General Audience (pg)

HH: Interlude-05

Hayfield Hall: Interlude-05
By: Annette MacGregor & Karen Page

Another mystery is how the students are selected and paired. Part of that process is a selection committee, whose membership includes the headmaster and the support staff. This Interlude doesn't address the entire mystery, but it does show some of the inner workings of the committee.

Fifteen Thousand Stories and Counting

Earlier this morning we passed 15,000 stories/chapters on site and are currently adding new story postings at a rate of 90 to 150 a week. This is 2 to 5 times as fast, on average, as the next most active TG fiction website, Fictionmania, which has more than 18,000 tales/chapters in its archive. We ARE catching up. :)

Thanks to all the authors and editors who contribute their efforts and thanks to all the commenters and readers who encourage the authors.


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I just wanted to comment

There have been so many GREAT stories being posted, that I cannot keep up. I am still working on A Sweets Life, but y'all are making it hard on me! Thank you so much for the wonderful stories! I'll try to leave comments, but there are so many I want to read, and the temptation to just Kudo and run is very tough. I'm working on it!


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On the Vagaries of English

I seem to have misplaced a blog from a few weeks ago (maybe longer, as I have also seen fit to misplace my mind these days...), but the author had brought up a topic of grammar and spelling in our editing. I was recently perusing and came across this page and thought to share it with all and sundry:

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I am relativeley new as regards this site.

Maybe the timing was a bit serendipitous. (type o's? Dont care)

When I first discovered this site I loved it a lot!

Now I think it has moved away from reality too much.

I see a pattern of nonsense within these "retcon/ Sci-fi stories.

Due to the lowering quality of realism on this site I feel myself gravitaing to FM and various other sites.

I will not appollogise for this comment as my instinct tells me I am right

The King is FM and he is not dead.

Long live FM

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my birthday ended on a down note

Well, my birthday ended on a down note. That night, as my shift started, the acting manager announced another girl's birthday, and it was clear she either didn't know or forgot it was mine too. So I spoke up, and said it was mine as well. She then said to everyone "Happy birthday to Todd, its HIS birthday too."

For some reason, that upset me a lot.

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Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 3

Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 3

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2011)

Terry is an orphaned 13-year-old now being raised by his aunt. The boy finds comfort in being a member of an all-girl dance group which is about to put on its biggest ever performance. The girls are deep in planning their act and Terry finds a handsome and strong boy who finds much attraction in the pretty boy. (3rd Part of a 5-part Serial) Previous stories in this series which traces Terry's life are "Aunt Adele's Christmas Gift" and "Aunt Adele's Easter Pageant."

Billy Elliot writer vs Opera North

Could someone remind me which century we're living in?

"Billy Elliot writer Lee Hall has spent the past year working on an epic opera starring 300 schoolchildren. Now his backers have pulled out, in a bitter row over a character's sexuality."

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Sarah Carerra - 2.43 - Sparkle

sc2.jpg Joe asked me to sit down in a chair while he walked over to a wall of guitars. There was a large crowd of people looking on now, while he pointed to a large red guitar that was hanging on the wall.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.43 - Sparkle
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: July 4, 2011

From the Observer - a review of Gardenia

I'd never heard of this before or the work it's derived from, but might be of interest to some here who are more cultured than I (arguably a pot of yoghurt is). There is some strong language in character's names but hey, it's avant-garde (French for doesn't suit all tastes).


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Little Pink Mini

Little Pink Mini
by Maeryn Lamonte
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
The Hand Me Down (Sort of), Hit Me With Your Best Shot and Close Encounters
Eric's Gran left him a car in her will, only it's not quite what he expected.

In time the unusual bequest pushes him to face some hidden truths inside himself, and from there face off against some people who don't want to accept that such truths should exist.

There is some small reference to violence in this, but nothing explicit

GID and Aspergers

So, well I was sitting in a meeting the other night, and one of the "experts" said that many GID folks are some form of Aspergers. This was a meeting put on my some political, and marketing people who thought themselves to be pretty highly, um smart. For some reason, I saw them to be self serving, snobbish, obnoxious prigs.

So, anyhow today I started thinking about what they said about GID and aspergers. Gee, I was never diagnosed with it, though I seem to have some of the same troubles that they do. This is a lot to think about.


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The Angry Mermaid 32 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 32

In which Drustina finds herself in the thick of a battle.

The Angry Mermaid 32


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 32.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)


Ok, I'm sure that this has been asked, probably by me (I'm really thinking about changing my hair color to blonde again...) but is there a way to see how many kudos a individual piece of a story has gotten? I thought I read something somewhere that said that there was supposed to be a list on the 'My Stories' page along with the total and daily reads, comments, etc.

Of course I could be imagining things and may not have read that at all...



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I'm Kristine Roland's Wife. And you're a great bunch!

First, thank you all for the offer of giving me a place in your home. I do appreciate it, I've now created an account, and I may drop in on occasion. Unfortunately, it doesn't really solve the problem.

The problem is this: because Kristy is a CD, because TGs are a (very short) step up from unacceptable in our world, the two of us have decided not to out hir. Which means that, publicly, I can't say anything about it. Which means, it all lives in a box and I can't integrate my whole life anywhere.

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Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 2

Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 2

By Katherine Day


(Copyright 2011)

(An orphaned 12-year-old boy moves to live with his aunt and finds his true self as he is accepted as a girl in an all-girl dance group. The group is preparing for a big performance, as the new girl finds boys interested in her.)

Summer, Tesla Coils and Editing

Hey Everyone, college has broken up for the summer and I'm planning to spend a lot more time writing. I'm also, as a slightly random idea, going to build a tesla coil. I'm probably going to build the type that uses a spark gap but it would be awesome if I could build a solid state, which can be used to play music (if tuned right anyway).

I would also like to have a go a some editing so if anyone has a story/chapter that they want editing please send it my way. I wont feel insulted in any way if you send it in for a second opinion as I have never done this before

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Hell Froze Over :-)

Well, let me get the obvious out of the way first. Our vacation plans kind of fell through. It's a combination of things, but I had a minor medical emergency, and am on extremely powerful antibiotics right now. :-)

But some incredible, incredible good has come out of it. Like the title says, Hell's officially frozen over. I had a talk with my mother about my gender status.

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Me and my friend

Me and my friend

by Janet Harris 2011

Someone on Fictionmania said I should use more dialogue, instead of “wall to wall narration” so here goes...

“I want you to come on this journey with me, George”

“What journey? Where to?”

“Well, we're not going to leave this room, in reality, so to speak. It's sort of in a new dimension... You're not going to believe it until it happens, so it's hardly worth trying to explain it first.”

“Oh, come on, Tom, don't be so mysterious. Out with it!”

Could use some advice

If you have read my prior blogs on my home life, you know that I am blessed with a wife and son that accept me for who I am.

My wife has mentioned a couple of times recently that the one thing that bothers her is that she is isolated, when it comes to the topic of my being TG.

My wife is not a very social person to begin with. She simply doesn't enjoy social settings, dreads any such gathering, even though she usually has a good time in the end. As a result, she doesn't have any close friends, at least not in real life.

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Happy birthday to me.

Well, I turned 45 this morning while at work. Its going to be a quiet day, sleeping and then going to work, so nothing much for a birthday. Doing a supper with my brother and sister in law tomorrow, and plan to be in my best skirt for the occasion, especially since I will have to leave from the restaurant and go to work. My brother and sister in law wont approve, but frankly, I don't care.

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Wise Words

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered:

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money
to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future
that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not
live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to
die, and then dies having never really lived.”


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Somewhere Else Entirely -26-

It is the morning after the night before, and Garia has to face an angry Robanar and a furious Jarwin over breakfast. Accusations and insults fly and the situation becomes quite dangerous. Finally, a challenge is made and reluctantly accepted...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

26 - A Matter of Honor

Men Don’t Hold a Monopoly on Ignorant Behavior

Last night I watched an enlightening documentary on homophobic, college coaches.

Yes, the villain in this film is a woman.

Rene Portland, a women’s basketball coach at Penn State for twenty-seven years, openly had a “no lesbians allowed” rule. She not only consistently ran off girls on her team who came out, she also did what she could to make sure they didn’t play for other programs.

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Dry Spell

What is really sad, that, ever since my arm started the spasm thing I have barely written. Since my last blog post I have written nothing. This is not a good thing for me as writing is very therapeutic. I am not sure what the problem is, as I can't seem to really focus on much. If I had to guess what is the problem I would probably go with depression getting worse as well. I mean... my arm has gotten worse, more fun and games with poverty and life being generally crazy. So... that would probably be it.

Sigh... this is getting ridiculous.

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That newspaper

The Daily Mail, also known as the Hate Mail or Wail, is often referred to disparagingly by UK members of this site. For very good reasons, as the link will show. Even for the Mail, they plumbed new depths of opportunistic nastiness with this one. For those of you outside the UK, this is why it is so badly thought of.

Comments on the site were disabled for some time due to the vitriol that was poured out by readers.

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Corrective Rape in S. Africa

I really don't understand how some men think that raping a lesbian is going to 'cure' them. Surely, any effect it has is going to put them off being near men for life?

It still seems to be happening and on almost epidemic scale in South Africa, and the response of the police appears to have been less than helpful in many cases.

This from the BBC website:

Please keep any comments resonable.


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Possible Delays in postings

Just so everyone knows, I've decided to take part in Camp NaNoWriMo. This is an 'official' spinoff of NaNoWriMo, and takes place in July and again in August (I'm not sure that I have it in me to go at it twice in a row, but who knows...)

I may delay any writing or posting of My Mistake or Emma's Story until Camp NaNoWriMo is done, but I may not do that either. We will have to see.

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Is it just me or is bad grammar becoming acceptable?

I was never a great speller or one that was grammatically correct in every way, but the use of "your" instead of "you're" was drilled into me at school. There seems to be more and more stories in the media and even here that get the two mixed up, another phrase being "then" when it should be "than".

Is the problem brought about by voice recognition software and the various accents where words sound the same and stories are not being grammar checked? By the way, (BTW) I just wanted to say that I love being part of this community even if being in Western Australia is a long way away.


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Well, I've had a bit of a setback. I phoned the gender specialist's office, and found out that I don't yet have an appointment to get my blood tested to start female hormones. Apparently, there is some question as to whether just going to work as Dorothy qualifies as a real life test or not. (Why this matters, I don't know, but there you are.) So now I have to wait and hear back from the specialist, or maybe I'll be waiting until I see him again in December to find out if I can start them anyway. ... Sigh.

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