A quick summary of recent history, so those of you that don't think like I do can understand my slight cause for concern.
First, there was the unrest in Egypt that brought down the ruling party there. i think it safe to assume that most of us are at least passingly familiar with what all went down there. Then, like a contagioun, the unrest spread through out the Middle East. Some places there was no voilence. Others... Well, look to the current situation in Lybia as an example. not there is this:
Riots in London as seen on Yahoo News
I remember when the first political protests in the Middle East after Egypt got underway, i told my dad the this was only the beginning of something. Thus far, I have been proved right. What scares me about this, is that the unrest and, in some cases the voilence as well, has spread out of the middle east and gone on to other areas of the world. the UK, and spcifically London, has turned into a hot bed of political unrest in Europe, as far as I can tell from my vantage point on this side of the puddle. My fear now is that the unrest that has been breeding so much violence will soon strike here in the United States. The conditions are just about right for it. I hope peace prevails, but I still worry about what is to come. Too many people rely on what I consider to be a broken system for too many things. As I see it, "The System" is perched on a razor's edge and it appears to be losing its balance. I would hate to see what that kind of outcome would bring for the generations under me. bear in mind, I'm only 24 years old. I know I'm still a young 'un and all, but I know I don't want to be handed that kind of world when the genreation before me steps down and hands over the reigns, nor do I want to pass that kind of world on to the generations to come.
Just venting some things so I can actually think about them. Writing them down usually helps. Hope I provoke a thought or two, maybe even a responce to my concerns. I am in no way saying that this is how it will turn out, only that I am concerned by the thought that it MIGHT turn out this way. I do hope I am wrong and my concerns are unfounded.
Comments off
Sorry, Loki. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this really isn't the place to air such concerns. Accordingly, I have turned comments off on this blog and removed it from the front page. Anyone who wants to continue the discussion with Loki can do so in PMs or email.
Remember, this is a fiction site, and really the blogs and forums, yes and even the comments on stories, are here in service to the primary aim of the site expressed in the slogan on the front page: "A friendly place to read, write and discuss Transgender Fiction".
I'm not simply unpubbing the blog because I feel this could actually be an inspiration to some very powerful stories.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.