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The Dream Update

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Ok I understand that there are some questions and a general confusion about what is going on with this story.

I have decided to write Terry's history as to what is going on and will post it when it is polished up.

Again I am thankful for all the positive comments I have recieved.

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Ma'at - New Chapter coming.

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Most everyone is aware that Sapphire recently (12/16) updated her website, and I'd given her first dibs on posting new Amazon and Ma'at chapters for the general public.

She's yet to post Ma'at chapter 5, but I've sent her chapter 6. If she posts it by Jan 2, I'll give her a couple of weeks.

If not, I'll be posting Ma'at chapter 6 here and at Stardust next Friday.

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Snafu - new episode

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I have written a new episode of Snafu, which has gone to my proofers. It's the first one I've done in 7-8 months, so I hope I haven't lost my touch for an action story, with a difference.

I will offer it to Sapphire first, as she has posted it from the beginning. I trust she will be able to post it fairly quickly.

I hope this cheers up all you who have nagged me to write some more.

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Acceptance and friendship

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If not for Angel, Christine, and Penny I would not have had the courage to post what I have written so far, I probably would have deleted it for fear that it wasnt good enough. I know we all have some personal deamons to bear and these three wonderful people helped break a part of my shell that threatened to consume me.I am filled with a surge of joy as I see that people here are tolerant of new talent wanting to express ideas. I can actually see how some people will try to make someone feel sepcial even if it means taking thee time to prod them into the right direction.

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Sk8r 21

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Coming late tonight or early morning! I began this afternoon around 2:30pm (Central, GMT-6) I couldn't finish before leaving for my knitting club at 4pm. I'll finish it up tonight when I get home.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

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To ANYONE who was a fan of the old Jay Ward cartoon, Underdog -- the movie with Jason Lee as the voice of Shoeshine/Underdog is a must see! It has everything you want to see from the original, it has enough in-jokes to keep you giggling and enough "new" feel to it so as not to be stale! I rented it, and I will be buying a copy as soon as possible! There's even an all-new Underdog cartoon as a special feature on the DVD! Oh, and everyone's favorite henchman actor, Patrick Warburton is Cad!

As a warning, there are spoilers below this line!

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Happy Holidays!!

At this time of year, we take time to be with the ones we love. Top Shelf, and it's predeseser(sp?), Big Closet have always seemed to be more friendly, more willing to help those in need, and just a nicer place to visit and read, post stories and just relax.

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After Midnight, so....

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…that means in this case that at least in this part of the world it's Christmas day.
So, to Erin for providing the possibility…
Also Bob and Sephrena and the other quiet helpers that do and let us do what we do and make it easy.

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I am finding myself somewhat disillusioned...

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I've been posting a story for someone that is REALLY excellent. It was originally posted only on Fictionmania and as I know a lot of people don't frequent that site from here I asked him a few times if I could post it here. The story called "Dancing on Daddy's Shoes" is one of the best if not the best I've read in ages for this genre.

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gender is complicated, or not?

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I'm having some issues getting what I want to say down here, and nobody here really KNOWS me or anything, so even though I find it intellectually interesting, the rest of you feel free to ignore this. I was reading comments on chapter 7 of Rules are Rules, and I just got really confused about this idea of gender stereo typing being necessary for him to fit in and not get caught and it just kind of felt wrong to me. I think gender is much more complicated than all that surface garbage, and it's also pretty transparent. It's only a big deal if there's something wrong.

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Not tonight Catherine!

Believe it or not, I do have a life beyond the verbal diarrhoea I post here every night (which goes under the title of 'Easy As Falling Off A Bike). It has got in the way tonight, I have have to go out to dinner. So I can't promise an episode tonight - if I get back in time I will, but I have a busy schedule tomorrow with an early start for a sunday.

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Fun With Old Sitcoms!

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Anyone remember the television shows from the late '70s and early '80s? There is one that has always been one of my very favorites, and now that the

DVDs are coming out, I've become inspired. Well, inspired at least to silliness poking fun at the opening of the first episode...

So, the below is just a few moments of mischieviousness, read on if you wanna!

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Cold Mutations

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My cold has mutated into bronchitis, combined with my chronic sinusitis and now I'm having asthma attacks. I've got medication for this so I'll be okay, just miserable and a little short-tempered for a bit--one of the asthma meds is a steroid.

I've spent most of my time since Saturday in bed while Mom's situation has moved only to stable. Still no prognosis for when she might get out of ICU.

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One of my two brain cells misfired.

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This is awful. The other day I read a story that I believe was reasonably short, or perhaps it is just a chapter of it? It was just wonderfully romantic, and I left a comment to the effect.

Yesterday, I got a PM from Nick B saying thank you for the nice comment, but he was confused as to what story I was commenting on. Well, for the life of me, I can not remember.

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Posible plagiarism alert.

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I have to shamefully admit that my story "Changed by Aliens" has some elements in it that I can only see as plagiarism. Over the years, I have read thousands of stories and I had forgotten about the story that bears striking resemblence to mine.

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Runway and Show Me Xmas posting

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Hi all Samantha here

Just to let you know that I have family down over xmas and posting may be a bit sparodic.I have Runway parts 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 all proofed and back with Arecee, also I have Show Me parts 17 and 18 partial proofed.

I will try and post as and when I can, but hopefully runway all this week inc sat night and hopefully the 2 show me's

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Four days with a cold that's not getting better

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I'm subject to COPD so I've got orders from my doctor to come in with a bad cold for prophylaxis against opportunistic bronchitis. So I'm going to the doctor today myself.

My mom is not stable with her breathing problems so they are concentrating on getting her stable so they can do more tests. My brother is working at home today so he can be on the phones and catch a plane if needed.

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My debt to Enid

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I read a lot of Enid Blyton when I was a child (probably at the tail end of her greatest popularity). I had a bookcase full of the 'Famous Five', 'Secret Seven' and '...of Adventure' series, but my favourites were the school stories. I especially loved Mallory Towers, where all the girls were very grown up, level headed and well turned out (even the beastliest of girls came round in the end).

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Easy Over?

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The most recent episode gave what could be an ending to the story. If that's what you the readers want, it can stop there. If it does I've enjoyed the ride, at times it has stretched me.

If however, you want it to continue, let me know. Equally, if you think it's run its course feel free to say. I'm 'Easy' either way.

Thanks for the support and your comments,


Angharad (& Bonzi).

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to edit or not to edit... pt 1

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The whole... to edit or not to edit... idea. It's a funny one and as I'm a wee bit precious about my 'babies' I've sort of steered clear to now. Being somewhat of the freeform let it flow school as opposed to the sit and proof and edit and proof and edit school it's sort of interesting to try the different approach.

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Mom back in the hospital

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They sent her over from the rest home with a temp they couldn't get down but the doctors at the hospital don't seem too worried and Mom is in good spirits and actually a little less confused than she's been being. I've got a cold so I don't dare get too close and I'm running a temp myself, a mild one. They're giving her antibiotics and intravenous liquids and will keep her for at least a couple of days. I'll go over in the morning to check on her but I think she's going to be fine and back in the convalescent hospital soon.

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I need some help

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I am enjoying working on my Alicia story but I have ran into a problem outside of my preview of experience big time.
You see, I plan on this pretty soon after a few chapters to turn into a courtroom drama as i hope those reading can tell from the police interrogations.

My problem is this, I have no experiences in this area and not even enough to fake it.

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Home Alone. Something weird is happening!

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Strange things are happening. It's not Halloween. There isn't a full moon. Nasty beasties, as far as I know are not roaming 'out there'.

But I'm puzzled and perplexed. Something is not right with the world. Things may not be as they seem.


Well, Home Alone Book 2 ~ Moving on ~ Chapter 7 has had no less than 941 hits, but and this is the strange bit, Chapter 8 has had 1001 hits!

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A wonderful story. Healing a princess.

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I must admitt that I hesitated to read Healing a Princess because it is not TG. However, if I had not read it then I would have missed out on one of the best stories I have seen in a while.

Sure, there are some other stories that I follow, installment by installment like a panting fan.

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The mother of all bad boy to good girl stories

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Bahuchara Mata is a Hindu goddess. She was a daughter of a charan. She and her sister were on journey with a caravan when a marauder named Bapiya attacked their caravan. It was common practice in charan men and women if overpowered by their enemies, not to surrender but to kill themselves. Being a reason for the shading the blood of charan was considered heinous sin. When Bapiya attacked caravan, Bahuchara and her sisters announced tragu and cut their breasts. Legends tells that Bapiya was cursed and became impotent. The curse was lifted only when he worshiped Bahuchara Mata by dressing and acting like woman. Wikipedia

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Humorous fact about "The Wedding March"

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While I am a confirmed "head banger rock fan", I also enjoy many other kinds of music, except old Country, trancer, and electronic trash.

I was recently exposed to a live performance of Bach and found it really interesting. I have loved Handel's Messiah for years.

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Accidental Resonances

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Has anyone had an element of their fiction make an unexpected connection with real events?

In 'Midnight Angels' Jess paints a white rose on the tail of her aeroplane... officially it would have been red but she is from Yorkshire and a red rose would never do. When it's copied to the other aircraft it makes the squadron very easy to recognise and earns them a nickname.

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Gay or Woman

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I used to hate men with a lethal and dangerous venom. Worse, yet, I was one and thus hated my self in with a homicidal anger. I never wanted to be friends with one, though there were several who were friendly with me in the work place. I did not make a good friend to men. In spite of all that, if anyone, men mostly, asked me for help, I seldom turned anyone down.

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Heavy Traffic

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Lots of visitors lately, so that's why the front page sometimes changes to a simpler layout; it's a way of getting a little more speed for those on dial-up when the site is busy. Interestingly, it's not so much that more people are visiting lately as, although that's up, too, but the larger part of the traffic increase is due to more people looking at more pages each visit.

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Hmm... its been a few months and I haven't written a lick of poetry...
It must be due to the fact that I haven't really had anything major go on in my life...
I feel those creative juices flowing however and I'm getting that itch to write something... Bah... I'll get around to it eventually... maybe try my hand at something bigger than poetry *wink*
Hope I put out something soon!

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Hello everyone! This is my first Blog ever. I'm a 30 MTF TS. Today I came out to my mom... *happy sob* S-she said "I known for years, and I love and accept you!" *cries some more* We talked and cried for almost a hour!*sniffle, happy sob* I really love her sooo much!!


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Utterly overwhelmed

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That's what I am by the warm welcome and response to my first posts. I've a few friends who've been supportive (and probably exasperated by my insecurities) but it's so nice to be sure that 'views' isn't translating into 'read the first lines, no sex, moved on'. :)

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I think we just went through a massive storm of people accessing the site, for about half an hour we had huge numbers of visitors. Perhaps it was a misbehaving crawler or something the site went down twice in half an hour. If it was a crawler, whoever owns it must have fixed the problem. Hope, hope. :)

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The Continued Existance of Characters and Their Worlds

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As with everybody, a story teller has many paths he can travel. However, sometime you reach a fork in those paths where each seems as bright or dim as all the others. How can a choice be made about which to next travel?

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Well here I am barely an hour after finding this site and sure that I'll commit some dreadful faux pas (if I haven't already).

'Scordatura' was written a few months ago and was the second story I ever completed - though I think there's enough there to expand it... though it's mostly about violins with a few frocks thrown in. It's been posted elsewhere before now, and fairly well received.

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I'm spending most of each day at the hospital or running around doing errands. Not a lot of juice left for doing stuff.

While on the way to the hospital today, I got rear-ended at a stop sign. Second time in a month.

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I must offer an apology...

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I know what you're all like when you get your noses into a story you like and how you can get snotty (with good reasons too) when they end up sitting unfinished.

I have such a story that has one poor lad (or is that lass) sitting on a ship in the middle (metaphorically speaking) of the Atlantic.

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No bitching for me.

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There are several stories that I have been following for quite a while; probably the same ones that the rest of you follow. There are a couple that I just can not sit still for.

I was about to write a note to one of the Authors, pointedly encouraging them to get to work. Then I began to remember how many stories I have hanging in the freezer.......

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Transformers (Sort Of) for REAL? CNN News Story On 12/01/07

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A news story on CNN this morning captured my immediate attention. It's about "exoskeletons" that are being developed right now, for use by the military!!

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I'm baaack... sort of

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A few folks (you know who you are, Angel, Sephrena, John, and Hope) have recently added some inordinately (in some cases shamelessly) flattering comments to a couple of previous Leeway installments. I mean jeez, thanks for the encouragement and all, but if my head gets any bigger it will explode. *blushing furiously*

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Mom goes to rehab center...

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...tomorrow morning. It's about a mile from where we live and I'll be able to get over there frequently. She's doing pretty good, she stood up and took a few steps today and ate a decent size meal for the first time in days. My brother is going home on a 9 p.m. flight and left for the airport.

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12 Word Novels

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The NPR show On The Media had a challenge for National Novel Writing Month: Write a novel in 12 word or less.

A couple examples:
"Six words into his first novel, Sam's lonely wife murdered him."

"Obituary. First five words free, she thought. Charles dead. Yacht for sale."

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someone named erew is posting spam. so far there is two stories this person posted comments to buy some product. I hope they get removed because its annoying.
Im wondering why post spam here. I doubt anyone is intereasted in it. IS it to be annoying?

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I still have you beat by a couple of years, but then, we're only a couple of kids at heart anyway, right?

Happy, happy happy Birthday Shelley, and many, many more!!!

Birthday huggles from,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Struggling with massive body index

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I've grown an inch and a quarter ! Keeping my weight down is very serious business because the docs tell me that when the pain gets intolerable, they will put in Herrington Rods. Sure there have probably been less invasive advancements in Medicine. I recently heard of plastic Vertebra. I still am not attracted to the surgery theatre. This return to my old height is a very good sign for me.

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Still not cycling yet!

Well I got bored so I thought if I can't ride a bike myself, who do I know who does? Well amongst my list of characters, most of them do, but who in particular? I think there is only one thoroughbred amongst them all, maybe Cathy would be a thorough-bread?

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Update on My Mom

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She fell at the hospital and broke her hip.

My brother and I are looking into long term care and the doctors are running around with their hands over their mouths for fear of saying something we might sue them over, I guess.

It's a good hospital, shit happens.

Joyce (Erin)

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i have just come across a extremly troubleing event

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I just read about a transexual politician Michelle Bruce that won a seat is now being seud by the looser because she ran as a woman. They say because she ran as a woman fraudulenty, that gave her an unfair advantage.

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The Message of a Transgender Day of Remembrance

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I don't know how many of you read my report on the Memorial Service (click here to read) we held for the Transgender Day of Remembrance on Tuesday, but we had some additional benefits today.

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My own feelings on the Block

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Over the almost year that I have been here, I have tried to become more faithful with comments at the end of other's stories.

I just happened to notice that my latest installment here, "MS Frankenstein" has had 614 reads but 2 comments. Admittedly, the story is not that well put together, so I can understand somewhat. Episode 2 will be greatly improved.

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Being Christina Chase ch 36

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A quick note to my three fans-

I apollogize for not having the new chapter up yet. An emergency situation required me to take an unplanned trip, and I have not had access to the Internet nor the time to make the posting. (this is being sent from my phone)

I should have ch 36 posted no later than tomorrow night.

- Krunch

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Happy Thanksgiving

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I realize that it's only a USA holiday but Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Canada and Mexico had their Thanksgivings earlier but this is the big US family feast day, in some ways, bigger than Christmas which is so much about shopping now that people forget to be happy to have what they've got.

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2 a.m.

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It's 2 a.m. and I still can't sleep. Someone I care about is very ill and may be dying and I don't know what to do. Some may say that she's just a cat. To me she's more than that. I love her and can't stand the thought of losing her.

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A small change in name.

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Hello everyone:

I have been wringing my hands about this, hopefully not like some drama queen, and have changed my sign on to match my pen name. I can not nessessarily articulate all the reasons why but it just feels better this way.

So now, Gwenellen is simply Gwen, or Gwen Brown.

Happy Thanksgiving

Gwen Brown

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Things went VERY well with my Mom!!!

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This afternoon, I went to my Mother's to give her a signed copy of my book. (Headlights Girl) Despite my sisters disapproval, Mom LOVED her gift, LOVED the pic of me, ( ) hugged me, and told me that she loves me, no matter what. Of course, she'd rather have me stay as her son, but she's perfectly willing to accept me as her daughter.

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my thoughts and a question

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Hey everyone. I guess some of you think my story is to graphic or explicit to be here. But there are other credible authors here that have written explicit sex in their stories too. There are also explicit sexual content in many romance novels. Sandra Brown is one example. Shes one of my favorites too.

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Okay, so I was talking with a couple of the other National Novel Writing Month folks that are writing a superhero story, and the two "main" comic book universes came up. We started comparing each other's writing styles to characters from them. My word count being rather ambitious (see my other blogs), someone made the comment that I was a cyborg or a witch. I made known my preference to be known as a Word Witch (hee!). Then... someone else made the comparison to Galactus, the Eater of Worlds... I am (apparently) the Eater of Words. I have been dubbed the Lexivorous Word Witch. Yeah, that's all I had to say. Just thought that was nifty.

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I know there have been other stories on BC or elsewhere on this theme but this is the only one I can think of at 1230 in the morning. If you can think of others, please add them in comments on this thread. I'll turn them into links as I get the time and attention.

...And Never Brought to Mind by Adonna


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Working Girl OK, OK, You win!

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Due to popular demand (well my cat liked the story) I have decided that in the new year I will continue with Working Girl.

I thought of an outstanding title for it:

Working Girl 2

Pithy and straight to the point eh?

If any of you creative types out there can think of a better title, please let me know.

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True Selves

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Not that I think I am any different from many of the rest of the girls here, but the very realization that I have become a far different person than I was is such a pleasant surprise. IMHO, I am probably the ultimate girly girl or try to be. I'd be the girl wearing a frothy mountain of lace to a prom dance. I'd love to be carried to my car if the puddles were too yucky.

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Could someone help the girl, please.

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I was astonished yesterday to find that my identity can be traced all the way past my IP(?), even to the identity of my PC. I had joined a website forum on and then got an email that showed all this information to me. It was just shocking.

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Why Is It That Those Who Are Supposed To Love And Support Us, Don't?

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Last night, I called my Mother to tell her that my book had finally arrived and that I would be bringing her a copy, as she had insisted I do, when initially told that I'd even HAVE a book.

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i need a proofreader or editor

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I am trying to write a long story and i posted my first feeble attempt here last night and a revised version this morning.
I kind of suck as reviewing my own work and hopeing someone can help me proofread and a full edit.

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I have to stick my 2 cents in here. Any way it turns out, the "poachers" were breaking a law of some kind, whether it was "jack-lighting deer", hunting out of season, hunting where they shouldn't, shooting without making sure of their target, or playing a Bush or Cheney, etc, etc. The fact remains, they were breaking a law. Maybe several.

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Global Rant

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Have you ever had a day where you where overwhelmed by the impression that you were surrounded by completely common-sense-resistant people? Where the sickening feeling that politically controlled mass media feeding was recived by more pigs than there where tits to feed from?

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Diagnosis: Limerick

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With the doctor jokes around now, this little limerick came to mind:

When she got arrested for leading a riot
Her friends said, "We don't understand, she's so quiet."
Still it's not hard to figure
Her radical new vigor
Since she started her gunpowder diet!

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My Non-TG Stories

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Yes, it's true! I really have written a number of stories without (as far as I can tell) any transgender elements. So far, I've only posted a couple of them online. One of them is called A Tree's Story. The actual title is 'In the Beginning - A Tree's Story', but the site where I posted it (deviantART) won't let post titles that long. I also created an audio book version of this story at a website called Internet Archive and the cover art for this story, as seen below.

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Why am I a bitch?

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I try to be the most loving and friendly person I can but once in a while I just blow it so bad that the enormity of what I have done simply plagues me for days. I am afraid that this is one that I will have to go back and fix if I get the oportunity.

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