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A very special Happy Birthday to Piper

Today is a very special day because it's Piper's Birthday. Piper has done SO much for all of us and she deserves our most profound thanks for all she has done. She's a very special lady and I count her as a friend, and am very humbled to think she might think of me in the same way.

Right now she is having a difficult time in her life, and I know that all of us wish her nothing but the best of luck. She's a talented young lady, and I know that she's gonna come out of this time in her life successfully and continue to be one of the best there is.


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Missed it again

Huh. I was watching my account so I could mouth off about 8 years here, and I must have slept through it, as it has jumped to 8 years 1 week. Might know.Now I wish I had signed up as soon as it opened, instead of waiting forever to open an account. Wonder what it should have been, if I had been smarter.

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Growing Up Jenny on Kindle

I was a little premature yesterday in my announcement. The page was available, but the book wasn't set for purchase. So, let's fire up the dancing kittens. Now, on sale, at Amazon is the second installment of the God Bless the Child trilogy: Growing Up Jenny. I hope you will support me by picking up a copy, or, giving me a review (the story, like GBTC, has remained available for free on this site) So, go over now, have a look, take a gander at this pretty cover. Click it to go to the page.

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Burnt Offering

Burnt Offering

by Jennifer Sue


“Where’s Jimmy”? Ron Bedford asked the women busily preparing the big meal for the family as he looked about for his four year old son. “The big game comes on in ten minutes.”

Most shrugged their shoulders. “I think he might be upstairs playing with the girls,” Linda Bedford replied.

Finally got it up!

The dresser, what else did you think I meant? The piece of furniture I mentioned a week ago has finally come together, mainly through the help of my next door neighbour who provided the muscle to get the top cupboard onto the bottom. It took me much longer to clear the space and to clean and polish the dresser which is slightly more damaged than I'd first appreciated, it being twisted on its base slightly - it's not noticeable unless one is looking for it, though it does affect the way the doors shut on the bottom: something I can probably remedy - the doors that is.

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I'm kind of frustrated as of late. I'm beginning to think that my writing is dragging me down. I used to write every day and it used to be fun. Now it just seems like a chore, something that I'm forcing myself to do. I'm not saying that I want to stop writing but lately my stuff doesn't seem to be appealing to a larger audience anymore. I'm frustrated in that something I'm not enjoying seems to be something no one else is enjoying either. So why am I writing if no one wants to read it anymore?

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Charlie...16 and the end of Book1.

Well Charlie is finally finished. With so many people reading and enjoying this and cheering Charlie on it was a fun write. I'm leaving this hopefully open enough to do a second book but with enough closing to make the story feel done.

I'm slowly going to be closing some of the stories that I've been working on just loosely in order to focus on the ones that are drawing the most reception or are ones that I really want to get back into telling the stories for.

Thank you all so much!!!
*Great Big Hugs All*

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Update to the situation this past week.

Ok here is an update on the work situation that happened to me this last week. I requested a meeting with the store manager JS (the one who took the picture) and the store assistant manager JE who is female I had spoken to her the night of. I wanted her in the room so I could I have a neutral party present. My emotions were very high and I very much wanted to maintain my professionalism. We met behind closed doors in his office and I requested that I be able to start first.

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No Winners or Losers

I do not believe in winners or losers that's society's programming/brainwashing. It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to profoundly sick society, those words from a very wise teacher saved me from myself. I learned not to listen to what society wants but to follow my own inner voice and love me as I am. I went thru hell as a kid but that hell forced me to study and learn As I think I am I am, Quantum physic's taught me the same.

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Creative Commons attribution - admins please help!

I'm getting ready to begin posting a story, once my gracious editors and proofers have done with ripping it to shreds and I've attended to their comments, and I have a question about licensing. More than one person has suggested I publish it on Amazon, or Hat Box, and I'm drawn to the latter, but since I'm a slut for attention and don't really need any more money I'm inclined to try to give it as wide an audience as is possible for a story of its length (in unedited form its over 130,000 words). So I'll probably just post it here first for a few weeks, then elsewhere.


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Round Robin

Ok Looking for two authors that would be willing to do a round robin with me. The overall plot will be the three main characters will fall into anther world where gods are real ie Greek, Norse, and others. Now weither your personal character will want to go home or not is your call. Also any transformations will be done by you to your personal character unless you get permission from the writer that owns that character. I would like to stay away from the christian and such since I am a atheist but do not want to alienate people that really do follow that belief system.


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Seren Dee Petty: Chapter 5

Hey everybody, am back from my travels n I guess folks took note I was away as I got less comments n PMs on the last chapter, although all those I did get were lovely again thank you. Y’all still bein so nice to me. Well, here’s the fifth slice n I’m sorry, but it’s still Friday…. Take care my baby.

Joseph blushed. He’d completely forgotten what he was wearing under his tights and dress and suddenly had a renewed awareness of the tight lacy fabric caressing the tender areas of his body. “Thank goodness Ms Wilson never measured down there,” he thought with a shudder.

Seren Dee Petty
by k-jo

Susie and Jeffrey Book 1 and Book 2 - Epub and Mobi


Susie and Jeffrey Book 1 and Book 2 - Updated

Their first week together - a download link for epub and mobi versions of chapters 1 to 24.


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Writer's Digest Short Fiction Contest

Writer's Digest has extended the deadline for their short fiction contest, you have until October 31, 2012 to make entries in six categories. There are no limits to how many entries you can make. Grand Prize is $2500 and a trip and other goodies. Six First Prizes are $500 each. There is a fee for entry.


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Cleaning up the front page

I was looking over the front page and notice how different everyone posts look. I know some people know how to make title art and some don't but there are a few things that everyone can do in order to make the front page look a little cleaner or organized and probably load a bit quicker for us all.

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Very upset (crying in the car) but not sure if I should be.

Ok, folks I need your help and opinions on something that happened at work. I need to know if I am being overly sensitive because of my gender issues or do I have a valid complaint. I'm going to number these so you can follow the course of events.

1. On Monday our store tech room was getting audited so repair supervisor was at the store but not in tech room when this happened. My fellow tech was out of the room but my store manager was sitting in the room. While repairing a phone the volume button flew out of the phone bounced off my chest and ricocheted under my desk.

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Pozo Seco

This is an interesting community, to say the least. I know that many here are not writers or aspiring writers; however, it amazes me how some writers are so creative, and so damn good. Some writers complain that they could not grind out the next five thousand words of a story so they won't be posting this week. Others turn out charming little short stories every month or so that are interesting, and with enough varience to make them seem like new stories. Some are like Christmas trees. They're like Douglas Firs with different decorations.

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