Hi again folks.
I'm really pleased that Cruisin' is still being read and even more pleased to say that I'm almost two-thirds of the way through the rewrite.
My plan has been to change it from the first person accounts of several characters, to a third person story, though still keeping to the individuals points of view. So far so good, but it's not just a case of changing the 'I' to 'he' or 'she', whatever and you can't do a blanket Find and Replace - I tried that and am still finding the results of that faux pas even after so many weeks of writing.
In rereading (again and again) as I rewrite, I have realised that there's so much information missing in the original, not to mention a few mistakes.
For instance, I suspect there are those out there who realise that a cruise from Southampton in the UK to New York takes only seven days and not twenty-one, but I think I should be allowed a little poetic licence there. Also, some of the plot requires an extreme leap of faith from the reader and I'm definitely working hard on ironing that out. The medical issues that I know are present with regards what they gave the central character is physically impossible. However, in the new version, I may be able to explain how they did it. Finally, I'm also considering changing the ending, but as yet, I'm not sure how.
In the meantime, I'm at the stage where I believe that it won't be long until the new version is ready for beta reading and possibly proofing and/or editing, so don't be surprised if I blog a request for potential readers etc. Do be aware though that this has been written in English English and not US English, so some of the terms, colloquialisms and spellings may be a little alien, but hey it's me, you should be used to that by now. Oh and, I'd better warn those of you who may be thinking about putting your hands up for this, the new version is already over fifty-three thousand words and getting longer daily, so taking this on as a beta reader will be no ten minute job.
I'm just sayin'
Any-who, it's time for some more coffee and back to it.
Once again, thanks for reading the original. I really hope that the new version will be done before Christmas, which will be a miracle, but definitely achievable.
Thanks all.
I don't just look it, I'm totally into getting this new version of Cruisin' out as soon as is humanly possible.
Nick when the Cruisin' Rewrite
is ready, will you keep the original up?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Keepin' Cruisin'
The original was the spark. It's written in a particular way that I have been told is unusual - technically speaking. So for novelty value alone, it's good to leave it be. Plus, anyone who wants to will be able to read both and draw their own conclusions.
The new version is as much a test as anything. I did it to see just how difficult it really is to change a story from first person to third and the answer is really difficult or at least, time consuming.
The original came in at about 32K words and the new one is already over half as big again, but that's understandable as third person demands more detail. That said, the new version is an unknown quantity. It may be written less unconventionally, but whether the extra dialogue, extra detail represents an improvement on the original, remains to be seen.
Thanks for the question, Stan.