an effort to see if I could afford her, I went to to look at the book cover she did for a story titled Fool For Love by Lisa Lees. The Lulu page has a link to a preview of this story, and I was captivated immediately. This woman can write!


On Comments

The following musings are not specific to this particular site, but to all sites of the genre. Actually, it has more to do with a discussion I was part of in a chatroom, said discussion having left me a bit irritated and in need of a soapbox to publicly expound upon. This, then, is my first blog entry.


Uncertain origins

I see that my description of my pup's origins have garnered a lot of comment.

I really don't know what his pedigree is, though there has been a lot of speculation. He is definitely part chihuahua. He is petite and has the typical coloration (colouration for those who read English.)

Happy New Year

Well, the clock has now passed midnight and the Valley of the Sun has welcomed the New Year.

It's been a quiet evening for me, watching movies with my 'boyfriend' (Skipper, the 3-year-old Saluki-Chihuahua mix I adopted from a rescue shelter in October), and finishing up proofing of another story from one of our premier authors.

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You probably wouldn't like it
if one of your favorite story sites were closed,
but it could happen.

Please, let's all be courteous, kind and considerate
in public comments attached to author stories.


Wen Spencer's Blog

Today I went to professional author Wen Spencers Blog located at to look for an article about how to go about getting your writing published. Her Blog has some really good information, because she detailed her own struggle. Todays entry was good for it talked about her and her husband playing on-line games. The funny part was Wen was playing a male character and her husband playing a female. People was making the mistake that he really was female and he couldn't convince them otherwise! A case of virtual TG? LOL!


Genomorph 2 Teaser at The Vault

Chapter One of "Genomorph 2: The More Things Change..." is up at Scott's Vault. Be warned, it has practically nothing to do with the overall plot of the story. It's like the little 'Opening Gambit' bits they used to do on MacGyver - the little mini adventure Mac would have before the credits ran.

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Just one more...

I know what I said, but I was mistaken. I have been handed the perfect opportunity to get one more out (I hope) for the competition, which should be with you before Christmas.

I can't tell you anything about it - I want it to be a surprise. Anyway, it largely depends upon whether I can get an editor (proofreader - whatever) in time. Fingers crossed.

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Thanks BC

Hi there to you all and Merry Christmas!

I'd just like to say a really big thank you to all who are involved with BC from the people who run it to the people who just like to read from it, you've all been very generous in the reviews you have given my stories. This is by far and away the best site of this type on the net and it pains me to have to take this rather enforced break from being able to read from and add to it.

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Nicki's Blog.

Yet again a possibly good site goes down the main stream and states that says - Welcome to the best in EROTIC Transgender (CD, TV & TS) stories on the Web! And the only premium TG story site. Where does an trans-author not interested in erotic stories go and publish there work. A lot of the readers have stated that my work is good, but words don't pay the bills.

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A Public Apology to Jezzi

I posted Surprise! over at Sapphire's Place, not realizing that somehow I had crossed a line I didn't know was there. While replying to a comment left by someone else, I said something about Jezzi that was not true. I thought I understood something about the nature of some of her stories, but I was very much mistaken. Jezzi, I am very, very, very sorry.



Some experimental work on the site caused a few crashes between about 11:45 pm Sun and 1:30 am Mon. Sorry about that if you were on and did something because I had to restore the database so anything done in that time period is gone.

Thanksgiving - Counting My Blessings

Today is Thanksgiving Day, and I'd like to take a moment to count the blessings I have been given.

First off is my health. Some very dedicated doctors have kept me going far longer than even the most optimistic projections when I was a baby. Now, there are some who might argue that it's not that good a thing, but I'm not complaining! So Thank You, Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Miller, and especially Dr. Rebecca, my current physician. I suppose I should also thank the various pharmaceutical companies, but my substantial cash "donations" should take care of that! ;-)

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Want Your Own Home Page?

I've got some software setup on the new server to help create a community of authors and readers. Each member would have their own homepage, free, with quite a bit of control of how it looks, who can add to it and what appears there. I'd like to test this out before opening it up to everyone so if you are interested in trying it, send me a PM at Erin and I'll send you back the web address for trying this out.

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Hello, I guess

While I have been around for a while in one guise or another, I thought I might actually get active.

Those who read authors' credits and pay attention to such things might recognize me as one of the volunteer proof readers for some of the authors who post here.

Help I'm being dragged away!

Dear friends;

My alter ego is spending all of next week attending some work related training, some place called Kalamazoo MI.

Of course, I have to go along for the ride. It shouldn't be too bad, because I like flying, especially when someone else is paying for it, hee hee. Also, I get to have the evenings to do some writing or sight seeing.

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3rd Time - Comments Disabled Without Reason

When I posted Julie O's latest earlier today, using the Fiction entry, I did not check any boxes (and do not remember even seeing any) to deliberately disable comments. Julie *wants* comments.

Yet, this is the third consecutive story I posted where comments were disabled without my doing anything. Something is definately wrong here.


Just Like All the Other Chickens

Variety adds spice to life. When I was in high school, I once had a summer job working on my uncle's farm. One of my chores was to take care of the chickens. I quickly noticed this one chicken walking around all by itself outside the fence of the chicken coop. I asked my uncle about this and he said watch. He picked up the chicken and carried it inside the coop and set it down. It squatted down on the ground while all the other chickens ran up to it and started pecking it in the head. My uncle then picked it up and carried it outside and let it go. He told me that if he left it in the coop the other chickens would kill it. I've thought much on this over the years, and the only conclusion I could come to, was that the other chickens felt threatened by that one chicken because it was somehow different than they were.

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New Mac

Just got my new Mac. :) I'll probably be playing with it the next couple of days. I used the Firewire connection to my old machine to configure it and it's ready to go. :)

- Erin

Checking in

I hadn't submitted anything in so long, I thought I would drop a line to my blog. Nothing is really happening with me. I do have a few story ideas but I seem to have motivational problems getting them from brain to electrons. I do drop in and read occassionally.

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Ooops! Julie O's newest - comment problem

I'm not sure what happened. I did not deliberately turn off comments when I posted Julie's latest story, but there doesn't seem to be any way to change that when I put the story in Edit mode.

I was wondering why I received a few comments in PMs and there were no comments posted for everyone to see -- very strange for a JulieO story!

Moldy Oldie

We had a leak inside a wall that we were unaware of until it started making a circle of carpet wet. They came to fix it today and ripped a nice hole in the wall so they could replace the pipe, stirring up a fair amount of dust. I don't know what set me off, mold in the carpet or wall, the dust the workmen made or smoke from the fires on the mountains--I didn't think much about it til about 20 minutes ago when I almost passed out before realizing I was having an asthma attack. Good old inhaler put me right but of course now I've got a headache and I probably won't sleep tonight from the side effects. Better than a trip to the emergency room, though. :)

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Dangerous Servers on Home Machines

I don't know how else to put this warning out but someone, whose ISP appears to be in Virginia, is running a webserver on their machine. When I look at my logs, I can see the ip address of the router and that there is a small local network. Evil types could use the available info to break into such a server and hijack it for nefarious purposes.

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Sy Nusidis

It's ba-a-ack!

Guess I'll be sinking into pain and misery till I can get to the doctor. I woke up with a sinus headache today and it's only gotten worse. Can hardly stand to look at a computer screen. And since I'm going to ComiCon this weekend if I'm at all able, it may be Monday before I get to some things I promised people to do. Don't hesitate to remind me, I'm terrible about forgetting stuff when I'm in this much pain.

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Site Down

For anyone who was wondering, the site was down for eight hours today due to network problems at my ISP. Then, after they fixed the network problems it took them two hours to figure out they hadn't turned my server back on! SHEESH! It's all back and fluffy now, though.


The Black Dog revisited sort of...

To pout or not to pout or narcissists unite or is that nutters or something..

Last week after a slightly hurtful comment exchange, which normally would not cause more than a ripple, if perhaps a little sulkiness on my part, I 'said' I was leaving.

Who cares? you may ask. Well maybe a few. Was this the response of an attention seeking, petulant drama queen? Or did the real world conspire in a dastardly manner to smack me about a bit, just for the hell of it?

Depends how cynical you are I guess.

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Care and feeding of writers and critics

Another writer has left the fold. Why does this happen here every so often? Look around. This site has got to be the kindest and gentlest of writing sites. It is more of a community than any other. Of course that is the reason that it happens here; people’s emotions get spread to everyone. I mean, leave FM in a huff and who would notice? Other sites seem to be very much about one person. (Yea again, Erin. How do you make all of us feel so welcome and a part of this?)


This Is So Wrong!

I just found the following news story on Yahoo:

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals. The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether.


It's all stuck inside

It's been bugging me for a while, but I just can't seem to get things into writing lately. In fact it's taken me over a month just to get this little ramble into writing. I wanted to be nice and let all the readers of Their Worst Nightmare - My Dream Come True know why I haven't posted part 3 yet, well it is all ready and complete and looks great; the problem is it's all in my head and I can't get it out! AAAAAAHHHH!!


Gallery and Amazon Premium sites on Down

Update May 27 - The qnez4u server is up again. The Gallery looks to be intact. I'm not certain what the exact cause is/was but the logs show a possible hard drive problem. I've made a backup of the Gallery so we haven't lost anything and moved a copy of the backup file to one of Erin's other servers.

Bob Arnold

Explicit thoughts (G rated)

In Erin's thread about use of tenses, the writing of explicit thoughts (expressing what a character is thinking at a specific moment in a story) came up.

I'd like to advocate a specific style for indicating that text in a story represents explicit thought. I think I first saw this used in some of Bek Corbin's stories, but Angela and I used it in "Peaches," and I've convinced Itinerant and a couple others to use it.

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Off to Mom's

I'm off to spend the night with Mom and fix her breakfast in the morning. :)

I'm feeling hugely better after sleeping a great large amount, thanks to everyone who inquired.

I've got some catchup tasks to do on the site and there may be a couple of MAJOR changes in the planning ahead.



I've been sick the last three days and it's worse today. Aches and pains and an incredible lethargy. I've slept about 24 hours of the last 48 and I'm still tired.

I'm having weird dreams, too. In fact, I've dreamed a very nice long-term plot for IWaTACL, if I can draw some of the characters. :) The Alley Oop musical I dreamed is right out though. :)

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