General Audience (pg)

Story Critics

I often see comments about stories written on this site that are little more than a put down in some cases.
The vast majority of the Stories on BC are works of fiction and I often wonder if the person who makes some of these comments knows what the "FICTION" means.
The dictionary definition is;

fic ·tion”‚ [fik-shuhn]
1. the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
2. works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.

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f2m: The Boy Within

I was over at Baen Books WebScription Ebooks site, they sell and give away ebooks there, yes some are free. I was looking through their "Young Adult" section to see if there was anything interesting for free, and I noticed a book titled f2m: The Boy Within. My first thought was, what an odd coincidence, my second thought was this is in the Young Adult section. Out of curiosity I clicked on the link. and a free sample

Has anyone read this book?

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I haven't written anything for a while, why?

Hummm, well first of all i was bitten by a Star Wars bug. I was writting a story that was up to 60,000 words. I mean i was on a roll... the story just poured out of me. I know the Star Wars genre hasn't really been seen here on BC, and that's 1/2 of what got my muse going in the first place.

Then someone somewhere sent me a cute little gremlin, he was cute and fuzzy and cuddly and totally had it out for my computer.

Yes... i was forced to reformat with 60,000+ words written.

talk about a complete downer.. *sigh*

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Where we are now

The next chapter is done but things have been rough lately, due to PTSD therapy. I know I will feel better once I am through it, but the during part sucks massively.

The story is going well but I have caught up with what I have already written. So, if I can actually keep up, I can write enough to stay ahead of the curve. This could cause update issues, but I don't know for sure. We will definitely see.

Just wanted to keep you all in the loop.

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IDAHoT 2011

Courtesy of a link on Warwickshire's corporate intranet homepage, I've discovered that apparently today has been "IDAHoT 2011" - International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.,41-

Apparently May 17th was chosen because the date is the anniversary of the World Health Organization’s May 1990 decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.

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The Time is Now!!!

It is the Time to Act!!! The Time to wish and to ponder, the time to the time to desire and the time to quest!! We all have a life time to accomplish so much and everyone either belives they have the time to accomplish there desires or the time itself not worthy to waste on desires or even that there desires are ou of reach for some either honest or made up reason. Well that stops now!!

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A reminder of my first crush

I was having a chat with my girlfriend Kylie the other day, and the subject of my earliest crushes came up, and I thought I would share with you all about it. She was my cousin, and five years older than I. I met her because we spent a lot of time with my aunt when I first came back from overseas, and so I got to know her a little. To me, she was amazingly beautiful, graceful, and kind, and I was smitten from the first.

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Sarah Carerra - 2.36 - My Hero

sc2.jpg Scott wanted me to write another song for the concert tour. I had been trying to find the emotions and feelings that were always the beginning of the inspiration for a song. Staring up into my mother's eyes, I found it.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.36 - My Hero
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: May 16, 2011

Egg McMelton or Breakfast Club Sandwich

I've had something so good the last few mornings that I had to share it. I call it an Egg McMelton. :)

For each sandwich:
Chopped onion, about one thick slice chopped
Another slice of raw onion, red is really good
Two slices of crisp bacon, or not so crisp if you prefer
Some lettuce, iceberg is fine, leaf lettuce is good, or spinach
A slice of tomato, optional because I seldom have tomato in the house
An egg, the star of the sandwich

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Looking for an old story from Fictionmania...

I was recently searching for an old Fictionmania story. If I remember it correctly, it involved a US Military Lieutennant and 4 or 5 of his men being captured in the Middle East, whereupon they are each given water that transforms them. They awake as women and are told they will now have to accept this as their fate.


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Life Updates

I haven't been around much of late. I do continue to check in to see what is being posted, and occassionaly comment when I can, but work has had me traveling and insanely busy this year.

There have been some good changes though.

My wife and I have both been on diets since January. I'm down 40 pounds, and she is down over 30 pounds. It's interesting as we are both doing totaly seperate diets, she is on Nutra-System, and I'm doing a low-carb approach. But they are working well.

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by shalimar

Rose White took the next specification sheet off the pile. She looked over the information on the form.

‘This is going to be a fun one to make,’ she thought. ‘A Fabio face with chin a dimple al la Kurt Douglas. Humm 6’ 3” and ALL muscle.’

“Maybe I’ll keep this one myself,” she said out loud to no one in particular.

My ex decides to remove my father from the family tree

Well, once in a while, my ex surprises me, and its rarely for a good reason. Tonight, we had a belated mother's day dinner for her and my mom, and she mentioned about my dad, that she wanted my daughter to consider someone else as her grandfather, instead of my dad. Now, my dad committed suicide, so apparently, that means he cant even be in the family tree in her view. Doesn't give me a lot of hope on how she will react when I come out. Ah, well.

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Bike 14.5.11

Apologies for no Bike tonight - didn't get home until after 11.30pm and am too tired to write, hope to do better tomorrow.

As per the previous blog about what to wear to the CTC AGM dinner - I went with my Jaques Vert dress (cream, green and black flowers on a cream background), a short sleeved black cardi with glittery bits and black courts.

I also had an attack of IBS and spent half the evenng in the loo -which doesn't help my energy levels.

So, hopefully tomorrow I will bore you some more with tales of the Cameron clan.

Hugs to all,


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Chapter 1
She couldn't help but wonder where this turn of her life would lead as she sat across the table from the brown-headed boy with dark eyes who was munching on the dinner she had prepared.

Her 11-year-old nephew was a kindred spirit.

She was in her young 30s and had seen her life turned upside down. She married her college sweetheart, had a beautful daughter. She passed up a promising career as a college professor to become a stay at home mom.

Real Life Hannah Montana

Real Life Hannah Montana

By Stanman63

Here is a Real Life Hannah Montana. Currently, Megan Campbell is posting Sarah Carerra. Thought that Real Life Hannah Montana would be cool.

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Arecee's here

Hello everyone, and thank you for your concern as to why I haven't finished the rewrite of Homecoming Princess. There are several reasons, one I won't get into because it's personal and the others I will explain. As most of you know I'm writing my Assassin series and am almost finished with it. It's obviously very long and takes much time to research and bring together in a story. Writing a story this long doesn't leave time for a rewrite of princess, nor other stories I have in the works, Twisted being one that comes to mind.

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My Journey Through Life, So Far Part 2

My Journey Through Life, So Far
Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 2

I convinced my mother not to let me go back to preschool so I was off from school for a year. I mostly played with my Fisher Price play family, my Dawn doll while I still had it.

Slow recovery

Edeyn Many of you are aware that I severely broke my arm in November of 2009. Many of you are aware that before that time, I had the ability to type quite fast and efficiently -- in excess of 120 words per minute. And... most who are aware of both are also aware that when I was done with PT, I lamented the loss of over 65% of that speed.

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Concerning 'Fugue'

Just in case there are still a few people out there who are interested, after a ridiculously long wait the next installment of 'Fugue' has made it's way to my proofers. Hopefully in the next few days it will be ready to post, so if you're still following the story despair not, there is more to come.


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The Rusted Blade on hiatus this week.

To those who did not read the notes last week, due to real life complications darkice and I are delaying the next chapter of The Rusted Blade until next week. We found that if we don't keep a fair lead on the story, we *will* write ourselves into a corner, and then finding a way out of it without retconning what we've already released is tricky at best, and can interrupt the flow of writing.

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Feels a little like being adrift at the moment. Finishing YMIFE brought a release of a tension inside me that isn't unlike finishing reading a good book or series, and I've been basking in the relief for a while.

Been keeping busy. Managed to earn enough to pay for the replacement washing machine and the repairs to the car and a dozen other things. Doesn't leave much for the mortgage or the groceries, but the wolf isn't at the door yet.

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Graduated, but it isn't for me.

Well, the day has arrived, I have finally graduated from my LPN Class, two years, however. I have figured out that it isn't for me, so I get to enjoy figuring out what I do enjoy.

that will hurt.

also A 'friend' of mine borrowed books a while back and I haven't heard from her since, I lent her like 10~20 books that I have a sinking feeling I won't ever see back...There goes another 200 or so dollars.

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