Terror Twins Visit Britain Chapter 6

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Terror Twins Visit Britain

Chapter 6

By Sharp

A Visit to York and the Minster.

Sidonie and her cousins found they were expected to go to York on an educational visit. Constance spoke, “I also get to go with you now that I am better. I would like to see the Great Minster. I also was told there is a roman baths in the cellar of a hotel.”

Lindi spoke, “Well Constance you will get to see both of those and more. Both Linzi and I are the drivers for the day and I with my sister have the additional task of looking after my nieces who are on the trip.

Constance threw herself at Lindi. “Does that include me?”

Linzi laughed, “Well I suppose it just might as Sephrena is one of my sisters. No doubt some of the others will make their way there as well.”

Cleo and Astrid entered the room. “Lindi could you squeeze us two on the coach please? All the others have already made other arrangements and we wanted to be with Sidonie and Constance.”

Linzi looked at Sidonie and Constance they both nodded their head. “Well girls it looks like you are coming with us on the trip. The girls scrambled on the coach and then they went to collect the remainder of the group.

Ten minutes later the coach pulled up outside the school where the remainder of the children were waiting. Some of the German girls were surprised to see the small girls already on the coach. One of the girls spoke, “I see the princess group has some new members.”

Sidonie spoke, “Yes it has these are our cousins Cleo and Astrid. They wanted to accompany us to York.”

Just over an hour later the coaches arrived at the coach park in York. The children were split into various groups. Two of the German girls were left without a group. They turned to Lindi and said, “It appears our friends have gone without us. Can we join the Princess group? We both are willing to help look after the little ones if they get tired.”

“Well girls I cannot leave you on your own. As you appear to be taller than the others do you mind giving the little ones a piggyback? Then we can get on faster.”

Cleo spoke, “Welcome giants to the Princess group. I am Princess Cleo and this is Queen Astrid.”

The girls smiled and one said, “Well in that case I am Princess Giant Isolde and this is my sister Giant Princess Olathe. As we are a bit taller than the others we do not mind giving you a piggyback if you wish. Do you not mind us being with you? Some of the others did not want us because we are so tall?”

Soon all the groups where assembled outside the Great Minster of York. A lady in a red coat admitted them all and took the group round. Constance asked the Verger “When is the next service was as she wanted to sing in this church?” As she was speaking a Blackman with a very nice smile on his face spoke.
“The next service is tonight at 18.00. I would be pleased to see you and your friends here. Where are you from?”

Linzi spoke, “The children are from the Rhine and are on an exchange visit to homes in Skipton and Keighley.”

The Blackman turned to the Verger and said, “Be sure to reserve enough seats for our young friends.” The Verger did sort of a curtsey and said "Would you mind taking this group round the Minster while I go and make arrangements for your guests.

After the woman had gone the gentleman said, “Right you will get a special tour. It is not often I get to do things like this. Sorry I forgot to say my name, I am John.”

Linzi spoke, “Girls this is the Archbishop himself who is giving you a personal tour of his cathedral.”

Constance spoke, “I was puzzled when the lady in red curtsied. It was because you are her boss. I am Dutch Catholic and I am pleased to meet you Archbishop. I used to sing in my church choir. Mum and I had to move here because of my health. I would like to sing in this great church to thank god for the way he has healed me.”

“In that case young lady I will grant your request tonight.”

The Archbishop took them into parts of the cathedral not normally opened to the general public. Eventually they said their goodbyes in the chapter house where the Archbishop showed them the seats with names on. Sidonie sat on a seat that had written on it Venerable Richard Seed Archdeacon of York. Constance looked at the names. I have the Bishop of Hull’s seat.”

Saphira found she was sat in the Deans seat. After that they said their farewell and promised to return for the evening service.

Isolde spoke, “None of you in the Princess group have been teased us about being so tall. Can we stay with your group all the time while on this holiday?”

Linzi spoke, “I know all the girls are enjoying your company. Also these little ones will eventually tire and will need carrying. Are you both willing to help look after them as I can see them wanting to come on every trip if you agree?”

As they agreed they saw a very tall man approach them. “Sorry I thought it was my twins who had got roped in for transport duty. Now which of my brothers is father to you two?”

Iolanthe spoke, “Sir we do not have a father or at least not one we know. We live with our mother at Schaffenhousen. We are on holiday with our school friends and hosts. If you want to pretend you are our dad then we will be happy to oblige. Would you like to stay with our group?

Rombald looked at Linzi and then at Astrid. “Come on you two it is time you gave the girls had a rest. I was going to ask you all if you wanted to go to Lunch at the Roman Baths.

Constance was the quickest to reply, “Yes please sir are you a giant?”

Rombald chuckled, “Some might call me that but I much prefer Rombald.”

As they got near the Roman Baths Isolde spotted a dress in Browns Department store. “Look at that dress it is exquisite Iolanthe.”

“It is but we cannot afford one let alone two. It would take all the spending money we have and more beside.”

Rombald spoke, “Unless you have very good appetites you may wish to share a platter with your friend, as they give you plenty of food here.

The waitress came up and spoke. “Hello Mr Rombald will it be the normal for you and your daughters? Rombald put his finger to his mouth to tell the girls to be quiet.

“Yes that would be ok and the others will share your seafood platters as I have my nieces with me today.”

Before long the waitress returned carrying three massive plates that appeared to be laden down with various meats. Iolanthe and Isolde’s eyes nearly popped out of their heads when they saw the size of the plates.

Rombald spoke, “Astrid & Cleo will help you with that platter if you cannot manage them.”

Constance spoke, “No wonder you are so tall it is the meals you get here.”

Rombald spoke, “I had intended treating my daughters after the meal. It is not often I come to York and I thought somebody should look after the little mistresses. Seeing as you two have being doing my daughters job perhaps I should treat you instead.”

Linzi gave Rombald a strange look.

“No need to look at me like that Linzi. Surely you can see what they both are. They could be the twins of my twins. So I am treating them and that is all to be said.”

“But Uncle Rombald we know nothing about the girls.”

Astrid spoke, “That can be sorted out later. I am hungry and I am going to help Isolde with her platter and Cleo is going to help Isolde.

Isolde spoke, “Astrid, Rombald is he actually related to you?”

Two more girls joined them and ordered a platter each. “He sure is, that is our dad. Astrid & Cleo are you going to be pinching off our plate as well?

Isolde looked at the two girls and then said, “It is like looking in a mirror at yourself. I am going to ring mum and tell her we have become friends with girls that look like us.


“Hello Mum we are in York today and have made friends with girls who look like us. Their father is called Rombald.”

“Isolde can you put me on the girl’s father please.”
Rombald by any chance do you know a Mr Gloag? He left me high and dry with two bundles of joy.”

“Yes I know full well what happened to him. Unfortunately Gloag cannot be a father to any child now. I though will assume his full responsibilities. The girls already have been sharing their cousin’s duties. I will arrange for the girls to stay with me. It is far better for them to be staying with their uncle and cousins. Also I would like you to sell up and come and live with me. I have plenty of room and if you wish to work it will be easy to find you a job with the mistress.”

Before she had even put the telephone down there was a knock at the door. The mother opened the door to see several strange looking girls. “Lord Rombald wanted us to help you pack. He was very instant that we collected everything. It is not often Lord Rombald makes decisions but today he demanded immediate action. So we are here to move you to Lord Rombald’s.”

“Em Gloag do you know what happened to him?”

Saskia giggled, “Sure we all know. Gloag was always one for the ladies. You must have been about his last before his misadventure. He likes red haired ladies as you will know.”

“Yes that I know.”

“Well he sort of picked the wrong red haired lady. She has ensured Gloag will only ever be hers. She knew full well Gloag was the love them and leave them sort. Now it is impossible for him to get any female pregnant. His wife keeps him female virtually all the time.”

The Twins mother started to laugh. “This I have to see. I cannot imagine Gloag being dressed as a female.”

“Oh you will not recognise him now. He just looks like another of our sisters. He made the fatal mistake of marrying a female leprechaun. Once that happens we can change our partner to look like an identical copy of ourselves.”

One of the strange girls tapped her and spoke. “Sorry I did not realise you were expecting when I left you. Had I done so I would have married you and I would not be in the pickle I am now? As it is my brother Rombald has assumed my responsibilities as father to your daughters.”

Rombald spoke, “Well Karen has your removal team arrived? Sorry if I sound so bossy, but I am not allowed to leave you in Germany. As big and strong as I am my partners will insist you are brought into the fold. ”

Sidonie took the telephone and spoke, “Hi Karen it is me Sidonie. I know mum is one of your friends well she and her sisters along with Miss Fryeburg are all moving to England permanently. Have you got the Saskia treatment? The girls do look like a double set of twins. Rombald’s' partners insist you come with Saskia. Just look on it as a new adventure. Nothing nasty will happen to you.”

As they were talking a very tall lady walked in. “Ah Rombald did you get the girls the new dresses you promised them?

“Oh hello dear I sort of had a slight problem but it is resolved now. I was going to take the girls after lunch.”

“Well if I ever lose you I know I can find you and the girls here.”

Rombald “I have just realised what your small problem is. I take it you are the father to them?

“Actually only to two the other two are Gloags' children. So now I am their uncle and father as I have taken on Gloags’ responsibilities.”

“Hello I am Isolde and this is my sister Iolanthe. Rombald was just telling mum she had to come and live here.”

“Quite right Rombald and for once I am pleased with you. Now girls I know these two have been doing your duty all morning. Should we treat them to some dresses instead of you?”

Iolanthe said, “We would have liked to get a dress but not at the cost of depriving our cousins. We know how excited they must have been at the thought of a new dress each.”

Rombald spoke, “My daughters will choose a dress each and then they will help their cousins select a new wardrobe as befits a daughter of Rombald. And you dear can select one as well. I do not go back on my promises. Now would you like a platter?”

“No I have eaten at a place that advertised all you can eat for  £5.00. They told me not to bother coming back again. I would have done better to come here in the first place.”

“Mum if you want you can finish off our platters as we have had sufficient.”

“Well if you are sure I might just find room for what is left. Lindi & Linzi sorry what must you think of me finishing off their food?”

Isolde spoke, “Is it ok with you and the twins if we call Uncle Rombald Daddy?

The twins giggled and said, “Daddy are we going for those dresses you promised us?”

Astrid spoke uncle Rombald, “Mother is pleased with your decision on the girls and says you have to get full wardrobes for both girls and as your wife is the same size as their mother she is to get a wardrobe as befits a wife of Rombald.”

The four girls looked at each other and said, “Mummy can we go now for those dresses daddy promised us?”

Lindi spoke, “We also have to get the girls some clothing. I was wondering though if we ladies could all get a similar dress for tonight when we attend the cathedral.”

Rombald smiled and said, “I helped build that church many years ago. Did I tell you about finding a man stuck in a bog on Ilkley moor? He was being sucked down to his doom, but all he was doing was praying if he escaped he would devote himself to god. He now works in the Minster. I saw him earlier today. I suppose though he will not recognise me.”

Lindi spoke, “As we are here who wants to see the Roman baths besides Constance? Every hand of the children shot up. Linzi paid the entrance fee and the group went down to look at the baths.

Constance said, “Thank you Linzi for treating us.”

Rombalds’ wife spoke, “Astrid you can come on my shoulders I was after all the first Queens champion and Cleo can go on Rombalds’ shoulder.
It is time the girls had a rest.” With that the group left for Browns department store. They soon found the young miss department. Soon the dresses and clothing where piling up in shopping trolleys.

The sales assistant with an eye for her commission said, “Would you like matching outfits for your young daughters?

At this Cleo said, “Mummy I need the toilet.”

Astrid went with them to the toilet. Rombald shook his head and wandered off looking at electronic equipment. The salesman came across, “This sir
Is the very latest in home entertainment and is the largest system made. Besides viewing films you can play tapes, CDs, DVDs and even old records. It is very expensive though.”

“I am supposed to be shopping with wife and daughters. This though interests me more. Can you demonstrate it to me please?”

When Rombalds’ wife returned she asked the girls, “Where is your father?” The girls pointed at the electronic department. Rombalds’ wife shook her head. “Well girls as your father is not paying attention we will get a few extra items including mother and daughter dresses.
Rombald came back across and spoke, “Dear when you have finished here will you and the girls come across and tell me what you think of the system I was just looking at. I told the salesman I needed a second opinion.”
The girls shot off with Astrid and Cleo in tow. “Our Daddy wanted a second opinion on this.”

Iolanthe said, “Wow this is great. Can you connect up games like Play station, X-Box or Wii?

“Yes miss I can demonstrate that if you wish.”
Linzi came across and spoke, “Uncle Rombald this is cool. It would just do for your home.”

“Well I was undecided what to do so I have decided to ask my daughters and nieces present their views. Those for and those against. Well young man you have just made a sale can you also throw in those three gaming systems and a selection of games the girls can choose.” The salesman looked at the card Rombald offered. Rombald said, “There are all these dresses and things to go on as well. The sales man called the floor manager who came across.

“Sir there is no problem with your card it is just the sales staff have a limit on what they are allowed to sell without a senior member being present. Would you like everything delivered.”

Astrid spoke, “all but our matching dresses. We would like to change into them here once we have paid for them. Rombald looked at himself. “Err I think perhaps I need a suit and shirt if you are all going to be dressed up.”

The Floor manager said, “Certainly sir, while they are ringing everything in I will personally attend to you.”

Rombald wife said, “I am coming to as it is not often I get you in a department store. “Oh you have a big selection for the taller man. Rombald I think you had better do some serious shopping while we are here.”

Rombald put on one suit and said, “This is the one for tonight it will match your dresses perfectly.” The sales manager had already sent the clothes Rombald wife had indicated to keep. Rombald looked at his feet. Do you have a shoe department here and if you have do you stock size 13?

The sales manager came back with six boxes. “Theses are all we have in size 13.”

Rombald tried them all and they fit ok. “I will take the lot as I always have difficulty getting shoes. These though I will keep on and my old shoes can go in the box.”

By the time they got back the girls had all changed into their new dresses.
The floor manager spoke, “I have put everything in one of our vans the card has given us your address. I just want to check we have your address correct as the Stud Middleham.”

Rombald said, “That is correct do I owe anything for delivery?”

“No sir our people will deliver it tomorrow and fix up the entertainment system for you.”

With that the group left Browns and made their way to the Cathedral. They found the seats reserved as promised.

The archbishop was taking the evening service. “I like making wishes come true. Today I overheard a young lady from abroad say I wish I could sing in this Church. After my sermon I will ask her to come to the high altar and sing to you. Wishes and praying are the topic for my subject today. Years ago when a young lad I visited Ilkley Moor there I wanted to contemplate my future. I was so engrossed thinking I wandered into a bog and started to sink down. Instead of struggling I prayed to god for help. Well my prayers were answered in the form of a very tall strong man. He dragged me out and took me home. Until a few moments ago I have not seen that man again until I entered the Minster today. I see he is sat at the front with the young girl whose wish I am to grant.”

“Well after I had recovered I returned to the moor and tried to find the house I was taken to. I could not find it and when I asked the locals they all told me there was no house in that area. Shortly after this I was in Africa and the wise woman of the village I visited stared at me and said, “You have been touched by the gods.” She explained to me I was destined to do gods work and I had been touched by an angel. Well regardless of if he is man or angel I still class him as a true friend as he came to me in my time of need.” The Archbishop pointed to Astrid and said, “Can you come up here and answer some questions?

Astrid went up to the pulpit and the Archbishop lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the Pulpit. “Now young lady is this your Daddy?”

“No sir he is my uncle Rombald and he is neither Angel nor man he is a giant.” This revelation brought laughter from the congregation.

“So your Uncle Rombald is a giant. I would tend to agree with you on that. Well can you tell me why I could not find his home when I looked again?”

“Archbishop I play with my cousins often at the home of Rombald. You must have been mistaken where you thought it was. Perhaps you where disoriented. My Aunt tells us often how Rombald brought you home and she washed and cleaned all your clothes. You borrowed a fleece from Rombald that almost drowned you. You took tea with Rombald and his family before setting off for home. Uncle Rombald is very shy. You would not believe the trouble we had getting him to come today. Then we had trouble getting him out of the Electronic department at Browns.”

“So you are certain Rombald is not an angel?”

Astrid giggled, “Well you have a direct line to heaven. Why do you not ask Michael if Rombald is an angel? Better still ask Michael if you can borrow the Heavenly Choir.”

The Archbishop laughed. “I have no need to ask that question as the choir I have is sufficient. Looking at your cousin it appears she has brought her own backing singers. So I better finish this sermon and will the young ladies take their places. Before I finish though even god in heaven would have to admit this is a Heavenly choir that is appearing before us.”

Soon the steps of the High altar where full of girls in gold dresses. Rombald wife was not left out as she got to conduct the girls. Constance started with the Magnificat and after the first verse the girls came in and at the third verse the cathedral choir joined them. Eventually the girls came to the end of their selection. The Archbishop was elated and walked towards Rombald. “My friend Rombald you might be a giant of a man, but you is certainly surrounded by Angels. I have a favour to ask the choirs. I would like them and the congregation to sing Happy Birthday and finish off with On Ilkley Moor, as that was where you found and saved me. If you wonder how I found out it was your birthday I do have a direct link with heaven and a little angel told me.” This brought laughter from the entire congregation.

With that the Choirs started with the songs. Rombald had tears streaming from his eyes.
Rombald wife spoke, “Archbishop while we are in York other family members are preparing a birthday party for Rombald. We would like it if you could attend the party.”

Rombald spoke, “John knowing my family they will have already made arrangements for you to come to our place and your return to Bishopthorpe. It appears you are my birthday present from my family?” This comment brought further laughter from the congregation.

One of the choirboys came up to Rombald and said, “Sir the choir have decided to make you an honorary member of the choir. I also know where you live as I have seen your home. I visited it with the choir about a week ago and I saw you on sentry duty.”

The Archbishop started to grin. “Now I know where to find you although it is a long distance from where you rescued me.”

Rombald spoke, “My current home is not where I took you after the accident. These days that place is a ruin and is up for sale for  £500,000. My niece no doubt will purchase it from Bradford council as she buys up most of the local land as it becomes available. As for my new home that is not where we will be going. You have though been there once before as a certain brother Benedict has also.

Archbishop John thought for a moment and then said, “The Pope he has been to your home?”

Rombald laughed, “I have just told you that. To my family a friend is a friend regardless of denomination or religion. Ah we are already there. I must leave you now, but two of the little ones will accompany you in

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