It's finally happened. I normally use the computer 8-10 hours a day; done it for a couple years and had no propblem. Suddenly, my right arm and shoulder are hurting like there is a daemon loose in my body, and my left is not far behind. I hope this resolves soon.
It is just awful, since those of you who write deserve generous comments, but they won't be coming from me for a while.
Gwen Brown
Gwen, I started to get tendonitis in my right arm from using the mouse What I did to get away from the difficulties there was to buy a roller-ball. Mine is very comfortable and ergonomically correct. Instead of moving my whole arm to move the mouse, I only need to use my index finger, and click with my thumb. If I need to double click there is a button on the other side of it that I can use with my ring finger to get the same response. It has saved me LOTS of pain. It only took me a couple of hours to get used to it. The only down side mine has, is it doesn't have a scrolling wheel. :( but there are roller-balls out there that do have them...... just try them out in the store first and keep your reciept, you'll know if it isn't working.
Thank you.
I am using a roller ball, I am just starting to think that I spend waaaaayyy too much time on the the computer and not being active.
you poor thing!
Don't worry about the comments! I'll just imagine them. Hope you feel better.
There are some stretches you can do...
Also, I use keystrokes rather than the mouse as much as possible.
Take care! Don't break yourself, girl!
Simply put I
hope your arm gets to feeling better Gwen, by whatever means.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,