General Audience (pg)

Dungeons and Dragons

I've been meaning to talk about my experience with Dungeons and Dragons for a while. I got involved in A D & D in my teens, and because I couldn't afford the books, a friend allowed me to borrow his. I copied out the Player's handbook, the DM's Guide, and the Monster Manual by hand, and then made a world. I used my love of map-making to create a series of maps for the main continent, covering climate, languages, races, and physical features. I also created two thousand years of "back story" to explain how things got to be where they were when the players would arrive.

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One of my pet peeves

I watch a lot of movies, okay it's one thing I do to just relax.

But the thing here is, why, why do the women in those always keep their high heels on?

A real woman (and me when I was going through RLT) would get rid of them in a heartbeat if they had to move quickly, quietly, or were in the wilderness.

Sorry, was just watching a movie where both female leads kept wearing their heels in a damned jungle.

And I know, I know, it's sexy and all that. But come on here.


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cross-dressing commercial

when I was young, I saw this "info-mercial" for a make-up line with the most interesting idea for selling their product. Instead of having women demonstrate it, they had a couple of guys get made-over instead. The idea, apparently, was to show that if a guy could come out looking good, then a woman would look fantastic. So they took a father and son, and made them over, and had them surprise their families with their new look. Seems to me like there is a story in there for someone to have some fun with, don't you agree?


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Louisiana - crimes against nature - sex offenders.

I happened across this article on the Huffington Post, which has reference to transgender as well as biological women being labelled as sex offenders, possibly for life , because they had unnatural sex - ie they had oral or anal sex for money.

The article claims that black women and transgender people were being targeted by the police. It's worth reading even if it does show the authorities have a mediaeval approach to life - this is what the police do when they're not out hunting witches one supposes.

See for yourselves.

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Looks like I might have a job as Dorothy

Well, I got a call from a local Wal-Mart, and I might just have a job as Dorothy. I had gone for the interview yesterday, and they called me today to come in to fill in a background check request and to give them permission to contact my references. Baring a bad review from them, I'm hired. The manager took a moment to tell me not only was I brave to do what I'm doing, but she told me I interviewed as well as anyone they have ever had. Pretty good news, yes? Plus, I wanted to send out a special shout-out to someone here. JennaFL sent me a couple of bras, and I wanted to thank her publicly.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -20-

The afternoon meeting sees the introduction of printing with moveable type - in two different ways. Merizel struggles to keep up with the unusual girl the Queen introduced her to. Later, some news of a distant event is received and Garia finally learns some local geography.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

20 - Of Type and Typing

new gutters

I have a new roof now ,, I cry at the cost, now they have stared after a few day to put up the gutters ,, LOL it has rained so they did not want to put them up LOL LOL LOL Gosh houses cost alot to repair and for up-keep lucky me most of my frount yard is moss and very little grass so I have not had to mow yet hehehe the weather-guy said there might be a chance of frost around me Ouch had to cover some plants and my strawberrys yummy I have enjoyed a few stories the last few days they got me hooked but I love to read have a nice nite all

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DSM V Comment Period

According to the CNN web site, the newest edition of the DSM (the "bible" of psychiatry) has been posted for comment. The comment period runs through June 15.

The story can be found at

The revised edition can be found at:

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Teh Crazy... it comes!

So, I have been running around being far too busy for someone who is unemployed for the last two weeks. As a result still no writing. The issue is part time and part technology, as my laptop is busy messing up whatever I type, dropping the beginnings or endings of sentences at random. Thus I am still behind on things. No update for this week but I am hoping to have one for next week.

I can feel the beginnings of non-writing crazy starting up so I need to take care of that soon, before it gets bad.

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Ms Frankenstein 1 & 2

I have been thinking about cleaning up some of my unfinished stories. After Ch 4 of Lt Katia, I was going to write the final chapter of MS Frankenstein but when I looked at the comments and reads, discovered that it just did not sell that well. I had thought it was a very good story but perhaps not. So, I guess I will ask for input from the readers.

Is this story worth finishing? If I get a few comments saying that it is, perhaps I'll do the final chapter. If not, I will just let it die a natural death.

Much peace


MS Frankenstein

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More breaking news!

Hi everyone.

I'm pleased to announce an Ebook version of the latest Gaby release available here - .

In the course of the coming weeks i will endeavour to get all of the previous Gaby books as well as all the other Scaramouch releases converted to ebooks so there will be no excuse in not reading my wares anywhere!


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job interview tomorrow

Well, I have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck Meanwhile, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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my mom almost let things slip with my daughter

Well, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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How Others See Us

We were visiting friends last week, and were having an Easter feast outdoors in the mild weather. I happened to be with several of the wives, including my own, and we were discussing movies, past oscar winners and others. Several nice movies were mentioned, and Notting Hill came up. We mentioned The King's Speech, and I mentioned that I like Colin Firth in Love Actually.. One of the ladies said, "You keep mentioning chic flicks. You're a girl inside, aren't you?" I said I guess so, and my wife said yes, while nodding in agreement.

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Gaby and the Tyrannosaurus.

This is one I made earlier - just to whet your appetites for the up-coming Gabycon in September, this was my offering which has only been seen in the Gaycon book or heard by those who attended last year.

I shall of course offer an entirely new story for this year's event - exclusively to those who attend.

Thanks to Mads for the artwork.



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TG Themes: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Jenny Lee & the Stranger ~ Part 1

This is the story of Jenny Lee Martin, who had once been a boy named Tim, and how on a spring morning in 1950 she saved the Earth from destruction. It’s a story about niceness…

Laika Pupkino ~ 2011

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 55 & 56

Chapter 55: Sarah

We were standing there waiting to check out, when Dave moved around to the other side of me and tucked in next to me. He probably looked like a little kid hiding by his mom. I put my arm around his shoulder and gave him a little hug.

As we were walking out to the car, I asked him what was wrong. He looked up at me and said, "That woman from yesterday was staring at me again."

I looked around. "No, inside while we were checking out. She had come out of the breakfast room."

Guardian: 'Homophobic attacks increase in London'

While we feel life is becoming more tolerant - could we be labouring under a misapprehension. West London seems to be having an upsurge of attacks on gay men.

Why people can't live in peace, I'll never understand.


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I could really use a wish right now...

Jason Erickson was an average highschooler. He was athletic tall and popular, but he wasn't happy. One day while he was walking home from school he and his friend jack came across an open manhole.
"Dare you to go down there!" jack said
"Only if you go down first!" said Jason
Obviously Jason and jack climbed Down... they are highschoolers!

My muse's story

Well, my muse refuses to give a lot of details about what she's been up to - just some hints about snogging some girl named Pippa at a wedding .... But, now that she has recovered from a hangover, she is pouring ideas into my head at a furious pace. Its too bad my daughter doesn't type, maybe I could offload some of my workload .....

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Chance Encounter.

Chance Encounter

“I really need this job,” said Katrina rushing for the bus. Like so many young graduates, she’d been out of work ever since leaving uni and even then she was working far below her qualifications–but just to have a living wage rather than bloody benefits–would be so good.

Her mother had loaned her fifty quid to buy some clothes for the interview. It wasn’t the first time she’d had to borrow from her mum–but if her dad ever finds out, there’ll be blood on the moon.

The Toy

The Toy
Chapter 1
Gwen Brown

The storm to the South West was rapidly gathering but there looked to be time to reset the power pull on the pole and then I could go home. The sky had gone all amber, the humidity was oppressive. The distant thunder sounded like the neighbor dragging his garbage can down the street. The approaching tempest looked like it could hatch a Tornado. I began to wonder if I should bother getting the power back up again.

Sarah Carerra - 2.34 - Tonight's Headline

sc2.jpg "My first guest of the evening has managed to capture the hearts of America in a very short amount of time. Her first album, 'Intuition', is currently on track to go platinum within the first month of its release. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the lovely and talented, Sarah Carerra!"

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.34 - Tonight's Headline
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: May 2, 2011

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 53 & 54

Chapter 53: Sarah

Ashley pulled on my arm and asked, "So where do you want to go first?"

I looked down at Dave, and he looked like someone had just hit him over the head with a club.

Dave said, "I don't know."

Ashley stopped pulling and looked at her. "Are you OK, Sissy?"

"Huh, I… uh… yeah, I'm OK."

"Are you sure? You don't look OK."

Dave shook himself. "There's so much stuff and people."

I let out a little chuckle and then pulled them over to a bench on the side of the path. "Let's sit here a minute, until Sissy catches up."

My muse came back

Well, my muse came back. Minus a shoe, ripped hose, her dress covered in stains from I don't even want to know what, but she's back. I've got two stories burning right now, my first and probably only entry into the "years worth of challenges", and a new Phoenix story. I wonder which one will get done first?

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