I titled this blog under travel because there is no title listed as 'Incidents' Anyway ...
Leaving WOW club in Cardiff at 3am on Sat with Mattie and Lexa (Two of the girls in stairway to heaven. Top girl Lexa third girl Mattie)
Suddenly Andrea re-appears (Second from top = fourth girl in Stairway to heaven) and declares she hasn't enough money left for a taxi and can I give her a lift home. Ever the Samaritan I agree knowing that I was breaking the law cos' the tranny van doesn't have seat-belted seats in the back. Andrea will have to sit on my make-up seat without a belt.
We get Andrea in the van when (This true honestly,) Debbie appears with a gaggle of her girl-friends from work and introduces them to her trans daughter Mattie (No 3 in Stairway to Heaven.) Debbie knows me well cos' I often pick Mattie up at their house when we go clubbing.
Anyway, I've now got five people generally milling about noisily outside WOW club in Churchill way Cardiff at 3 am.
After sorting out coats and shoes that had been swapped and borrowed (Mainly from my wardrobe in the back of the van.) I finally herd the cats together and amidst much merryment we set off to MacDonalds for an early morning milkshake. 3 in the front, legally and another 3 in the back illegally unbelted. Ho hum, I'm a sucker for helping my friends.
Anyway, we've pulled out of Mac Donalds after each buying whatever and lo and behold THREE patrol cars pull us over. Ooooooh shit!
Well the road is filled with blues and two's as another motorbike pulls up as well.
Well I open the door to step out as the patrolman approaches the car and he asks me to get back in the car please. Instead I hand him my keys to demonstrate I have no intention of doing anything stupid so he allows me to teeter on my 6 inch stilletoes while he pockets the keys and looks me up and down with a long I thin appreciative look at my legs in shiny dance tights and microscopic black dress.
"Good morning Miss, do you know why I've stopped you?"
"I think so officer."
"How many people have you got on this vehicle?" (By now the traffic is backing up and the street is a blaze of blue flashing lights!)
"Uuuuhm six officer."
"And how many seats have you got?"
"Uuuuhm three ... officer."
"Get in my car Miss."
By now four other trannies, (The girls in Stairway to Heaven) are standing on the pavement chattering away and generally expressing amusement with Mattie's mother Debbie who is struggling to stop giggling. In the car the officer explains my offence and declares that he is forced to issue a ticket because the Street Camera has recorded the hilarious goings on outside the club earlier that evening. He then asks, "How d'you want the ticket made out?"
"Is it going to court officer?"
Not if you accept that you caused the offence and you will pay the fixed penalty notice."
"Oh," say's I, "Very well then, you can make it out to Beverly Taff cos' that's the name on the back of my licence counterfoil."
"He does a double take of my paper counterfoil and grins when he see's my femme name in the special box provided on my licence to accomodate AKA's."
"We then go through the rigmarole of receiving the ticket and he turns to me then wags his head."
"Why didn't you load the van down the ally where the camera can't see you? You know the cameras are there outside the club."
I knodded then he chatted briefly about a previous incident he had attended. Gradually the dawning lit his face.
"You're that Beverly, the girl who rescued Zack about 9 months ago. I recognise you now!"
I nod somewhat embarrased by my seeming noteriety then he wags his head again.
"I'm sorry Bev. I've got to issue the ticket, you were seen on Camera you silly girl. Why make such a big show of filling your van?"
"Don't apologise officer. I was showing off to the gay and tranny crowd outside the club. I knew I was breaking the law, I was the fool for trying to help people out."
"Yeah, well you make sure they help towards the fine. It's 60 quid. ( £60 = $90)."
He then resumes chatting and I'm looking over my shoulder at the growing queue of traffic.
"Don't worry about them. My colleagues will sort them out. Have you been drinking?"
"No. I'm still teetotal."
"What nothing at all?"
"Nothing honestly, lemonades and diet cokes all night."
"Well you know I have to ask you for a breath sample."
I breath into the thingie and it's squeaky clean green, absolutely zero alcohol. He smiles and nods.
"Good. At least that's sorted. I'm going to give you the smallest penalty there is because you were driving okay and you're sober. One ticket for not wearing seatbelts. ( £60)."
I step nimbly out of the car and sway provocatively back to my van. The rest of the girls are all back in the van but the police have advised that I get them home ASAP cos we are not going far and I at least, am sober. I step easily into the van then the booking officer hurries to the van.
"Can you drive in those shoes?" (They are the 6" black and gold platform shoes in Stairway to heaven.)
"Yes officer, you saw me walking in them. I'm quite used to them."
"Let me see."
"How d'you mean?" I ask.
He opens the door again and shines his torch on my pedals.
"Show me how you'd do an emergency stop."
"I have already switched the engine on so I rev up dance swiftly and nimbly accross the pedals and demonstrate the three pedal footwork necessary for a succesful emergency stop. He nods his head and grins.
"Amazing." I'll accept that. You've got full control of the vehicle. Drive carefully now."
"Thanks officer. Good night, oh I mean good morning."
"He grins and finally adds out of earshot from his colleagues who have all now returned to their patrol cars."
"By the way, you've got brilliant legs. That walk was amazing."
On hearing this Mattie protests loudly.
"Shit officer, we'll never hear the end of that. Bev's got stunning legs and that's now official."
The officer smiles and taps the side of my van to signify release.
"Go on, you're holding up the traffic."
As I pull out onto the road I lean out of the window and reply.
"Thanks for compliment officer. It was worth the fixed penalty just so I can wind these bitches up by telling them it's official ... Bev's got brilliant legs."
"On your way now Beverly, before I book you for indecent exposure. That dress is way too short."
Oh worra' night (and morning!).
The tranny van is becoming notorious!
Below is Stairway to heaven. Bottom to top; Callista, Me, Mattie, Andrea, Lexa. Worra-lorra laughs.
The infamous Taff Tranny Van, someone should make a movie. Your adventures keep me stitches girl, keep em coming.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beverly Taff, please
post this as a story so that I can kudo it.
May Your Light Forever Shine
SO! The Van is finally getting
the same sort of recognition as it's infamous owner receives, eh? I'd say it's about bleedin' toime!
Good on ya love... and good on the coppers as well. They could've knocked you up for a lot more of a fine. Your infamy has obviously preceded you.
Happy Holidays to you and your crew of merry gals.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I couldn't understand a thing
WOW = World of Warcraft and has been for years. Hence I have no idea what you meant by the wow reference.
3 in the front legally? 3 in the back illegally? That confuses me even more most cars are the other way around so can you explain that please.
Extremely confused
Van seats
It's a big white van (Transit). Three seats in the front - a driver plus two who are very friendly. There are versions which have more seats behind but most don't.
I've traveled in the back of a Transit going to a cycle time trial. The only view I had was out the back window, and by the time I got there I wasn't feeling too happy about it.
Luckily it was my son (in a front seat) who was racing, not me. I was just making sure the bikes stayed put going round the corners :)
still not helping
sorry but that doesn't help at all. The only van that seats two people would be the middle seat that has two seatbelts beside the sliding door The back seat can be removed but has belts for three. Commonly called the caravan since Chrysler was the company that invented it with their first caravan in the 80s.
A caravan is not a full sized van and while you can put a bicycle in there it would be a very tight fit. remove the back seat fold down middle seat and front wheel against the console in the middle of the two front bucket seats.
If it was a full sized van equipped with seats its still two bucket seats or captain seats in front and the rear has 2 or 3 bench seats with three seatbelts each.
Again the references made in the story have lost me completely.
Tels, if it helps,
think of a bread truck only not as boxy. Not a tractor trailer type, but much bigger than your standard van. It has a front bench seat, although some do have separate driver and passenger seats. In the back of Bev's van, in which one can almost stand up, is her wardrobe of clothing, shoes, etc, and three jump seats, I assume, which don't have seat belts. They are more there for convenience when dressing, putting on makeup, etc, but are not generally there for transporting people. There is no sliding side door in the one Bev has. Just front driver and passenger doors, and double doors at the back of the van... again, I assume that is the door arrangement.
Hope this helps.
Happy Holidays and huggles,
Catherine Linda Michel
P.S. Only reason I know any of this is from watching Top Gear U.K. LOL!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
2 nation s divided by a common tongue.
Hi tels.
Dictionary definition of the word - wow; an exclamation of wonder or delight. WOW Club in Cardiff has simply used the word, and capitalised it to create a catchy name. WOW CLUB, Cardiff, Churchill Way.
My car is a transit van 3 seats in the cab no seats in the back. All my passengers were in breach of law but what the heck. It rounded off the night and leaves a wonderful tale to add to the lore of Beverly and her Tranny Van GROWING OLD DISGRACEFULLY!!!
It was a hilarious event that simply reflects just how crazy we girls are.
This was us last week.
Zack. 17 year-old pre-op TS.

Zack is the girl we rescued from an assault and she's now one of my tenants in a protected flat. She goes to colledge and she's a great kid but cannot go out clubbing as yet cos' she's too young (Under 18)
The gang of four crazy bitches. Andrea,( Gay TV possibly transgendered,)
Mattie (Gay TV not transgendered.)
Me (Intergendered TV unfixed gender in Long term marriage.)
Lexa. (Pre-op TS in relationship.)
These are what it's like when we are clubbing.
A study in angles!! LOL.
Just posing for the camera!
Baby due any time LOLOL!!
Oops! Falling off the table and there goes the dignity!
Dirty ole tranny lusting after a young lady? No, I was reaching out to help her up, she hurt her ankle!!!
Oh the trials antribulations of growing old disgracefully!!!!!
Bev. (And friends.)
that helps
I still have never seen a transit van or bread van with a bench seat but the idea of a small transit converted bus gives me better idea.
WOW = World Of Warcraft doesn't matter what country and its not in the dictionary. Saying WOW CLUB however changes it. Still makes me think of a club where you would find pictures of characters posted on the walls though. Some are quite creative and pretty.
Just looking at the footwear makes my ankles hurt. I have no idea how you can wear those impractical things! Yes I'm a country gal where flat shoes are my preference and my highest heels are 2 inches.
Seatbelt fine
Here in Massachusetts not wearing a seatbelt is a $25 fine with the ticket going to the person not wearing the seatbelt. So, in the case of your Van, that would be 3 tickets issued to the 3 ladies sitting in the back and not you Bev :)
However, here in Mass you also would most likely not have been pulled over since there would have been no monitored traffic cams watching you all load into the Van. The police here also can not stop you for violating the seatbelt law as it is a secondary offence. They would have had to pull you over for a primary violation such as speeding or texting while driving.
Here in Texas
$200 per person. The cops love to sit at street corners late at night and look for the diagonal stripe of the seatbelt. It's a major income producer for them.
texting while driving.
It seems like they pay no attention whatsoever to the latter. I watched a car mount the curb on Highland Avenue last month. The kid driving it was texting. He seemed to get a pretty big fright - he sat in the car, not moving, for about a minute before driving off - but I bet he's still doing it.
Ah, kids these days. /grinch mode
not as think as i smart i am
Same in the UK
Unless it's a child, it's the passenger who gets fined for not wearing a seatbelt, provided one is available. In this case, the three were in the back of the truck without proper seats and seatbelts. The driver is carrying too many passengers for the vehicle. It's her responsibility and her fine.
thank you for sharing
Your story is a wonderful reminder that good does exist in the world.
Bright Blessings,
Cassie Ellen
Thanks Cassie.
I hope it cheered you up after your earlier blog about loneliness.
Police Officer
You forgot to wish him a Merry Xmas!
Love the Tranny Van.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
One of those situations where the story is worth the fine
I'd have to say that's one of those situations where the memories and story are almost worth the price of the fine.
Hey all made sense to me but then I'm a daft Aussie and we are not that far apart.. so to speak. I am surprised at the AKA bit on your license though, never heard of that one before.
Anyway it made me smile, great little tale of derring do and it just reaffirms my thoughts that I probably wouldn't survive a night out with you guys. But a big thumbs up to your motto.
So far
There is not the proliferation of cameras here such as you have in the UK. We have the same passion about privacy as many do about guns.
Seatbelts have been changed to a primary offense along with texting and driving here in Oklahoma. I always wear my seatbelt, you are far, far safer and more likely to survive an accident. With that said, I saw online awhile back that a t-shirt company in Japan sell shirts with a diagonal bar printed on them to fool the police and traffic cameras. Caused a bit of a debate as you might imagine.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb