General Audience (pg)

Dawn Rising

The latest bit of scrawl from Nick B will hit the screens hopefully in the next few hours (after the German Grand Prix and Pen's haircut probably) and I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the fact that it's unedited, unproofed and largely wysiwyg.

We're off to France on Tuesday and didn't have time to send it to anyone - not that I was able to find someone to take up the mantle of my editor after Gabi's sad passing.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave and comments (providing they're not completely horrible) and kudos if possible.

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I wrote Erin last night before going to bed asking her to unpublish Mishap. The latest chapter of which had been published for over 12 hours and had not gotten one single comment*.

What a bunch of ingrates. You want want want but can't give. I say it again because I'm sick of the excuses** I hear not to comment. There's even a certain element who will even go so far as to complain they aren't getting the type of stories they want. Those are the same people who never post a comment either. The authors work here for free but they feel they can complain about it.

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Could I have this dance?

I had this story kicking around in my head for the past couple of days. It's short, but sweet. Enjoy


She was a beauty. Sure there were other women in that room at the time, but none had the beauty and happiness that radiated on her face. Her dress was a sight to behold. The lace that run up the sides was exquisite. Her hair was done up with flowers on one side. And that smile never left her lips.

Heads I lose, tails I lose?

Well, that's pretty much how I feel right now. I can try to move forward in dealing with my gender issues, and risk losing my daughter, or I can stay as I am, and more than likely suffer a breakdown, eventually. Not long ago, I had a vision of what my future could be like following both of these choices, and both end in despair, with me alone and broken. There just has to be a third choice, I don't believe in the no-win scenario ...

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Comic-con San Diego - photos

Some photos from the comc con as shown on the guardian website. Some of the con goers make great efforts with their costumes, Mark Hamill was brilliant - instead of reprising Luke Skywalker, he seems to be appearing as Jabba the Hutt.

Angharad :)

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Somewhere Else Entirely -29-

Garia talks of knife fights, rainbows, Jarwin's fate, a cleaning job, long white dresses, gods and magic in a day in which all learn something new.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

29 - Of Gods and Magic

Special Day

Today is a very special day for me, an anniversary if you will. Even though I read on this site for a long time, it took me a while to actually become a member. It took even longer than that for me to finally write something. But a year ago today, I finally broke my 6 year writing dry spell and posted the very first chapter of The Syndicate. I'd like to thank Lilith for allowing me a chance to play in her world. As it turns out I haven't really stopped writing since. I've managed to pump out one story after another, from Center to Retcon and back again.

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Confessions of a Grammar Nazi

Umm, not really, but maybe that depends on your point of view. Plus I hate that word, the 'n' one I mean. Anyway, I like to get my stuff as 'correct' as possible re grammar and language, within my own idea of real world usage and the way things flow that is. So I get the whole artistic purity, kernel of perfection don't mess with the muse thing. Even if I think the 'muse' idea a bit pretentious.

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Hit the brick wall running

A while ago, I wrote a poem by that name (here is a link: ) Well, right now that's close to how I feel. I think I'm psyching myself up for a charge at that wall, and its going to hurt But I simply don't know what else to do. When I first became honest with myself, and then came out to my family, I felt better. When I got a job as Dorothy I felt much better, and I think I kidded myself into believing I could stay like this - half in each gender. But I can't, not for long.

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Through the years: Troy's Story part 7

Peter could feel that they were uncomfortable, so he began to go to the side of the house, turning his head to talk to them once more as he went. “Well ladies, have a nice.....” His steps stopped and he turned to look at Tracy again. He stood there for a moment, then asked. “Troy? Is that you?”

The young boy didn't reply. Instead, the young girl who was there knew she was caught, so she jumped from the table and flung the backdoor opened, running to the safety of the guest bedroom. Peter stood there for a moment, unsure what to do. Modine and Maggie both stood up, the older woman patting Troy's mother on the arm. “I got her.”


Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 12

The following day I awoke earlier than usual. I hadn’t slept very well as everything happening at the club and to me and my family had played on my mind.

The real prospect of upheaval at the club was bad enough, but the attack on Andrea really made me wonder what might happen next...

Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 12

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2011 Susan Brown

The Angry Mermaid 34 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 34

A chapter in which Drustina our 'heroine' finds herself embroiled once more in preparations for war.

The Angry Mermaid 34


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 34.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.

Cosplay, can anyone do it?

I saw a CNN clip about Commic Con, and OMG, my imagination is like totally captured ! Wow!

I was thinking that if I get involved in it, I would like to be "Katia" in my girl rambo story. Of course that means losing the 30lbs I have been storing on my body, but I can just see myself in a butt length Black wig with blood red highlights, a black costume with black leggings with all sorts of dials and vents on the leggs, a sexy top and a holster for my "Noisy Cricket" and of course my enhanced sword! No stillettos, though, you can't really run and fight in those things!

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Written by Dauphin

"A fanfic of a TV show, this story has enough magic for everyone. One wonders what happens in Dauphins' head?" Diana
"It was fun to write and does not follow TG stories, as there is a bit of everything. I suppose this is why some did not like it" Dauphin

Gah! Plumbers!

Why does it always happen to me? Someone, somewhere, must know a plumber who actually turns up when he says he will, but I've never met one.

For some time now, we've had a damp patch on the (concrete) kitchen floor. Just occasional seepage from somewhere. Not very much, and no smell so I'm guessing it's mains water rather than sewage. Just recently the stains started to get larger and I reluctantly decided that we would have to get the problem fixed.

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Fetish, Anyone?

Cross-dressing isn’t all that hard to understand.

Somewhere along the line the word fetish took on a negative connotation.

A fetish is an inanimate object that is felt to have magical or spiritual powers. What is negative about that?

Comments on this board about “not understanding cross-dressing” have made me go back to the basics.

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Jamie - drag queen.

I watched the film about Jamie because I wanted to know more about where he was coming from, I didn't understand drag queens as a phenomenon, and I still don't. However, I had new respect for the lad's courage.

He had two ambitions: to become a drag queen, and to go to his school prom in a dress. He found a club in Newcastle which had a drag revue running and the person running it helped him create a routine.

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I Guess the Main Stream Media missed this

I have been listening to NPR ( National Public Radio ) lately and 3 days ago they did an artical on the New California law that requires the teaching of LGBT history in state schools.
They compaired a man named Harvey (I know when somebody smarter than reads this they will correct Mr. Milks first name) Milk, who was assinated for being an equal rights spokesman and also gay, to Dr. Martin Luther King.
To listen to the artical you can probally go to your local NPR station on the net.
I guess the mainstream media missed this or thought unnewsworthy


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Through the years: Troy's Story part 6

He slipped into the nightgown and slowly Tracy began to be emerge. When she was fully there, she went into the kitchen where her grandmother was waiting, already working on her crossword. Tracy stopped by her grandmother long enough to give her a light kiss on the cheek. “Morning Grandma.” She said as she moved to the cupboard that held the skillets.

“Good morning to you too, young lady.” Modine replied, not looking up from her paper. “You need help?”

“Maybe.” Tracy replied as she pulled out a skillet. “But can I try it on my own first?”

“Sure thing sweetie. You just let me know when you need help.”



by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — L337

1337 words according to Word and a manual count (don't trust OpenOffice) from below the break.

Come on, that's short enough you shouldn't need a synopsis.

Out of the closet

I had my coming out a few days ago. First I told my mother. Surprisingly she took it in the best way I could have imagined. She was so supportive and I'm so happy about this.

I also told my colleagues at work. Many people are giving me bad names now and offend me, but I don't care anymore. I feel alive. At last somethings goin' forward again in my live. Let them all hate and talk about me, it doesn't matter. I don't give a darn anymore.

I still have some big 'hurdles' in my way like talking to my brother about it. That's the one I'm most afraid of.


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Through the years: Troy's Story part 5

“Oh God baby, why didn't you let anyone know you were home. You got us all worried.” Maggie said, kissing his cheek.

“I was sleeping.” He said meekly.

“Where the HELL have you been!” William screamed as he got just outside of the kitchen.

Modine stood up slowly and blocked his way into the kitchen. “Now I know your hearing is still good. I told you where he has been. Asleep on my porch swing. So don't you dare yell at him for that.”

“Mom, let me handle this.” He snarled at her

“You can handle it, but you wont yell in my house, not till I'm dead and gone, understand me?” Troy's grandmother was shorter then his father, but she didn't bat an eye as she stood there. “Now he was on the property, but he couldn't really tell anyone he was here if he was sleeping, now can he.”


Off to the Con

I'm off to the San Diego Comic Con! I'll have my laptop and phone along so I won't be out of touch but things won't get looked at ten or twelve times a day, more like just two or three. :) Have fun and if you're there, I can often be found hanging around Scott Shaw!s table or in one of Mark Evanier's panel shows.

Hugs to all,

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Through the years: Troy's Story part 4

“Joy.” Troy's sarcastic tone wasn't lost on Peter. Together the two boys walked up to the line, waiting to get on to the ride home. Peter moved off and got on his bus, leaving Troy alone with his jerk brother. Steps away from the bus, Troy felt someone shove his side and he fell to the ground.

“Ooooohhhh.” A tall, thin boy sneered down at him. “Did the wittle baby fall?”

Troy scrambled to his feet and glared at his attacker. “Go to hell Vance.” He spat out.

His brother stood half a foot taller, which gave him the ability to loom over the smaller Patterson boy. Vance's arm cocked back as though he were going to throw a punch, making Troy bring up his arms to block. “Fag.” His brother laughed at him before getting on the bus. At the top of the steps he stopped and looked at his brother who was just watching him. “Come on little baby. Maybe we should get you home and change your diapers!” The kids on the bus started to laugh loudly.

Cross Dressing Comedy on ABC in Fall - "Work It|"

I was just browsing the net (could not sleep) and decided to check on new television shows for the Fall. ABC is having a "Some Like It Hot" comedy about two guys who find work by cross dressing.

This following is from ABC.COM and the link below takes you to a page about the show and a video. My first thoughts is that it seems syupid and won't last long


"About Work It"

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What's next for me, writing wise?

If you have asked yourself this question, and even if you havent, here is what may be coming soon from me:

A couple of ret-con projects, both going about the speed of molasses in January....

A fan-fic taking place in the universe of a TV show popular enough to make me intimidated in terms of not wishing to alienate anyone who enjoyed the series .....

A quiet little story that starts with a quiet little conversation in a park and keeps threatening to take a detour into the Twilight Zone .....

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Fat Steve (Part 1)

Fat Steve (Part 1)

Wow. It's been a while since i've written anything for you all.
Ok, without giving too much away about this story; it's got some mafia stuff in, some conspiracy stuff, and a boy on the run. Enjoy!


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