Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Publishing Becoming Robin!

A few months ago, Piper approached me about publishing Becoming Robin. At first I was reluctant because I always said it would remain free, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could reach a much wider audience by actually having it published, so I did. :-P It's not 100% the original story in that chapter 1 uses my revision to make the introduction a little more subtle and, IMO, professional.

Bear in mind it was my first novel, so it needed some work, but the... Spirit... *ducks the rotten tomatoes* is the same.

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searching for a story

Hello everyone

i am looking for a story that i read a few years ago
i till remember the main character is moved a long way from home i think a relative like an aunt or sister is taking her in but the main part is that the character catches a baseball to avoid a little girl getting hit with it

thank you for your help

Carpe Diem

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My Brother the Bridesmaid (Children's book)

I just found a copy of this off ebay. It's a kids picture book (about third grade level) about a girl who tells how her twin brother wound up as a bridesmaid at their aunt's wedding. The kids were English, but the aunt lived in Australia. She never realized that 'Jo' was a boy and when she got married she asked the sister to be a bridesmaid. The family didn't realize that Jo was included in that invitation. In order to not ruin the wedding, Jo (who is about ten) is forced to play the girl during the ceremony (the aunt just thinks Jo is tomboyish, and never finds out the truth).

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Blind no more

Well,it is eight hours later, and I seem to have survived my cataract surgery. It was kind of interesting. The doctor has a sort of assembly line set up, with about eight people prepping and/or assisting. It was about an hour and a half of waiting and being prepped, and eventually I was one of the four on gurney's waiting to be wheeled in to the OR. The operation only took about 10 or 15 minutes, during which I could do nothing except "stare at the light" while he did his stuff.

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Interesting new feature on Amazon: Hide Sensitive Activity

So it just came across my twitter feed that "AMAZON IS HIDING LGBT BOOK REVIEWS!", and my knee-jerk reaction was of course, "WHAT?!"

But then I looked into it, and I think I get where Amazon is coming from on this issue. Namely: not everyone who reads LGBT fiction is "out and proud" nor do they want their Trump supporter anti-LGBT sister/cousin/parent/boss who knows their Amazon profile name, to know that they read/reviewed Tiffany and the Amazon Orgy (Just a made up name... I hope :P)

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Ricki Ortiz - TG Streetfighter Player

I'm not a computer gamer but this caught my eye.

I'm not sure about viewing it from outside the UK though.

She came out as Gay but she still didn't feel right.
The Gaming Fans seem to have accepter her very well which is a refreshing change,

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I'm challenging everyone....

I retired after a sextuple bypass surgery last May. I've been getting by on Social Security spoual survivor. Next month I begin MY Social Security. Needless to say my funds are tight.

However, Big Closet is important to me. So important I,m willing to tap into my personal IRA retirement funds to do so.

I sent $250 on 3/17. After Erin's plea I just decided to again send $250. I'm not bragging... I'm saying that Big Closet is that important to me... and I hope for you!

Please support BC!


personal update

Some of you may recall me mentioning a leg issue over the last few weeks, well it got worse at the weekend so today I availed myself of the services of the NHS.

You don't need the gritty but the long and short is that I have a venal blood clot in my thigh. It's a wonder it hasn't done for me with my riding over the last few weeks but the expert's seem to think the prognosis is reasonable.

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recovering from being sick

Well, my weekend did not go as planned, as I spent it bent over the toilet instead of being able to do stuff.

As a result, my attempts to publish my short story collection have been delayed, as have been my writing in general.

I'll post another update on the status of the story collection and when you guys might be able to expect more chapters of Mercy from me when I have more info to share, promise.

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Amadeus Irina ~ Part 20 -- Edits

Hi All,

Anam Chara made me aware of a few boo-boos I made out of my naivete on all things musical vocabulary. While I can certainly hang 'ballet speak' with the best of them, when it comes to orchestra positions and such, I am more than a novice.

I have made some edits, thanks to Anam, and hope I have it right now.

Forgive me for my ignorance and I hope you continue to enjoy the story anyway! :)



Why the bride is usually to the left of groom

I was going back through "Somewhere Else Entirely" and noticed Miss Penny Lane put the women to the left of the men in most instances. Obviously she either knows why or it was pure instinct.

"Garia was now always seated to Keren's left, just as every wife was always seated to the left of her husband."


Sorry I've missed a couple of Bikes

I've had an exhausting week work wise and haven't had the energy to do much at all in the evening not finishing until 8.00pm most nights - and I'm supposed to be semi-retired. Then last night I went to bed early and woke in the night for a wee and couldn't get back to sleep for ages. consequently sleeping in this morning. However, I woke feeling much better and resolved to have the morning doing something I enjoy instead of slaving over a hot text book. I went to check the barn owl roost I know and found some more pellets.

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Lady Love: A New Superheroine In The Making?

Like it often seems to happen with me, I woke up with an idea from my crazy muse who decided I should be awake, not sleeping. LOL

A young man discovers in his early teens that he should have been a girl, but being from the bayous of Louisiana, life doesn't come easy. His parents were always ready for a party, and like they had many times before, they joined several friends on an old and not very well kept twenty foot long speed boat. A really nasty storm raged through the area they were in and the boat went down with all lives lost.

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A very big "Thank you"

I just wanted to publicly thank Crazy Pagan Gurl for her help in editing my short story collection.

If I can, this weekend I'm going to try and submit it to Kindle, and I'll let everybody know when it's up.

Of course, doing this also means 26 of my shorts will be taken down from this site, but don't think I don't appreciate all the comments and kudos those stories have received here.

No matter how successful this little experiment is, I will always be grateful for this place, and I'm not done contributing just yet.

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sexual assault survivor slams anti-trans group for co-opting her story

“I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others...”

On March 5th of this year Kelly Herron was assaulted in a park bathroom in Washington state and badly beaten as she fought off her would be rapist and captured him for the police.

Weeks later a friend called her and told her that a group (Just Want Privacy) trying to pass another one of these anti-trans bathroom bills in her state was using photographs of her battered face as proof of what allowing trans people use the "wrong" bathroom would lead to. The group hadn't asked her, and she was really really pissed off at being used by them to promote a bill that she is 100% against and has nothing to do with her being attacked by a cis male rapist.

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The week that was

So - parcel fetched - it was a dig report from something I worked on for 6 years in the late '90's - only took the authors nearly 20 years to finish writing it up!

Fairly relaxing trip to Manchester Tuesday and finally today took delivery of the new passport, I can escape this madland now! hurrah!

And whilst waiting for the passport delivery I managed to write most of another Gaby chapter.

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I must apologize to all my readers for letting so much fall by the wayside. With the new pacemaker implanted at Christmas, and the subsequent hack to my account (If you only knew how sorry I am that such a horrendous thing happened to you, 'Dox... *weep*), I haven't been able (or really willing) to post much. Now that I am health(ier), and have a new computer and tighter security measures in place, both on my laptop and on BC in general (Thanks, Pipe, Seph, and Erin! *kiss*), I am in a position once again to write.

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advice, please

I was having a conversation with Efdumb the other day, and he suggested I might want to put some of my stories into a collection for sale on Kindle.

Its a good idea, but I am stuck on what stories I would pick. I mean, it would probably take 10 stories to make up a decent sized book, and my stories don't tend to be connected to each other directly, so how would I select the stories?

Any ideas, anybody?

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Another try at tabletopping at the BCTS chat

Hi people,

after one of our friends and D&D group members went missing in action, we want to try to revive D&D roleplaying at the Dungeon (just left of the Mainroom ;) ) at fridays.

So, whoever is interested in some fun with friends and some intense gaming sessions should join us in the mainroom or dungeon on Friday at 23:00 GMT. Interesting characters are welcome. After all we we have our own quirks too ;)

If you have any information on the whereabouts or fate of our beloved friend Doc, please PM me, Stardraigh, Rasufelle or Arwen's Tears.



The online seriel "WORM"

A few weeks ago... or so, someone pointed me via a blog entry, to this online seriel "Worm."

Whoever this was, I have alternately thanked and cursed you. The story is VERY well written and it's also VERY graphic, pulling no punches when it comes to violence. It's compelling and seemingly never-ending. I've read myself into a stupor, trying to reach an end that never seems to come, and yet... I cannot stop reading this damned story!

I'll include a url to access the story, but if you're not a superhero story fan, you'll probably not enjoy it very much. It's also not TG.


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Status Update

Ok so I thought I'd give everyone a quick status update on the whole "Tree Fiasco" from last week.

The tree is no longer on my roof, having been removed by my neighbor. He was also nice enough to put a tarp up there, over the hole. So at least I don't have to worry about doing that myself and definitely don't have to worry about paying a professional to take care of the tree. He said he'd fully do that.

The real problem now is all the damage.

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Time waits for no woman......

For those in the United States, don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight. At 2:00 AM most of us go on Daylight Savings Time - unless of course you live in one of the odd (not a slur, just different from the majority) areas that does not make the change.

So remember, at 2:00 AM it's really 3:00 AM - for those of us who can't sleep, we get to spend one less hour staring at the ceiling over the bed, listening to soft music, and praying that our demons remain at rest for one more night.



Apologies & New Ideas

First of all, I'd like to apologize for not updating several of my older stories recently like Home Is Where The Heart Is, No Place To Call Home, Upside Down, Inside Out, Step By Step, Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow and Stumbles Of Love. I went through a two week period where I wrote absolutely nothing, then when I did start writing again a few days ago, it was a brand new story.

It's even worse at the moment, I started a new story two days ago, took a break yesterday, and now I'm starting another new one. LOL

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surviving dysphoria

f you guys don't mind, I wanna talk about dysphoria for a bit.

Now, it's not a subject I tackle often, partially because I'm not sure how to convey the feeling to someone who has never had it, and partially because I'm not an expert on the subject in any sense other than my own experiences.

That said, as I had a really bad day with dysphoria yesterday, it is worth attempting to give some ideas on it.

My dysphoria tends to come in cycles. Not surprising, since everything else in my life seems to come in cycles too.
Sometimes, it's only a mild irritation.

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Lil Abner

After reading Erin's story and the comments my thoughts centered on the musical Lil Abner.

The lyrics to one of the songs are as poignant today as they were sixty years ago.

The Country's in the Very Best of Hands
– Li'l Abner and Marryin' Sam

Them city folks and we-uns
Are pretty much alike
Though they ain't used to living in the sticks
We don't like stone or cement
But we is in agreement
When we get started talking politics


Idea! lets have a chat with Rohanna and Kyley!

Here it is a rather simple Idea!

You my more than rabid readers, you ask questions here just like you are chatting to either Rohanna, the Pixies and group or Kyley and her group?

Just remember to 'say' who you are chatting with to keep all of us on the same page?

I will try to answer as best I can, without killing story plots or ideas?

SO let the fun begin!

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Reminded of a hot summer day

Bailey Summers' newest chapter of Jem got me thinking of a moment when I was a teenager.

A couple of girls who had become part of an unofficial D & D group with me were at one of their houses and we were just goofing around, and then the girls decided it was too hot and since they didn't have bathing suits handy, they simply stripped to their underwear. Despite feeling a touch self-conscious about my body, somehow I got talked into doing the same.

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that there wasn't an update/posting on Sunday - family day and no internet!

But here's the chapter that should have been posted - Planning for Mischief.

I was hoping to have the next chunk of book 19 ready for the weekend but a meeting Monday and a wayward muse yesterday have both impacted the time line so Part 2 could be out Sunday or it might be next Wednesday.

Well I think that's everything


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A hollywood TG movie coming in April

I was just looking through the itunes Trailer app on my phone and came across a move with Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver, Called "The Assignment".

It is about a Hitman who gets turned into a Woman by a doctor for killing her brother.


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No Bike tonight.

Sorry just did a twelve hour day, yeah I know supposed to be retired, sort of, and am just too tired to bother writing anything tonight. For those with withdrawal symptoms you could always read some earlier episodes or try one of my short stories, there are one or two of them, plus other serials like Totally Insane or Charlotte's Tale or my thriller and fantasy novel SNAFU, the first 47 parts are on Sapphire's site. See links below.

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Sorta funny I thought I'd share.

I just thought I'd share this. Now I've been singing and playing guitar around my area for the past year but tonight I decided to try something different. I decided to try my hand at stand up, because in my transition there has been some funny instances happen. While I'm not nervous singing and playing guitar at all anymore, tonight I was terrified, I honestly was nervous enough I forgot about 5 minutes of material I had planned but everyone thought it was hilarious anyway. I hope you all get a good giggle at this, I figure it never hurts to share a bit of laughter.

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When I saw that my latest story had 1547 reads I was reminded of the year 1547 when for a few days a truly formidable (positively or negatively) set of monarchs ruled in various countries in Europe at the same time:


Yorkshire Pudding failure.

I thought that I'd try a typical British Sunday lunch. It was supposed to impress my English in laws. Simple right? Nope I can tell you it never went to plan. I got a great beef joint. That at least came out the oven right. My roast potatoes were passable I guess. The gravy was pretty good but not much can go wrong there. However, the Yorkshire pudding was more like a pancake. Chloe, our eldest just looked and said just do what you're good at in future Mom. Kate, my Mom in law brought over a trifle. Next time it'll be meatloaf. We'll dine American fare lol.

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Magic is.. gonna take a few weeks?

Hi everyone!

I don't normally do blog post's or anything but I figured it would be easier here then saying it anywhere else so excuse any poor form or anything present as I ramble on here with as few words as possible.

To those keeping up with Hannah and her life in my 'Magic is..' series I've got some bad news, good news and some hopefully good news?

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working on a story about a 40 + trans woman transitioning

You guys may recall a while ago I challenged our authors to come up with a story starring a "mature" trans person.

Well, I decided to take myself up on my challenge, and I'm working on the story right now.

No idea when it will be done, as I am splitting my writing time between this story, Mercy, and another new piece called "Help! My girlfriend is a unicorn!"

So all I can say for now is, stay tuned ...

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Woman's Hour, Jenni Murray in hotwater

For an article in the Sunday Times she wrote in which she apparently suggested that transwomen are not real women. It got a mention in the Guardian and some of the comments are more interesting than the article.

For those who want to see the Guardian article:

I haven't actually yet seen the Sunday Times article which is behind a paywall. Thanks Roop!

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Transgender Models

This story was pointed out to me courtesy of phydeau.
Transgender is a subject of passion for me as I have studied them for longer than I am going to admit. Despite what Gays, Lesbians, Bi, Heterosexual, & yes Transgender themselves think, they (transgender) are as diverse emotionally, physically, mentally as all the rest of the human population. Many of them just like everyone else wants to put themselves in a definitive box. If these specifications and criteria are met then they are trans.


Bad news

I'm Baaaaaack!... (maniacal laughter)

On the serious side:

I have a BRAND NEW laptop, and have implemented some pretty major security upgrades to (hopefully) insure no further attacks from hackers. With the new threat of piracy, however, I am adding measures to my work to prevent piracy.

New stories are in the works, as well as MAJOR upgrades/revisions/additions to the old ones. Teasers will be posted soon.



My muse is back! Yay!

The last two weeks have been odd for me as my muse apparently wandered off with no warning at all. I had been posting pieces on an average of about every 2.5 to 3 days until that point, and I expected that to continue, so when it didn't, I felt like I was lost in writer's limbo.

I haven't written anything since I posted Betrayed on February 18th, and I was beginning to be worried that my muse was gone for good.

Thankfully, she has returned, and I am about to start writing the first piece of a new story.

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what's going on with me

Ok. the question now is: What's going on? Well I'll tell you. I have the wrap up of LNP so I can send it off to Erin to get it ready for Amazon(proofing and contract). Meanwhile I have another Chrysalis Project in the works. After all that is done, I can start prep-work on my next project which will be a 'free story'. I decided that I will alternate my projects. One free to read here at BCTS, followed by a story that will go for sale on Amazon. you get the idea. LKM, CP, Road Phantoms are all free stories and only to be on BCTS. Those will stay ongoing for the most part.

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just had to post this!

had to post this!

Was about to buy this book and felt that some of my readers that are more than ELF crazy would like where I get some of my crazy ideas from?

its this book series that did most of the damage to me and made Rohanna and some of Kyley today!---lol

very good read the first ones in the series---this one I am not sure of yet, have to got it and read it to death!

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Amadeus Irina and Story Thefts...

Hi All,

I appreciate your patience as I struggled with how to deal with the issue that so many of us are dealing with in terms of our stories being pirated and outright stolen.

At first, I almost decided to let them win. While I have no hope that we will be able to stop them--I also can't just let the story hang. How this will ultimately impact my writing--or better said, posting--of stories, I don't really know.

For now, though, I have every intention of completing the series--however long that may take. :)

Amadeus 18 is posted for those who are interested.

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Just an FYI... I will be in the endzone at the #SheBelievesCup matches today in Harrison, NJ.

As a pastime and to help de-stress I have been doing sports photography for a sports blog.

If you are at all interested in Soccer/Futbol England vs USA will be televised on FOX at 5pm eastern.

When the game is over I will try doing a blog of photo highlights.


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positive steps from my ex.

I had a couple of good moments with Sharon today. She talked about her church possibly being too judgmental, and I'm petty sure she was talking about my situation in particular.

Plus she talked about meeting a trans woman working in a store in the mall, and how nice a person they were.

Despite her using the wrong pronouns, its the most positive steps forward I've seen from her.

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So much drama!

It seems that everywhere I turn there is drama. Pretty much all my family are Republicans. A couple are pretty much centralists. Even our so called new President is nothing but a drama queen. Thanks a lot for turning the Country I love into a joke Donny J. Let's be honest Donny J Trumphas to be the biggest drama queen of all. Then there is my eldest daughter. She's seven going on twenty seven, like most kids her age I guess. That kid is so much like me it scares the crap out of me. My Mom once said to me, you know Cheryl now I know that God is just. On asking what she meant she replied.

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Been trying to do an essay on the Amazonian rainforest

I was getting into essay writing mode when my printer played up again, it did so last weekend when I was trying to print off a couple of scientific papers that I could quote or cite to justify my case. I was trying to do the same again, print off a paper on sustainable use of the forest when it started playing up again. It's amazing how quickly an hour can pass when you're enjoying yourself - so why is it so slow when waiting at an airport or railway station?

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A scientific report posted on FB as a comment to a transphobe.

I have simply cut and pasted, The following is taken from an FB post ...

I just commented this on a transphobic post that was all like: "In a sexual species, females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y, I'm not a bigot; it's just science."

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Does anybody know how to shut off and hopefully remove Google+? After basically doing nothing for several years it has suddenly decided to pollute my screen and notifications with crap from some comments I posted on youtube. I really don't care that 10 other people have commented on the same video I commented on six months ago. It seems it won't let itself be turned off or removed. I don't want it, I don't need it and I don't ever intend to use it.


DMCA Takedown Notice - How to get your stories taken down.

Hi everyone! I need you all to do me a GREAT favor.

Anyone here whom is an author in the USA or other territory/area governed by the DMCA, who has had a story "stolen" or unwillingly posted to the forum.silicone-breast website, please use the form on this website:

to send a notice to the email addresses listed below:

[email protected]
[email protected]

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Why it's great to be a sixteen year old girl

It's great to be a sixteen year old girl!

I'm writing a story by that title. It's based in the post-scarcity future. She will be using her Santa Clause Machine to make a party dress for her sweet sixteen birthday. She has a boyfriend who is just enough older to be exciting. He will be helping her plan her party.

Both she and her boyfriend have attractive flawless bodies, and that isn't at all unusual in this utopian future.

So, why is it great to be sweet sixteen? I need ideas. The reasons can be serious, sweet, or silly.

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Legend of Zelda Canonical Crossdressing

So, in the new Legend of Zelda game, Link crossdresses as a gerudo, a race of desert dwelling women. Leaked screenshots, show Link talking to several Gerudo women, and being complimented for how beautiful he looks, dressed in a baby blue gerudo top with silk pants and a veil over his face and a feminine version of his usual hat.

So yeah, I'm sure any gamers on here will find that delightful. Naturally fan art of gerudo link is starting to pop up to and several of my friends have sworn that if they can play as crossdressed link all game, they are.

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USB Wifi Adapter

I have a 32 inch, curved screen HP, "Envy" and recently found out that the particular type of screen excitation they use is very hard on the eyes, and I can verify that I have been having eye comfort issues.

I still have my 7 year old Dell, XPS 430 which was working fine when I shut it off. The issue was that it really did not like win10, so I rather naively thought the machine to be obsolete. However, the last word I got from the MS Technician is that they cajoled it into running on win10, but that was after I had already gotten the new 'puter.


please send Jaci some encouragement

I just wanted all my friends and fans here (and everybody else too) to send some encouragement to Jaci. She's been fiddling with a very funny Jaci and Dottie story, but I think she doesn't think she's a good enough writer, or something.

So send her some love, if you please.

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