General Audience (pg)

The way I see it.

Is it just me, or do we live in a society which is driven by shallowness and selfishness, powered by a media which has a constant need for stories — whatever their merit. We are no longer citizens but consumers — and boy, can we consume.

We’re stripping the planet of its resources faster than a swarm of seven billion locusts in our selfish and conspicuous consumption and possibly storing up a payback which will endanger if not destroy our successors.

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The Other Side of the Suspension

It’s been forty-one years since I last taught a high school class. I went into business rather than to make the kind of “mistake” I watched everyone else in my family make.

My mother and father were teachers. My three older siblings all were teachers . . . and I watched year after year while they struggled to make ends meet while suffering daily abuse at the hands of immature and unruly children.

I’m sorry, but I watched the video of the boy who cross-dressed and was suspended. He’s appears to be an egocentric brat!

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Happy chapter 40

So I wanted to surprise you all with the chapter early, as it has been a while since the last time I posted anything. So read and enjoy. Thank you for being patient with me. And more chapters will arrive as I can get to them. 300 Rains is not being dropped or anything, just that I have a lot of other things going on. After all... they have to make it back to Brazil. :)

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A 15 Yr Old Suspended

I Think this School District could have problems with this being what state this happen in! Richard

PORT ORCHARD, Wash. – A 15-year-old boy has been suspended from school after wearing high heels and a dress to school as a part of a challenge laid down by his mother.

Sam Saurs, a ninth grader at Sedgwick Junior High School in Port Orchard, said he told his mother that wearing high heels wouldn't be that hard. Saurs' mother challenged him to try it and he accepted. To take it even further, he decided to wear a dress, too.

Join the weird news fun on Facebook!

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The Angry Mermaid 30 or Y morforwyn Dicllon 30

A sroy describing how Drustina manages to get her way and advance her aims.

The reputed Colossus of Rhodes.

The Angry Mermaid 30.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.

Green Lantern Oath

Just for fun, in honor of the new Green Lantern movie that opened locally today, I thought I would see how many people here would say the Green Lantern Oath with me:

In brightest day, In blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship Evil's might
Beware my power....

Green Lantern's Light!


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1st vacation in 11 yrs: time to visit the land of Odyssey

This will be my first vacation in 11 years. I spent 10 of those years taking care of my bed-ridden wife and working. No complaints about that, I loved her dearly. Tomorrow, June 17, is the 1st anniversary of her graduation to the next life. I'll be leaving on the 22 for Washington DC for 2 days of taking in the memorials and Smithsonian. I also have a ticket to ride the DC Ducks. Refurbished WWII DUWKs that journey through DC and go for a swim on the Potomac. I'll be getting 1st hand info for Krista's continuing odyssey. On the 24 I'll travel to St. Michaels for 2 days.

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Galactic Marshal III - Chapter 12

Galactic Marshal III


“Before we go find Gina, you need to read this.”

Tinker handed me an electronic tablet. As I read it, my eyes grew wide. I looked up at Tinker.

“You mean to tell me that Jonnie has been suspended down there in a pod for three years.”

Never My Love 2 - 'I Wanna See A Mountie!'

Never My Love

Chapter 2 - 'I Wanna See A Mountie!'

A Gaby FanFic
by PB

(based on the 'Notes of a Journey' trilogy)

Oh, to be in Alberta now that December is here...

To Bear with Unbearable Sorrow

For many who frequent BC, a goal has been to achieve the unattainable.

We come to BC frustrated. We deem ourselves to have too many male secondary sex traits to succeed in a physical transformation.

For a while we read TG fiction to lose ourselves in a world that somewhat resembles where we ache to be. We closely identify with the protagonist and for a moment . . . know what it would be like to magically cross over.

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The Ache of loneliness

For some reason, I am feeling terribly lonely this morning. I had a good day yesterday, going out for lunch with a friend, but now I feel ... empty. I wish I could have someone to hold, to hold me, someone I could whisper with in the dark when sex is not in the cards, but it seems not to be. I'm grateful for Kylie, but right now our relationship is rocky enough to accentuate my loneliness rather than relieve it. Ah, well.

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TransBike-New England Wish

TransBike-New England Wish
By Jennifer Sue And Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:When a young trans-girl reads about the TransBike, she sets out on a new odyssey to see if the TransBike is real so that she and her friends may have a wish granted.

Update on Health, writing and 300 Rains

Okay, so Chapter 40 is edited and I will probably post it Sunday. I have nothing else ready as another story has hijacked me and since this one is for hopeful future publication, it takes precedence right now. So if I have a lull in writing that story I will try to catch up with 300. I still have an issue with my health and the VA is doing some work on trying to fix the issue. So, if that gets better I will be able to write more and probably catch up.

So, there you have it an update on 300 Rains.

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BigCloset Volume 1 Draft Story List

This is the first draft story list for Volume One. Stories on this list may be excluded, or more stories may be added to the final book/list depending on Author Availability/Cooperation and other variables. If one of your stories is on this list, please fill out the permission contract form or send me a PM. -- Erin


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Other Keywords: 

Bailey Review

No doubt pressured by the likes of the Daily Mail, six months ago the UK government launched a review into the "Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood". Oh yes. It was led by a chap called Reg Bailey, who's the Chief Executive of Mothers' Union. The organisation then criticised the report for "not going far enough" in its recommendations. Ho hum.
The recommendations include:

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Cycling in a short skirt a road hazard?

A Guardian bike blog reporting that a dutch model was pulled over by a NYPD officer for cycling in a short skirt. Given that cyclists are booked for not cycling in bike lanes even when there are obstructions tends to show some inconsistency in policing.

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regaining confidence in my writing

Well, my confidence in my abilities had taken a hit thanks to the struggles I had with "Between one step and the next", but the two short pieces I've done since has given me a bit of a boost in this area. Hopefully, that means I can tackle a longer work now.

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Changes part 4 - links

Here is the link!

I'm still having trouble with lulu's upload interface, my files and embedding fonts in pdf's so once again we have a blue background.

The problem will be sorted out before i print the full book, once again though, thank you for your patience.


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Whatever Next 28

The continuing story of Gaby's Dorset visit: When a can of Coke does what it says on the tin, Gaby unwittingly crosses paths with her arch enemy, Rodney Meadows who's now living as Mr Field. The story moves closer towards an inevitable meeting between the 'schoolgirl racer' and the drug dealing thug, and its climactic outcome in the closing chapters which will be coming soon.



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TG Themes: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Somewhere Else Entirely -23-

After three days of rest Garia is ready to restart her new existence. She discovers more about palace routine before dropping more bombshells at the next meeting of the Council of the Two Worlds.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

23 - Bells and Black Rock

The Willikins Diary

I’ve always been a normal guy. Okay, kind of a normal nerd. I like to watch Godzilla movies and all of the Star Wars franchise, and I really dig computers. I had a job in the mailroom at the corporate offices of a really large insurance firm. Why do they even have a mailroom? Don’t they know about e-mail?

A quick question, if I may...

For those of you who may be interested in following "Never My Love" to the end, I've got a question for you.

In an upcoming chapter, Gaby's handwriting is shown. I selected a font called "Rage Italic" as IMO, it looks like her scrawl ... but I'm not positive if it appeared in the earlier versions of 'MSWord' that still may be in use by people here. Therefore I'm asking now.... is this choice okay?


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about, "Home of the Brave"

I just thought to share with you all about how "Home of the Brave" came about. It started because I had found myself getting on a negative track mentally, beating myself up for my lack of courage in not dealing with the ex. This story was my way of countering that kind of negative self-talk, by reminding myself that perhaps being willing to put my own needs on hold for my daughter's sake was a kind of courage too. I hope everyone enjoyed the result.

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Interesting people in Tudor England.

People have always managed to kill or injure themselves in inventive ways, even if the invention was unintended. The link to the attached article on the BBC website gives a few examples from Tudor England - including someone who shot himself in the head with a longbow; someone who was indirectly killed by a maypole and someone who died after their testicles were crushed during 'Christenmas games,' bet that hurt.


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Creative slump ... sort of :-)

Wow, where the heck did my last two weeks go? Sorry everyone. I know quite a few are waiting anxiously for updates to Becoming Robin and Boys Don't Cry. I hit a bit of a creative slump lately. It's not that I don't know what I want to write; more like how to do the stories justice.

Back during writing near the end of Book Two there were times when I would write just to write. There were passable chapters with high points, but some of it just felt like it wasn't up to my usual quality, and I'm trying to avoid doing the same thing to both Book 3 and BDC.

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Cali Prop 8: Walker's ruling stands

I've just read this Independent article about the recent attempts to overrule Judge Vaughn Walker's 2008 ruling on Proposition 8.

So I then hopped onto Google News, and discovered that Judge James Ware has now ruled that Walker's judgement stands. Here's one article briefly mentioning the decision, and the Google News feed.

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Five Years

As of two hours ago, I've been here at BCTS for Five years. It's been loads of fun and I've made a lot of good friends. I've learned a lot about myself. I finally let myself be a little more of the real me. Not as easy as it sounds as most of you know. After holding myself apart for so long, it's so very difficult to let go of those things I hidden behind. Most of my stories has gotten a good response even if not blockbusters, well, by BC standards. A few has gotten very good welcomes, and I'll be lying if I said it didn't feel good.

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meeting Aurelia

Well, I've been meaning to talk a bit about Aurelia, the other trans woman at work. She just came back to work after surgery, and her story is a little different than mine. First, she is intersexed, so gender confusion was more than just in her head. She also suffers from mild Autism, and that makes her days interesting, to say the least. For now, she is on very light duty, using a motorized cart for going around the store in, and she is on a lot of meds, not surprisingly.

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