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Somewhere Else Entirely -21-

Merizel discovers that life in the palace isn't at all what she expected. She struggles to comprehend the relationship between her new employer and the Prince... which seems to be very physical. Meanwhile, Garia has difficulty containing her temper over some innocent questions.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

21 - Educating Merizel

I am Captain America

In preparation for the movie coming out this summer Marvel Comics is releasing variant covers for the Captain America series.

More than a few have racial or gender changes. I know that it's supposed to illustrate how there's a little of the hero in all of us, but I can dream! :) Some are very good.


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Waterloo Road TG Episode!

I was able to download a programe called Expat Sheild, an can now access the wonderful and fascinating world orf the BBC. I say this seriously and in no way mean any ridcule to anyone.

The TG episoce is one hour long, without commercials, and is quite excellent. There are a half dozen sub plots and like someone else, I found the parts about the girl with a brain tumor, and the GID boy to be especially moving.

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"One year, 52 weeks"

That's how long I've been here, according to my account info. Since that actually translates into being my second anniversary here, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on what how far I have come in those two years. Two years ago, I hadn't even dreamed of going out in public as Dorothy. I hadn't even really faced my rape. And now, I am a hair's breath from working as a woman.

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Transgender discrimination costs Massachusetts millions

The Boston Business Journal has a short article about a study of the economic impact of transgendered discrimination in Massachusetts.


The study can be found at the Williams Institute website:

Press Release:

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Troubles with choice

I found out this morning that I have to go to a formal (dress code is: smart) dinner on Saturday evening, so I made an appointment to get my unruly tresses tamed (sounds better than getting a haircut) first thing on Saturday - my hair won't be tidy, it never is - it's very fine and flies about like tissue paper in the slightest draught.

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Waterloo Road TG Storyline

It looks as though Waterloo Road (which bills itself as a "Contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school") is including a TG storyline in the current series.

From the synopsis of tonight's episode (already available on iPlayer): "A shy and effeminate year 12 pupil is branded a 'perv' when he is caught poring over a lingerie magazine - but the truth is far more complicated than Chris imagines." (Judging by the cast list, Chris is probably Christopher Mead, Deputy Head)

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Interesting Fantasy Book

I do not know if this was posted in a former topic or on another part of the forums but i did want to mention it. I was reading some things here and there online when i noticed an interesting advertisement about a fantasy book. Curiosity took over and i found myself researching it. The book seems to be a fantasy book based around a character named Eon who is really a Female disguising herself as a male in order to achieve her dream to become what is called a dragoneye. The book is by a Australian writer named Alison Goodman and is called "The Two Pearls of Wisdom" in Australia and the UK.


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gave myself a scare this morning

Well, I managed to give myself a scare this morning. I tried to get a hold of Wal-Mart about the job, and was told I didn't get it, which almost killed me. Then I went to phone back to find out why, and realized, I was phoning the WRONG STORE! A quick recalculation got me the right one, and I was told they were just waiting to hear from my supervisor from my old store, and he will be in this afternoon. I'm praying he gives me a good reference, and trying to restart my heart at the same time.

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Heads-up for Google Docs Users :-)

Just letting everyone know that, at least as of this posting, there's something strange going on with Google Docs. New documents are being saved, and you can link back to them directly if you share them or copy the link somewhere, but they are NOT currently being saved under your "Owned by me" area, or anywhere else that I can tell.

Some reports suggest some of the "lost" documents are appearing an hour later, but others never show up at all. Like I said they're being saved because you can link back to them, just not being added to the list. There's a forum thread at Google Support Here

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New chapter edited and in the can, so that is good. Still nothing original done lately. Part of the new fun is the chronic pain, which seriously sucks but I doubt anyone believes otherwise. Most of the pain is in my right arm and wrist which makes even this little post a bit of a trial. Thursday I am having a pain procedure done which kills one of my pain nerves. It regrows but it takes a while and that gives me a great deal of relief. Having your dominant hand be a source of pain is not something I would recommend.

This means a new chapter Sunday at the least.

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Iron Girl Part 05

Tony Stark. Industrialist. Inventor. Philanthropist. Multi-billionaire. He is interested where the energy that Metahumans get there powers comes from, little does he know that soon he will have more experience with that power than he ever wanted.

Tony Stark, Wolfsbane and other characters belong to the real owners, the Comic Retcon was Lilith's idea. Thanks for letting us play.

The Google Title whatsit

Just wondering if anyone else is as blown away as I am by the latest Google title thingie. These are often clever and interesting, but this one... I've sat and watched it several times in simple admiration. Whoever did this one is a bloody genius.

Wonderful tribute animation, style, movement ... brilliant.

I expect a bunch of you might have to wait a few hours till it clicks over into tomorrow. Time zones huh.


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a writer's challenge

I love the writer's challenges and contests here. Even when I can't come up with an entry, (which is most of the time), I love reading what others create within each contest or challenge. So I decided to create a personal challenge, just for me. I wanted to create a story with a title that began with the letter "z", and keep it under 500 words. You guys have read the result - "Zombie-Killer Girlfriend". And judging from the comments, it turned out pretty good.

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Die Sagen von Misrah 4 - "Reise, reise..." (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah - "Reise, reise..."
The tales of Misrah - "Reise, reise..."


by Misrah

"ICH VERLANGE, DASS SIE MIR SOFORT IHRE LIZENZ ZEIGEN! HABEN SIE MICH GEHá–RT?!" Das aufgedunsene Gesicht von Larry Ramirez war zornesrot, wá¤hrend er den jungen Mann auf der anderen Seite der eichenen Verkaufstheke anbrá¼llte.

Der lie០sich jedoch nicht weiter aus der Fassung bringen sondern erhob sich fast betont langsam aus seinem abgewrackten, knarzenden Drehstuhl.

Music Inspires the Savage Beast

I'm fairly certain I've blogged extensively in the past about how music tends to affect my muse in strange ways, but I just had probably the best example ever of this phenomenon while working on Boys Don't Cry today (Don't worry, I'm still working on Robin too :-) She'll be back soon).

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'Corrective Rape'

The term Corrective Rape is one applied to the brutal sexual assault and rape of lesbians, gay and transgender people by thugs usually young men. It is purported to teach them a lesson but frequently leaves them devastated or even dead. It is a hate crime of the first order, and seems to be on the increase.

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Roller-coaster of emotions

I feel like I'm riding a roller-coaster of emotions. One moment, I'm feeling pretty good about the choices I'm making, and the next I'm either wracked with fear that its all going to go up in smoke, or I'm beating myself up for being so selfish as to risk my relationship with my daughter over a couple of inches of flesh between my legs. Hopefully, the ride will smooth out soon.

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Che Amore (Rough Draft)

Che Amore
Lesley Renee Charles

I leaned over the balcony overlooking the Fora Romana. I was looking at the ancient ruins, imagining what it must have been like back then. Imagining what it must have been like for a woman back then.

I was here in Rome, to see where my family had come from. This was my first full day here and I decided to take a little tour to see the sights. I was standing here in a simple denim skirt with a robin's egg blue blouse. My shoulder length raven hair blowing in the slight breeze. I could smell the blooms of various springtime flowers in the air.

Zombie-killer Girlfriend

Zombie-Killer Girlfriend

“Nice kill, Leon!”

“Thanks. Look out, Lilly!”

“Got ‘em!”

“Yah! High five!”

“Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat.” I said, as I came into the living room.

My son Leon looked up at me, and said, “Give us a couple of minutes, mom.”

“Yah, Mrs. Jay, we’re about to hit the boss zombie.” His girlfriend Lilly added.

My Journey Through Life, So Far Part 1

My Journey Through Life, So Far
Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 1

The journey started for me on Sunday, September 26, 1965 at 5:25 p. m.. But a mistake was also carried out that day also, the doctors considered me a boy. Well physically that was true, but inside I was all girl.

Sarah Carerra - 2.35 - Friends and Family

sc2.jpg I arrived home shortly after noon to find my mom excitedly waiting for me. She had a big smile on her face as she waited for me to change. Once I was out of Sarah's clothes and into one of my own dresses, she dragged me back out to her car, refusing to tell me where we were going or why she was so excited.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.35 - Friends and Family
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: May 9, 2011

Man Trapped In Women's Prison

There's fodder for a story here, somewhere! This news item first appeared last week, but I just tripped over it while poking around a news consolidation site.

BERLIN | Wed May 4, 2011 11:20am EDT
(Reuters) - A mayor in Germany helped rescue a man who became trapped in a women's prison after mistaking it for a shortcut to a nearby park, police in the northern city of Hildesheim said on Wednesday.

Hildesheim Mayor Henning Blum heard the man's cries for help while passing by the prison near the city center and notified police who came and freed the 24-year-old.

The man told police he was strolling through town and did not immediately notice he had walked into a prison. By the time it dawned on him where he was, the gate to the jail had already closed, locking him inside.

Police said they are investigating why the prison gate was open, enabling the man to wander in.

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Notice of a probable BCTS BBQ in Northern Utah, June 19

Shelly/Shalimar and I are going to be moving east in the last half of June, and spending a couple of nights and one day, a Sunday, north of Salt Lake with Penny Cardon, author of ‘Educated in the Hills’.

We will be traveling with a couple of other BCTS members, Beth Williams, & Sparrowchild, so that will make 5, and I have already contacted one other BCTS member about it.

To make it a bit easier to get there, we are thinking we may hold a BBQ in the Ogden area, and invite anyone from this community, as we have twice, out in Walnut Creek, CA.

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My Broken Dreams

My Broken Dreams

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge - The Song

With suitably abject apologies to the incomparable Janis Ian for even daring to hope that such a poor variation on perfection might meet with some approval.

Sprite Radio Commercial

Since Dorothy brought up old trans commercials, I wonder if anyone else can recall this radio spot from the very beginning of Sprite's "obey your thirst" ("image is nothing; thirst is everything") campaign:

A sexy, "unaccented"-American female voice encourages listeners to drink Sprite, then points out that we know nothing about her and shouldn't take her word for anything. After about three-quarters of the ad time, there's a short pause, and then the commercial is completed by someone claiming to be the same person, this time sounding like a cultured, laid-back black male DJ.


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