General Audience (pg)

practicing my social skills

The last couple of days have given me a chance to practice my social skills, and that's a good thing. First, I went to see the new "Star Trek" movie with one of my co-workers and a friend of hers, and that went fine, and then today I got put in charge of the coffee pot for the little coffee-and-snack thing we do after service, and as we had a group of visitors, that was interesting. It also went very well, and doing well in these kinds of situations is great, especially since that before this, my tendencies would have been to either act like a buffoon, or retreat into a corner.

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I'm transphobic

I was looking on Amazon and noticed a one star review for the transsexual and the cross. At first I thout the religious right had struck and was going to take it as a badge of honor. Instead, the reviewer said that no one from the lgbt community should read it and then accused me of being homophobic and transphobic. I am totally pissed off.

I would appreciate if a few people would come to my defense.

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Bedtime Story - 3

A Bedtime Story — Part 3

By Annette MacGregor

This is a continuation of a story found in Bedtime Story and continued in A Bedtime Story - Part 2. Each part is intended to be able to stand alone, though reading them in sequence may make things easier. I hope you are able to enjoy this continuation of the adventures of this family.

What came before:
Lisa caught her little brother dressing in mommy's slip and some high heels. She convinced him to put them back and then agreed with him that they would have some special time together while mom and dad were out. This happened regularly over the next year or so. She explained this to her sibling. Details can be found in parts 1 and 2, but beyond what's described above it isn't critical to this story..

Girls Aren't So Yukky After All


By Patricia Marie Allen

Steve is a precocious ten-year-old, usually given to doing just what Steve wants to. He lives with his mother and 12 year old sister, Martha. Martha is quite opinionated. She has stated flat out, on more than one occasion, that she would rather have a sister than a brother.

Change of plans

Well, apparently, there has been a change of plans. Instead of reading the poem at the lunch, I will be reading it during the church service. Anybody who lives in Edmonton is welcome to come, and prayers and good wishes are appreciated, as I havent spoken in front of so many people before ....

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two years

Like the title says, its been two years since I first joined. I don't recall my first comment, but I came to this site through the stories "shoes" and the ones that followed it. I was going to try and have a bunch ready and post daily this week, but looking for work has cut into writing time. But I should have something later today or tomorrow
Thanks to everyone for keeping this site going and making people like me get our stories out there

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Making progress

Well, I saw my endo doc yesterday, and things are going in the right direction. My testosterone levels have dropped from almost 20 to 10.5. Still got a ways to go, they want my levels down to normal female range, which is 2-3. So they have increased my estrogen to 5 pumps per day, and recommended that rather than putting it on one spot, I put each pump onto a different spot to help make sure it absorbs properly.

Still, I'm making progress, and that's a good thing.

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Six completed novels

When, nearly three and a half years ago, I signed up to BC and ceased to lurk in the background, I had six unfinished stories all about 25,000 words in length. I had never been able to finish any work, which tended to become bogged down and so I started something else. Now, as a result of the encouragement and help received, I have just posted the final part of my sixth novel (ranging in length from 66,000-120,000 words) with also a couple of short stories thrown in for good measure - so thanks to everyone who has ever read, kudoed, commented, edited, or corrected any of my stories.

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Had a request about 'Angry Mermaid today' today.

I've had a request today (No names, no pack drill,) to exclude the long Character list at the beginning of each chapter of 'Angry Mermaid' and instead to simply post the said list as a side order in the stories. If anybody's got any opinions or feelings about this please comment. As a matter of course, I'm going to post the Character as a short story in my stories list and see what requests I get.

Betcha' I get my arse kicked.

Lorra laughs, LOLOL


xx's to all.

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A TV's Dream

A TV’s Dream
By Patricia Marie Allen

My parents were separated when I was four years old. Mom moved to the West Coast with us kids. When I was in the first grade, my father decided to try and reconcile. He showed up one Saturday unannounced. It had been so long since I had seen him that I didn’t recognize him. He moved in and things began to get a little strained.

My web page is down.

Due to neglect on my part, my web page has been closed. Truth is, I forgot the password and the email they had for me hasn't been active in a number of years. So starting today, I'm going to be posting all my stories here. For all of you who may have been to my site and read them you'll be glad to know I'm editing them and they should be a lot better typo wise. ;o)

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A Boy and his Dog, Chapter 12

When I woke up that morning I thought my life was normal, Little did I expect that shortly I would have to deal with kidnappings, evil cults, assassination attempts, mutant rock stars, strange powers, mud men, and my own body doing a flip on me, and that doesn’t even touch on my dog!

Man, I should have just stayed in bed!

A Boy and his Dog
Chapter 12

by Landing

Copyright © 2013 Landing
All Rights Reserved.

I Ain't Gay! Chapter 3

I Ain't Gay Chapter 3
Copyright 2013 by Heather Rose Brown.

In this chapter, Tanner stumbles into an embarrassing situation, then gets conflicting signals from Mel and his uncle while having breakfast with them.

Came out...kinda

Something unexpected happened to me last week. I spontaneously jumped on an open opportunity and came out to my wife of seven years. I know she has detected Megan lurking around, confined, but never really put it together. After a routine evening, I expressed my need for more romance and intimacy. She said I was more of a girl...I went for it this time. She was a little confused, a little disappointed that I never told her, but overall, is committed to me.

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For Richard

Working on the assumption that if even one user takes pleasure from these tunes then they were worth the trouble of linking to, here's a song for Richard Brookbank/Ruth Pattison and another for Peter Stokes's dad.

'The Cinema Show' is my favourite track of all time. If you haven't heard it before I warn you that at about 2:45 you may begin to experience emotions you'll never be able to communicate for the rest of your life. You'll know what they are, you just won't be able to tell anyone about them. I've tried for 40 years so I should know. Anyway, this is for Richard/Ruth.

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After reading Digger's comments I realize that I should have mentioned ALL of the MEN AND WOMEN that served deserve the respect and thanks of those whose freedoms were protected and saved. To those who served and I overlooked I offer my sincerest apologies and greatest appreciation.


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Gaby Book 9 Chapter *32* Nougat

Chapter *32*


All I can say is that thankfully it wasn't some sort of meringue! It was, as tradition dictates, white, with a certain amount of lace. On the other hand it failed to reach my knees, was teamed with white hold-ups and sandals with a stupid 8cm heel!

When Wasps Make Honey

When Wasps Make Honey, the sequel to Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, is now available from Amazon in Kindle Format
and from Smashwords in EPUB format. This novel follows the continuing adventures of Kazmina and Launuru as Kazmina secretly rescues slaves from various estates and Launuru is drafted as an acolyte of Kensaulan, the god of the dead. Psavian and Znembalan play larger roles here than in the first book, and there are many new characters, several of whom get transformed in interesting ways.

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