This is some scary stuff for anyone to deal with

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A story that my son emailed me about that is just now coming to light.
I always thought The UK was better at dealing with medical issues than the US... Definitely wrong in this case.



how can they do that to a Italian who was just there for a training course twist the law to make their case acceptable in their eyes a big O M G moment

This case was also mentioned

Angharad's picture

in the Guardian and Independent. It seems high handed by anyone's standards although it seems to be a very unusual case, which, while not meaning to understate its apparent unfairness, should not discredit all the thousands of times when Social Workers get it right. They're doing an impossible job as best they can.


The scary parts

It's totally dumfounding that this was possible in the first place. There ought to be checks and balances in place to stop it from even coming close to happening. Reminds me of the bit in the bible: "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" As much as I hate the thought, this could have happened most anywhere: UK, US, EU, etc.

The part that really bothers me at this point is that the authorities continue in their single-mindness. The baby has been placed for adoption by the authorities as if what they did is normal and reasonable. They have completely cut out the mother and her family. If I had children I'd be very leery of traveling to the UK right now.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I doubt a forced...

Wendy Jean's picture

C section would ever fly in the United States. For all our faults we have a lot of people looking out for our constitutional rights.


I've reached the point where I expect very little from H. Sapiens and I'm seldom disappointed.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I have so many thoughts on this.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

I don't know where to start.(the following is going to be disjointed)

What is the child's nationality? How does Birth place, mother's nationality, the fact that the birth was forced by unwanted c-section.

Besides seeking the return of the child, should there some sort of charges brought? or are those responsible not "responsible" because they were actin in some official capacity.

If the C-section was not medically necessary it seems to me that also some sort of assault.

I believe if the mother had been American you would be hearing allegations of kidnapping being batted around too, local authorities or not.

The mother had an anxiety attack?

I can't quite get my mind around this.