Terror Twins Visit Britain Chapter 9

Terror Twins Visit Britain
By Sharp
Chapter 9.

Several days later in Zululand.

The incessant sound of drums beating could be heard for miles. The drums had been beating now for days. As the great day approached more drums took up the challenge. Day and night it continued like a throbbing of a giant heart. Great processions made their way to the Zulu camp. They in turn replied with their drums. To everybody in South Africa it was evident something of great importance was happening. Flights from other parts of Africa into Durban & Johannesburg increased dramatically over the last few days. Regardless of where they came from the visitors brought their own drums. One flight was different those that landed had horns that they blew. On hearing the eerie sound from the horns the lions all around took up the call with a great roar.

Chief Pluto spoke, “It appears the Lion people and the Masi have arrived for even the lions greet them.” The Masi warriors where all very tall and wore their ceremonial robes. They each carried a very long spear. The Lion people all were from head to toe in the skin of a lion. As both groups got nearer the camp they started chanting. They let it be known to all and sundry why they were there. The women of the two tribes followed carrying presents upon their heads.

The paramount chief of the Masi turned round and held his hands up to stop the precession. Then he approached Chief Pluto. Pluto stood up and hugged him. “Today Chief Pluto our tribes become one. Your son took our Princess Mara as his wife. We did not get time to present her dowry so here it is. Now we your brothers and sisters offer our sympathy for the death of your son. Had not the perpetrators already been punished we would have been honour bound to help you punish them. I present you with a broken spear to represent the son you have lost.” (At this point a great wailing went up from the women.) “I was informed your son went down fighting like a true warrior. My mother informed me Mara also slew many of their enemy’s. Now we understand Mara has been blessed with your son’s child. We though where a little surprised when we discovered Princess Mara was to become companion of the Great Lion Queen. This is an honour we did not expect so we bring a second dowry greater than the first because Mara will now be the first Queen of the Lion, Masi & Zulu nations.”

As he spoke a strange procession of cats of different types led by a lion cub and having a great Tiger at the rear approached the chiefs. Chief Pluto smiled. The lion cub launched herself into the arm of the paramount chief.

The cub liked the chief and then Cleo spoke, “Greetings chiefs I am Cleo and these little ones are my sisters as you can see we also brought Shear Khan with us. We have a present for you and your peoples. We thought you might be thirsty so we arranged for several tanker loads of this to be brought here. The chief was offered a stein of ale. The paramount chief took a sip of the offered liquid. A smile came across his face.

“It is many years since I last sampled this nectar in Northern England. I then was in my youth and rather foolish. Many are the time I remembered those days and wished to go back, and sample this nectar again. Alas back home I never found anything so tasty.” Following their chiefs’ example all the warriors took a sip and then knocked the whole lot down in one go. The ladies and children though preferred a quenching orange drink. As they were all drinking many tatty dust encrusted coaches arrive and disgorged their loads of passengers. What got out appeared to be children. They were certainly excitable like children. Chief Pluto looked at the scaled down weapons they all carried and he grinned.

“Greetings and welcome to my camp. The Zulu welcomes all who come to the marriages of Princess Gwen and Princess Mara to the great queen.”

“Chief Berto of the Congo Pygmies pays his respects. The drums reached us in our forest habitat.” Pluto offers the chief some ale.

“No that makes Pygmies wrong in head. We much prefer juice if possible.”

“It tends to do that to me after I have drunk a lot of it. I am surprised you left your homeland to come here.”

“Pygmies not normally leave forest, but Berto tell them to. We come to see sorry not know words we say white mummy.”

At the sight of Cleo, Berto got excited. He jumped up and down in his excitement and the other pygmies followed his example. He then hugged Cleo. He had tears in his eyes. “Must see mummy I have much to tell her.”

Sidonie brought him a Juice and then spoke, “Mummy has ordered all her children are made presentable before the wedding. You and your people have to go with Shear Khan and your big sisters to be made presentable.” Cleo took his hand and led the pygmies away. “Gentlemen while we wait their return your glasses will be refilled. Make no mistake Chief Berto is every bit the warrior you all are even if he has the body of a child. Queen Isolde found Chief Berto and some of his people one time caught in animal traps. She released him and nursed his wounds. He even played with the princesses before returning to the forest. Make no mistake Chief Berto and his people are as dear to Queen Isolde as her own children.

Cleo noticed Berto was crying. “Sorry big sister Cleo. Berto and people need mummy’s help.” Cleo called for Astrid so she could also hear what was said.

“Berto and people happy in forest. It provides food and shelter. Then no Congo. Animals all go away. Berto’s people get sick and go to Ursula. Giants come with arm that goes buzz, buzz, and buzz. Forest all go away animals, trees and people. Then water comes back but lots more water.” Berto started to cry again. Berto tell people mummy makes forest better and people better. Ursula use last of her magic to send Berto here. Drums tell us the way. Berto safe now with big sister Cleo.”

Alexis spoke and it made Berto jump. “I think I might be able to help you a little bit Berto?”

Berto jumped up into Alexi’s arms and kissed her. “Berto know you. Ursula has to speak to you and ask for help. Berto take you to Ursula. Berto miss Sister Cleo.

Isolde entered and saw Berto in Alexi’s arms. “So Berto you could not wait for me and found another lady?”

Berto started crying and shaking. “Big sister Cleo promise mummy helps Berto. Mummy drives water away and makes trees grow and animals come home, Berto then go home.

Isolde held her arms out, “Berto I may not be able to do all those things. How would you feel about working for us? We will provide homes for your people. They would though be expected to play with many children as part of their work.

“Berto not in arms of another lady Berto in arms of mummy goddess. She looks after all her children like Berto. Berto did what Ursula told him not to. Now Berto have mummy Goddess and mummy Isolde.”

Alexis put him down and he rushed across to Isolde, jumped up and kissed her. Cleo giggled, “Mum we have to keep him this time. Perhaps the hobbits can help accommodate them until we get homes built for them.”

Saskia entered. “We have them all dressed although they are asking for their friends and Ursula so Justine and the old Valkyries have gone to find out what is happening.” Berto rushed over to Saskia threw his arm around her and cuddled her. Then he started kissing her. Cleo and the others where amused.

“Woo, steady on we have not been introduced.”

Cleo giggled, “He is introducing himself. He likes you because you are small like he is.”

Alexis put baby down and tapped her so she returned to her normal size. “Hello I am Baby and a companion of mummy goddess. Do I get a kiss and cuddle? Berto ran across and picked Baby up and cuddled her.

Berto grinned and said, “Berto happy found pygmy smaller than Berto.” He pulled out a pouch and started to count Cowrie shells out. Then he started to cry again. “Berto has not enough shells for bride price. Berto must have lost some. Berto not afford bride now.”

Baby spoke, “Isolde I take it kissing him has no effect? As for bride price I think 12 cowrie shells are enough and if not then mummy Isolde will cover the rest. First though you must know I cannot leave Queen Alexis. I have important duties to perform. You must come and live with Baby in her home. ”Mummy Isolde already has important duty for you to perform. Chief Berto must bring all his people. Baby has lots of sisters who need warriors.”

Berto approached Alexis and laid his cowries shells out. He counted 12 out and then thought. “Berto give you others to help pay bride price for other warriors.”

Alexis held her arms out. “You will have to share duties with Baby. Now give me another kiss to seal the deal.” Alexis whispered something to him and he smiled and obliged Alexis. When he surfaced his mouth was covered in milk.

Alexis wiped his face clean. “I accept the shells off you for I know how hard you worked for them. Some of your warriors have had similar ideas. You though are Isolde’s baby. You can guess what job you will have to perform.”

Berto looked at Cleo and said, “Is Berto allowed to play with big sister Cleo?”

Baby spoke “Playing with children is part of your duties. Cleo needs Baby and friends to look after her.”

Meanwhile Justine had gone with her sisters through a portal to where Berto had told them Ursula was. Friga was the one to find her. The Valkyries picked up and fed the sick and injured pygmies. One spoke, “Ursula tried to feed us all. She also needs help.

Astral had accompanied the group and she went across to Ursula. “Well I cannot feed you like the Valkyries can. There is something I can do that will help you.” Astrol clamped her hand over Ursula’s nose and then placed her mouth over Ursula’s. Several breaths of my Dragon breath should be enough to make you alert again. On the third breath Ursula’s eyes opened. She looked around for the pygmies.

“My babies where are my babies?”

Astral spoke, “Your sisters have taken them to be fed. I am here with Justine now would you care to tell us what is happening here?”

“That is easy. The government decided to build a massive dam. First they had to catch and move the animals. Then the trees where to be felled and finally the valley would be flooded. Nobody thought of the effect on my children. I was too tired to go and search for others. They are but children and do not understand the water will not go away. There still could be some children left down there. They will all be close to the water, and they will only come to me.”

Astral said, “Justine excuse me a minute while I go outside.” Astral transformed herself into a snow white Eagle and scanned the shoreline. There was only one small group left she could spot and dived down and then landed near the group. She then approached the pygmies who were shaking and crying.

Astral spoke, “I need help of pygmies. Ursula is very sick after helping many pygmies. You all help Ursula get better she is calling for her babies.

The pygmies looked at their merger supplies. One blew a whistle and many more appeared. “Ursula feed us when there was no food. Now Ursula needs help. We all must help her. The mountain is too high for us to climb can Eagle girl fly us there?

Astral opened a portal and said, “This way is far easier. Bring everyone and everything you need for you will not be coming back down here again.” Several rushed off into to rushes and returned carrying babies. As the last one went through Astral once again became an eagle. She could not see any more sign of life. She returned to the cave and Ursula was still there.

“There is one child still missing, can you take me down by a portal?” Astral opened a portal and they walked through together. “As a child you command more power than I have ever used. At first I thought you were a daughter of Lord Aaron, but he does not command the power you do. Then I thought of Draco, but you are Eagle.”

Astral giggled, “Almost correct Draco is a grandpa of mine. I can do several other shapes like Dragon and cat but Eagle was more suitable for this task. You should be feeling better after you got my dragon breath.” After passing through the portal they soon found the child crying.

“Mummy, mummy I want my mummy. I promise never to play with the imps again.” Astral picked up the word imps and blew a flute. Soon many very small-winged Fay appeared.

Ursula looked at the Fay and spoke, “A great queen has sent her daughter to collect all her children. Even I Ursula must go at her command. Let no Fay or Pygmy be left here for all must return with us.” At this Astral started to play other tunes. Astral appeared to play many different ones. At the last tune played the Fay gasped.

“No, No, No Eagle girl not do that. Serena awake with sore head.” Astral finished off with a very high-pitched blast.

“That should get some attention.” The crashing about could be heard for miles around.

“Eagle girl in trouble now Serena tell Fay not to wake her. You in big trouble now.”

“In that case I better start playing again so nobody else gets blamed.”

“Hey you girl playing flute. I told those little cretins not to awake me. What are you? Some sort of leprechaun. Just wait until I get to you nobody disturbs the sleep of Serena.”

“If you think being a bad tempered giant scares me think again. I have a good mind to give you a good smacking.”

Another voice spoke, “Serena she is not leprechaun like us. Look at what she wears.”

“Leprechaun what are you blathering on about?”

“Oh, Oh I see what you mean.” As the Leprechaun spoke Astrol the twin appeared.

“Sister it appears that we each have three leprechauns each if they would be so good as to introduce themselves.”

Ursula was holding on to the shaking child. “Neither of them is scared by Serena. Look she is bending down. Do they scare her?

Ursula felt a hand on her shoulder. The pygmy child found it was being lifted on to the shoulders of a very tall man. “Those two are more deadly than the tallest giant or the fiercest dragon. Serena will kneel before them and apologise for her behaviour. Now watch the water.” Both girls pointed their hands at the water and it rolled back.

Astral picked up her flute again and played it. What appeared to be people started to glide across the track created. “They are calling the forest spirits.” Said Serena as her brother came across and embraced her. “Brother I am pleased to see you. By any chance are you protection for those two?”

Ursula spoke, “Do they look as if they need protection?”

By this time the six leprechauns where leaping up and down doing a jig. As the last of the forest spirits approached the twins they relaxed their hands and the waters again covered the track way.

One of the leprechauns approached the twins and said, “Would the likes of you young Queens be needing any leprechauns?”

Astral spoke, “Well I suppose we could manage three each. That is if you have no objection.” At this the leprechauns got further excited.

“You want all of us? Just wait till our Fadius finds out all of us have an important job. He will be green with envy.”

Astral looked at Astrol, “Would that be a leprechaun formally known as Fadius Fartus, and now known as Fadius Kissus?

“Oh you have met him then. How is our Fadius these days?”

“Well seeing as you are related to Fadius. I suppose mother will not object if we have three more Royal Leprechauns 1st class. Then at least you have almost the same position as your brother. He though has accepted additional duties for his favoured queen on a permanent basis.”

Astral & Astrol each hand the leprechauns a gold coin. The leprechauns looked puzzled. Astral spoke, “We are twins and share everything so there is a coin from each of us. You will also get one more from our sisters, but remember we Astral and Astrol have first claim on you. Our sister Astrid would tell you all leprechauns are hers unless specially requested by others. Well when you meet her you can say you have been placed with the twins. Regardless of that she will still expect you to perform other duties.”

Serena spoke, “The way you two talk anybody listening would think there was hundreds of leprechauns running around. I know how hard they are to catch. I have seen these six often, but they would not let me catch them. There should be one more though a very tiny one.”

“No sister of mine all of them are present and accounted for. The tiny one I fed and now she refuses to leave me. Although she did get quite excited, and then got upset when the name Baby was mentioned. She informed me once she had a sister by that name. Alas on her travels she learned from other Fay her sister was snatched by an eagle and taken back to the eerie. By now the sister of Babe will have been food for those eagles’ chicks.”

Baby spoke, “Ursula have you given Babe a gold coin yet?”

At the sound of the voice Babe’s head appeared. “It is you. I thought you were dead. I got told you had been eaten by eagles.”

Baby giggled. “Well what you heard is partially true. They needed a messenger to go to the High Queen for help. I now bear the title Baby loyal Dragon & Eagle friend, Companion of the High queen & Princesses.”

Babe scrambled down and ran across to Baby. “It is, it is you Baby. I thought I was dreaming. I got told you had been snatched by an eagle.”

“Well Babe I did, but as you can see they did not eat me. In fact two of them are companions of the high queen as I am. I though am on permanent duty with the high Queen. Just as you are with Ursula. Has she given you a gold coin yet?

Ursula looked puzzled and said, “I used what I had so that the pygmies could get to safety.”

Baby smiled and said, “In that case I will loan you a coin. Now you can give it to Babe. Ursula looked puzzled but did as told.

Babe gave a “YIPPY. Now I can never leave you for this binds me to you foe ever.”

Serena was laughing away. “I wish I knew that previously. There I was trying to catch them and a gold coin would have done the job. The trouble is I am a little too tall to catch them. When I bend down they move away again.”

Babe was hugging and kissing Baby. “Come sister take us to this mistress of yours. What is she like? Astral & Astrol giggled.

“Well she looks a lot like the twins. In fact they could be thought of as sisters. That reminds me we should all be going back. I better open a portal this time. Rombald hold your sister’s hand while I make her more normal size.”

Rombald did as asked and the two of them started to shrink to a more normal size. Ursula chuckled, “I presume like the child you also have great magic. No Leprechaun or Dragon child could shrink those two. I believe sister we have just had the pleasure of meeting the High Queen of Heaven and Earth. She though is somewhat in disguise.

Babe curtsies to Alexis. “I presume Queen Ursula is correct because Baby and I certainly can never do that. For you to assume my sister Baby’s shape she must be one of your companions. So I know she is safe. Queen Ursula you gave me the gold coin, but the High Queen loaned it to her. Because of that I am tied to you both.”

“Hi Babe are you coming to join me up here for a while.” Alexis and the others have some grownup things to sort out.” Babe latched on to Alexis other nipple. As she did so she found that she could converse with Baby telepathically.

Ursula was opening and shutting her mouth finally she managed to speak. “I thought you were supposed to be Draco’s child. You now look more like Galadriel when she was a younger Queen. In fact I can also see the twins in you as well.” By now most of the Fay had vanished through the portal.

Babe said, “Ursula my sister tells me Alexis was created Queen of the Heavens by Rombald. Alexis got this title by right of birth from two of her great grandmothers Titania and Tatiana. So there is no wonder you can see the twins in her.”

Serena spoke, “Queen of the Heavens that would mean Alexis was Fay Queen. Yet Alexis wears the Star of Newswanstein and the shield of Thor. Babe you referred to Alexis as High Queen. It appears all my brothers’ agree with you as Alexis also wears the bracelet of Queen of the seas and waters. I would be interested to know how come you are able to wear all of them?” As she was speaking Astral & Astrol moved in front of Alexis. Alexis placed her hands on them, and as they did so the three started to glow.

All three gave off a radiant golden glow. “No wonder they all bow or curtsy to you. You are a golden queen with a golden brood. I still would be interested as to how Little Draco can produce offspring such as you.”

Alexis giggled. “You should know Draco got badly injured in a fight and a pixie repaired the damage using pixie dust and thread. His blood also altered the pixie and family so they became my smallest sisters. As for my story you might as well sit down and I will tell you it. It starts shortly after I got married to Christine my wife.

Please note this story is continued in Alex and Chris which has previously been posted on BC.

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